Friday, April 27, 2018

Gearing Back Up...

Greetings and Lamentations, I AM Lord Malignance and before me you will CROUCH!
(Villains excepted, of course).

So, the Accounting held for the month of March was completed and One Squeezed the Mighty Colorado Holdfast exceptionally ruthlessly this time, and for purpose. It's why the Recovery (and the financial labors have taken such time).

Malignanceship is going back to the shipyards, not merely for a refit, but for a rebuild. You may remember that the Ion Drive (main propulsion system) was found to be Exceedingly dangerous and required additional shielding (high energy photons stream into the fusion reactor and make the whole thing radioactive). That shielding was added, but that extra weight put the lift requirements out of range. Malignanceship as designed, is an 11 story tall vessel with a hydrogen scoop on the bottom, an extendable field ring around the back, and of those 11 stories, fully Half are fuel tanks.

A realization of the problem presented itself on a launch test when the rocket exhausts would melt and explode. You Cannot run the chemical thrusters at full power for more than a very few minutes. Add more rocket engines and then you increase the weight - and on and on. Malignanceship was designed As a spaceship - Launch, Earth Orbital Maneuvers and Reentry and safe landing. Landing was to be accomplished on a Recovery Structure at the Galt's Gulch Space Center here in Colorado, or as a backup, into a nearby large body of water.

Two issues presented themselves Also with those plans. The structure would Also melt when Malignanceship tried to land into it - the rocket engines are numerous and produce an extreme amount of heat, easily conducted by the structure into any and all alloys that did not have an extremely high melting points. The Second was that the ship when burning fuel produces a chemical output that was not welcome in Any body of water large enough to support the ship.

Malignanceship itself Has no aerodynamics - it was built For space - and that's become a problem as well. The heat shielding (ceramic tiles) added weight, which of course at This point was catastrophic to the flight equations. The main propulsion system being Ionic (speed over time in a frictionless vacuum) meant that there Was no speed to atmospheric flight - she Lifted - slowly. Ponderously, burning out the exhaust systems and detonating the engines.

Lastly, this ship is now 5 years old over all - the technology (and you may remember when WindowsX came out, One was - displeased  - that it broke the AI SUtech. A reprogramming There as well).

So - design elements at this time for the new Malignanceship 2.0; 
  • Wings/Aerofins for lift during launch and reentry - every bit of lift support is needed. 
  • A chemical rocket engine supplemental forward thruster for atmospheric flight.
  • Significant decrease in size - looking at 4 stories (two for crew and mechanical systems, and two for fuel). 
  • Move the hydrogen scoop to the dorsal aspect, add some kind of landing struts to the ventral. 

The hypothetical Einstein-Rosen Bridge Generator (J-Drive, or "Jump Drive") is a keeper, but the field ring is fragile and must be deployed for use each time. Would like to incorporate that Into the superstructure (there is a Real fear about phasic shifts involving resonating harmonics in materials - in tests objects were fused.) because; One wants to see if there's any potential to a supraluminal Alcubierre Drive (and that's a Ring system by itself).

So the Legendary Squeezing of the Colorado Holdfast this year, is going to afford the opportunity to scrap the existing Malignanceship and to begin construction of Malignanceship 2.0.

One will try and get a video, some pictures, and more posts out as time allows.

Around the Lair, the NRAliens are Upset with these changes, but behaving well as long as they get to follow the shenanigans of Trump. One has removed the explosive charge from the Moe's head and given him the new name "Nugent". That allows them to be identified as LaPierre, Heston, and Nugent. You would believe they would take these names as the insults they Are, but No, they like the names and are trying dress accordingly. They really Do hate humanity.

One has noted some activity in the honeypots - when the fish come to nibble, you pull back to lure them in further. Collect data, discern behaviors, more - would be Telling (heh, heh, heh). That said, some frequent visits from known, Russia, and a circus act.

SUtech is a mess. Truly. Like Malignanceship itself, SUtech was subcontracted to Evil vendors, who used Villainous technology in development. This means Backdoors, there are Many. Non standard and unreliable (Obsidian Labs!) technology, and more than a few stolen technologies from DARPA and Hanger 18. Trying to rebuild Either is proving difficult and time consuming. Rewarding though.

One has some capers in mind for later in the year - have to get the Malignanceship 2.0 project started, and as One does this, my current Henchman and Seneschal "Le Petit Mort" ('Mort) is running the business of the Holdfast. Take your abasements to Him please. That Said, Crouching in my Presence is Still expected - except from Mort and for obvious reasons.

That's it for now, back to the Designs. Oh! Should mention, One is fascinated by the Machine Age, a time around the 1930s which incorporated an artistic design called "Streamline Moderne". If there needs to be some style to my work, One hopes to incorporate small elements to this discipline.
