Wednesday, October 25, 2017

KIC 8462852

Greetings and Lamentations, I AM Lord Malignance and you Will CROUCH! before me.
(Villains excepted, of course)

Malignanceship is in systems testing and preflight simulations. It Has flown, but since the radiation shielding upgrade and the subsequent weight to fuel ratio changes, it is an unknown once more. So there's That.

The Malignoscope+QTPI experiment is Also being overhauled as no less than 3 times recently it has Pinged for North Korean Hydrogen Bomb testing and as we know (in as much as probabilities in this M-Theory onion skin allow) there has Not been any such event. One has been pumping variables into the scanning scope to get back to something similar to what happened previously. The words "Lmae Orlisenuctun" is an anagram of some form, Latin is suspected and possibly two words. In Context it appears to be a name, and it Too spoke to an event which has not yet happened but was To have happened. SUtech jumbled it up trying to recover a quantum corruption and One can't put it back into order. One thinks it must mean something as it Was sent From SUtech at a time which would have been the future but is now past (and not an event that actually occurred). Ongoing tests.

The breakthrough this week came from vector targeting the uncharted area of space the NRAliens (my currently enslaved Lizardmen From the Earth's Core) were transmitting to. Yes, it's ridiculous. They were communicating from Beneath Colorado to a point in Space. From one point (the Lair) One couldn't track their communication target - just that it was beyond the Atmospheric Envelope. However, with tracking from the Galt's Gulch Space Center And the Lair, And the broadcast point of what One suspects was the NRAlien Transmission generator, a triangulated target of the Cygnus Constellation was broadly determined. Further narrowing the field with finer discriminators targeted Right Ascension 20h 06m 15.457s and Declination +44° 27′ 24.61″ . A main sequence star identified as KIC 8462852 . It goes without saying that the NRAliens aren't saying anything to confirm or deny this result, However, they have been chanting MAGA, MAGA, MAGA at night more often, which sounds exactly like "SSSSLAAAAAR" as everything Else they say Also sounds exactly the same.

The NRAliens are adding their technology to areas of Malignanceship and not by choice. One can be - persuasive. The ship is currently an amalgam of Modern Technology (5 years old now), Stolen DARPA plans, Reverse Engineered Hanger 18 technology (also Stolen - heh, heh, heh), some Villain Technologies from a few of my favorite technology Villains, the Lair AI SUtech, and now NRAlienTech. Theirs is a mineral based technology. Since the ship is running cold, and they Are coming With me into orbit, they've agreed to apply their knowledge to environmental controls. They're Killing my heating costs in the Lair, and this seems an agreeable accommodation. To Me, essentially their technology looks like rocks connected with ephemeral liquidic lines. Their systems move data units in chemical reactions across a fluid mineral medium. It isn't mercury (Oh Hell, One Hopes it's not mercury. It's probably not toxic to Them), but as a substance it seems to have similar properties. It is non ferrous and liquid at (warm) room temperature. Their communication lines are mineral filaments which have the appearance of a greyish flint in spider's web very fine and numerous connectivity.

Mort is out doing jobs for me to keep the collections running. He's an adequate Earner. Not quite like Bob or Nixon, but he is doing what is needed. It's not his Forte (heh, heh. Sorry) but his Reputation (the garrote) ensures his - Clients - are always happy to see him (leave).

Still racing the Ouray Snows.

-Lord Malignance
October 25th, 2017

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