Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Oncoming Ubermas

Greetings and Lamentations, I AM Lord Malignance, and you WILL crouch before me NOW! (Villains excepted, of course)

In this season of Holidays, the religions of the world glorify and proclaim with great prominence and excitement, the importance of their most special days. Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, Ganesh Sankashti Chaturti, Winter Solstice and Festivus are all celebrated, respected, and kept sacred, as they should be.

There is one unholiday however, that is always overlooked. Conspiracy adherents are wont to point out in this season, that it is more evidence of the good, endeavoring to keep the hard working Villain down. Certainly this unholiday is not as old as some of the other Holy-days in December, but it is one cherished by Villains none the less. That unholiday is "Ubermas" (Umlaut over the "U" where possible), and it is a time of celebration and opulance for the Evil.

The origin of Ubermas has been shrouded in the mists of time, with claim, counterclaim, conjecture and outright lies adding to the hidden mystery. "The Truth!" some may cry, demanding an understanding they could not hope to approach. These others might need the truth to attempt to comprehend something unattainable, but no, as a Villainous festivity we celebrate the lies, misdirections, and obfuscations inherent in the nature of our unholiday. Some may even be true - who can tell? So much is in fact unknown, and likely outright fabrication, that even the day itself on which to celebrate Ubermas is not universally recognized. And so, as tradition holds, each year a Villain in Evil Standing may proclaim the day in December that Ubermas will occur, and then on that day, Ubermas will be celebrated.

Often times throughout history, this will cause strife and conflict, as warring Cabals of Villains choose and declare different days. This conflict is also appreciated as part of the unholiday, and in various ways, represented by favorite stories told about Lucrezia Borgia, a patron of Villainy, or offerings of recognition to the dark god Krelm, among many other traditions. (At the Lair, we leave goblets by the sub basement trapdoor, filled w/wine for "the Wraith of Borgia" to come and poison. Some say, on the days surrounding Ubermas, if you have been very, very Evil, you can catch a glimpse of her seen in reflections on windows - just out of the corner of your eye.)

Great Feasts are held, special treats are prepared, fine clothes are worn, and oppulance abounds. Here Villains put on display all that their efforts have afforded them. The fine plates, and silverware are brought out, the best wines and spirits served, and the cruelest punishments delivered to the minions. These are the days of Villainy Resplendant! Of days spent boasting, and nights spent dancing. Villainous waltzes are the preferred, but any dance will do, and no one is discouraged. Even Henchman celebrate, and the Minions too, for they know as part of the opulance, they will receive bonuses (and beatings) demonstrating the mightiness of their ruler.

As with the Displays of Grandness, there are also the Practices of Greed and "Selling Out". Yes, while other holidays declare they are not about commerce, the unholiday of Ubermas proclaims it IS about commerce. Sell what you can, everything you can, and rejoice in the sublime excess pleasures of the free economy. Greed to extreme, let all know you are in it for the money, and wallow in your awful avariciousness. Others may claim that rapaciousness is unbecoming a Villain, and at least overtly, it may be seen as so, but not in the season of Ubermas. Quite the contrary, for here there is the celebration of being a Villain, and sharing that joy with other Villains, Henchmen and Henchwomen, Minions, Hired Muscle, Corrupt Politicians, Fallen superheroes, the Evil, and the world entire.

Demonstrations of Malevolence also abound, as many Villains create opportunities for the world to appreciate the unrelenting work of Evil. Sometimes mischief, sometimes tricks, always with an Addamsesque twist to make people think. The good have their preconceptions - challenge them! Villainy is fun, valuable, unappreciated, can be shared with everyone, and can bring the world together in the mathmatical beauty of Perfect Evil.

The Evil Celebrations have been going on for days now, and if you haven't had an opportunity to learn and share in the Season of Villainy, then you are invited to please enjoy the efforts by;

Agent Beryllium

Computer King
(with a black-heart filled welcome back to health and your powers)



Poop Knife

White Skull

(To any Villains one did not add, please post in comments, and the links will be amended. You may know that you have ones apologies in advance.)

