Thursday, August 1, 2024

And So It Ends ...

 Greetings and Lamentations, I AM Lord Malignance and you Will CROUCH! before me! 
Villains excepted, of course. 

And so we come to this, the End. It's been Fifteen years of Evil online, across Blogger, MySpace, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Bluesky, Mastodon, Blogtalk Radio, at least two dozen places here and there, by names you could decipher and ones you never could. One has been, Everywhere at one time or another, in person or by proxy. One has been spoken of in books and newspaper, but mostly, as you'll know, whispered in fear by those who Know. It has been a run! 

One started out with intention to find other Villains, and this became the Purpose of opposing the accursed "Real Life Super Heroes" - a Disease of dangerous would-be Internet Celebrities that would these days be called "Influencers" with all the scorn and disdain reserved for that title applied to those that worship at the altar of their own aggrandizement and serve no greater Purpose than their egos.

For  Eight of these years, One sought their end as any Villain would, enjoying exploring the Role, the Mantle, and the Purpose, wracking the weak and the mighty alike. One defined and defines Oneself as a "MetaVillain" - One Knows how unlikely the character would be in this world, and plays with the reality of expectations. You see, One was Always a Villain, there was No Other, and what you see through the lens of what you believe - That's the amusement One enjoyed. The inexplicable reveal that Yes, there really Are Villains is delightful, despite the understanding that there Can't be. While a Villain online One was Consistent in Purpose and Ruthless to this end. But in time, that became untenable and One left that Purpose to find Another - "MetaCosmos" - the MetaVillainy of Spaceflight. 

But MetaCosmos would be a timesink. Truly, different spaceframes would be developed, and then be cast aside as they Too became unfeasible. Malignanceship1 was too heavy to ever consider reentry due to excessive fuel use. Malignanceship2 was a steal from the Billionaires in Space with their rockets - and well, stealing Bad Ideas, produces Bad Product. The last has been Malignosphere, which became and remains a platform for experimental technologies, and scope creep found a home there and spaceflight became hypothetical towards the end. 

Amongst all the hijinks and shenanigans One enjoyed a "Professor James Moriarty vs Sherlock Holmes"-esque adversarial relationship with One's ArchNemesis, the once Phantom Zero. One cannot say One has defeated him, but a Villain enjoys the challenge of always Trying to. 

One met the SuperVillain Group Section 9 and had a great evening of dinner and Tales of the Underworld. 

As the End has come as it always would have, One is changing as Change is inevitable. The Online world has had its treasures to be sure, but there is this concept One has taken a liking to called "Ghost Mode" - an opportunity away from distractions for focus on retooling. And this One thinks is what One will be doing. The future is Interesting. Certainly putin must die. Before this happens, there may be opportunities to ensure certain details come to pass. His end should not be without discomfort. 

putin's grisly murder aside, Twitter (One will never call it "X" because that name is just as Stupid as is Musk. But that speaks to some points One has found concerning. Facebook's "Real Name Policy" should never have lasted this long, and yet it Has. Twitter is a data mining resource for a Global Oligarchy which is Dangerous to the work One does. FBI, CIA, NSA, Homeland Security, and half a dozen foreign Intelligence agencies, including the Pontifical Swiss Guard, and the International Criminal Court at the Hague, all have certain boundaries that can be restraining to them (Don't get on their radar and you're life will be easier). But rogue nations run by despots are Thin Skinned and the Global Oligarchy ever runs to be their lackeys. So, Evil needs to be more careful. The difference between "Lord Malignance" and "Bob Stevenson" Online, is no different in Use, but again - One's Name carries a certain earned cachet, a reputation spoken of in Whispers in all the Low Places. 

The Religious Right and Conservativism - today's MAGA is - Unnatural. It Isn't home grown Americanism, it's foreign influenced and irrational. It presents a danger as well, especially should that idiot tool Trump find elected office. So again, pragmatism (Evil is Selfish, Ruthless, and Pragmatic) calls upon Villains to be Smart in what may be an uncertain future. Bold in Darkness always, but Online is an unnecessary risk for value taken. 

So, One will be slowly, quietly, fading away, and retooling for the next series of adventures. One really Needs to build a better helmet, the flesh-eating disease that runs throughout One's blood, comes and goes and takes what it will before treatment buys One more time. Could stand to do better managing That. The Lair has certain upgrades which must be made, as well as the rewards that may come from the Malignosphere Technologies. The Malignobots as well as the Maligknight platforms need further development (have you See what Boston Dynamics has done to the Industry of Military Robots?!), and SUtech has fallen behind the technological curve - and very badly, and quite unexpectedly. Remember - SUtech is Pre-AI - essentially a useful chatbot with algorithms and remote controls - today you would call it "Home Automation". But Now - AI can be held in the gloved palm of your hand - but not SUtech - so that's a catchup to be after. 

