Friday, November 19, 2010

2010 Election Analysis

Greetings and Lamentations, I AM Lord Malignance, and you WILL crouch before me NOW! (Villains excepted, of course).

One wanted to talk about national politics for the moment, because in polite conversation it would be considered unpleasant, and one IS in the business of bringing unpleasantness to the world.

The election of 2008 was a guage of the will of the people, following the NeoCon failure to enslave America. From a motley collection of conservatives, a Republican was selected from a vast swath of Reagan-Channeling, Theory of Evolution deniers. From the cornpone charm of Mike Huckabee, to the poor-punishing zeal of Mitt Romney, to the xenophobia of the Holdfast's own Tom Tancredo. From all these candidates and many more, the most liberal of them all, was chosen to represent the conservative wishes of their constituents. The most unRepublican of the Republicans if you will. John McCain, and that punchline that won't go away, Sarah Palin. Seriously, if you tell a joke too many times, it will still stay unfunny. But good luck with that.

Over on the softer side, the disorganized chaos that passes for a second party in our nation, the Democrats from all their possible candidates (moonbats, hippies, potheads, and their ilk), selected the most liberal candidate. Barack Obama.

When the election was held, overwelmingly, the most liberal, and least Republican of these two candidates won, and became our President Obama. One says "our" because while many chest thumping so-called "patriots" will tell you that since they didn't vote for him, he is not their president, this country has for all its existance, ever only had one president at a time. They will claim Jefferson Davis during the Civil war, but no. Those were the Confederate States of America, and not our country the United States of America. No, he is our President, elected fairly by a majority of the people.

Now one of the strengths of America is our acceptance, and welcome of diversity. Another is our embrace of processes of Checks and Balances, of challenges to one way or another. Our justice system depends on this, as our trials are adversarial for the purpose of testing claims, and evoking truth. We have a two party (why we don't have more, remains because people are lazy about being ruled) system, and it is the responsibility and civic duty of both to challenge the other as forcefully, and as deviously as possible. It is through this challenge that our democracy remains strong, as it adapts. It is the vigilance of the respected competitor that keeps each party from wallowing in self indulgance and vulgarity.

However, it has become apparent, with the recent fear and bigotry of the small minded, that this process of Adverserial Challenge has been subverted to sell the content of a news station, and to peddle the books of amateurish fear mongers. Hannity and Beck (the Fear and Ignorance of Evil), you are named as grotesquely pandering Greedy Fear Shillers.

Normally, one is fine with this.

After all, if you enslave America for me, then ones work is made easier, for all one has to then do is enslave you to rule all. There comes a point however, when such a significant mass of people, have become dulled by their fear, and made worthless to serve me. A common understanding tyrants learn, is that if you manage minions too harshly, the quality of service diminishes. The enslaved must have some small measure of free will, and sense of self value to be capable of surviving, and not turning on each other like rabid dogs.

This brings us to this last election. The combined fears of these weakest, of lowest possible intellectual honesty, least knowledgeable of their own country and its history, and most useless of servants, coalesced (scabbed) into the Tea Party.

The Republicans, the former NeoCons (superstar screwups like Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, "W", Delay, and that traitor Scooter Libby), won a needed number of elections to grant them some small measure of authority, and now how they crow. A "Mandate" they shout with obvious craziness in their eyes. But remember: the election proved only that, in some cases, nutbag Tea Party members were more desireable than Republicans. This last election demonstrated that the Republicans have been challenged from without by the Democrats, and now from within, from the "Young Guns" like Eric Cantor, the old Guard like John Boehner, NeoCon Freakshows like Kentucky's Mitch Oconnell, the Log Cabin Republicans, the paragon of gluttony El Rushbo, to the Nastiness that is Faux News. The Plutocracy attempting to rule America through corporate manipulations is fractured, weak and vulnerable. A most tempting target for the insinuating influences of Evil. And Money. Heaps, and heaps of filthy lucre.

If the Democrats could marshall any kind of organization at all (and this won't happen any time soon it seems) and learn to effectively communicate to the American People, the Republican party would be relegated to history, along with the Whig Party, and the Stag Party. The very successfully employed meme "Pelosi=San Francisco Liberal=New World Order" is still proving most viable, as we see how successfully Nancy Pelosi's name was attached to anything the right deemed unworthy - and scary.

One has been using the Republicans to enslave America to my merciless rule, and this should come as no secret to readers (or the cursed Hague). One has been honest about ones wish to enslave humanity, and rule the world, and the Republicans useful ideas about American Primacy and American Exceptionalism, have been laughably exploitable. Their disdain for people below them, and disregard for laws and ethics are refreshingly honest, and manageably Evil. They promote fear, and scapegoat their enemies, reap insanely disproportionate acquisitions to themselves (money), and communicate effectively with their minions. All these reasons have made them useful, but now one wonders if it would not be better to try the other side? Perhaps the leadership the Democrats need, is Villainy? To bring their disorganized, self interested, lazy, cowardly, dishonesty to serve more fully ones own needs and the needs of Evil? They are more passive than the Republican's aggressiveness, but it may prove to be a more profitable path to follow. Still... one finds the touchifeeliness of the democratic squalor to be offensive, so only time will tell.

Henchman and Minion Herding;

Ghost of Nixon is hanging onto his job in Southern California, and is trying to put together sufficient funds to return to Villainy more fully. It's an uphill battle (cost of living being what it is), but he is making progress, and wishes all Villains (would pay him more) well, and a "Congressional Inquiry on Un-American Affairs" on all so called, real life super heroes.

Bob the Minion is (probably) still in Ciudad Juarez, hiding from the Papal forces of the Inquisition. Oh, he might be able to hide in a modern metropolis with its forensic sciences and progressive secularism, but peasants will know what is going on.

The former (Ghost of) Nixon Whitehouse with it's DMZ against the communist forces of Comrade Cocoa (the Brown Scare) was recently turned into a Neuroscience Lab.

With the impending doom and the arrival of the Diabolical Madame X descending upon the Lair, the resource of this space was ceded to her needs. The recent research results on Transcranial Electrostimulation put aside.

Speaking of the Mongrel of Mao, he's lost two rooms in the Lair to her, so there is Evil suffering all around. But we Plot! The running Lair Wars will be horrific. Her entourage also contains two cats, so the Cunning Canine of Communism will have his Evil battles to win also.

In this time of Thanksgiving, Villains will often pause a moment to be thankful for those things we have taken, and those things that we are able to keep. Whatever it is you have earned through the force of your will, and the gift of your talents, take stock and be thoughtful. Those acquisitions that others covet, that are yours fought well to take and keep - cherish those things most of all.

-Lord Malignance

1 comment:

  1. The last paragraph my be taken from Lord Malignance and written in Overlord's UBERmass cards. She will celebrate.
