Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Best Ubermas Post So Far (through there have been quite a few Very Evil ones...)

Shamelessly pirated from Professor Magnus Obsidian at his YouTube Channel.
Follow more of the Professor's exploits on Twitter, and at his Blog.

One is still swamped with End of Year Business, Ubermas Festivities, and a Project Backlog. Need to do something for Ubermas! All the cool Villains are, and One has nothing (yet).

Sinister Ubermas Everyone!
-Lord Malignance

Sunday, December 11, 2011

How To Talk to superheroes

It's never easy talking to superheroes. They're playing at being real life comic book characters, in a make believe fantasy world of their own making. Unfortunately, this fantasy roleplay of theirs, happens to impact the real world, and all too often, in a negative and dangerous way. Innocent people's lives are often put in danger, because adults want to play children's games instead of accepting their responsibilities as hard working honest citizens.

Superhero criminals are being found and arrested more and more frequently as their uncontrolled excesses are visited upon real people, going about their daily lives. Just a few found recent examples;

1) Superhero freak impacts thousands in unprovoked traffic chaos.

2) Children, following superhero examples, try and play games with rapists.

3) Doctor dressed as superhero rebuffed when trying to aid an accident victim.

4) Reenactment of superhero self-manslaughter.

5) Arrested for assault, superhero considers suing the city for protecting itself from him.

6) World Famous author, describes first hand experience with the New York Initiative.

7) City attorney calls superhero a "vigilante" and a "deeply misguided individual".

8) Superhero, carrying weapons arrested for assault on Police Officers.

9) Superhero arrested for assaulting citizens.

10) Superhero Breaking and Entering (Illegal) Time index 0:19.

11) Superheroes firing arrows from a bow on a rooftop in a crowded city (Illegal) Time index 0:38.

11) ____________________________________________________________
                                  (it's only a matter of time, isn't it?)

Stay safe America. When you see superheroes, be safe, call the police, and prosecute them for all their crimes. Remember: superheroes are Not law enforcement, and any "command" they give you, you may ignore. If they assault you, or attempt to falsely imprison you, or restrict your freedom in any way, you are free to seek justice in a court of law. We are Citizens, not cowards or fools, to be seduced by their fantasies, or to give up our freedoms, laws, and justice, to their selling of fear.

-Lord Malignance

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Ubermas To Do List: 2011

Lucrezia Borgia

Greetings and Lamentations, I AM Lord Malignance, and you Will Crouch! before me Now!
(Villains excepted of course),

So the year 2011 is winding down, with parties and business (and business parties) to attend to. There is the Villain's Holiday of Ubermas to be about, and as it has been declared, the most Unholiday is upon us. This year, as is the tradition, there are many activities to avail Oneself upon, and these form a tentative Ubermas To Do List for Oneself;

The Feast
Probably Lair Offsite, Diabolical Madame X to attend.

The Skullian Pranks
Recognizing the Fun the White Skull had last year. Something bizarre and Addamsesque. Not sure what yet.

The Selling Out
One doesn't actually offer any Products and Service (at least none that One advertises about), so will direct you to ROACH for the T-Shirts, or the Leader Der Sturmer, who has a book to please consider for yourself (find him in Facebook).

The Toast of Borgia
Wine left in goblets for the Ghost of Lucrezia Borgia near the basement trapdoor. Watching mirrors for her possible appearance.

Attempts of Daring
Cookies? Can One do cookies? Perhaps a Carol, or piece of music? A Poem perhaps? One will have to see.

The Boasting
There is a "Villain of the Year" contest going on in Facebook, and One is not being worshiped. Me! So, yes, that's going to happen.

The Opulence
Yet another Feast, this one at the Lair. Business associates - so basically, the silverware is counted before anyone is allowed to leave. Some beast must be prepared - something crazy. Last year it was Elk. This year, One is angling for Moose. You can purchase these meats at a Butcher's. One has that particularly city liberal attitude about killing: Can't do it myself. Perhaps a goose?

The Dancing
Yes, and there will probably be drinking and cackling. The less said about this, perhaps the better.

To all the Villains, in whatever ways you celebrate,
Sinister Ubermas !

-Lord Malignance

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Villain Mark Twain

Wednesday, November 30th, was the 176th birthday of Samuel Langhorne Clemens, who took the Villain name "Mark Twain" and said;

"Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand"
- Mark Twain


MetaVillainy is using the character to achieve the objective. It IS successful, and always has been preeminently so in a media/written text environment.

-Lord Malignance

Side Note: No disrespect is meant to the memory of Mr. Clemens. One is a very large fan, and intends my including him in Villainy, not to ennoble the work of Villainy, but to inspire. He challenged so much of the establishment in his time, both personally at potential loss to his reputation, and frequently in his writing.

