Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Oncoming Ubermas

Greetings and Lamentations, I AM Lord Malignance, and you WILL crouch before me NOW! (Villains excepted, of course)

In this season of Holidays, the religions of the world glorify and proclaim with great prominence and excitement, the importance of their most special days. Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, Ganesh Sankashti Chaturti, Winter Solstice and Festivus are all celebrated, respected, and kept sacred, as they should be.

There is one unholiday however, that is always overlooked. Conspiracy adherents are wont to point out in this season, that it is more evidence of the good, endeavoring to keep the hard working Villain down. Certainly this unholiday is not as old as some of the other Holy-days in December, but it is one cherished by Villains none the less. That unholiday is "Ubermas" (Umlaut over the "U" where possible), and it is a time of celebration and opulance for the Evil.

The origin of Ubermas has been shrouded in the mists of time, with claim, counterclaim, conjecture and outright lies adding to the hidden mystery. "The Truth!" some may cry, demanding an understanding they could not hope to approach. These others might need the truth to attempt to comprehend something unattainable, but no, as a Villainous festivity we celebrate the lies, misdirections, and obfuscations inherent in the nature of our unholiday. Some may even be true - who can tell? So much is in fact unknown, and likely outright fabrication, that even the day itself on which to celebrate Ubermas is not universally recognized. And so, as tradition holds, each year a Villain in Evil Standing may proclaim the day in December that Ubermas will occur, and then on that day, Ubermas will be celebrated.

Often times throughout history, this will cause strife and conflict, as warring Cabals of Villains choose and declare different days. This conflict is also appreciated as part of the unholiday, and in various ways, represented by favorite stories told about Lucrezia Borgia, a patron of Villainy, or offerings of recognition to the dark god Krelm, among many other traditions. (At the Lair, we leave goblets by the sub basement trapdoor, filled w/wine for "the Wraith of Borgia" to come and poison. Some say, on the days surrounding Ubermas, if you have been very, very Evil, you can catch a glimpse of her seen in reflections on windows - just out of the corner of your eye.)

Great Feasts are held, special treats are prepared, fine clothes are worn, and oppulance abounds. Here Villains put on display all that their efforts have afforded them. The fine plates, and silverware are brought out, the best wines and spirits served, and the cruelest punishments delivered to the minions. These are the days of Villainy Resplendant! Of days spent boasting, and nights spent dancing. Villainous waltzes are the preferred, but any dance will do, and no one is discouraged. Even Henchman celebrate, and the Minions too, for they know as part of the opulance, they will receive bonuses (and beatings) demonstrating the mightiness of their ruler.

As with the Displays of Grandness, there are also the Practices of Greed and "Selling Out". Yes, while other holidays declare they are not about commerce, the unholiday of Ubermas proclaims it IS about commerce. Sell what you can, everything you can, and rejoice in the sublime excess pleasures of the free economy. Greed to extreme, let all know you are in it for the money, and wallow in your awful avariciousness. Others may claim that rapaciousness is unbecoming a Villain, and at least overtly, it may be seen as so, but not in the season of Ubermas. Quite the contrary, for here there is the celebration of being a Villain, and sharing that joy with other Villains, Henchmen and Henchwomen, Minions, Hired Muscle, Corrupt Politicians, Fallen superheroes, the Evil, and the world entire.

Demonstrations of Malevolence also abound, as many Villains create opportunities for the world to appreciate the unrelenting work of Evil. Sometimes mischief, sometimes tricks, always with an Addamsesque twist to make people think. The good have their preconceptions - challenge them! Villainy is fun, valuable, unappreciated, can be shared with everyone, and can bring the world together in the mathmatical beauty of Perfect Evil.

The Evil Celebrations have been going on for days now, and if you haven't had an opportunity to learn and share in the Season of Villainy, then you are invited to please enjoy the efforts by;

Agent Beryllium

Computer King
(with a black-heart filled welcome back to health and your powers)



Poop Knife

White Skull

(To any Villains one did not add, please post in comments, and the links will be amended. You may know that you have ones apologies in advance.)

On to other news;

One has been behind in work, as so much is dependent on "Being there" and being inspired. The sleeplessness has taken it's toll, and the quality has diminished. It could be the chocolate and caffeine, or the Non Stop Ubermas Raves (dance parties at night), but it has slowed down productivity. That shouldn't stop the following tradition however;

The Second Annual Lord Malignance Holiday Challenge!

This years question;

"What would happen if all the superheroes suddenly went away?"

Your questions in the comments fields will be taken, combined, codified where necessary, and then put into a Survey Box for voting. The answer with the highest votes wins. There may be cheating, as this is a Villainous Tradition, so be prepared to be brilliant, crafty and skillful (thus eliminating the chance that heroes can participate). Last year's winners Black Sun and Exit Nero won in an avalanche of ballot box stuffing, which was masterfully comitted, expertly denied, and thoughtfully plotted. May your participation be as well received.

Lord Malignance Tributes!

On top of Ubermas parties, there are also the parties going on around the Lair. With the retirement of the ArchNemesis Phantom Zero (from the RLSH), the cake eating has gone out of control (suprising amounts of sugar in frosting). Adding to the giddiness (yes, though unbecoming, Lord Malignance, Vain Tyrant of Colorado, can be "giddy" from time to time) is that a number of Tributes have been coming in, celebrating this victory. To the artists, and their patrons, one extends sincere gratitude, and appreciation for your talents. Readers may find tributes of subjegation here, and here, and a tribute of recognition here. You may rest assured that these most appreciated efforts will all find their way to the Fine Art collection inside the Lair.

May a Sinister Ubermas of tremendous Fortune and Opportunity decend upon us all,
-Lord Malignance

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Villain's Journey

"Give everything you've got!" - Any Superhero
"Then you are thus rendered precisely worthless." - Any Villain

Greetings and Lamentations, I AM Lord Malignance, and you WILL crouch before me NOW!
(Villains excepted, of course)

It is well established lore, that heroes must travel a path from citizen spiraling down to hero. This transformative process is called the Heroes Journey, and appears in many works of fiction. It's value isn't seen as an actual requirement for change, but as an allegory for revelatory understanding.

Villains too have a Journey, and this grandual transfiguration is encapsulated in the understanding of trying to "Take over the World". You might also take this meaning from The Master's Wheel, which also has the supplicant work ever towards a desired goal (a movie fiction).
For Villains, Taking Over the World, starts with first mastering yourself. All your weaknesses, strengths, fears, and gifts. Own yourself, make your failings your strengths, harness your drives and ambition for power, and deny yourself the weakness allowed for heroes and lesser creatures. (Overlord has done a wonderful series on becoming the Villain you were meant to be. See her stellar work "The 30 Days of Evil".)

Once you have forged yourself into a merciless tyrant, yearning to enslave others around you, your next circle IS the people around you. The circles grow wider and wider with each iteration (in reverse of the Master's Wheel), as your spheres of influence broaden.

Heroes will often whisper in hushed tones as they stare at the feet of their betters, "If every Villain is trying to take over the world, then don't you end up fighting all the time?" and of course this demonstrates a common misconception. Trying to Take Over the World, and actually Taking Over the World are two distinctly seperate things. No, the Villains Journey - that of Trying to Take Over the World, is a spiritual path that drives the Villain to always strive to take more unto him or herself, and to become a person of value and worth.