On to other news;

One has been behind in work, as so much is dependent on "Being there" and being inspired. The sleeplessness has taken it's toll, and the quality has diminished. It could be the chocolate and caffeine, or the Non Stop Ubermas Raves (dance parties at night), but it has slowed down productivity. That shouldn't stop the following tradition however;

The Second Annual Lord Malignance Holiday Challenge!

This years question;

"What would happen if all the superheroes suddenly went away?"

Your questions in the comments fields will be taken, combined, codified where necessary, and then put into a Survey Box for voting. The answer with the highest votes wins. There may be cheating, as this is a Villainous Tradition, so be prepared to be brilliant, crafty and skillful (thus eliminating the chance that heroes can participate). Last year's winners Black Sun and Exit Nero won in an avalanche of ballot box stuffing, which was masterfully comitted, expertly denied, and thoughtfully plotted. May your participation be as well received.

Lord Malignance Tributes!

On top of Ubermas parties, there are also the parties going on around the Lair. With the retirement of the ArchNemesis Phantom Zero (from the RLSH), the cake eating has gone out of control (suprising amounts of sugar in frosting). Adding to the giddiness (yes, though unbecoming, Lord Malignance, Vain Tyrant of Colorado, can be "giddy" from time to time) is that a number of Tributes have been coming in, celebrating this victory. To the artists, and their patrons, one extends sincere gratitude, and appreciation for your talents. Readers may find tributes of subjegation here, and here, and a tribute of recognition here. You may rest assured that these most appreciated efforts will all find their way to the Fine Art collection inside the Lair.

May a Sinister Ubermas of tremendous Fortune and Opportunity decend upon us all,
-Lord Malignance


  1. You mean if all the RLSHs suddenly went away? At the moment not much of anything would happen, unfortunately.

  2. Hmmm if all the RLSH vasnished?

    I guess I would declare myself a RLSH and then we would do battle on a mountain top or perhaps in the parking lot behind the Waffle House.

  3. A perfect world ruled by Villains, in eternal merciless cruelty!

  4. When the mob...and the press...and the whole world...tell you to stop ripping off Simon and Kirby, your job...is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world — “I don't have anything else."

  5. Übermas is here! Let the Villainous Overindulgence begin!

  6. Kudos, LM. As always, another brilliant and informative post. Keep up the good (evil) work everyone!

  7. If there were no Superheroes solving crimes and capturing criminals crime would take over the world! The police can't save people - they're all corrupt. Even the UN can't do a thing. Superheroes are the only ones you can trust.

  8. oh youd like it if heroes all went away.then the demonic forces wuld take over the hole world.thatd be coocoo and you know it.by my legendary arcangele powers i wont allow it.out you demospawn out!!!my powers are so great i control people with my brain.i culd control the hole world if i tried hard enuff.

  9. I'd feel a lot safer knowing that masked men carrying weapons weren't looking inside my house at night. I just don't feel safe knowing they're out there - answerable to no one. I pay my taxes, and I want the police to do the jobs they've been trained to do. Not these high school drop outs with Batman fatasies.

    Read this article to see what everyone is worried about;


  10. Everything will be fine once they bugger off.

  11. No better Back to School Special than pointing out RLSH to your children. Show them what could happen if they drop out of school and start drinking and doing drugs. That'll scare 'em straight and keep them studying. If the superheroes go away, then parents will have to go back to pointing out other weirdos.

    R from Texas

  12. In my country we have people like superheroes. They all become strippers in time. Then, become, what is word? Pleasure-men? They come to car sell sex. The men do this. They don't have no job skills do anything else. They do ANY thing for money.

    Superheroes go away, you watch pleasure-men number go up.

    Pyotr Ilyich

  13. Some of you don't get it:

    Every single day you get up, and don't get rob-murdered-raped, you ought to be on your hands and knees thanking Superheroes for saving you. Well over 50% of all crimes are solved by Superheroes. Not the police, not the laws, courts, and not the UN and all their Black Helicopters trying to take our country away.

