Monday, December 28, 2009

Happy Evil New Year, from Lord Malignance and Gang

Ghost of Nixon, Comrade Cocoa, Lord Malignance, and Bob the Minion, pause in Evil pursuits to wish you all a Happy Evil New Year.

Comrade Cocoa finally has his appearance. Fear the Henchdog!

Lair Art. Not perfect, but it works. You KNEW a Villain would have something like this somewhere around.

Malignaritas - difficult to make, and require specialized equipment. And when a normal blender doesn't obliterate ice fast enough? The MalignoBlender/Wood Chipper 5000. It will TAKE YOUR ARM OFF, if you aren't careful.

Happy Evil New Years Everyone,

Lord Malignance

Ghost of Nixon
Henchman to Lord Malignance

Comrade Cocoa
Henchdog to Lord Malignance

Graf Orlok (Bob the Minion)
Minion and Servant to Lord Malignance

Lair Upgrades, and Holiday Adventures...


It has been some time since the last post, and one thanks you for your fine ideas and efforts. There's still time to contribute your thoughts, and cast your votes. The Forces of Chaos in Villainy seem to have made a decisive move to ensure victory - and if we were heroic weaklings, this might come to pass. We are however Villains, so you can never trust anything you think you see.

A warm Villainous welcome to Tiny Terror to the Blogs of Evil. If you haven't yet made his aquaintance, one invites you please to visit his blog. He's faced the heroes in their forums, and through hard effort, has won their respect. His Evil too is refreshing, for none of us, have staked out Evil in the Spectrum of Fear.

Question in two parts, with one answer: 1) What can you do with spare polar bears? Their environment is disappearing. 2) What has the Potentate been up to?

The Answer;

The RLSH website is in overdrive, and if you hate heroes as much as I hate heroes, you know it's a sickening feeling. Still, wherever there is light, must there not also be shadows?

Lasty, Lair Upgrades are moslty finished now, and here below is the first picture;

May all your Evil Plots bear Dark Rewards,
-Lord Malignance

Saturday, December 19, 2009

First Annual Lord Malignance Holiday Challenge!


We Villains, plotting from our hidden lairs across the world, have taken these recent moments from our activities, to notice that the infestation of heroes continues unabated. We ask ourselves, “If one were to put a cape on a mailbox, would it not also be a superhero?” The question on how to eliminate the curse of heroes does indeed vex us. Don’t they even have the common sense necessary to give up in the face of such mighty villainy?!

To this end, and continuing ones current scheme “the Reign of Malignance”, a proposal is made. This will be the First Annual Lord Malignance Holiday Challenge, and the rules are Evil.

1) This is a challenge for Ideas Only. There are no good ideas, or bad ideas, only Evil ideas. No activities are required.

2) The conception is; “What can Citizens do by themselves or in groups, which is better than putting on a mask and patrolling?"

Patrolling being defined as;

a) Handing out sandwiches. Not taking away from sandwiches –if you’re hungry that sandwich is GOLD, but then the next day it is gone.

b) Sneaking around in alleys, flamboyantly attired, looking to snitch on high school kids drinking beer.

c) Posting in a blog, myspace, RLSH forum, on your exploits fighting and defeating the Yakuza, Ninjas, Street Gangs, Corrupt Cops, Evil Spirits, ghosts/werewolves/vampires/demons, etc, all the while giving sandwiches to creepy dudes, who worship you from at your feet.

3) It must be applicable to your local city or town, or applicable to all cities and towns. While solving world hunger could be tackled, the logistics would be significant. We’ll start small for this exercise.

4) It should be easy to do, cost little or no money, and not be a path to martyrdom.

5) No costumes, by either heroes or villains. This is a platform to ennoble the citizen, the everyday man, woman, child, and scarred monstrosity hiding in the shadows and only coming out at night, having been driven insane and living on candybars.

Post your ideas in comments, and they’ll be added to the Poll (replacing the current defaults), which will run until January 15th, 2010. The idea with the most votes wins. You may of course cheat, for it is expected. Cheat with Élan, and Style, as only Villains can.

Some ideas to get the imagination started;

1) Clean out your kitchen shelves every new year, and take your old food to the – food shelter? What is that place called, where food is collected and then distributed to those who need?

2) Participate in a Meals-On-Wheels program.

3) Collect some local phone numbers/addresses and best practices information for neighborhood watch programs. Laminate them, and ask your local super market if you can hand them out, or leave a stack of them in the window.

4) Go out and meet and get to know your neighbors. Talk to them about concerns in your community. Try to find the elderly and help them in what ways you can.

5) If you know any returning soldiers, take a moment and genuinely thank them for their service. If you don’t know a soldier, find one (they’re everywhere).

6) Vote. Often, and as a privilege of citizenship. Help others vote, who may not want to, care to, or be able to get to a polling station.

7) If you are a pet owner, be a good pet owner. Spay or Neuter your pet, take your pet to the vet for checkups, and clean up after your pet when visiting public spaces.

8) Quit smoking if you smoke. It will be hard, don’t kid yourself. People do this all the time however, and it can be done. Help someone else quit if you can.

9) Support a local project for the improvement of your city. Whatever it is, just for the hell of it. You might discover you have a passion for it.

10) Recycle. Recycle something. The more the better. If you can’t, try to create less waste. (Exceptions are Nuclear, or Strange Energy. Villains have got to Live after all.)

The Prize? Recognition by your Villainous Peers as Villain among Villains, posting at the top of the Villain List on this Blog, accolades from Villainy, and fear from the weaklings of good.

One awaits your participation in this great experiment,
-Lord Malignance

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Superheroes and the Law: Part Deux


One recently posted a blog on Superheroes and the Law, and in that post, one included links of interest to our cause. Further research this evening (the Lair is being upgraded) allowed one to see how the heroes are viewing this same issue. Below you will find some links, mostly stolen (you can't steal the Internet!) from the RLSH.Net Forums.