By the way - his Autobiography (Vol 1) was just recently released - his stipulation being that it could only be published 100 years after his death. You can find it HERE.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Paramilitary Vigilantes "Soldiers of Make Believe Justice"

Paramilitary Vigilantes - when commanding a citizen to obey, are committing a form of arrest, for which there are Tort responses available to citizens wishing to find justice. You don't have to obey X-Alts, Vigilantes, or Superheroes, and if they so much as impede your freedom, or through their threatening behavior you feel impeded, you are encouraged to sue them for false arrest, and imprisonment. They can't touch you.

Courtesy of 
On YouTube

Note this quote;
“I look at it like a homeland soldier who has stickers on his helmet,” explains Zero, a tall, good-looking, blond-haired man. “I’m an artist. I’m a fighter. I’m a radical. I’m in a state of unrest.” He pauses. “I’m trying to promote a new term instead of ’superhero’: X-Alt. It’s short for Extreme Altruist. I think it’s going to open a lot of doors for people who don’t want to be directly linked to the superhero stigma.”

From source;

"Soldiers" enforcing their pretend understanding of justice. Remember - if you encounter a superhero, X-Alt, Creative Altruist, ArchAngel, RLSH, or whatever - you are a Citizen. You have rights. Be safe first, but observe, report, and press charges against any leotarded, body armored, cape wearing, hooded vigilante who dares infringe your rights as an American Citizen. Put these dangerous people behind bars where they belong before they hurt anyone.

They want to be "soldiers" and fight America? Then fight back. Take our country back from the vigilantes. The laws of our democracy work better and more frequently, than vigilante justice ever has.

You don't have to live in fear of superheroes any longer,
-Lord Malignance
Paramilitary Vigilantes - when commanding a citizen to obey, are committing a form of arrest, for which there are Tort responses available to citizens wishing to find justice. You don't have to obey X-Alts, Vigilantes, or Superheroes, and if they so much as impede your freedom, or through their threatening behavior you feel impeded, you are encouraged to sue them for false arrest, and imprisonment. They can't touch you.

Courtesy of 
On YouTube

Note this quote;
“I look at it like a homeland soldier who has stickers on his helmet,” explains Zero, a tall, good-looking, blond-haired man. “I’m an artist. I’m a fighter. I’m a radical. I’m in a state of unrest.” He pauses. “I’m trying to promote a new term instead of ’superhero’: X-Alt. It’s short for Extreme Altruist. I think it’s going to open a lot of doors for people who don’t want to be directly linked to the superhero stigma.”

From source;

"Soldiers" enforcing their pretend understanding of justice. Remember - if you encounter a superhero, X-Alt, Creative Altruist, ArchAngel, RLSH, or whatever - you are a Citizen. You have rights. Be safe first, but observe, report, and press charges against any leotarded, body armored, cape wearing, hooded vigilante who dares infringe your rights as an American Citizen. Put these dangerous people behind bars where they belong before they hurt anyone.

They want to be "soldiers" and fight America? Then fight back. Take our country back from the vigilantes. The laws of our democracy work better and more frequently, than vigilante justice ever has.

-Lord Malignance

Vigilante Man

Courtesy of  on YouTube

A crowd of concerned citizens confront Vigilante Man on his claims of Crime Fighting, and ask for proof. Like all the vigilantes, when asked for proof, or confronted By proof, they run away. The Minutemen, The New York Initiative, The Klan. All groups see injustice, and all believe they have some special responsibility that others are not able to see. That only by putting on their special get ups and getting their weapons, they can "solve" problems by taking direct action. By judging others, without the consent or a mandate from the people. They prefer to think not what the law allows, but what the law can't stop them from doing. They're sneaky, and that's your first clue, what they're doing is not something to be proud of. The need to sneak.  

A reminder of what vigilantes DO. They judge others by their own pretend understanding of justice, and then punish those they think are unworthy. It always starts out with "heroes" shedding fake tears for the love of the country and the things that only they can change.

Because they "just care more" than everyone else. They're altruists - doing it out of the "Good" in their hearts with their weapons and "bullet resistant" vests. And if people don't agree with them? Then those people are ok to hurt.

It is NOT ok to hurt anyone. 

Find a better way. 

-Lord Malignance

GREEN GOBLIN: Anger Management with The Green Goblin

Courtesy of MakeEmLaughFilms on YouTube

Cameo of the Green Goblin;

Monday, November 28, 2011

Episode 2: Evil Blood Runs Badder

Episode 2: Evil Blood Runs Badder

Courtesy of RedBaroness1000 on YouTube

And Episode One: Kidnapped

Courtesy of RedBaroness1000 on YouTube

One is deeply honored to have been given the opportunity to participate, and extends true gratitude to Octavius Fong, the Baroness, Kaptain Blackheart, Golden Don, Professor Plague and Henchman.