Make no mistake: Value and Worth, are not always simple filthy lucre, and guest hosting spots on Rush Limbaugh's Radio Carwreck (though both are pretty nice perks). The value and worth that a Villain seeks to acquire is Influence and Responsibility. For each asset of influence we gather, we hold ourselves to account for its use or non-use. For every asset we accumulate, we become responsible for their eventual use and care and grooming until that use. Yes, Villains will from time to time experience that worrisome detail of "reach exceeding one's grasp", but it's an accepted foible of Villainy. You call ME mad?! Perhaps. Perhaps...

Events in Villainy;

Ubermas, the Villains Year End Holiday is approaching, and as it does, Villainy will be revealing more and more of the Diabolical Secrets. What do Villains think about at this most special time? How do they make New Years Resolutions, and more importantly, how do they settle old scores before the New Year?

Second Annual Lord Malignance Holiday Challenge will be coming online shortly. Following the tradition, it will be a question soliciting answers, which will then be turned into a poll, and then voted upon. Last year was spectacularly won by Black Sun, and Exit Nero. Remember, as a Villainous Challenge, cheating is always admired, and skillfully deployed gambits rewarded with favor.

A suprising number of Villains have recently been found in Facebook. These Malevolent Scoundrels are warmly welcomed to the greater Villainous Community of Evil.

Heroes Revealing their True Natures;

It may be true that ones most hated ArchNemesis, the cursed Phantom Zero, has retired from the RLSH community. While he may posit that it was hero-culture infighting, readers of this blog will know that it could only have been the machinations of oneself.

Recent revelations indicate that that most unworthy troll minion Mr. Jingles may also be known as the Skiffytown "hero" Dragonheart (Warning: Picture intended for a bi-curious audience). If you are one of the many, many people he has frequently slandered by claiming you are a follower of Hitler's Third Reich, then you can now know that this lowest of all dishonesty was perpatrated by a Skiffytown hero. Whenever the filthiest act of dishonesty and deception is foisted upon honest people (even Villains), you can always follow its source to a so called "hero".

Of course when his master posts these two post elements;

Look! There's Zetaman's picture, right next to instructions on where to buy a laser that can be used to harm people. And following are instructions on how to use it. Zetaman has since wisely removed his public support of this kind of inhumane monstrosity of a blogger (who should really be reported...).

Further evidence to this theme is that "Tothian: Leader of the RLSH" appears to have run into some trouble with his heroic compatriots. He's not alone though. It appears that Phoenix Jones may also be assisting in the skullduggery. Or becoming greater than all the Seattle based Real Life Superheroes combined!

And in case your stomach is not quite full of the bile of madcap superhero misadventures, the heroes are all a-tizzy about a documentary style reality show that shows them as they truly are. Without their media flacks filtering and hiding their awful, sordid truths. Sight unseen, one is thinking the IFC Channel produced series Hero House, produced by Red Line Films, sounds very entertaining. Don't forget to encourage them to show us the REAL Real Life Superheroes, and how they really are.

And in closing;

Our collected sincere best wishes go forth to our collegue Computer King, creator of the Villainous Verse, and his Groundbreaking Itunes Podcast Series. He remains a Visionary of Villainy, and in our dark thoughts and our black shrivelled hearts in this his time of courage. Get well soon Computer King. You remain the undisputed King of Villainy, and your absence is our great loss.

-Lord Malignance

Friday, November 19, 2010

2010 Election Analysis

Greetings and Lamentations, I AM Lord Malignance, and you WILL crouch before me NOW! (Villains excepted, of course).

One wanted to talk about national politics for the moment, because in polite conversation it would be considered unpleasant, and one IS in the business of bringing unpleasantness to the world.

The election of 2008 was a guage of the will of the people, following the NeoCon failure to enslave America. From a motley collection of conservatives, a Republican was selected from a vast swath of Reagan-Channeling, Theory of Evolution deniers. From the cornpone charm of Mike Huckabee, to the poor-punishing zeal of Mitt Romney, to the xenophobia of the Holdfast's own Tom Tancredo. From all these candidates and many more, the most liberal of them all, was chosen to represent the conservative wishes of their constituents. The most unRepublican of the Republicans if you will. John McCain, and that punchline that won't go away, Sarah Palin. Seriously, if you tell a joke too many times, it will still stay unfunny. But good luck with that.

Over on the softer side, the disorganized chaos that passes for a second party in our nation, the Democrats from all their possible candidates (moonbats, hippies, potheads, and their ilk), selected the most liberal candidate. Barack Obama.

When the election was held, overwelmingly, the most liberal, and least Republican of these two candidates won, and became our President Obama. One says "our" because while many chest thumping so-called "patriots" will tell you that since they didn't vote for him, he is not their president, this country has for all its existance, ever only had one president at a time. They will claim Jefferson Davis during the Civil war, but no. Those were the Confederate States of America, and not our country the United States of America. No, he is our President, elected fairly by a majority of the people.

Now one of the strengths of America is our acceptance, and welcome of diversity. Another is our embrace of processes of Checks and Balances, of challenges to one way or another. Our justice system depends on this, as our trials are adversarial for the purpose of testing claims, and evoking truth. We have a two party (why we don't have more, remains because people are lazy about being ruled) system, and it is the responsibility and civic duty of both to challenge the other as forcefully, and as deviously as possible. It is through this challenge that our democracy remains strong, as it adapts. It is the vigilance of the respected competitor that keeps each party from wallowing in self indulgance and vulgarity.

However, it has become apparent, with the recent fear and bigotry of the small minded, that this process of Adverserial Challenge has been subverted to sell the content of a news station, and to peddle the books of amateurish fear mongers. Hannity and Beck (the Fear and Ignorance of Evil), you are named as grotesquely pandering Greedy Fear Shillers.

Normally, one is fine with this.

After all, if you enslave America for me, then ones work is made easier, for all one has to then do is enslave you to rule all. There comes a point however, when such a significant mass of people, have become dulled by their fear, and made worthless to serve me. A common understanding tyrants learn, is that if you manage minions too harshly, the quality of service diminishes. The enslaved must have some small measure of free will, and sense of self value to be capable of surviving, and not turning on each other like rabid dogs.

This brings us to this last election. The combined fears of these weakest, of lowest possible intellectual honesty, least knowledgeable of their own country and its history, and most useless of servants, coalesced (scabbed) into the Tea Party.

The Republicans, the former NeoCons (superstar screwups like Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, "W", Delay, and that traitor Scooter Libby), won a needed number of elections to grant them some small measure of authority, and now how they crow. A "Mandate" they shout with obvious craziness in their eyes. But remember: the election proved only that, in some cases, nutbag Tea Party members were more desireable than Republicans. This last election demonstrated that the Republicans have been challenged from without by the Democrats, and now from within, from the "Young Guns" like Eric Cantor, the old Guard like John Boehner, NeoCon Freakshows like Kentucky's Mitch Oconnell, the Log Cabin Republicans, the paragon of gluttony El Rushbo, to the Nastiness that is Faux News. The Plutocracy attempting to rule America through corporate manipulations is fractured, weak and vulnerable. A most tempting target for the insinuating influences of Evil. And Money. Heaps, and heaps of filthy lucre.