To prepare you for your short adventure into the minds of superheroes: One presents "Steven Seagal has Super Powers"

Fear them. It seems there is a new hero joining each day?!

The heroes struggle with the Beating on People.

How the heroes are Looking at the Law.

The heroes look into IPAddress Tracking and Evasion.

The RLSH have a "Forum Lawyer", which is humorous, because you can sue Master Legend and Zetaman for their $300 in assets. The lawyer though, he's got something to go after. And if he should not be too legally clear to the guppies on the forum, he may be seen as contributing to some of their more brutal activities.

The heroes struggle with understanding the difference between Civic Leader (albeit Nutbag) and Vigilante (criminal).

Troll Flakking has become a new sport. If you find yourself wanting to taste the thrill, you may see how it's done.

With splendid horror unfolding,
-Lord Malignance

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Catching up on Correspondence

Greetings and Lamentations,

My readers, you cherished few. There have been some fine postings this last week, and dare one say it, Lord Malignance has risen to the top of the list of most hated. Ahh, it is as if an award for Evil was bestowed upon me. (Lord Malignance does not endorse this blog, however believes evaluation may be more damning than anything one could say). If you have not been following some of the sparring, please do find a fine display of Villainy Rampant at the Join Roach blogs. Well worth your time.

You may not know this, but one often tries to keep up on his email replies and posts in blogs as one finds them. This brings us to some questions that have been vexing people aware of ones malevolent presence;

Comment: "You're not even Evil enough for your ArchNemesis to acknowledge! You suck! "

Reply: "1) One has only been out in this public arena these last four months. My ArchNemesis, at least as many years. Why should he acknowledge me? One expects that in his time, he's seen many ArchNemesi appear and vanish.
2) Lord Malignance didn't choose a lesser hero, a henchman gone wrong. If you kick a snake, the snake bites you. What challenge is that? No, one challenges the elite of the Superhero movement, and he should be careful, and determine ones challenge by the consistency and quality of the challenge. This may take years to move into the correct alignment, but rest assured all moves are proceeding on my timetable, and to my designs.
3) My ArchNemesis certainly is aware of my activities, and has made small overtures to judge my malevolence. Again, some "heroes" think this is a wrestling match, where costumes abound, and the result is always larger than life. They choose to see the world and ones motives in the simplistic context of comic books, where the likes of the Green Goblin are always guilty, easy to find, and defeat. No, this is more akin to Chess, where there are moves, feints, sacrifices, strategies, and campaigns."

Comment: "Trolls are awesome, they use profanity that is radical! My mom never let's me swear. You suck! "

Reply: "You will find, as you actually take and hold a position of employment, that the grown up world expects a certain level of sophistication to come from one of your adulthood. Strive to speak precisely, and allow wordcraft to be an instrument of your citizenship."

Comment: "I'm an anonymous troll, and I think you're all terrorists! I'm demonstrating limited functional intelligence! "

Reply: "Calling Villains terrorists, is hyperbole, and appears useful only in stirring the emotions of people with a staggering detachment from reality. Let one be clear: Terrorists are dangerous people who seek to kill and harm innocents. There are no Villains who ascribe to this in ANY way, nor will one associate with them. One believes it to be true, that all Villains, and all sane people agree to this as truth. Realistically, if there were terrorists, posting on these blogs, wouldn't law enforcement harvest them from our company? When you carelessly assign these extreme labels, you demonstrate a laziness, lack of intellect, and knowledge that is disheartening. Scumbags? Maybe. Terrorists, no."

Comment: "Your costume sucks (like you do). It looks like you went to the Villain Goodwill, and raided the Dollar Bin".

Reply: "One actually researched the fine history of Villainy to fashion this appearance as a pastiche of such classics as Dr. No, Doctor Doom, and the ubiquitous "Mad Scientist". All combined with an homage to my previous appearance of Cthulhu. It acheives its primary objective most elegantly. As if one needs explain this to trolls who post w/stolen jpg images.

An Email from Thunderspawn the Destroyer: "You villians are ALL SLIME, especially you, you liberal moran. When the NeoCons ran this country we were strong! NO ONE WOULD DARE MESS WITH US, BECASUE WE SOULD NUKE THEM ITNO THE STONE AGE!!!! If I ever see you on the street, I'm going to KICK YOUR ASS, you freaking socalist. Heros are going to ...." (Frankly, he gets even weirder after that).

Reply to Thunderspawn (from the Email reply): "Thunderspawn, you poor, sad deluded child. One will say this to you once, and in small words for you to have someone read to you; "You are wrong. Bad Thunderspawn. Bad Bad. No cookie. Back to your coloring book, you "moran". "

A warm sinister welcome to tHe aBsTrAcT, one looks forward to the unveiling of your Evil.

If Villainy was easy, more heroes would elevate to our station.
-Lord Malignance

Baroness, your emails aren't reaching me. May one suggest you check the address once more?

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Superheroes and the Law

Greetings and Lamentations,

As Evil continues moving forward, and searching for the methods and means to liquidate the growing threat of Citizen Heroes, one now pauses to enumerate our agents. One uses the analogy of a chessboard to compare our struggle and our strategies.

1) Bishop: The Puny Brains of Superheroes. As Agent Beryllium posited in a recent post, their greatest enemy may in fact be themselves. This has been such a concern that even my poor doomed ArchNemesis fights to bring this to the attention of the forces of good.

2) Castle/Rook: The Law. A veritable cornucopia of articles will appear before you, if you but search with the keywords “Real”, “Superhero” and “Law”. The first rule of revolutions in action.