One is imagining that right about now, somewhere, there is a website aborning....

-Lord Malignance

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Example of Why Villains are More Fun

"Ainley's great love of the role is often cited in documentaries and DVD commentaries. Script Editor Eric Saward claimed that he introduced himself over the phone by saying "This is the Master" and then would laugh. In the commentary and documentary for The Mark of the Rani, both Colin Baker and Kate O'Mara say that "He only ever wanted to play the Master". Colin Baker remarked that he could afford this luxury because he had built up a private income by the mid-1980s and had inherited a considerable sum of money from his father."

Source: Wikipedia

Sunday, November 20, 2011

"The Walk of Shame"

From the Artist  A new Video and a repost of her previous very enjoyable work.

You can find her on her YouTube Channel NotLiterally

and Celebrating the Evil House of Slytherin from Harry Potter;

And you may find and friend her at Facebook.

There's so much darkness in the world these days. Anyone who can have some fun and share a little bit of that fun with others, should be supported and celebrated. And Slytherin - the Enlightened (Evil) Wizards in Harry Potter!

"Or perhaps in Slytherin,
You'll make your real friends,
Those cunning folk use any means,
To achieve their ends.
The Sorting Hat[src]

-Lord Malignance

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Jack Black as Spider-Man

Courtesy of Youtube

Anyway you look at it, real people in costumes playing superheroes always look ridiculous.

-Lord Malignance

Vigilantes Playing Tough-guy.

Courtesy of Monkey and Apple on YouTube.

Vigilantes playing "Tough-Guy" are so funny. It must be why One laughs so hard at the X-Alts.

-Lord Malignance

Bonus - the Out takes!

Monday, November 14, 2011

An Open Letter to "the Ray" Legal Defense Lawyer(s)

To whom it may concern,

To begin, One is certainly not a credible source, and One acknowledges that. Let's not start by trying to accept anything One will say on any reasonable, credible standing. One is an "Internet MetaVillain" and we'll leave it at that.

That having been said and understood for what it means, One would like to offer my opinion for your consideration.

As One understands, The Ray, has been or will be charged with assault on an officer, resisting arrest, and most probably any number of smaller charges. His defense must be spirited, and One has faith that you will be up to this challenge. You will know the law and it's role, much better than One would ever presume.

That also said, One goes outside the law, to a larger issue for your consideration. The Ray did not work alone, and he did not form his radical ideology in a vacuum. He has been aided and abetted by the "superhero culture". A culture mostly of social outcasts, and malcontents, who tell make believe adventure stories to each other to fill the void of their empty lives. They tell each other how to make body armor, how to attack innocent citizens they suspect might be "evil doers", and online "pat each other on the back" for their presumed crime fighting successes. The recent Phoenix Jones arrest attributes to the same sickness in this culture - but Phoenix, unlike Jack Cero - the loudest advocate of the X-Alts crime gang, actually does have people arrested.

The Ray is little more than a victim in all of this. A young man, barely 21, living at home with his parents, his only other previous social activity being the Boy Scouts. He was an easy target for their brainwashing, and they took him and shaped him into yet another weapon in their cult arsenal. The Ray was undoubtedly trying to live out a comic book adventure, or one like his X-Alts mentors have often told online. Subpoena Facebook for search warrants for the "X-Alts" page and pages for "Jack Cero" currently going under the Alias "Jacqueline Cero". You may also find interesting criminal records for any number of these "superhero"/ X-Alts/ Vigilantes. Violence is what One suspects you find in abundance.

And that's another point. The X-Alts have been promoting themselves (See the HBO Documentary) as vigilantes. Taking the law into their own hands. You can find such claims associated with any number of interviews associated with the New York Initiative, the flagship of this Dangerous Street Gang. They have at least one interview describing the use of everyday objects (example: Harmonica) as a crippling or killing device.

One feels you will make the best defense you can, but at some point, should you find it necessary to ask for understanding and or leniency from either a sentencing judge or a jury of Reasonable Adults, One hopes you will find this appeal to have merit.

Thank you,
-Lord Malignance
Internet MetaVillain

Updated November 22nd, 2011 19:31

It has been pointed out to me, and verified in numerous sources that the Ray is not a member of the X-Alts, and rereading my text above, One does not claim that he IS a member of the X-Alts, only that he was trying to emulate the actions of his mentors the X-Alts (specific text; "The Ray was undoubtedly trying to live out a comic book adventure, or one like his X-Alts mentors have often told online. ")

To clarify, The Ray is not a member of the X-Alts, though the text below does not make that distinction clear;

"On my way to my day (or night is a better description) job, I noticed I had received a call from Motor-Mouth, marked "urgent." Motor-Mouth leads one of two groups of RLSH/ X-ALTS in the California Bay Area. His group is the Pacific Protectorate, North-Cal division. There is also a team called the California Initiative- a team that also includes branches in Virginia and the team's origin point in New York. 