    The next time some of you even THINK about making fun of Superheroes you better think about it. If you don't support Superheroes 120%, the terrorists and the UN win.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Previous post - as Ghost of Nixon would say "Wow boss, that spell checker sure makes you look stupid." (he knows one hates it when he calls me "boss". AND stupid.)

    Greetings to you all, and welcome new posters,

    Perhaps, perhaps. Possibilities are always in flux. Perhaps some relevance will be bestowed on heroes that might change the outcome. A little Dickensian change of heart?

    Poop Knife,
    The Old "Dark Reign" gambit?

    Major Ozone,
    Yessss. What is there, an army of Ozone? Do you report directly to Captain, or does he report to you?

    Yes, the originality is sorely lacking. At least you're not carrying around a Star Spangled Shield - that would be too obvious.

    Computer King,
    Sinister Ubermas my fiend, (no misspelling) and welcome back. Get better soon.

    Agent Wraith,
    Thank you. Wait until next year when even more Villains can celebrate and help define the season.

    Prime Justice,
    The Google on you is inconclusive. Are you a superhero one has never heard of? If that's the case, you might either be or have the worst PR agent. One suspects you are;
    1) Teenager
    2) Undereducated for the 21st Century
    3) Caucasian
    4) Probably on welfare and prescription medicines as we speak.
    Superheroes don't save people: People save people.

    Anonymous #1,
    One expects when you Master the language, your spelling will no longer be a Legend.

    Concerned Citizens,
    One shares your concern! Don't be passive. Talk to your community groups, engage law enforcement. Take back your streets so that your families may be safe.

    Anonymous #2,
    Bugger? One has to look that up...

    R from Texas,
    Yes, if you mean Helmeted Megalomaniacs at the supermarket, then one takes your point.

    Pyotr Ilyich,
    Oh no. Please, no. That can't happen here can it? Though there are some heroes who seem to be heading in that direction now. Peter Tangen may be pushing them over the edge into Self Glorification/Gratification. One supposes it is an inevitable process then.

    Prime Justice,
    5) You are an "expert" on the US Constitution, but not really. You support the Tea Party, and are afraid that Liberals and the UN are out to take your guns away.

    Thank you all, all (even Prime Justice's) answers. A few more days one thinks, for others to post,

    -Lord Malignance

  16. Prime Justice! Fear Not, for coming soon to TV is a show displaying for all to see the SUPERior Guideance that SUPERheroes will use to guide citizens. People need SUPERheroes to tell them how to behave, and what they can and can't do.

    The show is called "Hero House", on the IFC channel, and produced by Red Line Films. Once everyone sees how SUPERheroes are SUPER intelligent, SUPER powerful, and SUPER psychic, they will become SUPER pumped to give us all the fame we deserve. Spread the word: HERO HOUSE ON IFC, PRODUCED BY RED LINE FILMS will be AWESOME.

    Google search it, post positive comments to encourage the producers, and spread the word to ALL REAL SUPERheroes (not those make believe heroes who post negative comments about the show - without having first seen it)

    The Remarkable Tarantulaman
    I'm covered with hair

  17. The next super heroes won't be held back by laws. It'll b time 4 anarchy! The end 2 governments & laws - there's going 2 b only 1 law: The Law of the Jungle.

    Me & my cadre of slimeheads r ready 2 pick up when the super heroes r gone. We r the next level of super heroes! Anarchy Heroes!!!

  18. I have heard of that show - "Hero House", and I and all my team can't wait to see it. Tarantulaman - you say it will be on the IFC channel? I'm going to be looking for it. I can't wait! And I've been a very good man/boy.

    Superhero Manbaby

  19. Sans super-héros, le grand mal vaincra toute l'humanité! Superheroes sont à peine capable de nous éviter de perdre nos esprits! Si Superheroes s'en aller, puis Villainy gagne!

    Le Pantomime Principle du Francois

  20. If all the Reals wither and blow away, the next generation of heroes are coming up, ready to replce the has beens. We're dedicated to helping people, and we're not in it to run a forum and sell advertising space to movies like Kick-Ass.

    Leopard Johnson
    Following in the steps of my idol Phoenix Jones, the Greatest Seattle SuperHero of them all!!!