If the Democrats could marshall any kind of organization at all (and this won't happen any time soon it seems) and learn to effectively communicate to the American People, the Republican party would be relegated to history, along with the Whig Party, and the Stag Party. The very successfully employed meme "Pelosi=San Francisco Liberal=New World Order" is still proving most viable, as we see how successfully Nancy Pelosi's name was attached to anything the right deemed unworthy - and scary.

One has been using the Republicans to enslave America to my merciless rule, and this should come as no secret to readers (or the cursed Hague). One has been honest about ones wish to enslave humanity, and rule the world, and the Republicans useful ideas about American Primacy and American Exceptionalism, have been laughably exploitable. Their disdain for people below them, and disregard for laws and ethics are refreshingly honest, and manageably Evil. They promote fear, and scapegoat their enemies, reap insanely disproportionate acquisitions to themselves (money), and communicate effectively with their minions. All these reasons have made them useful, but now one wonders if it would not be better to try the other side? Perhaps the leadership the Democrats need, is Villainy? To bring their disorganized, self interested, lazy, cowardly, dishonesty to serve more fully ones own needs and the needs of Evil? They are more passive than the Republican's aggressiveness, but it may prove to be a more profitable path to follow. Still... one finds the touchifeeliness of the democratic squalor to be offensive, so only time will tell.

Henchman and Minion Herding;

Ghost of Nixon is hanging onto his job in Southern California, and is trying to put together sufficient funds to return to Villainy more fully. It's an uphill battle (cost of living being what it is), but he is making progress, and wishes all Villains (would pay him more) well, and a "Congressional Inquiry on Un-American Affairs" on all so called, real life super heroes.

Bob the Minion is (probably) still in Ciudad Juarez, hiding from the Papal forces of the Inquisition. Oh, he might be able to hide in a modern metropolis with its forensic sciences and progressive secularism, but peasants will know what is going on.

The former (Ghost of) Nixon Whitehouse with it's DMZ against the communist forces of Comrade Cocoa (the Brown Scare) was recently turned into a Neuroscience Lab.

With the impending doom and the arrival of the Diabolical Madame X descending upon the Lair, the resource of this space was ceded to her needs. The recent research results on Transcranial Electrostimulation put aside.

Speaking of the Mongrel of Mao, he's lost two rooms in the Lair to her, so there is Evil suffering all around. But we Plot! The running Lair Wars will be horrific. Her entourage also contains two cats, so the Cunning Canine of Communism will have his Evil battles to win also.

In this time of Thanksgiving, Villains will often pause a moment to be thankful for those things we have taken, and those things that we are able to keep. Whatever it is you have earned through the force of your will, and the gift of your talents, take stock and be thoughtful. Those acquisitions that others covet, that are yours fought well to take and keep - cherish those things most of all.

-Lord Malignance

Monday, November 8, 2010

Winner of the Second Annual Master Calamity's Supervillain Challege!


The Challenge deadline for the Second Annual Master Calamity's Supervillain Challenge has been reached, and the participants this year were but two titans of Evil. As it turns out, one has lost (yet again), and will stalk off the stage to grouse as is ones want, allowing the winner to stand On High and accept by popular accolade, the applause, envy, and awe of Villains everywhere.

The Winner this year, counted by double secret, triple encrypted, quadruple bribes and extortion, and, by the winner totally blowing the DOORS OFF the challenge to sieze victory was...

... THE Sound Vandal...,
... the MOST Hated Villain of them all...,
... and the Simian Connection himself...,


To see, appreciate, and marvel at the sheer Villainy, and audacious Evil Malvado brought to win the challenge this year, you may view it here.

For those of you who did not win this year (that would be oneself) there is next year. For those of you who did not participate, there is also next year.

As the challenge ends, we allow the Legend of Master Calamity, the most unknown of Villains, and the Legend of Mystery that he was (is?) return to the mists of forgotten history, as would be his wish.

And now, on a lighter note, a new game! The "How many different kinds of Real Life Super Heroes can you name?" Game!

Cartoonish Buffoons

Crazy People


Community Leaders


Not a Party Clown, or a Rodeo Clown, but a Super Clown

Beer Swilling Inbred Mutants

Impotent Volcanos of Violence waiting to erupt - in Justice

Thuggish Man-Child

Overly Hairy, Truly Ugly Person, Trying to pick up female/male groupies

35 year old Virgin living in their parents basement

Recent recipient of profound brain damage

Serial Stalker, using the "gimmick" to cover for your criminal habits

Tea Party Member

Rich Billionaire Playboy

Delusional psycopath with untreated mental disorders

Very attractive lingerie model with Martial Arts Training, who does it for the thrill

Mascot for a Forum, Blogtalk Radio Show, and series of "Adventure" videos

Fetishist (male/female/transgendered) on the path to bottom level prostitution

Belgian Albino with pituitary gland disfunction, trying to "Make it on your own" outside of the circus.

If you are a Super Hero, and you think you fall into one of the above catagories please post!

One hopes you had a very happy, and Evil Guy Fawkes Night, this November 5th past. A perfect opportunity to break out your V for Vendetta DVD, and enjoy a quite evening of plotting and scheming.

-Lord Malignance

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Phantom Zero Interview...

Greetings and Lamentations, I AM Lord Malignance, and you WILL crouch before me now!
(Villains excepted, of course).

If you know only a few things you can count on in this entire WORLD, then one more you may be assured of as fact, is that Lord Malignance hates superheroes. Most especially the hated Arch Nemesis Phantom Zero. To begin todays incoherent screed, one reveals the Shame of the Tangen Project.

The darling of the hero community, the Tangen Project is complicit in concealing dissent, hiding truth, and conspiring to deceive the public by putting forth the foolish idea that so called, "Real Life Super Heroes" are welcomed and universally accepted by a fawning, public too stupid to discern comic book fantasy from sad, sad, reality. See here the truth before their desperately cowardly actions;

and see here, the grotesquely neutered abortion they produced through their perverse fear.

And yet, there's more Phantom Zero beating!
Recently, an interview with one's hated ArchNemesis was conducted by Tea Krulos at his blog Heroes in the Night. You can find the original interview text here, and one will consent to comment now in full response. Reference notes are denoted by Q=Question (by Numeric), P=Paragraph (by Alpha).

Before beginning, to fully appreciate the interview, you first must have a basic appreciation of the Oedipus Complex. The commonly held belief is that this psycological drive is primarily concerned with the taboo about sleeping with your maternal progenitor (mother)- but in fact it is not. It is about replacing the paternal contributor (father). About achieving adulthood, and exceeding the accomplishments of your sire. Why, a wretched giant Belgian albino burdened with the drive to replace the sainted objectification of their father would present with a serviceable gallery of psycological triggers to exploit. Weighty things to ponder indeed. (Interview Q1PE)

Now onto the response!
As to the origin of the pigmently challenged, malanin deficient, pituitary gland handicapped Phantom Zero, he will most often describe his origin in vague terms, and leave to your imaginings all the untold horror, your mind may envision. Some examples and sources (These may be taken out of context, and includes linking for your own evaluations);
"Wounds are all I'm made of.
I'm a relatively normal citizen who wants to increase the amount of good in the world in response to some terrible things I've personally witnessed or learned of."

"I wouldn’t be nearly as empathetic as I am, had I not experienced some pretty dark and low things," he says.(Tangen Project)

"Motivated by suffering he personally experienced, and the suffering of others he has witnessed, he joined the real life superhero community as an unorthodox way of addressing common problems, encouraging people to not be afraid to question or think outside the box."