An entire website that addresses Superheroes and the Law. and
The website contains such verisimilitude and interesting discourse, such as; “
It appears, however, that in many states wearing a mask, not just on Halloween, represents a misdemeanor or class 6 felony in certain situations.”

From Find Law, regarding Shadowhare (the Lawyers are lining up), where the quote “Unlike police officers, who have a considerable degree of immunity for their actions, and even their mistakes, while on duty, these masked crusaders have no legal shield protect them from a variety of criminal and civil consequences.” And “Civilians taking on such a role will be viewed by the law through an entirely different lens that is judging the reasonableness of each of their "enforcement" actions (Shadowhare and his friends apparently come equipped with pepper spray, handcuffs, and tasers).” can be found.

From the Times Online “For Mr Invisible, the first and last blow to his burgeoning career as a superhero was an unexpected punch that flattened his nose.”

From CNN “"Vigilantism is never a good thing," said Bernard Gonzales, public information officer for the Chula Vista, California, Police Department. He's had some interactions with real-life superheroes. "The very best thing a private citizen can do is be a good witness."
Mr. Ravenblade said he's just that.
"If you're a real-life superhero you follow the law. If you catch somebody you can't just tie them up and leave them for the cops, that's for the comics. You have to wait for the cops and give them a statement," Mr. Ravenblade saidWhile citizens helping out in the community is encouraged, Gonzales said the costumes can go.

And again from CNN; "Where these people are out in public, and there's children around and everything, and these people are not revealing their identities, it's not a safe thing."

3) King and Queen: The Evil. You know who you are. You know in your heart what needs to be done. You have only to believe that you can make the change in the world that your mind knows is possible, and work tirelessly towards that end. With style.

4) Knight: Time and Reality. The piece moves in a non linear manner, and may surprise you, just as Time and Reality will. Today they are young, and optimistic. Fools! All too soon, the cold grip of the grave will wrap itself around their spines, and compel them to seek out jobs, move out of their parents basements, and strive for justice in less flamboyant ways. Sarcastic? Yes, but while fighting for good works to be done, one must sometimes use sinister means. The palette for Villainy is hued to darker tones.

5) Pawns: The tools, techniques, trades, and talent of this world, and all that we may bring to bear upon it. People are pawns, but the minutes of the day too, may be used in this endeavor. Everything you manipulate to serve your purpose may be thought of as a pawn.

Organization updates:
In this struggling economy, one proposes this pay rate for Minions and Henchmen;

Minions: $10 a week, w/responsibilities including running errands, minor research, tasks, and communications. They may also be permitted to make small purchases on your behalf, and may be allowed to do less critical clerical work.

Henchmen: $20 a week, w/responsibilities including establishment and maintenance of a blog, riding herd over the minions, larger purchases, skilled tasks, full and developed research, and representing the Villain in his/her absence. Henchmen will be expected to provide their own character and appearance and maintain professionalism. They may, as needed, be expected to be capable of applying whatever leverage a situation may require. (This is nebulous for a reason. There is work of Evil that is best left unsaid, but you know what it is).

Benefits other than pay for staff shall include training, experience, and job placement opportunities (a letter of recommendation to other villains). Staff will be expected to have full and working knowledge of the villains
Oath, and Standards (You can use what you like, this works for one’s own needs), and to abide by these rules and others as stipulated.

Furthermore, though the villain may for example, fire you 3 times in one week for not bringing forth the desired results on a forum, your subsequent rehiring does not come with a pay increase.

One believes with this structure in place, the hiring of associates will be more easily facilitated. Always stress that working for a Villain is such a privilege that they should in fact be paying YOU. Compromise down to paying them nothing, and have them be thankful for the opportunity.

A villainous warm welcome to Dr. Overkill, and the Grinning Skull.
With splendid horror unfolding,
-Lord Malignance

Thursday, November 26, 2009

A Tribute to the Noble Vulture

Thanksgiving is a day when people’s minds turn to turkeys, a victim of a bird to be sure, but not a bird for Villains. The turkey is symbolic of prey, its purpose to be slaughtered for the hunger of masses. No, for Villains, our bird should not be the noble eagle, or the humble turkey. Our bird, must be the noble vulture.

So today, on this day when minds turn to think on the value of the feast (turkey), and on family/country (eagle), join me in a fond salute to the most maligned of birds, the bird of OUR culture: The Vulture.

Evil Organizational Updates:

Agent, One saw this, and thought it might catch your fancy.

If Villains ever needed a headquarters to meet at and plot World Domination, it would have to be Las Vegas (Sin City). If not, then the backup could very well be this place.

Holiday cheerfulness frazzling your Evil Intent, and you need to bolster your Malevolence? Take the Supervillain quiz.

Weapon of Evil to Unleash!
It's a website of Trolls, who hate Superheroes!

New Villains Found:
Shadowmaat (minionette)
Boogaarr (Minion)

in the Well Read Scoundrel, the Hall of Evil, and Internet Tools for the Wicked (including trawling tools).

Wishing you and your families a happy, and safe holiday from ones’ own,
-Lord Malignance
-Ghost of Nixon
-Graf Orlok (Bob the Minion)
-Comrade Cocoa, the Henchdog

Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Malignance Marches Forward!

Greetings and Lamentations,

Updates on Activities.

Sword Kane’s Supervillain challenge has ended, and we all lurk in fear of his terrible retribution. One expects to cringe, but it will be in the good sport of being a Villain.

The White Skull has come back from his retirement in Dimension Z.

The Heroes Network is doing their Election of candidates. Out of respect for my Arch Nemesis, one has chosen not to interfere, at this time.

