Saturday, December 19, 2009

First Annual Lord Malignance Holiday Challenge!


We Villains, plotting from our hidden lairs across the world, have taken these recent moments from our activities, to notice that the infestation of heroes continues unabated. We ask ourselves, “If one were to put a cape on a mailbox, would it not also be a superhero?” The question on how to eliminate the curse of heroes does indeed vex us. Don’t they even have the common sense necessary to give up in the face of such mighty villainy?!

To this end, and continuing ones current scheme “the Reign of Malignance”, a proposal is made. This will be the First Annual Lord Malignance Holiday Challenge, and the rules are Evil.

1) This is a challenge for Ideas Only. There are no good ideas, or bad ideas, only Evil ideas. No activities are required.

2) The conception is; “What can Citizens do by themselves or in groups, which is better than putting on a mask and patrolling?"

Patrolling being defined as;

a) Handing out sandwiches. Not taking away from sandwiches –if you’re hungry that sandwich is GOLD, but then the next day it is gone.

b) Sneaking around in alleys, flamboyantly attired, looking to snitch on high school kids drinking beer.

c) Posting in a blog, myspace, RLSH forum, on your exploits fighting and defeating the Yakuza, Ninjas, Street Gangs, Corrupt Cops, Evil Spirits, ghosts/werewolves/vampires/demons, etc, all the while giving sandwiches to creepy dudes, who worship you from at your feet.

3) It must be applicable to your local city or town, or applicable to all cities and towns. While solving world hunger could be tackled, the logistics would be significant. We’ll start small for this exercise.

4) It should be easy to do, cost little or no money, and not be a path to martyrdom.

5) No costumes, by either heroes or villains. This is a platform to ennoble the citizen, the everyday man, woman, child, and scarred monstrosity hiding in the shadows and only coming out at night, having been driven insane and living on candybars.

Post your ideas in comments, and they’ll be added to the Poll (replacing the current defaults), which will run until January 15th, 2010. The idea with the most votes wins. You may of course cheat, for it is expected. Cheat with Élan, and Style, as only Villains can.

Some ideas to get the imagination started;

1) Clean out your kitchen shelves every new year, and take your old food to the – food shelter? What is that place called, where food is collected and then distributed to those who need?

2) Participate in a Meals-On-Wheels program.

3) Collect some local phone numbers/addresses and best practices information for neighborhood watch programs. Laminate them, and ask your local super market if you can hand them out, or leave a stack of them in the window.

4) Go out and meet and get to know your neighbors. Talk to them about concerns in your community. Try to find the elderly and help them in what ways you can.

5) If you know any returning soldiers, take a moment and genuinely thank them for their service. If you don’t know a soldier, find one (they’re everywhere).

6) Vote. Often, and as a privilege of citizenship. Help others vote, who may not want to, care to, or be able to get to a polling station.

7) If you are a pet owner, be a good pet owner. Spay or Neuter your pet, take your pet to the vet for checkups, and clean up after your pet when visiting public spaces.

8) Quit smoking if you smoke. It will be hard, don’t kid yourself. People do this all the time however, and it can be done. Help someone else quit if you can.

9) Support a local project for the improvement of your city. Whatever it is, just for the hell of it. You might discover you have a passion for it.

10) Recycle. Recycle something. The more the better. If you can’t, try to create less waste. (Exceptions are Nuclear, or Strange Energy. Villains have got to Live after all.)

The Prize? Recognition by your Villainous Peers as Villain among Villains, posting at the top of the Villain List on this Blog, accolades from Villainy, and fear from the weaklings of good.

One awaits your participation in this great experiment,
-Lord Malignance


  1. Do voluntary work for kids (like be a trainer in a sport club) and keep them off the streets this way, so they can´t deal drugs, rob old ladies or steal cars.