"I endured and survived a particularly stressful childhood, but managed to come out of it relatively sane and stable. I still carry with me many of the positive things I had to nurture and believe in to get through: a belief that things no matter how hopeless seeming can get better, that you can endure rather than just give up, that you can and will fail--but from that failure still learn, and knowing that life is not worth living unless have the capacity to feel (even if you know that may make you vulnerable, and may get hurt). If anything, the adversity in my life bred adaptability. In particular, it made me profoundly compassionate and doggedly passionate in responding to the injustices and plights of others. It also, for better or worse, it made me different and made me stand out in many ways. I've managed to take inspiration from the source of what many consider negative experiences, and rather than use them as a source of equally negative feelings and emotions, flip their perspective, learn from them, and use them as a source of strength in my life. For example, I wouldn't be nearly as empathetic as I am now had I not personally suffered through or witnessed some horrid things. I'm drawn to help those who are going through traumatic situations because I've been though a few myself.

Ironically, he indicates his childhood made him "different" and made him "stand out in many ways". The gigantism and albinism not being sufficient for this purpose is suggested. His superpower? Empathy. Now cats, dogs, horses, prairie dogs, and mice all demonstrate empathy, and even ants will cart off their injured comrades (to eat). Only a superhero would at once, claim what is evident in all vertibrate life as a "super power", and at the same time, seek to rob the rest of humanity of this quality by elevating it to a special super ability. (Interview Q1PB)

Later on in the interview (Q1PF), as what one suspects must be mescaline kicked in, he admits "Being a "normal" or a "civilian," especially at that time in the development of the community, my access was limited." Since at that time, despite being an alabaster gargantua, he was "normal" - like all the lesser, or average people who don't dress up to fight crime. Those who instead strive daily to make the world a better place to live in for themselves and those close to them - without claiming powers or requiring outlandish costumes. Silly normal people - your lives are so less significant than the Gaudy Carnival troupe of Superheroes.
In Q1PG (Seriously, he does go on. Ask a superhero for their origin, and sit down for a yarn. Villains? Here's the thumbnail origin for oneself: I'm Evil.) he describes the epiphanic moment he discovered his calling. His pledge? THE Phantom Zero pledge? "As there is great evil and injustice in this world, I will counteract it by trying to increase the amount of good". That's it - not trying to change the course of mighty rivers, or win against impossible odds. Just nudge the scales a bit. Justice on the cheap. Needless to say, to fully parody with gleeful malevolence, one should have a similar but reflected motto - however one cannot hold oneself to such paltry goals. Enslave ALL of humanity? Why yes! Rule the very World itself? Of course! Nudge Evil along? Why bother?!
Q1PH After his previous epiphany, and a night of uneasy rest (the drafts in the Tower of Virtue being what they are) the first thing he does, the primary objective to achieve before any others, was to snap pictures of himself and post them on the Internet. Because, being a hero is about celebrity, and you can't prowl the catwalk without publicity.
Moving along to the question "What philosophy do you follow as an RLSH?" (Q3PC) the hated ArchNemesis claims "Real life superheroes exist as a challenge to the apathy, banality, complacency, and mediocrity commonplace in the hum drum status quo of blind, repetitive worker bee every day life. They make people question the reality they live in. By being, they inform and educate individuals as to their own untapped potential in a world of unchecked possibilities." It's got to be mescaline, right? Just hold in your memory his words, and then simultaneously, think of the Real Life Superheroes that you know. Untapped potential and Master Legend? Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha! And remember - if you ARE a hum drum, blind repetitive worker bee - a so called "normal person", you really should take a look at Tothian, and be inspired! More hotsauce - and mescaline.

He ends this question (Q3PD) with a barely concealed plea to Villainy to accept him as our own. In question four, he goes on (most especially in Q4PC) to count the many qualities of Villainy he most admires; our ability to think outside of the tinymindedness "box" that normal people are trapped in, and exceeding the superheroes at taking potshots at their super hero weaknesses. Further on, in paragraph F, he boldly proclaims a side benefit of going hero, was the opportunity to troll for women. Oh he may use the phrase "unexplored continent, plentiful with natural resources" - but we all know what that means.
In question 5 (Q5PA) he ends by confessing, and declares that he questions his own ethics. More over, it is a blatant invitation to question his ethics in future, and the ethics of all "so called super heroes". Is this guilt or shame (or mescaline)?
Nearing the end, in question 6 "What are some highlights as your life as Phantom Zero?", the most hated ArchNemesis recounts either that his successes are "confidences" that may not be revealed (again, a tendency to gloss over facts, and an allowance of imagination to fill in his missing details), or the best excuse ever. His audacious claim is that he effected good in people, by having the little people bathe in the benefit of "just knowing I was there" - like a couch. Or a Tree, or a patch of crabgrass.
He ponders "Just knowing I was there, that I might have made a difference, is the greatest achievment". Then he must be very proud that his appearance was somewhat responsible for ones own. Every act of Evil one produces, is the difference he has made, and is his greatest achievement. Universal forces; action and reaction. Cause and effect. Nature abhors a vacume, and seeks equilibrium. He, by his action, creates the Evil in the world he rails against, and the Evil grows strong and spreads throughout the world. Apathy and Banality for Everyone!
Nearing the end of this screed (for now), in question 7 "When Lord Malignance finally eliminates you effortlessly, how soon will you be forgotten?" (or something like that), in Q7PB he coins the phrase "my mundane identity" for all those times when he descends to the level of puny mortals, and accepts no less than "becoming a more complete, perfect, self-actuallized person" as his long term goal. Well, one supposes there is that. For a hero who's superpower of "empathy" and ability to effect change by "just being there", this goal of growing up is also so very superhero in it's arrogance. As if you are not already perfect in the qualities of being you. Unless... it's not being himself he strives to achieve, but instead, to fulfill the drives of Oedipus.
There is one last delicious weakness he reveals at the end. He's been approached by a number of curious superhero wannabes. He's helping some start on their path to feeble weakness, and flamboyant redundancy. He will be responsible for their failures, as they will make poor children, poor surrogates, for his Oedipal need to be their perfect father.
On lighter news, to follow up on the Tangen Project and their desire to hide their filthy secrets, one found THIS;
All visitors to this website must agree, under penalty of perjury that they are not doing so as a representative of a law-enforcement agency and that they will not use the information contained in this website to pursue criminal or civil legal action against any parties involved with this website in any way whatsoever.
The disclaimer screams "Your law enforcement agencies can't judge superheroes! They're made up of only normal, little people, (like citizens), and can't presume to judge Arch Angles, psychics, super heroes, beer fueled crazies, fantasy Punishers, garage sale Batmen, and mystics. Thank the Superhero Registry for that treasure.  
May all the heroes find their imaginary worthiness tarnished by the knowledge that they are scorned by a society of educated, hopeful, and good people, who don't need so called super heroes telling them how to think and behave,
-Lord Malignance

Oh, and one lied. One more Phantom Zero beating! (Caught you reeling? As planned)

Waiting to see if Instrument of Evil: Codename C.E.L.L.O goes live in 3 days...

What is this one hears about Vampire Minions moving to Juarez Mexico?

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Unworthiness of Heroes...

Greetings and Lamentations, I AM Lord Malignance, and you WILL crouch before me now!
(Villains excepted, of course).