New Villains who have come forward, or been found, and are warmly welcomed to the growing unaffiliated Army of Darkness:
Exit Nero
Black Sun
Dr. Overkill
Phatal Phyllo
Verdant Ecdysozoa
Doctor Killjoy
Russel Hantz

Blog improvements: Links for;

Hall of Evil (where a list of Active Villains are counted).
Well Read Scoundrel (A growing Library on developing and managing your Evil)
Evil Organizations (Nefarious groups of various ambition and intent)
Unto a Mountain of Cash (Villainous schemes to acquire the resources you need)
Beating on the Good (A list of locations where the weaklings hide)

Battling my Arch Nemesis Phantom Zero: No progress. If he were easy to destroy, he wouldn’t be my ARCH nemesis. There already is an Art Movement started to address this mighty struggle though.

Rant from a Villain: Observation and continuation of a theme. One notices that Villains foster Freedom. For example our Blogs are forums of free discussion, and thought provoking analysis, wherein all parties are given their earned respect. All are free to post here, w/no restrictions. In the past, and no doubt in the future, this has caused some strife, but we have taken stock, adapted, and moved on, becoming better for the pain. Compare this to Heroes. The RLSH website advises you in registering that your IPAddress will be recorded * and they routinely edit out comments they find against their groupthink. Because they sanitize thought on their side of the fence, they limit freedom and manage to effectively enslave the consensus thinking. If there is no dissent time after time, there can’t be dissent – it’s fruitless to think outside their box. Many of their forums are blocked, require a screening process, and want to ensure you are the “right kind of people”. Not so the case with the valiant Villains. Because we are open, and speak plainly, you may be assured no unlawful behavior will stem from our activities. The heroes? And their coded language, hidden agendas, and violent “street justice” mentality? Not so much. Who are your protectors? The paranoids in spandex, or the reasonable Villains?

Another observation: If one is not incorrect, it appears the Verdant Ecdysozoa pursued Crimson Nematode to this time, and the Crimson Nematode has disappeared back into the time stream to appear sometime else in the future. If something doesn’t seem like you remember, it might have been the past.

One last observation: Crushing the hopes and dreams of Heroes, and done with panache.

Herding the Minions: Comrade Cocoa remains most diligent in his duties. Bob has his rats, and Ghost of Nixon still works on the Forum. The Baronness, or one of her COSplay fans have not yet stepped forward to form an alliance with Lord Malignance.

Stay well, and keep fighting for Freedom, and Evil,

-Lord Malignance

* Checking up on the Forum, Ghost of Nixon is "trying to unlock" (!!!), one checked the registration requirements and they have the text; "An IP address of each poster is recorded in order to help us to make you respect these conditions". Compare this to the RLSH which has the text; ... ok, they're exactly the same. It's boilerplate. So, in correction: The rest is true, the IPAddress logging appears to be a function of the Forum Host.
-Lord Malignance

Friday, November 20, 2009

Hall of Evil

The Hall of Evil A Reference Point for Growing Resources

Alphabetical Listing of Villains (Link and Description) (Work in Progress)

*Note: All Villains are not necessarily associated, and a reference here, does not denote an endorsement. As always, any Villain must be evaluated by the works they do, and the words they write.


The Aluminum Chef (in Memoriam)
The Computer King and the Secret Association of Villainous Endeavors (in Memoriam)
Crimson Nematode (in Memoriam)
Doctor Mabuse (in Memoriam)
Drake Dreddful

Comrade Cocoa (in Memoriam)
Lord Vile's Henchmen

Shadowmaat (Minionette)
Diabolical Madame X

Last Updated June 15, 2014

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Reign of Evil


One has determined that the resource of Blogging has been successfully engineered, and networking the Forces of Darkness continues apace. Attracting, recruiting, and grooming valuable talent must continue to remain a priority.

Now however, a new step is suggested. The previously initiated Engine of Malignance gamut has unfortunately failed at this time, as despite one's efforts, the Phantom, my chosen Arch Nemesis, remains elusive. The communication, and passionate interaction one hoped to exploit has failed to materialize. One's new plan unveiled is to be the "Reign of Malignance". The scheme is deceptively simple: Beat the Heroes at their own game. Find some charity, or good deed, do the work, and do it with Evil efficiency and Elan, and then ride that publicity pony on every website, and blog, and newspaper available. Think of the Penguin from Batman 2, and his sweet, seductive manipulation of Gotham's gullible media.

Of course, when scheming, you must always reflect on the move before, the precision of the move you will make, the consequence, and your next follow up move. If Engine was the first move, the next will be the Reign, then one proposes a follow up by burying some Orc-Hero with the brightness of scrutiny. By contrasting the unselfish, media-shy, humble Evil, with the Media Obsessed Narcisism of the good, the Engine of Malignance will be engaged, as the good come to the Evil.

Hide from ME, will you Phantom Zero? Watch then, as I immolate your precious World!

Your Arch Nemesis,
-Lord Malignance

Unto a Mountain of Cash

Evil Schemes to Fund Evil Works
A Reference Point for Growing Resources

Target: Walmart
Scheme: Their Receipts have a survey website, w/the chance to win some Walmart Credit

Target: Lottery and Powerball
Scheme: It's random, but it's a chance at a Moutain of Cash

Target: US Government
Scheme: Grants for Bad Science Research

Target: Ebay Business
Scheme: Research a plan on the Internet, and take your chances

FV = PV(1+i)^n

As Lambs to the Slaughter

Beating on the Good
Reference Point for Growing Resources

Real Life Super Heroes
THE Headquarters of the Heroic Movement

Real Life Super Hero Forum
A display of their Dreams, Hopes, Fears, Bravado, and Innocence.

The Heroes Network
No information available w/out signing in. Possibly the refuge for the paranoid? Or the Guilty.
New and very interesting...
Last Updated 08-08-10

Friday, November 6, 2009


Greetings and Lamentations,

The year end draws near, and the time has come to think about plans for the coming year. One has been pondering our inevitable conquest of all our desires, and have come up with some notes for consideration;

1) Recruitment must become a primary objective: We will harvest much pretenders and frauds, and Minions with delustions of grandeur, but the process has the opportunity to reap some talent, and some refinable resources. We don't yet have critical mass, and one suspects this may now be holding us back.