Will One return sometime in the Future? Well - One isn't really Going anywhere. But One is going to be a little sneakier. Maybe go dormant for awhile and see how things shake out. This Blog - One has republished almost all the previous posts for one last time before deleting them. Twitter will probably be cleared and made dormant (One really dislikes what Musk has done, and doesn't see giving him the value of One's attention). May see if MySpace is still there, and delete it. Do some house cleaning here and there in online nooks and crannies. One rather likes YouTube - but it has served its purpose and can probably be retired. Maybe post once in awhile - One has the Bug for ranting after all. 

In closing, whenever you see something outlandishly absurd, and very Darkly malevolent - it Might be One behind it. It might Not be, but it Might be. Perhaps when the world isn't so drudgingly dull with inept danger (now, Professional Danger - that would be more Interesting!), One will resurface, but One is thinking there may be more rewarding adventures to be found in the shadows from whence One originally stepped forth from. 

One recalls - it was White Skull and then Doctor Steel that first influenced One's genesis. From there many Other MetaVillains (Villains "In" on the Absurdity of such a thing) came forth and One enjoyed their work very much. Dr. Holocaust (while he held that name) was a Force! But Doctor Steel had gone dormant by the time One started, but his Work remained. And that will be the case here. Seeds planted for a new generation of Villains to come forth and make of Evil what they will. One might suggest that in the world Post-911, the tolerance for Villains is a very delicate thing. One wrong move and it's "Terrorist!" - so keep the Absurdity front and center. Never brandish guns, never threaten Online, and never take undue liberties while wearing a mask. You can do More with Humor than with a knife. Said no torturer Ever. But online, it is true. Reach the minds and you can change the world. 

And with That, One thinks it's time to exit, stage left. 


Wednesday, July 31, 2024


One is fiendish in many ways, but particularly around appointments. It could be scheming and calendars that does this - ambition and planning leading to visions of possibilities, some knack Villains cultivate, or a particular delight in puzzles and "perfect fates". It could be any of those, some others, all, or none, but off the top of one's helmet, One thinks those fit One's fancy.  

That being said, tonight is an auspicious night for it is the Eve of Malignopalooza 2024 - the Anniversary of One's first appearance online, lo this many 15 years ago tomorrow. Time for new vision and new schemes. 

More tomorrow as One unpacks the past and charts the future. One has republished almost all the previous blog posts before the end, and will in future begin deleting them. Not sure about Youtube and Twitter. These give me some enjoyment, but it makes slipping around more difficult - the name can be googled, and One's many misdeeds judged by those who might otherwise be of service. It creates a need to leverage contacts and contacts must be maintained and cultivated else they become loose ends which need attention. Best to be more unknowable - those that Know Me whisper One's name in all the right channels, and seldom beyond. 

Everything Changes. 


Thursday, June 27, 2024

And so it begins.. .

Greetings and Lamentations,

I am to be your host in this endeavor, as we peel back the deceptions of our world. You may call me Lord Malignance, Lord, or simply "M". Some things will be pleasing, and some things... well, I DID say "lamentations".

This is not a new pursuit though - all throughout history, there have always been outsiders, shamans, crackpots, and kooks, who have ascribed to this directive. Most likely, this will be no different in some regards, but I assure you, where others fear to embrace the madness, we will, I hope, revel in the dark pools of lucid insanity.

Those of you who can't sleep sometimes, who feel as if their minds were on fire with ideas, who rebel against the status quo, who aspire to think the thoughts that sane people dare not, will find a home here.

Disclaimer: Sheer creepiness has to be disavowed. Those of you pursuing conversations of Necromancy, Criminality, the NeoCon Agenda, or a host of other activities, will please find their appetites satieted in other locals. This blog will be for the bright, insane, inspired people, who want to challenge conventional thinking, embrace the fire in their minds, and transform themselves and the world around them. Create an identity, and find yourself.

Your most assuredly not humble Lord,

Monday, July 31, 2023

Malignopalooza 2023

 14 years of Evil, August 1st, 2009 to August 1st, 2023

The obligatory Goblet of Courvoisier has led to a bit of a headache. Catching up on the last three blogposts, this one included shortly. 