Out in the Post Box, awaiting ones displeasure, one found THIS waiting;

Oh, if only it had been a scorpion, or cobra! Those one is prepared for. But this? This insinuating inculcation and infestation of weakness, foisted upon naive society in the form of Super Heroes, is an all too obviously transparent attempt to delude even those born to rule.

Yes, there are real men and women of great achievement accounted for within, and creatures of literary works - but also too, in order that they may pander to a slack-jawed audience they include Super Heroes? Worse yet, by promoting this fanboyish worship of spandex clad Oppressors of the Hardworking Everyman, they feed further fuel to the cultural blight that is people wandering around claiming to be so called "Real Life" Super Heroes.

Superheroes are not here to inspire you, or to guide you to achieve greatness yourself. They are here to put themselves above you, by pushing you down to beneath their station. YOU are not grand and colorful, and driven by Justice, and higher morals to live your life as their equal. YOU are a herd animal that requires their shepherding, protection, and guidance. Even your Law Enforcement, Justice Institutions, Culture of Laws and Customs of Behavior are inadequate. Only by costuming up and professing their own superior morality and purity of heart are they able to distinguish themselves from you, and become capable of telling other people how to think, and how to behave. If you believe them, then you are domesticated, docile, and dependent on them. Like a lowly animal.

These people should bleat for their Super Hero masters.

And do these so called "real life" super heroes even attempt to subjegate as a Villain would? No! They don't even have the professional courtesy and innate ability to do even this correctly. When Villains rule, you are told of your place beneath, and then shown (frequently!) the punishment for forgetting your place, or overstepping boundaries set for you. How honest is that? Straightforward, with none of the obfuscation about you "just needing help".

Karl Rove? Super Hero: He wants to "help you" as he robs the frightened and stupid among you. Donald Trump? Villain: If you fail him, you are "Fired". Straightforward, and you know what to expect, because you know it has happened before, and will be applied (frequently!) in the future.

The world doesn't need Super Heroes. The world needs Ruthless Subjegation by Villains. Enslaved by Villainy, everyone will work hard, and know what to expect for their efforts (mostly inhuman cruelty heaped on them for capricious, and Evil reasons). But it will be honest, and it will be fair, and any cruelty you might suffer at the hands of others subjegated as yourself, will seem paltry in comparison to what will be inflicted upon you by Villains.

For example: Throughout most of Human history, people have been ruled successfully by Royalty, Emperors, and Tyrants. Democracy is only somewhat new (blame the Ancient Greeks), and only survived as a minority form of government, until it flourished in the Enlightenment. Tyranical rule by despots has a better proven track record in history - because it has been successfully employed more often.

One works thanklessly towards this future paradise of World Enslavement by Villainy, for YOU.

You're welcome.
-Lord Malignance

Lair Goings On, Post Ninja Cavalcade...

Greetings and Lamentations, I AM Lord Malignance, and you WILL crouch before me now!
(Villains excepted, of course).

Long ago, at the beginning of the Modern Age of Villainy, a great unknowable mystery moved within the ranks of Villainy, bringing fear to the hearts of heroes, and inspiring many a Villain to strive to be more... unknowable.

This harbinger of unfathomable secrecy was the man(?) known as Master Calamity, and though out of respect for his wish to remain a myth is upheld throughout the year, on this upcoming Villainous Holiday, we celebrate Evil, and his malificent contributions. And so...

The Second Annual Master Calamity Super Villain Challenge!

The Rules (though as Villains, you will be expected to break them as you see fit);

1) A picture taken outside of your lair posted, possibly taking advantage of the Halloween opportunity.

2) Points are given for theme, and for daring. Obviously anything Evil (but Legal!) is always appreciated. Anything bold, and uncompromising also.

3) Agent Beryllium, Aluminum Chef, and Fatal Phyllo KILLED last year, and set a high standard to attempt to reach. Don't be deterred however: You don't have to exceed the best Ever, just the best this year.

4) Judging is by community accolades. If you must cheat, cheat with style and don't get caught. Payoff witnesses, and bribe and blackmail as you must.

5) If you photoshop, make it a convincing conterfeit, or dazzle with style.

6) If you are a screaming megalomaniac in a snowstorm losing your mind due to frostbite, limit your attempts to only a few.

7) Have fun. None can judge you, save yourself (and that pesky "World Court") and none to think less, should you not participate. Again, as a Villain, it's entirely up to YOU.

Helmet designs are running apace, but appear to be missing the upcoming deadline one sought. Still, innovative improvements are being developed.

One has been testing out the new technologies present in video games. You might think that the Mighty Lord Malignance, Merciless Ruler of All the Colorado Holdfast, has no experience with these paltry time wasters. But you would be wrong. Behold! Lord Malignance has both an original Nintendo, and an Atari 2600 - both setup to a RGB Color television. Ahh, those were breakthrough days. One joystick and one button - what more could you ever need?

Now, on the X-Box 360, one is presented with a controller with two joysticks, and almost a dozen buttons. What madness is this?! Who has the fast twitch neuronal connections to operate such a device?! The Secrets of this world will be MINE yet!

The Henchdog, the Merciless Mongrel of Mao, the Cunning Canine of Communism himself;
Comrade Cocoa
Plots to enlist a proletariat of waterfowl into his Diabolical armies of Dogdom have not gone well for him. Yet. And yet he plots, and plots, patiently biding his time.

With Splendid Horror Unfolding,
-Lord Malignance

Ninjas are Tenacious...

Greetings and Lamentations, I AM Lord Malignance, and you WILL crouch before me now!
(Villains excepted, of course).

One has now mostly recovered from the recent renegotiations with the Ninja Clans of the Colorado Holdfast. Having successfully thwarted the assassin raids on the Lair, one had to clear the rooftop of a dumpster full of assorted ninjery (which coincidentally, is what befell the Ninjas in the beartraps on the rooftop...);
During this period of intense negotiations, one mistep led to a subcontracted appearance by a previously unknown group of Colorado Lin Kuei. How did one know there were Lin Kuei involved? Besides having been poisoned?

(One happens to have a Chinese Henchdog in ones employ)
That happens to be a "Horse Knife". Silly Lin Kuei...

One has traditionally (and you'd be suprised, but there's a Villain Catalog for these things) surrounded the Lair with brambles, and trees with fearsome spines and spikes.

It turns out however, that these trees, bushes, vines and creepers, while ephemeral to Ninjas (who are concerned primarily with climbing on your roof, and hiding in the ceiling spaces) are precisely the kind of cover, so called Forest Demons (the Lin Kuei) prefer. So, one has had the bushes cleared, the trees trimmed, and the vines removed. The trees, previously a good place to hide behind, are now made less capable of hiding sneaky assassins.
Of course, when you poison Lord Malignance, merciless ruler of the Colorado Holdfast, and live in a forest, you may of course expect reprisals.

Still, now at the end of the period of renegotiation, one has acheived the Contract between the Clans and oneself.
So, with Evil Vigor returning, the never ending quest to achieve the Enslavement of all Mankind, the Wracking of those weaklings the Heroes, and limitless plans to Rule the very World itself, continue.
-Lord Malignance

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

There was a Fourth Clan...