2) My contribution to the Master Calamity Challenge;

One believes Master Calamity will concur as I say the winner of this years challenge has been Agent Beryllium. Well done madam, the gleeful Evil and sheer fun of your activities is an inspiration to us all.

3) Staff Pictures;

Ghost of Nixon (Currently Henchman #1)

One is advised he is working on glowing effects, and this is not some Southern California thing. He crouches most expertly.

Comrade Cocoa (the Henchdog)

Who does not yet have his Mao Hat, despite one's own efforts. When the hat appears, he has a Mao picture to stand with. He is very dilligent in his duties. Always crouches.

Graf Orlok (Bob the Minion)

Crouching in the Shadows, awaiting the commands of his Master, Lord Malignance. Or creeping around.

4) Blog Talk Radio: Ghost of Nixon suggests "Carpet Bombing" some topics on them to elicit on On-Air Flame War. A little passion could be a useful recruiting tool. The Pay-as-you-Go phone works well for this, and other purposes.

Creature Feature hosted by the Villainess Executrix

Meow and Friends hosted by the insufferable Apocalpyse Meow and Zetaman. They NEED to hear from Villains. They're so good it's depressing.

5) Haiku to my Arch Nemesis;
Shadow Intellect,
Mind of All SuperHeroes,
A Phantom Target

6) Even though the Baroness and the Women of Cobra did not call me, GI Joe, the Rise of Cobra is out on DVD: Ideas for Villains with lots of cash.

7) Forum Rainmakers: Following the example Agent Beryllium pioneered, one believes it may be possible to post in many different blogs and disseminate links to draw potential recruits to our doorstep.
8) Youtube Video Recruitment: Time to make the appeal to the Villains and the audience there, and bring them to us. This has been attempted, but can perhaps never be left unexploited. The audience is quite large.
9) One is making it a goal to try and bring in 3 new Minions to the ranks of the Evil: They might claim Villain status, but one hopes to have them start humble, and serve. It's a goal.

Keep up all the Evil Work, and may the power you weild, bring the world to its knees,
-Lord Malignance
Fueled on Halloween Candy Bar Craziness

Library of Evil

Library of Evil
Reference Point for Growing Resources

Supervillains and Philosophy
Identify your own yearning for Evil, or clarify our understanding of other calls to Evil.

Complete Publicity Plans
It's time to consider the business applications that may be employed in our enterprise. Publicity and a good Public Relations operation is a must.

The Big Idea
Donny Deutsch tries to elucidate on the Aha moment. Some call this Inspiration, others will embrace it as Madness

The Essential Writings of Machiavelli
Essential history, philosophy, and application of the Principles of Evil. Pragmatism IS Evil.

The 48 Laws of Power
Your tutorial on Ruthlessness. Your training is overdue.

The Art of Seduction
Guidance on how to enslave others to your will.

Dark Reign: Accept Change
Villain of the Moment: Norman Osborn. Proving that crazy isn't always a disability, it can be an asset.

The Best of Business Card Design 9
The book doesn't come out until March 2010, but the previous books have been insightful and useful. In many cases, your card is how people will remember you, or what you represent.

How to be a Villain: Evil Laughs, Secret Lairs, Master Plans, and More!!!
A playful book, not necessarily practical, but it has the potential to start your thinking along inspired directions.

The Villians Guide to Better Living
Also a playful book. If your lair is rundown, this could be your guide to its improvement.

The Private Investigators Handbook: The Do-It-Yourself Guide to Protect Yourself, Get Justice, or Get Even
Knowledge is power. Our will to apply it meaningfully, is why we are Villains

Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Nietzsche formulates his ideas of the Overman, and Nihilism, and more.

How to Rule the World: A Handbook for the Aspiring Dictator
Rule the World. Get in Line.

How to Rule the World: Lessons in Conquest for the Modern Prince
Ruling the World. Always a good fall back plan.

Handbook for Rebels and Outlaws
This book is hardcore Evil.

The Complete Book of Villains
It's Dungeons & Dragons, but it is well rated on Amazon. Define or refine your villainy.

Be your Own Detective
10 years old, but also well rated on Amazon.

How to Open Locks With Improvised Tools: Practical, Non-Destructive Ways Of Getting Back Into Just About Everything When You Lose Your Keys
Longest title ever.

How to Be Invisible: The Essential Guide to Protecting Your Personal Privacy, Your Assets, and Your Life (Revised Edition)
Keep those Heroes off your back

People are Idiots, and I can prove it
Larry Winget tells you why you're a Loser, and you'll pay him to do it!

Geek House
Your Lair can always be augmented to serve you better.

How to Be, Do, or Have Anything
Creative Empowerment. Now Hug Yourself. Do it NOW!

Infinity in Your Pocket
Over 3,000 Theorums, Facts and Formulae

Visual Guide to Lock Picking
Always a useful skillset.

How to Build a Robot Army
Your Merciless Metal Horde has a blueprint.

Cool Projects. Or Evil Tools?

Leadership Secrets of Atilla the Hun
Little Known Fact: Inventor of Casual Fridays

Beauty in Mathmatical Proof.

V for Vendetta
When we rule all, Guy Fawkes day will be an International Mandatory Holiday.

More than Human
Science Fiction Novel first published in 1953.

Tesla: Man out of Time
Mad Scientist, Brilliant Inventor, Supreme Scientist, all and more. Many good books on an amazing man.

Evil: an Investigation
A thoughtful examination on the Origin of Evil

A Book of Lies! Insanity is a Bad Thing? Charlatans!