(Electric Storm is slowing work to a crawl at the moment)

Monday, March 27, 2023

Malignosphere Update


SUtech Not a Large Language Model, a tasker - and then Chat-GPT came out and it has APIs (the same that blew up when upgrading to Windows10. 


The Annual Accounting 2023

Greetings and Lamentations, I AM Lord Malignance and before Me you will Crouch! 
Villains excepted, of course. 

Each year as it has always been, as Master of the Mighty Colorado Holdfast One performs an annual duty called "the Accounting". One will travel the state and accept tribute from the vassalage. This goes to funding the schemes and machinations One is so well known for. You could think of it as a continuum of red envelopes (as the tradition warrants) which flow from those that benefit from my Rule, returning a small fraction as an acknowledgement. If the a boosta is too generous, you might see this as a demonstration of success, or certainly a bribe of some sort. Ah, the good times. You may contrast this with the Season of Evil, Ubermas, wherein One will in turn fete my most loyal thralls with tokens of One's own Opulence. It's a tradition to never look threadbare in front of your lessers. 

The three Ninja Clans - Iga, Koga, and Shinobi have a version of this, but it is deeply ritualized, and it is considered a severe insult to either Give money, or receive it. But Oh, how the money does manage to exchange hands. It's done with subtlety and guile following traditional and expected roles. You see, One can never accept a gift. You must deny the honor no less than three times, for less than this makes you seem needy. And you must not Thank them, for that would make Them seem needy. This is best done with visible eyes, but you would present an acknowledgement. One does this with a micro bow. A tilt of the head in a formal deference. And then the ceremony (ritualized tea with a demonstration of Ninja performances) continues. 

This year had started out swimmingly and Quite profitably One might add - until One became aware of an Incursion. But more on That in a moment, for Now One wants to speak on the Underworld of Villains in America. There Are these figureheads in Other countries, but they are more formalized here, and One is much more familiar with them. 

In California, the Underworld there is ruled by a series of Dons, a carryover from the time when Spain ruled California. Nevada has a Chairman of the Board, reflecting the legacy of Sinatra and his gang of Hench known colloquially as "the Rat Pack". My Colorado has a History of "Mountain Lords", traditionally spoken of as "Dire Lords". Other mountainous states might have these as well, but One does not know of any others. The South has no shortage of "Colonels", New York has a "Controller", Wyoming oddly has either a Pirate King or a Pirate Queen - it changes somewhat frequently. Louisiana has something to do with Voodoo (but if One has heard correctly, the current Ruler of that Kingdom is not actually involved in that religion, but continues the traditions regardless). But in the Cattle lands, they have always been ruled by "Barons". 

While travelling the length and breadth of the Mighty Colorado Holdfast, it came to One's attention that there was an Incursion event that occurred in the city of Olathe. My Colorado. A heist of our prized Olathe Sweet Corn. This by the way, is the best corn in all the world, bar none. But it must be harvested by Hand as it is a delicate treasure. And so, One was obliged to investigate and seek what recompense a Villain may. This led to Oneself and the Malignance Crew ("the Mob") chasing clues which led us into the state of Kansas. Now - One is a Dire Lord of Colorado, and Here One is All. But Out of State - One is far less and by traditions Villains hold, Uninvited, One is a target OF the Ruler of their land. Yet - One was Tasked with vengeance and vengeance Would be mine. It became clear by the absurdities of the crime, that a Villain was involved and one with more resources than a hench would have. Certainly this would be the Kansas Ruler of the the Underworld there, and so One reasoned it would be a Cattle Baron. 

However, it turns out unlike Texas and Oklahoma, Kansas is Not ruled by a Cattle Baron, but instead by a Corn King. 

A freaking Corn King.

Over a Month, One tracked this Villain across his state and it wasn't long before he Knew One was there - an Incursion Event in His lands. The traps he laid were cunning and ruthless as you might expect, and One was certainly a target of every denizen of his fertile flat land who might recognize and report me. Fortunately, the subterfuges we undertook were sufficient to evade his dragnet and his Corn-tractors were only dangerous in close spaces. You may have heard of  the "Kansas Two-Step" - that was a tactic he was using against me. It was idiotic, but provided One with further clues as to his power base (he was "connected" as we say, to the Day Government). This meant seat of power, and a larger city. And where would you Find a Villain in the Farmer State of Kansas? Why Dodge City, of course. Historic land of Outlaws and Western Villains. The Clues were everywhere. 

The City Water Tower

Unlike a Normal City with Pigeons, a Villain City would of course, have Vultures. (Turkey Vultures to be precise). 