Special Note:

Tea Krulos has information about his work, which can be viewed here (www.heroesinthenight.blogspot.com). He has information and examples of his writing on his blog for his proposed book. If you would wish to assist in funding the work, your participation is invited and welcome. One cannot find a way to use Amazon payments without attaching a bank account, and this is restricting ones participation. If the total appears to be nearing the threshold, one will send paypal funds, through MoneyPak cards to the authors email address.

You can't crush your enemies like insects, unless you know their culture.


As you may imagine, one has been travelling, in a depressed cycle, and recovering from being poisoned. Yes, all are true, as it appears that other than the previous three named Ninja clans in the Invisible Colorado Ninja Empire, there is at least one group of Lin Kuei.

For the record, Lin Kuei do NOT climb on your roof, and this presented a hole in the Lairs security, which they were then able to exploit.

One has subsequently sent a reply in kind fashion.

The upcoming Accounting, done in the first part of next year will be assisted by a Quality of Life Report, ones minions in government have been preparing. Concerns for my malevolence are;

Suicide rates among 15-19-year-olds is 80% higher than the national average

The workforce is earning 10% less than in 2001

The use of meth in the county is 40-50% higher than the state average

Children living in poverty has increased 63% since 2000

As you may imagine, anything so significant as these statistics warrants ones attention. The rate of successful graduation from High School has dropped, and this may be accounting for the first second, and third conditions. Meth use must never be allowed to foster a foothold in Colorado. This would be boon to street crime, and in turn lead to their successes. In turn, this would be competition to ones rule, and one will not abide this.

Apologies to other Villains for these obvious manipulations; The "Tancredo is Loose", and the "Buck Won't Stop". These minion gambits are preposterous, but serving ones purposes. One humbly points out, that compared to Nevada*, one looks like the Michael Jordan of Villainy.

The upcoming SuperVillain Movie "Nemesis" has a director.

A great new page for SCIence. A demarked notation specifying it as divergent from mainstream, hampered by so-called "laws" and "ethics" and "Sanity", weakling rule following science.

This has been a trying month, and one will have pictures of Ninja garbage pulled off the roof of the Lair shortly.

Recovering slowly,

-Lord Malignance

* (With due respect paid to the Chairman of Nevada)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Invisible Colorado Ninja Empire

Greetings and Lamentations, I AM Lord Malignance, and you WILL crouch before me now! (Villains excepted, of course).

One has spoken previously about the Ninja Industry in ones Colorado Holdfast, and as this is such an important component in the work Evil does, it does regularly require care and attention to support. Evil Masterminds from across the world, find in this world economic downturn many advantages to investing in the services of domestic Ninjas, and Colorado produces the finest Ninjas outside of Japan.

Here are only a few of the (above board) Ninja Factories Colorado is proud to have produced;

Kuso Dojo

Chikaraken Dojo

Kaizen Martial Arts

Kashiwa Bujinkan Ninjutsu

As one is recognized by the three primary Ninja clans as “Daimyo Malignance” one cultivates and maintains with the Ninja community a pact, which from time to time must be amended. This is one such time, and so one will be taking a small vacation from Online Evil, to pursue a strategic leveraging based on recent Invisible Colorado Ninja Empire events.

While it wasn’t in the news, the three great clans in ones Holdfast (Shinobi, Koga, and Iga) recently engaged in a ruthless Ninja war which raged for weeks through downtown Denver, and through many offices, parks, and streets. Because of the stealthy, secretive, and mind controlling techniques of the Ninjas, most if not all people were entirely unaware of the terrible body count resulting from this three way war. Legends tell us that well trained Ninjas of such high quality as those created in the Colorado Holdfast (Colorado Ninjas – your number one domestic choice for stealthy operations!) naturally turn into smoke when they expire, and this may also have contributed to the brutal Colorado Ninja war remaining unreported.

However, with the temporary decline in Ninja power, one is seizing the opportunity to renegotiate the current pact with the clans – while they are being squeezed by Yakuza interests (some money always flows back to Japan in some kind of Ninja franchising deal one has never understood) and attempts by Wyoming’s Wasteland Pirates (natural enemies of Ninjas) to extend their sovereignty into ones Holdfast.

Funny story about dealing with different crime gangs:

With La Cosa Nostra, you meet with the Caporegime in a "sit down" he tells you how much he wants, you put it in an envelope (you can call it money or whatever you want), and you hand him the envelope.
Then fuggedaboutit.

With the Clans, you meet each Shogun for lunch. Beforehand, underlings you must first meet with, will hint at a financial range that would demonstrate proper respect. On the day of the meeting, you will small talk for quite some time – and never speak of business. Then you will have lunch, and during lunch a “shimobe” will become known to you. To this person, discreetly, you will slip the envelope, hidden from view of all others (You must never refer to it as “money” or “payment”). Soon after, the Shimobe will approach the Shogun, and whisper in his (or in the case of Shinobe "her") ear.

At this point, should your “offering” be found worthy, you will be invited to a round of golf (you can never allow yourself to win), or to wander the garden and speak business as do old friends.

Should your offering be found unworthy, the Shogun will demonstrate a displeasure with the meal, feigning a dislike for something he/she has eaten. The lunch will conclude, and you will be allowed to leave. You may then expect Ninja reprisals, which usually are demonstrative of the Shogun’s displeasure. This is called “Negotiation”. If you can trap and wound a Ninja, and produce a body to the Shogun, you may feign besmirched honor, and the Shogun will be honor bound to accept your terms.

The trick is: Ninjas can’t stay off your roof. Put a bear trap up there, and check it in the morning, and you’ll have captured at least one Ninja in a matter of days.

Three clans over 5 days, and possible Ninja reprisals over the following week, and one should be in a better leveraged position with the Invisible Colorado Ninja Empire by early the week after next.

Should somehow, a Ninja get me, one leaves the Holdfast to Villainy, to protect from the designs of heroes.

-Lord Malignance

Friday, August 13, 2010

Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!


One has been purusing the net, looking for clues as to Krampus's latest mental break with reality, (ones response is the previous post) and found this gem.

It's probably true that Krampus will blame one for this too, but one has broad shoulders, and is Evil - so, ok!

But it truly is hilarious from top to bottom. And of course it celebrates the hilarity of superheroes.

-Lord Malignance
How much unlimited Evil can one MetaVillain create?

Creature Features; RIP

Greetings and Lamentations, I AM Lord Malignance, and you WILL crouch before me now! (Villains excepted, of course).

One has been catching up on work around the Lair (no success in the lab) and became aware of an issue involving the demon. Yes, it appears Krampus has been ignored too long, and now wants some attention. From the post on his blog, it appears that he's quite convinced, no one is listening to his blogtalk radio show. And no wonder! Since Executrix left, it's devolved into (and one really doesn't listen either, so this is conjecture) Krampus whining about his miserable, worthless life, and his frequent forays into homoerotica.

One is fine with this (as you can imagine). However, there is his quote that has drawn attention, and just to cover bases, one takes a moment to address that now;

"And if you hold any concerns for yourselves or the well beings of anyone you know that may be on the Naughty list, start filing restraining orders now. 102 522 1070 1035 1014 1070 1028 1073"

The threat to harm others is, and always has been unacceptable. If it's to be taken as parody, you must clue your audience in on the joke. At first one thought the numbers were street addresses of people you were going to go out and hurt!

This of course leads one to feel sympathy for you Krampus and a genuine concern for your safety.

