Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Paradigm Shift


Paradigm Shift. One has always wanted to use that phrase. Basically, and for ones own purposes, it means changing the way we do things.

We know the Heroes will go out and right the wrongs of the world. Their role has its drive and purpose to capture and inspire their passions. But what of the villains? What holds our passions to a cause? We certainly dislike the Heroes, and take no small measure of satisfaction from humiliating them, over and over again. But of what value is this, in the larger picture? What do we contribute to society, and how shall it be measured?

We understand the dynamic as set forth; Opposing forces, different sides of the chessboard. The function is as ancient as humanity, and finds itself demonstrated in many fields of science. It is the property of balance. As the Archetypes of Heroes and Villains, we understand that where the Heroes triumph, we lose, and where we succeed, they must suffer. Is this applying of the dynamic the only one that can be used? It certainly is the simplest, but are there not other dynamics that allow the conflict, with a positive outcome? A win/win result where the necessary conflict provides the fuel of passion, but the result is one with a benefit to both sides and society at large. The Engine of Malignance. No? Ok.

How then can we apply balance, maintain the dynamic of challenge, and not eliminate valuable work that is being done, in forms of community outreach? To change the paradigm of thwarting the Heroes needs, and instead shaping their efforts to our will.

You may argue, “I like to beat on Heroes, their tears are like sweet, sweet nectar.” And to be sure, the Hero’s Journey must never be easy, but ask yourselves, “Do I ever want a worthy Hero to give up, and quit?” and one believes you’ll agree the prospect does not sound optimal. (For more on Hero’s Journey go to
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heroes_journey) If the social subclass Meta Villain is to survive, it must find a way to fulfill its needs without eliminating its purpose for existence. To this end, one submits for your consideration these ideas;

1) Charity Challenges are created, and submitted to the Heroes for their challenge and our harassment. Something that is possible, and yet sufficiently difficult as to truly challenge the resolve of the Heroes. Our ability to research, and find the weaknesses of our adversaries should make this engaging for us, and offer the prerequisite challenge to the heroes. We might need a mediator, or referee to ensure that the Villains don’t cheat. One imagines another game in itself might be in the cheating alone. Each city at some time, will have a walk for charity. It should be possible to find that walk, gather the funding, and submit a challenge to them as sponsors.

2) Shill-a-thon. Villains are masterfully capable of creation. Can there be something created that may be sold for profit, w/the profits given to charity? If there are 20+ Villains who participate, would that not be sufficient to produce a sum to donate?

3) Riddles and Landmark scavenger hunts. Call someone and leave a code that the hero must reach to win. If the Hero collects the parts of the code and assembles it correctly, he solves the riddle and a reward will be donated to the charity of his/her choosing.

4) Sponsorships. How much would YOU be willing to pay to have Master Legend, or Zetaman wear your logo? If the details could be worked out in advance, to both parties satisfaction. Imagine, for a week, if the Legend Cycle, would instead be known as “the Malignance Cycle”? Disposable Logos would have to be provided, and pictures posted as evidence.

Better ideas must be found however, as all the ideas presented rely on cash transactions, and as whenever cash is used as shorthand, it is evidence of a lazy, unimaginative mind. One is still recovering from an encounter with Villainy, Radio, and the most horrifying sound ever created by man or beast, or heard by mortal ears.

The Sinister Plan one wishes to implement would thus be summarized as a two part strategy of divide and enslave. First will be the liquidation of the Vigilante Ninjas who jeopardize the society with their criminal mischief, and the second will be to encourage the Community Outreach of noble heroes.

I await your participation in this great experiment,


  1. I'd pay to have Master Legend go to Betty Ford.

  2. Would you now?

    So if I got Master Legend to agree, you would in turn fork over cash out of pocket for his full treatment?

    Point. Malignance appears to truly be trying to make a legitimate differance versus just playing around.

    I would have a seriously consider legit charity offers so long as someone benefited through donations. That sounds like a very reasonable solution. LM, I do believe sir that you are on the right path and taking this seriously versus yanking chains simply for the benefit of building your own ego.