Electronic Gadgets for the Evil Genius
Super Powers? Bah - who needs them when you have Gadgets!

51 High Tech Practical Jokes for the Evil Genius
More Power for Villainy

Fuel Cell Projects for Evil Genius
Off the Grid Power, the Bad-Science Scientist way

Universe in Your Pocket
3,999 Essential Facts. Missed "You CAN live and prosper with no brain".

Yes Man
Burdened by self control, and need to loosen up?

The Coming Age of Systems and Machines Inspired by Living Things

The Singularity is Near
When Humans Transcend Biology

Physics of the Impossible
A Scientific Exploration into the world of Phasers, Force Fields, Teleportation, and Time Travel.

Politics Among Nations
THE difinitive guide to diplomacy between nations and international organizations.

Principles of Genetics
Begin here to develop the skills necessary to breed an unstopple horde of mutants.

Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work
Research material in determining the genesis of the next step in human evolution: Homo Sapiens Malignus.

How to Defeat your own Clone
And other tips for surviving the Biotech Revolution
Your clone will naturally want to usurp your position and take over your life. Get the jump on it now, before its able to succeed!

The Sociopath Next Door
As many as 4% of the population are conscienceless sociopaths who have no empathy or affectionate feelings for others. Born to Rule?

More to come. Your contributions are welcome and invited.

Last updated May 1st, 2010

Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Engine of Malignance


From the 09/01/09 post;

We understand the dynamic as set forth; Opposing forces, different sides of the chessboard. The function is as ancient as humanity, and finds itself demonstrated in many fields of science. It is the property of balance. As the Archetypes of Heroes and Villains, we understand that where the Heroes triumph, we lose, and where we succeed, they must suffer. Is this applying of the dynamic the only one that can be used? It certainly is the simplest, but are there not other dynamics that allow the conflict, with a positive outcome? A win/win result where the necessary conflict provides the fuel of passion, but the result is one with a benefit to both sides and society at large. The Engine of Malignance.”

Now, with battle with Phantom Zero on youtube approaching, one must marshal what sinister instruments one can, to uphold the Mantle of Villainy. To this end, I’m crafting a stratagem based on the Engine of Malignance. These will be points to challenge the Heroic Ideal. From this conflict, one hopes structure will form, ideas will gestate, and progress towards a more focused direction will be encouraged.

Fuel for the Engine of Malignance

  1. A single Hero, a single set of eyes, can only see so much. However if a hero, through the use of handouts, flyers, websites, and community outreach can engage the community to watch out for each other, he builds for himself an army of watchers. Villainy knows this as “minions”, but Heroes seem to be unaware of these finer points of management.
  2. Assistance to the homeless.
    a. Homeless shelter locations
    b. Medical aid (transportation to Aid Centers, Emergency Rooms)
    c. Unemployment Offices
    d. Food Drop offs, shelters. Is there a goodwill that puts clothes/blankets/coats into the hands of the needy?
    e. Care for Veterans. Conservative estimates are 131,000 homeless vets in the U.S., most from the Vietnam war era. The VA has pinpointed 3717 vets of the Iraq and Afghanistan engagements, but this number could be twice as high, to ~7400. Vets suffer from PTSD, Substance Addictions, the economy/unemployment, and readjustment issues. The current VA Secretary vows to end homelessness in 5 years.
  1. Neighborhood watch good practices
    a. Know your neighbors
    b. Pot hole reporting
    c. Locations of Sexual Predators
  2. What are the hard jobs, where citizens need to make a stand? What justifies Orcs (Ninja Vigilantes) and is there a better resource to accomplish the same ends. See “the Police”
  3. Local News Investigative reporters
  4. Churches that offer outreach services.
  5. Charity events communities can engage in.
    Sponsor Zetaman, and ride him like a bantha.

Using the abilities of Evil, wouldn't it make more sense, to manage the multitudes, than to be the only asset doing the work you wish to see in the world? Use Villainy's penchant for enslaving the weak willed into our service. Why not use the little people as your eyes and ears? Let them take responsibility for their own welfare, and protect each other.

Running the Empire of Malignance

The week has seemingly sped by. On Youtube, another villain has chastised my intended target for his reluctance to engage in video battle. This serves ones own diabolical purpose, so one finds this to be good. The pressure builds on the hero, and one hopes his appearance to answer these calls will be remarkable.

Herding the henchmen: Acquiring and grooming talent is going well. Ghost of Nixon is doing Evil work, Comrade Cocoa has been most diligent in his duties, and a new resource is being elevated from minion status. It’s now a rule here: You must come w/your image in hand. Ghost of Nixon assures me w/Halloween coming, he will rectify this oversight. That and the Forum… The extra staff may help keep productivity high, because the dreaded Henchmen #3 promise looms. Comrade Cocoa may get his appearance finalized, which will at least give an appearance to the Henchdog (Currently henchman #2).

Upgrading technology: Adobe software to literally decipher! An upgraded camera for Youtube looks to be an outpouring of funds currently unavailable. So, the blurry-look will remain the Lord Malignance signature for awhile longer. Living. The. Dream.

Swing at the Orcs of Herodom: Continuing researching the RLSH, and the RLSV has provided some demographic insight. The ages for most all appear to be in the 20s. This has psychoanalytical significance, and as such reveals an avenue for exploitation. There are also socio-economical ramifications of a body of like thinking individuals in a pool so small. The tableaus that play out in lives at this stage, have commonality, and expectations which must be nurtured, or destroyed. In the battlefield of the mind, where the words we read are the field of engagement, the Villains have a distinct advantage. In some dark alley, at the mercy of “Thunderspawn” the Destroyer? Not so much.