Both groups have made an effort to do security detail with the Occupy protests in the area. The Occupy Oakland protests in particular have turned very ugly as protestors have clashed with heavy handed police over the last week. Police fired tear gas, rubber bullets and flash grenades into the crowd.

Motor-Mouth called to tell me that his team mate, The Ray
, had been out in the middle of it during protests Wednesday night. He says he received a text from Ray, saying he was at the protests, but was probably heading home after another walk around to check out the scene."


Thursday, November 10, 2011

More Superhero Arrests in the News: the Ray

Occupy Oakland Arrests: Armor-Wearing "Real Life Superhero" Faces Resisting Arrest Charge

Categories: OccupyOccupy Bay Area
Thumbnail image for reallifesuperhero.jpg
Real-life superheroes on a more peaceful day. Sorvari is on the right.
UPDATE, 12:50 p.m.: Those who want to donate to Sorvari's bail fund can do so here

Original story:

Three of the Occupy Oakland protesters who were arrested after last week's General Strike turned chaotic were arraigned in Alameda Superior Court on Monday. Among them was a roughed up "real-life superhero" who had attended the march dressed as a ninja with homemade armor, but whose family believes he might have been mistaken by cops for a black bloc anarchist.

Roy Sorvari, a 22-year-old former Boy Scout who lives with his parents in Antioch, answered to charges of resisting arrest -- prosecutors alleged he kicked and attempted to hit a cop with his shield. With stitches in his forehead and two black eyes, the 5-foot-5, 130-pound Sorvari claims he had been beaten and knocked unconscious during the early hours last Thursday -- perhaps by police -- after the protest turned violent, according to his attorney, Jeffrey Kaloustian, of the National Lawyers Guild. Sorvari faces a felony charge of resisting arrest and a $15,000 bail. 

The Alameda County district attorney didn't file charges for eight other protesters of the 11 who were scheduled to be arraigned yesterday. They were the same ones who'd been held in custody over the weekend or who'd posted bail, according to Greg Michalec of Occupy Legal, an organization set up for the legal defense of arrested demonstrators. The rest of the 103 protesters arrested during last week's strike will be arraigned in the coming weeks.

Sorvari, awesomely, belongs to a international confederation of civilian peacekeepers --  somewhat akin to the Guardian Angels -- who don cartoonish costumes and call themselves the "Real Life Superheroes." The group claims about a half-dozen members in the Bay Area,  said a fellow superhero with the handle "Motor Mouth" who showed up in the courtroom Monday to support Sorvari.

"Motor Mouth" said he and Sorvari -- whose superhero handle is "Ray" -- have been providing security at night for the Occupy Oakland encampment in Frank Ogawa Plaza, protecting the people's right to assembly. 

While "Motor Mouth" didn't attend the general strike last week, he says Sorvari showed up in his usual superhero get-up -- a black balaclava, all-black clothes, ski goggles, and homemade body armor that lights up. In addition, "Motor Mouth" says he'd lent Sorvari a Captain America-like shield for the event. 

"Motor Mouth" says he is "120 percent sure" that cops had mistaken Sorvari for one of the black bloc anarchists who emerged after the peaceful march, breaking windows and setting fire in downtown Oakland in the early morning hours on Thursday.

Sorvari's mother, Lynn, said, "Maybe that was a mistake; maybe he should have had a more high-profile costume."

His parents, who are between jobs and have four other children, say they are going to start a PayPal account for donations to help them pay $1,500 -- the 10 percent they have to put up for Sorvari's bail. We'll post an update as soon as the account is up and running.

When Kaloustian came out Monday afternoon after talking to Sorvari, he delivered the following message to "Motor Mouth," who was waiting in the hallway: "Sorry about losing your shield."

Follow us on Twitter at @TheSnitchSF and @SFWeekly

Shameless Screen Grab courtesy of SF Weekly (Blogs)

Couple of points of Contention:

1) He was wearing his Ninja/Terrorist outfit

2) "Motor Mouth" said he and Sorvari -- whose superhero handle is "Ray" -- have been providing security at night for the Occupy Oakland encampment in Frank Ogawa Plaza, protecting the people's right to assembly.  (From the text above). 

Security? One thought that was the duty and responsibility of the Police. Because they have a public Mandate by the people of the city and state to provide that service. Not play batmen. 

Starting a series
"More Superhero Arrests in the News:" First was Phoenix Jones, and the second is "the Ray".