Monday, December 28, 2009

Lair Upgrades, and Holiday Adventures...


It has been some time since the last post, and one thanks you for your fine ideas and efforts. There's still time to contribute your thoughts, and cast your votes. The Forces of Chaos in Villainy seem to have made a decisive move to ensure victory - and if we were heroic weaklings, this might come to pass. We are however Villains, so you can never trust anything you think you see.

A warm Villainous welcome to Tiny Terror to the Blogs of Evil. If you haven't yet made his aquaintance, one invites you please to visit his blog. He's faced the heroes in their forums, and through hard effort, has won their respect. His Evil too is refreshing, for none of us, have staked out Evil in the Spectrum of Fear.

Question in two parts, with one answer: 1) What can you do with spare polar bears? Their environment is disappearing. 2) What has the Potentate been up to?

The Answer;

The RLSH website is in overdrive, and if you hate heroes as much as I hate heroes, you know it's a sickening feeling. Still, wherever there is light, must there not also be shadows?

Lasty, Lair Upgrades are moslty finished now, and here below is the first picture;

May all your Evil Plots bear Dark Rewards,
-Lord Malignance


  1. Lord M.,
    nice to see your lair is slowly becoming comfortable but still keeps an evil touch...that´s one of the hardest chalanges when a villain furnishes his hideout.
    Also nice to see that the picture of our team up is part of your decoration of doom.

  2. Baghead,
    Yes it is proudly displayed, and again one thanks you.
    Have a Happy New Year,
    -Lord Malignance

  3. I never would have guessed that a picture featuring 60ft tall albino infants would bring me such uncommon joy.

  4. Beryllium,
    The dancing infants (Cherubs?) must be symbolic, but of what? The artist might have also been insane, however how many people with plumes of smoke instead of heads are out there? Coincidence, or has the Potentate entered the collective subconcious...
    Have a Happy New Year,
    -Lord Malignance

  5. Maybe that´s the reason why we hear so few from the Potentate:he becomes an artist and does dozens of self portraits