  2. Baghead,
    A most excellent idea. It will be the first on the Poll. One awaits a few more, to fill the poll out a little first.
    Thank you,
    -Lord Malignance

  3. My proposal is simple: If you see pain or confusion etched in the face of your fellow human beings, stop and do what you can. Since we don't know them, we tell ourselves that it isn't our problem. We become just another shadow who ignores them, and is ignored in return.

    The old man in a wheelchair struggling to get up a hill? Offer to push.

    The beggar outside your grocery store? Buy him a sandwich.

    The crotchety old woman with a heavy cart on the bus? Offer to lift it for her.

    The mentally disabled person having a panic attack? Comfort them.

    The tweaker having a bad trip on the city street? Call an ambulance so he can get help.

    It's a list of the unglamorous, the ugly, the painful. Everyone will stop to help a lost child... why don't we stop to help our equals? Are we THAT afraid of being told "No, I don't want help"?

    I can tell you that in a world starved for kindness very rarely will your help be turned away.

    No one ever promised that good was glamorous, and any one of us might be "one of them" someday.

  4. Most eloquently put Agent Beryllium. A very meaningful post, and worthy of thought. Your examples given, are ones we all have seen and will see yet again.
    That's two, excellent ideas, thank you both.
    -Lord Malignance

  5. Thinly veiled, but well intentioned. Carry on.

  6. Krampus - who cares what you think?

    Black Sun - Not discounted. Thought provoking.

    Exit Nero - Absolutely, as in all moves on the board.

  7. Nothing. Literally doing NOTHING may be better than doing what they do. However, to improve upon Agent Beryllium's ideas...

    The old man in a wheelchair struggling to get up a hill? Offer to push (him down it).

    The beggar outside your grocery store? Teach him how to sandwich.

    The crotchety old woman with a heavy cart on the bus? Offer to lift it from her.

    The mentally disabled person having a panic attack? Confront them.

    The tweaker having a bad trip on the city street? Call an ambulance so he can get arrested.

  8. tHe aBsTrAcT,
    A fine first posting, and a warm welcome to the Blogs of Evil. It's the outside of the box thinking, that will produce the most astonishing solutions to any obstacles that hinder Evil from achieving its objectives. As for confronting the Mentally Disabled Person? See the previous Post Topic.
    Thank you for your post,
    -Lord Malignance

  9. Who cares what I think? Apparently YOU do given your last blog. Oh, and please continue to send your meandering, unable to get Phantom Zero's attention ponderings my way, you'll only be serving my long term goals all the more, like a conservative Christian is to Howard Stern. First ROACH, now this. In the vernacular of an associate of mine, keep talking shit, you're making me famous!

  10. Famous =! Respected


  11. ? One thought he heard a tiny whining voice. Something about revealing the secrets of ROACH? Nothing? Ah, just the wind then.

    Back to Lair Upgrades,
    -Lord Malignance

    Ack! Agent Beryllium is winning the Challenge - but she's already at the top of the Villains List. We all must cheat harder!

  12. I agree vith Agent. You can look around and see people vho need help. Happy Holidays, you Masters and Mistresses of Evil.
    -Bob the Minion
    Servant to my Lord Malignance

  13. Please, Bob, call me Beryllium.

    Or God-Empress. God-Empress works too.

  14. Merry Christmas to all who hold Christmas dear, wherever you may be, and whatever plots you are hatching.
    -Lord Malignance
    (Santa's bringing me coal)

  15. Mmm, Merry Christmas everyone. My vote for the Challenge? Baghead's idea. Help the children. Mmm, keep them from getting into crime.
    Ghost of Nixon

  16. Villain Alert!
    A most devious gamut has been exercised in the poll. The forces of Chaos in Villainy have pulled ahead with 50 votes! Well done indeed, for the rules do allow for and encourage cheating. Can the Forces of Control and Order in Villainy compensate in time, or have we seen our boldest move of Villainy yet?
    -Lord Malignance

  17. The gambit has indeed been made. I can say though that historicly people do love a good riot. So who knows. There is obviously people out there that do seek radical change.