Going Forward:

Things are moving apace, perhaps a little slower than one might wish. It seems the White Skull’s retirement and possible recent resurrection may have had a calming effect on the community. The Dance had a hiccup, but the music plays on. That hiccup involved some mysterious drama, best left for the Heroic community to gossip about. Sword Kane’s video challenge will end sometime soon, and the next avenue of engagement will need to be sought out.

The resources listed on the side of this blog should be moved to the Website, and the updated Rankings should take its place.

The Rankings: Heroes

The Good (Keep up the Good Work);
Super Hero
Zetaman, Agent Null, Apocalypse Meow
The Eye
Citizen Prime
Polar Man
Razorhawk (for no other reason, than he makes me laugh)

The Bad (the Orcs who need to just stop);
The Black Monday Society: Ghost, Insignis, Oni
Thunderspawn the Destroyer, wherever you are, you crazy beautiful bastard
Deaths Head Moth (you wear black, scare the heck out of me, and you wear a skull!)

The Ugly (Maybe not the best, but not doing any harm. Might improve);
(Jump from the Bad) Pint Sized Tyrant, who has shown some restraint of late. Paroled

The Rankings: Villains

The Good (Keep up the Evil Work);
Executrix (Blogtalk Radio Show)
Tiny Terror (Thoughtful Analysis and Diplomacy)
The Potentate (Centerpiece of Evil United)
Agent Beryllium (Jumping into the Blogs of Evil profession)
Dr. Steel (Founding Father of Villainy). and .
Bad Horse. Fictional, but an inspiration still the same.

The Bad (for the love of Evil, just stop);
The Consortium of Evil. Lazy. Get to work over there. You’re giving Evil a bad name.

The Ugly (Maybe not the best, but not doing any harm. Might improve);
Lord Malignance, and the rest of the Unknown Villains. You know who YOU are, but you don’t know who else is out there. Villains, step up your game! Who are you? Why haven’t I heard about you? How is your ruthlessness to be measured?

You know the ranking around here: Canon Fodder, Minion, Henchmen, Villain, Super/Meta Villain, Archvillain, (and theoretical “Emperor of the Earth”). You’re never going to elevate your status unless you get to work.

If you have names you would like to add to The List, please let me know.

One remains your most assuredly not humble master,

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Catching up on Maintaining One's Empire


It’s been a hectic week, and the time to blog has returned. What has Lord Malignance been up to? Not much it turns out. Henchman herding is taking time. Ghost of Nixon still can’t figure out the Forum, but assures me he’s spending time on it.

Comrade Cocoa in the meantime, has been very diligent in his duties.

Phantom Zero has not chosen to respond to my video challenge, so one is compelled to restate one’s challenge. Distasteful, yes, but an activity not without its own charms. My previous intellectual enticements, and sophomoric jibes may not have sufficiently ensnared his interest. One must resort to other, more persuasive forms of argument. Lord Malignance will unleash Pragma-dialectics. That’s right, I said it. One is pulling from my arsenal, Danish Argumentation Theory. What polymath can resist the logic? It’s either this, or Punchinelloesque sock puppets. Don’t make me go for the socks Phantom Zero!

Crimson Nematode – if you see this; A Toyota Yaris was finally seen. Your previous post about it, is now doubly funny.

The Villain’s Oath, and Villain Standards are at I’m thinking there should be something in there for Ambition and Accomplishments. Villains should have a sense of wanting more, and being able to build a resume. As creatures with no little amount of Avatars in our makeup, we must be known by our reputations more than perhaps we would otherwise.

Lord Malignance struggles with terrible technology! The cameras are old analogue affairs, which at their time, were cutting edge. Now? Not so much. The software one uses is also out of date. So far as I can tell, you just can’t add whatever music you want, without paying exorbitant fees. What Kind of Evil is THIS?! Curse you RIAA.

Swing at the Orcs of Herodom

One has been researching the RLSH (as all Villains must do), and had the opportunity to glean a vigilante hero’s thought about the RLSH. There is a divide within the community, and ones own attempt to cleave it in twain only hastens an activity that has already been occurring. The vigilante (read: “Orcs of Herodom”) described how so called “Costumed Activists” were making the Orcs job harder, in that by showing a public face to the RLSH, the activist was taking away the element of fear. Yes, the RLSH Orcs use fear as a tool in their arsenal. Don’t ask me his name, I didn’t catch it. If you can sit through hearing a Christmas demon yammer non stop, catch Creature Features on the Blogradio. This was the most recent (last week’s recording). One has to analyze this and chooses to conclude that these Orcs have a sadofetish component, and go out looking to beat on perps to satisfy their need to punish. Or, as one might choose to believe, they go out looking for a beating that they can receive instead (masochism). This could all be satisfied by consenting adults outside of the public spotlight – and your costumes might not even have to be modified. The calendar days fly by, as the world waits to read about one of these Orcs being named in a criminal prosecution for misguidedly “taking justice into their own hands”, or the eventual execution style murder of same. You say “Team of Superheroes”, I say “Street Gang”. The law will not be so kind to you, and the media call to outlaw such activities will impact all, including the Citizen Activists.

Going Forward

It has been ones stated objective to move out in front of the development of the RLSH and RLSV (Metavillain!) communities, however one finds he still is catching up. Everything so far said, thought, gambled and imagined, has already been asked, thought, imagined, and gambled already, by far more intellectually gifted individuals than myself. While a quantum leap of insight might appear at any moment, it appears instead that one will be chasing after the head of this movement for some while longer. It builds a consistent trail, but will take longer. One supposes this could be called ones schooling in the subject. One believes as in any good study, it may become necessary to start to keep records, and logs of the emergence. To answer questions like;

o Is there growth in the movement? Or does the retirement balance to new heroes? I heard some insight from DC’s Guardian, where he fully knows he’s trying to inspire the next generation to replace him.

o Is there evolution – are the heroes getting better? Is society more accepting?

o Are methods for the work collaborative?
o Are there Hero Standards and Practices? Villains may impose these, with little or no success. Will the Heroes submit and police themselves? Individualism is grand, but chaos can be damaging to a nascent movement. It also carries along the mentally disturbed when it should not.

