Thursday, December 10, 2009

Superheroes and the Law: Part Deux


One recently posted a blog on Superheroes and the Law, and in that post, one included links of interest to our cause. Further research this evening (the Lair is being upgraded) allowed one to see how the heroes are viewing this same issue. Below you will find some links, mostly stolen (you can't steal the Internet!) from the RLSH.Net Forums.

To prepare you for your short adventure into the minds of superheroes: One presents "Steven Seagal has Super Powers"

Fear them. It seems there is a new hero joining each day?!

The heroes struggle with the Beating on People.

How the heroes are Looking at the Law.

The heroes look into IPAddress Tracking and Evasion.

The RLSH have a "Forum Lawyer", which is humorous, because you can sue Master Legend and Zetaman for their $300 in assets. The lawyer though, he's got something to go after. And if he should not be too legally clear to the guppies on the forum, he may be seen as contributing to some of their more brutal activities.

The heroes struggle with understanding the difference between Civic Leader (albeit Nutbag) and Vigilante (criminal).

Troll Flakking has become a new sport. If you find yourself wanting to taste the thrill, you may see how it's done.

With splendid horror unfolding,
-Lord Malignance


  1. Of course Stephel Seagal would have super powers, he's the tulku Chungdrag Dorje.

  2. Damn, these heroes are like rabbits. Looks like everyone of us could get 20 arch enemies or like that...Why all this people want to become "heroes"? I can´t imageing anyone would like to run through the streets in an idiotic spandex outfit looking out for crime. That´s weird...Does anyone know a hero in Germany? Cause I still need an arch enemy

  3. Dr. Overkill,
    One believes you DO NOT break laws on Steven Seagal's beat.

    One was choking on my soda as I looked at that page. Where are they coming from? CrazyTown USA? Is it the time of year? One has not heard of a German Superhero, but the Plague of Spandex may spread across the ocean to your shores. There IS a Finland Hero though, and he's on Agent Beryllium's blog.
    Thank you both for your posts,
    -Lord Malignance

  4. I´ve heared about thif guy from Finnland. There are also Heroes in France, the Netherlands, Italy and GB. I´m surounded by this guys, but there is no one in the neighbourhood

  5. After reading up on him, I actually really like Finland's Laserskater. He seems like more of a "colorful local character" than all these other RLSHs who try way too hard to get attention.

    He just skates around (eschewing long pants even in sub zero temperatures, which is kind of awesome) tipping street performers, giving directions, and generally having fun. There is little or no mention of self-promotion efforts, which I think is key to his charm.

    Excellent post, Malignance. Good digging on the forums, and excellent lols over Steven Segal.

  6. Beryllium,
    Can we, dare I say it, sponsor a Hero? One will add him to the list of Heroes in the Good Column. Those shorts, in FINLAND no less, are more manly than cowboy hats.
    -Lord Malignance