    -Black Sun

  18. Help the Children, keep them from harm, for they ARE the future.
    -Verdant Ecdysozoa

  19. Ah, I hate showing up to the party late.

    My suggestion comes from something my comtemporaries and I did in the past. With the assistance of your local township, purchase an old and relatively dilapidated building and convert it into a Community Youth Center; after making the necessary repairs and such, of course.

    It serves several purposes:

    1. It keeps children off of the streets.

    2. It gives them greater outlets for the frustrations of potentially harmful homes and every day life.

    3. Given the assistance of your local community, money should be no problem, but the army of little brat-- er, kids at your disposal should be able to fundraise for you if necessary.

    4. Social gatherings help those who are nervous about their surroundings get more comfortable.

    Not to mention, all of this eventually allows you, as controlling member and fearless leader of this youth organization, to infect the children; to indoctrinate them with your evil.

  20. Sorry for the dual-post; I didn't realize that the broad 'volunteer work with children' had already been suggested. Either way! The vote is cast and I will simply observe from this point forward.

  21. Leave it to Christmas to leave me bitter about this entire "helping others" enterprise.

    Since I was out of bananas that Christmas afternoon, I didn't have anything to give to the homeless man on the bus with scabs on his face and his luggage in the aisle. I said I was sorry, I didn't have any money on me.

    He exited the bus and I didn't think anything else of it until someone pointed at our window. The man was standing there, giving Fatal Phyllo and myself a dead-eyed predatory stare, an inch away from the window glass.

    We're safe, but I couldn't help but feel rattled... helpless...ANGRY.

    The interaction was so brief that little could be done. Give him the finger, try to forget it. Yet as brief as it was, he cast a shadow on the other homeless I saw on the street that day.

    It will be some time before I can give again with the ease I used to.

  22. Beryllium,
    One is sorry this happened, but glad you are safe. It is true that many of the poor and homeless either began with psychological disorders, or developed them through hardship in their misfortunes. It is sad this happened, but it IS a true experience that others can benefit from. Be careful, and be vigilant to protect yourself, and those you care most for.
    Hope your Holiday was otherwise spectacular.

    Tiny Terror,
    Your ideas are worthy, and speak of some firsthand experience. This can be coupled with Baghead's idea, as an advancement of concept. Thank you, and hoping your Holiday was also most pleasing.

    Villains! More ideas are needed. What CAN citizens do?

    Lair upgrades continue, and more Evil coming soon,
    -Lord Malignance

  23. Something occurs to me for our friends across the water.

    Britan's nasnny state? A bit appalling.

    A seasonal example? Poole town's ugly-ass astroturf christmas tree:

    Oh no, someone might trip over guidewires or the tree might topple in high wind! Everybody panic!

    It's just one of many many many examples of things that citizens should lobby their government about.

    They have bigger problems to worry about:,drunk

  24. Beryllium,
    Two very good (Evil) points. As to the first, if the forces of Chaos in Evil win the Challenge, (or even if they don't) it seems a Day of Protest should be made. One will suggest Guy Fawkes Day (Nov 5th) celebrating one of our patrons the Villain Guy Fawkes (or V, as you choose).
    As to the second point, there is something going on there. Russia has this also, in greater intensity. So the question is: Why are these youth self destructive, and in other places, they turn to criminal groups? Is it a factor of wealth? Can this differentiation serve our purposes in some way? Why do the youth in Cardiff drink to insensation? Peer pressure? The Hive Mind? The age demographics are the same as RLSH (20-30). Something to think on...
    Thank you for the post,
    -Lord Malignance

  25. I will make sure chaos wins. Not only will I be at the top of your list, but I'll actually be ON the damned list.

  26. Exit Nero,
    Excellent! Very Evil, and well spoken. The Forces of Control and Order seem not to have the brilliance to significantly alter the outcome of the Poll. Your victory seems assured.
    Thank you for your post,
    -Lord Malignance