One can imagine perhaps, just a small fraction of the pain you must feel, being trapped living a lie, as you do. You can come out of the closet. These are not times past - you would be made to feel normal, as you should - as you can. You don't have to bear the loneliness that hurts you so very, very much.

As to these other, lurid desires of yours to harm others, you embarrass your heroic masters. What would DC's Guardian say (other than quoting Captain America comic books)? Yes, you claim to be a "Krampus", a demon who hunts down, judges, and punishes small children. Seperate yourself from this persona before your tortured mental illness stemming from your repressed sexual desires drives you over the edge! You don't have to go out and hurt or kill any (more?) children. Stop the cycle now!

One sincerly hopes you get the mental health treatment you are crying out for. If anyone reading this blog knows Krampus personally (you have ones sympathies), please - before it's too late, get him the care he needs. He thought to call the FBI for a concern over "Zombie Gas". By his own standards, how can heroes do less for him now, now that he's telling everyone he's planning to go out and rape, murder, and hurt, small children. All he asks for ransom is that you pay attention to him, so that his lonliness goes away for even just a moment, and he doesn't need to go out and murder, eat, rape small children. And animals.

The world doesn't need one more pathetic, sad, depressing, cry for help unanswered.

-Lord Malignance

Funny story seems to be developing here; It appears his issue, and all his faux outrage, is yet again, a concern of his own making. In laymans terms to our hero readers; "It's his own fault".

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Victory for Villainy!

Greetings and Lamentations!

A movie about people putting on costumes and fighting crime came out. It was called "Kick Ass". A little later, another movie came out, extolling the Awesomeness of being a Villain. It was called "Despicable Me", and is still in the theatres, delighting millions. A contest of philosophies you think?

But no, it has been no contest. For Villainy Rules, and superheroes suck.

Domestic Total as of August 9th, 2010 = $210,754,935.00

and bringing up the distant last position;

Domestic Total Gross = 48,071,303.00 *

-Gloat. Glooooooaaaat. Gloating McGloat. The Gloatanizer. Mr. Gloat-Gloat. Sir Gloatsalot. Old Gloaty. GLOAT ! (Lord Malignance)

*Endorsed by RLSH.net

Thursday, August 5, 2010

A New Year, and STILL Stealing...

Greetings and Lamentations, I AM Lord Malignance, and you WILL crouch before me now! (Villains excepted, of course) .

A new year, and one is taking a small vacation, however... one became aware of an interesting story and wanted to share it with you. The Artist Formerly Known as the White Skull, has the discovery on his page here.

The Real Life Super Hero Kesh: Mastermind of RLSH has a video below. His youtube ID TheKesh707 may refer to the area code in Northern California. He's apparently pulled down quite a few videos he has put up previously, but this one is fun because it is delicious for the purposes of Villainy. Not ten seconds into his video, he proudly displays his weapons, one assumes his "tools of the trade", and they include two guns, knives, a sword and possibly a bow.

He ends his video with a demonstration, one assumes, of what he wishes to do to any people he assumes are "evil doers". Without any due process or criminal justice training (evidenced by his very stupid purpose), or legal authority, he reminds all people who may encounter him, they need to escalate their aresenal to survive his meeting.

Now, working the opposite side of the fence of justice, one may not be terribly familiar with community watch programs, but feels quite sure that vigilantes should not be sneaking around dressed as ninjas (Ninjas!) and shooting at people. If you are dressed as a Super Hero, looking for crime, and attempt to control behavior through the inflicting of terror by the brandishment of weapons or by your frightening masked appearance, your tyranny will be resisted by law abiding citizens.

Of course, concern for inflicting terror, has never stopped a Real Life Super Hero - though there are worthy exceptions.

And for any vermin out there, you will note that his proud brandishing of weapons appears not as reaction to Villains, but yet again, as a response to the activities of the Real Life Super Heroes (RLSH).

One states again, Villainy does not condone violence, or harm to others. We are capable of enslaving humanity, and ruling the world through more sinister means. Villainy states this, and abides by this convenant. Will the heroes be heroic and do the same? No, they will not, to their continued shame. Because of this, innocent people remain in danger tonight.

Villainy - it's not just fulfilling - sometimes it's patriotic!
-Lord Malignance

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Happy Malignopalooza!

"Greetings and Lamentations",

And with those words, one year ago today and 100 posts ago, one began a reign of Evil.

A year of punishing heroes!
Most Recently Zetaman, Master Legend: Greatest RLSH and Tothian: Leader of RLSH (low hanging fruit), Thunderspawn the Destroyer, and others as it amused one to do so.

A year of humiliating trolls!
If you mention their names, they feel a sliver of justification, and one enjoys their silent tears as they weep for absent acknowledgement.

A year of unsuccessfully (so far) overthrowing the Potentate in a sinister coup!

A year of carrying a torch for the Baroness!
(Seriously. Cobra Commander? Bah!)

A year of building up the Organization of Lord Malignance!
No better name, - still.
The Fleet of Malignance is up and running, though maintenence costs will eventually bankrupt me.
Ghost of Nixon, Bob, and the Rats have moved on.
The Diabolical Madame X will move in sometime, and she has cats. Comrade Cocoa rejoices.
The Lair needs Lifesupport before next summer! 90- inside (!) today.

A year of development, but no firm successes in the Lab!
The Helm of Malignance v5. Prototype pending
Malignobot - concept, skill building in progress - pushed way back.
MalignoSoundCanon - shopping for parts.
Locust Control - a failure.
Roundup Resistant MalignoWeed - a failure. Roundup is (no endorsement unless one sees $) tough.

A year of dominating the RLSH in general!
Googlebomb Memes "Master Legend: Greatest RLSH", "Tothian: Leader of RLSH", and "Zetaman: Salesman of RLSH" - successful for "hearing da lamentations of duh heroes" (to paraphrase Conan) but unsuccessful as a true Googlebomb - Google is smarter than that. (Thank you sponsor of ones blog).
Hero Tears: Low in calories, but High in sodium. Delicious and habit forming.

A year of attempting to eliminate ones hated ArchNemesis Phantom Zero!
Oh, he is asking for it too.
Instrument of Evil - Codename:C.E.L.L.O. - No success so far. The Pepsi Refresh project is a little fishy about their submissions. One doesn't have the time, nor staff to follow up with them in a timely enough manner it seems. That said, one will never allow setbacks deter one from defeating ones ArchNemesis.

A year of secret projects, and sinister machinations!
One has a few things cooking in the background, awaiting their deployment. Waiting, patiently requiring only ones summons.

A year of basking in the joy of meeting so many talented and wonderful Villains!
One cherishes the qualities each of you brings to Evil.

Mac and your crowd at Go, Go, Maligno!
One finds favor in your work (so far) and ones trust is slowly being earned.

First Church of Malignism > Cult of Legend.
Brick, one expects you to discover more of Ones truths. Do what you must (safely), but deliver more content. And should you lure away one of Master Legends cult members into your religion in Ones name, one will favor you with minionship.

So on this, our first Malignopalooza, one raises a glass of cognac to you and wishes you all a happy day (it's quite late now) and an Evil year looking forward.
Happy Malignopalooza!
-Lord Malignance

Saturday, July 31, 2010

One more Day, and One more Post to Malignopalooza!

Greetings and Lamentations!

One has counted down with you to this the 99th post, being one day short of the Anniversary of the Advent of Malignance or "Malignopalooza" as the partying takes over. It's been a full year, and in these last two posts, one wanted to review the state of Villainy today, and tomorrow reflect on a Year of Evil in the Lord Malignance organization.