Tiny Terror (of which there may be two) seems to be mutually highly regarded by both heroes and Villains, as a voice of reason. He’s a Villain, and a needed voice of sanity.

Blogtalk Radio – Creature Features, hosted by Executrix. Worth your time, but one offers two suggestions (and these are only my opinions, and you may ignore, ridicule, or consider them as you choose).
1) Stuff a sock in the mouth of any Christmas Demons that may linger. Less is more. It’s not a vehicle starring one character.
2) Call in should be limited to a segment. Maybe a large segment, but build a structure. Have an intro segment, say what you want to say. Let the host shine for a moment. Engage in patter with your staff. Have a guest speaker segment - shine the spotlight on the guest. Make them feel welcome. Engage their viewpoint. Then, open up the lines. Enforce courtesy by callers. I think the show will become a valuable forum.

Psychoanaltherapist – You’re beginning to impress me. Your last video was thoughtfully researched, and well delivered. You’re developing consistency in character and portrayal which is lending credence to your arguments. I would never want to face you in a photoshop battle.

The Rankings: Heroes

The Good (Keep up the Good Work);
Super Hero
Zetaman, Agent Null, Apocalypse Meow

The Bad (the Orcs who need to just stop);
The Black Monday Society

The Ugly (Maybe not the best, but not doing any harm. Might improve);
Shadow Hare

The Rankings: Villains

The Good (Keep up the Evil Work);
Executrix (Blogtalk Radio show)
Tiny Terror (Voice of Reason, thoughtful analysis, and diplomacy)
The Potentate (Centerpiece of Evil United)

The Bad (For the love of Evil, just stop);
Pint Sized Tyrant

The Ugly (Maybe not the best, but not doing any harm. Might improve);
The rest of Villainy, myself included. We’re nascent, but what are we really doing? What have we contributed? Don’t take this the wrong way – it’s still only the beginning.

If you have names you would like to add, please let me know.

One remains your most assuredly not humble master,

Monday, September 14, 2009

Lord Malignance


Lord Malignance is buried. The Empire currently contains this Blog, Youtube, Myspace (which has linked something below?), Facebook, a Forum, a Website, Hotmail account, and one monitors other Villains and Heroes efforts in these same fields. Needless to say, quality is beginning to run thinner than one would wish.

SO, one is deferring the Forum to Ghost of Nixon, my (currently #1) Henchman, and Facebook and Myspace are being pushed to back burners.

The Website needs significant polish, this Blog is fun, so one is keeping up on it, and currently Sword Kane's Super Villain Challenge has caught one's eye.

With Splendid Horror Unfolding,

Lord Malignance

Shared via

Friday, September 11, 2009

Glorious News from the Battlefront

Rejoice you villains, for one brings you Evil news from the fields of struggle against our most implacable of foes – the Real Life Super Hero.

Late in the evening of Sept 7th, when all the Heroes should have been asleep, or out on their patrols, one launched a first Video onto youtube. It is a flawed vehicle for one’s vision, but has been somewhat favorably reviewed.

Better news yet, the intended target of this merciless attack has seen and responded to the withering onslaught. There will be battle, there will be war the likes of which have not been seen by Heroes and Villains in times past. It will be ruthless and terrible to behold, with no quarter asked, and none given. One will accept nothing but the finest, most heroic of efforts from one’s adversary, and he in turn, may expect no less than the vilest and most despicable efforts of ones own.

On this most public (at least compared to one’s seldom viewed blog) of stages, it is one’s intention to implement the stratagem this blog has been building towards. That of Cleave, Liquidate, and Enslave;

Cleave: To identify what constitutes heroic behavior and to separate those heroes who (for the most part) aspire to be this ideal, and those who do not. First, by identifying with a list those most unworthy of Heroes.

Liquidate: To examine, and bring to light these failed heroes most egregious of transgressions, to mock to humiliate, to seek to destroy their fragile concept of self image. Where they can be cajoled to mend their Orcish ways, they will be encouraged to do so. Where they will not, then to cast further light on their activities.

Enslave: To move the Real Life Super Heroes away from violence and psychosis, and towards community service, charity, neighborhood watch programs, leadership and community preparedness. In short the heroic ideal that others may aspire to and choose to emulate in the coming generation.

It is no less than ones hope that through this struggle, sides will be chosen, and lines drawn. Real Life Super Heroes will evaluate their causes and come together in self governance to thwart the noble onslaught posed by Villainy. That by this harrowing, the best will rise to lead, and the worst shall be eliminated.

As a Villain, I demand a better class of Superhero to guard our streets, and inspire the next wave of Heroes. By challenging them to answer questions posed, one hopes to start the germ of thinking (see previous posts) that will evolve into a consensus on what Citizens as Real Life Super Heroes can do. One hasn’t picked his target lightly. Fertile ground has been chosen for this Seed of Evil.

Where will this go? Who can say? Villains are nothing, if not “Big Picture” planners, who all too often fall short of their goals. And of course, the Heroes must attempt to thwart one’s overt plans.

With splendid Horror unfolding,

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

the Dawn of Malignance

Finally, and apologies for the poor craftsmanship. It's a start, and the general features are present. Posted on youtube - you can find it in my channel, but I'm not positive if it's gotten to Sword Kane's Supervillain challenge. It turns out, Lord Malignance blogs, but he does not upload video to Youtube. My henchmen have proven nearly useless. Comrade Cocoa, is in truth, not good with technology. Ghost of Nixon? Well... I'll think of something for him later.
