Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Getting Organized

Greetings and Lamentations,
I AM the Lord Malignance and before Me you Will CROUCH!
(Villains excepted, of course)

Trying to make sense of a lot of years of raw data and schemes and came across This;

Now before superheroes lose their tiny minds and start Hiding, No - One is not going back into the "hero" humiliation business. Just acknowledging (with pride) the work previously done. This is just one of the earliest pictures One has, having previously relied on an avatar. At the time of this picture my Stepping Out from the Shadows was just beginning, and One's Wracking of heroes (and especially my ArchNemesis) was yet to begin in earnest. Fine days of High Adventure.

But, the work (and this is why One has been digging through filebins) is ongoing for METACOSMOS and better content is the future goal. Thanks to global warming, we've seen nary any snow with scant weeks remaining to the Autumnal Equinox, thus the annual mothballing Malignanceship for the Winter is being delayed and Evil work may continue.

Some moments of reflection as One sees old pictures of friends past. Bob wearing his mask and Comrade Cocoa my former Henchdog.  

One remembers the best Villains fondly who are missed still.
And the Work Continues...