The State of Villiany Today

Executive Summary

Villainy excels and develops as talented people are drawn to contribute and innovate the nature of Villainy within our collaboration, and without in the greater world of Evil. Ruthless democracies afford each Villain a voice, while their stature within the collaboration being based in no small part on their talents, audacity, backstabbing, ambition, brilliance, ruthlessness, and cruelty. Villainy creates, and inspires, challenges, and influences. Villains conquer their world, and celebrate the rewards for their efforts and the efforts of others.

An Evil Democratic Meritocracy.


Villainy as we know it today, started for many people individually as the morally uninhibited found within themselves the yearning to be more than merely drones in society. Some Villains found Real Life Superheroes flawed, amusing, and insignificant distractions. Others (ones own self included) despised an ArchNemesis from afar, and plotted their downfall.

In the Earliest days of Villainy, there were the Myths. Legends Villains still speak of in awe; Professor James Moriarty. Dr. Julius No. Benedict Arnold. Macbeth. Marcus Junius Brutus, Captain Hook. Captain Nemo. Dr. Zachary Smith. Lex Luthor. Evil Spock. Thomas Jefferson. Gaius Baltar, and Doctor Doom, to name just a few. Villains of legendary versatility who served society (and themselves) tirelessly for the betterment of society.

Before 2008, the first Modern Villain Doctor Steel stepped out of the Lair, and established Villainy as a viable, real world occupation to pursue with all the zeal and determination you might apply to hobbies, religions, or military service. When the world is ruled by Villains, Dr. Steel will be recognized on some of the new money.

In 2008, Joss Whedon's Magnum Opus, his tribute to Villains "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog" was unveiled, and codified for many brilliant attractive people, a better world, free from the uncertainties of ego driven superheroes. It postulated a better world - one ruled by Villains.

On May 15th 2009, on the IO9 blog, a write up appeared to draw those interested to the Potentate's creation "R.O.A.C.H." . Here was a forward thinking organization seeking the assistance of Villains in plans to rule no less than the very world itself. There was organization, ambition, vision, ruthlessness, and cruelty. Everything a Villain might find attractive in an organization. Because of the talent of the creation, and the charisma of the leader - his Dire Smokiness the Potentate, R.O.A.C.H. grew by leaps and bounds as many talented people found Villainy desireable, and many Villains sought collaboration.

Pulling, pushing, directing, and leading the growth of R.O.A.C.H. was the Potentate's devious and talented SuperVillain, the White Skull. Villainy was a Wild West at that time, and Evil cast about seeking our voice. Should Villainy consider forming an intellectual think tank? Why doesn't anyone point out the many dangers of constumed superhero weirdos roaming the streets armed with home made weapons looking to street brawl with people their delusions lead them to believe are "evil doers"? Should Evil shoulder this responsibility and make known the concerns of rational, law abiding citizens? Can Villainy sustain itself by making sport of these poor animals, and would that (though entirely entertaining in its own right) be sufficient? Can Villainy do a better, smarter job of helping people than heroes? Can we reap a heap of cash somehow?

Later in 2009 on YouTube a talented Villain named Sword Kane, who had made a strong reputation for himself by punishing without mercy the manchild Tothian (Leader of the RLSH), started the now famous "Sword Kane's SuperVillain Challenge". More Villains emerged, and collaborated, and though no official winner was ever declared (it was Lord Malignance), the scope of Villainy expanded farther than ever before.

This was the Bronze Age of Villainy: Crimson Nematode, Agent Beryllium, The Unknowable Villain with a Crescent Head**, White Skull, Black Sun, Exit Nero, Dr. Overkill, Baghead, Sword Kane, Scarlet Fool, and Octavius Fong, Leader of the Roaming Eye of Doom. While at this time other Villains worked their sinister machinations, unknown to others in the World of Evil; Computer King, Overlord, Lord Barren, Malvevolent Shadow, Tiny Terror, Desdinova, Dr. Steel, Chip Overclock, and others.

Now, in this Silver Age of Villainy, a broader Spectrum of Evil has grown strong, wherein before we had Villains seeking leadership, we now have Villains who Are leaders. Strong survivors winnowed from the mighty ranks of Evil, driven by dark ambitions to achieve their goals. Superstars of Evil, and Future Rulers in their own rights have come together in Villainy; Potentate. Agent Beryllium. Aluminum Chef. Computer King. Overlord. Poop Knife. Virus. Lavender Leopard, and Lord Malignance. We stand today on the brink of laying the groundwork for the Golden Age of Villainy, when all our desires may be fulfilled.

And ones ArchNemesis Phantom Zero is driven into retirement.

One imagines one sees the gleam in your eye now: You see the possibility to shape the world to your vision. Embrace your Evil and be known as no less than what you were destined to be.

A Villain.

Happy Malignopalooza (tomorrow - no fair getting started early),
-Lord Malignance

Adventures of an insane megalomaniac/gifted eccentric: One was about purchasing cognac for the Malignopalooza, and as you may imagine, shopping is not easy for Lord Malignance. For example if you shout at people, scream "Crouch!" too many times, and refer to employees as "Lackeys", you often times will be ejected from the shopping establishment. One found out cognac is now the preferred drink of rappers. One isn't sure if this is pleasant news. On the one hand, ones taste is back in fashion. On the other hand, ones eccentricities are now "gangsta".

**Out of respect for the Villain, one acknowledges his contributions and leaves nebulous his specific details as would be his wish.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Coutdown to Malignopalooza!

And you will Crouch!

One has been meaning to say that for some time (at least an hour) . One feels friskier today, what will all the Evil ascendant in the world these days. You doubt me? Me?!

Some finds today, to start your early celebrations for the Blog Post #100, which is only three short posts away. May your Malignopalooza be as unwholesome as ones will be. "Let's Wreck this Place! Whooo!"

Yet Another (!) movie starring A-List actors and Hollywood talent, celebrating Villains. It must be true then what they say; "Villains Rule, and heroes suck."

One blames superheroes.
Of course.

Buddy Jesus disagrees with superheroes. From Comic Con protests against the Phelps Gang.

Some thoughts on Celebrating your first Malignopalooza;

First: As you may not be fully capable of surviving so Villainous an experience, you must exert control over your natural desire to rule. That is, unless you've been following the Overlord's 30 Days of Evil, and have turned yourself into a Hard, Lean, Evil Mastermind. You may already BE a superVillain, and then of course you were born ready. If either of these apply to you, then of course you are prepared.

Second: There Will be drinking. There Must be drinking, but not this cosmopolitan drinking of the timid sheep you find in upscale bars, or the beer-swilling, belt-widening guzzling of downscale "joints". No, for Malignopalooza you must drink like a god! Beverages may vary, but goblets, tankards, Norse drinking horns, or widebodied glasses are a must. While drinking the heady elixir of your choice, pause for a moment, and look out a large window, and between contemplative draughts, think to yourself "All this world, within my grasp!"

Third: Attempt to comprehend the awesome scope and power of your Evil. Feel your Evil reach out into the darkness and touch the Evil of others, for this shared malevolence binds the world together in the darkness of Villainy. No pity for the heroes! They never should have dared exist before our might!

Wishing your Malignopalooza be as dark and rewarding as ones own,
-Lord Malignance