Quite everywhere you would find the veneration of the Outlaws and SuperVillains who ran around in times past. 

Eventually we Would track down a hench (typical hench hideout, see the picture next. But This picture we found held a ring that was being used by Corn King to reward his hench. A membership token as it were. Also, because Villains, it was purchasable on Amazon. So we had our way In. Well - not Me, Obviously - but My Hench could infiltrate His hench. 

Henchmen Hideout. You can always find a dive bar or a bar along the riverside where Henchmen go. This was roughly equivalent and we would find those who we needed to coerce. 
Where might the Ruler of Kansas - the "Corn King" have his hideout in Dodge City? Well, the clues were not subtle...

Downtown, naturally, the Corn Castle. 

Now, One couldn't E-liminate the Corn King - his transgression requiring attention as it Did and a necessarily adequate reprisal did not rise to the level of burning his empire to the ground. And you never know what you'll get when a Villain is replaced. It could be Horrible. But Villains Can do something symbolic and Symbolism is Legend in the Underworld. One could Touch him. Demonstrate that the Peril of One's Will was without limits or boundaries. You should know though, it's pretty much Colorado, exclusively. One doesn't travel well, and the danger to my person (least of which is from Hague Capture Squads pursing Red Notice enforcement. No extradition, officially). Still, One can't let an Incursion Event slide, or Other Villains will be doing it, or Worse, superheroes will scuttle about like cockroaches seeking nests. 

Suffice to say, his hench weren't sure who "Lord Malignance" was, and had only heard that One was truly dreadful. Little did they know! It didn't take long in a warehouse on the outskirts of town and a carpet knife to properly introduce Oneself. He gave up Everything. And so, One was able to ambush Corn King, touch his shoulder and intimidate him sufficiently that we shouldn't have any of these unfortunate mistakes in future. One reminded him of the Invisible Colorado Ninja Empire and my existing and maintained pact with their clans should he wish to try something unwise in the future. 

On the way out of state, we - of Course, committed petty mischief as you might expect. A further reminder why you should remember the name Malignance, and that Colorado is protected and it is Ruled. 

All in all, the annual Accounting, which normally takes a month, ran two months and One needed a month after all That to assess and debrief the whole adventure. 

He wears a crown of corn. That's all One is saying. 


Monday, January 2, 2023

Ubermas 2022

Sinister Ubermas as the Season of Evil ends once more!

The new year is upon us and an opportunity to catch up on different projects, and some interesting developments in the world. 

The big project is Malignosphere, the testbed for technologies replacing Malignanceship2 and the previous and failed system Malignanceship. The First Malignanceship ran into trouble with the radiation produced by the Ion Engine. Readers will remember, adding the shielding added sufficient weight to render it incapable of reentry (it was too heavy to fly). 

Malignanceship2 is stuck in development hell. One had envisioned a capsule much like Blue Origin's "New Shepherd", or Space X's "Starship" or even Virgin Galactic's "VSS Unity SpaceShipTwo". These platforms are pretty limited and inadequate to One's need. Thus, a new paradigm was called for, and that would be the Malignosphere. 

One of the chief technologies there is the rebuild of the Lair AI SUTech. 

This system was even an analog to Amazon's Alexa, with the limited features of monitoring the grounds for the Ninja Clans, Shinobi, Iga, and Koga, and rarely the Black Forrest Demons, the "WangLiang", Colorado's version of the Lin Kuei, and running the home automation systems through z-wave remotes. 

While SUtech is fairly achievable (there are python programs out there to do this much already) there have been developments with Chat GPT and while there Are open source code out there One might steal, it goes far beyond the scope of SUtech's proposed function. 

Two points to that though. One would like to take the developed SUtech python program and copy it into the Malignosphere AI to run the platform, and a Second copy moved into a repair robot. 

Three points to That last; 

1) The program must run on an OS and while Windows11 is marvelously capable, it is Buried in bloatware and the "living in Microsoft's World" the kind of insulative proprietary Evil Apple has been doing for years. So, One is developing a build of Arch Linux Codename: maLinux (using camelCase) with the libraries needed to perform the required functions. 

 2) The first copy will be the Malignosphere's Operating System - a central processor for all the systems. 

3) The second copy will go into a MaligKnight repairbot - based on chess pieces, these are the horse headed pieces that fix the continually breaking UATD Malignobots ("the Sentinels of Freedom"). 

One is plotting the horrific demise of Putin (tick tock, the assassins are In the Kremlin) and building up the Galt's Gulch Space Center. And currently, that's about it for now.