Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Catching up on Correspondence

Greetings and Lamentations,

My readers, you cherished few. There have been some fine postings this last week, and dare one say it, Lord Malignance has risen to the top of the list of most hated. Ahh, it is as if an award for Evil was bestowed upon me. (Lord Malignance does not endorse this blog, however believes evaluation may be more damning than anything one could say). If you have not been following some of the sparring, please do find a fine display of Villainy Rampant at the Join Roach blogs. Well worth your time.

You may not know this, but one often tries to keep up on his email replies and posts in blogs as one finds them. This brings us to some questions that have been vexing people aware of ones malevolent presence;

Comment: "You're not even Evil enough for your ArchNemesis to acknowledge! You suck! "

Reply: "1) One has only been out in this public arena these last four months. My ArchNemesis, at least as many years. Why should he acknowledge me? One expects that in his time, he's seen many ArchNemesi appear and vanish.
2) Lord Malignance didn't choose a lesser hero, a henchman gone wrong. If you kick a snake, the snake bites you. What challenge is that? No, one challenges the elite of the Superhero movement, and he should be careful, and determine ones challenge by the consistency and quality of the challenge. This may take years to move into the correct alignment, but rest assured all moves are proceeding on my timetable, and to my designs.
3) My ArchNemesis certainly is aware of my activities, and has made small overtures to judge my malevolence. Again, some "heroes" think this is a wrestling match, where costumes abound, and the result is always larger than life. They choose to see the world and ones motives in the simplistic context of comic books, where the likes of the Green Goblin are always guilty, easy to find, and defeat. No, this is more akin to Chess, where there are moves, feints, sacrifices, strategies, and campaigns."

Comment: "Trolls are awesome, they use profanity that is radical! My mom never let's me swear. You suck! "

Reply: "You will find, as you actually take and hold a position of employment, that the grown up world expects a certain level of sophistication to come from one of your adulthood. Strive to speak precisely, and allow wordcraft to be an instrument of your citizenship."

Comment: "I'm an anonymous troll, and I think you're all terrorists! I'm demonstrating limited functional intelligence! "

Reply: "Calling Villains terrorists, is hyperbole, and appears useful only in stirring the emotions of people with a staggering detachment from reality. Let one be clear: Terrorists are dangerous people who seek to kill and harm innocents. There are no Villains who ascribe to this in ANY way, nor will one associate with them. One believes it to be true, that all Villains, and all sane people agree to this as truth. Realistically, if there were terrorists, posting on these blogs, wouldn't law enforcement harvest them from our company? When you carelessly assign these extreme labels, you demonstrate a laziness, lack of intellect, and knowledge that is disheartening. Scumbags? Maybe. Terrorists, no."

Comment: "Your costume sucks (like you do). It looks like you went to the Villain Goodwill, and raided the Dollar Bin".

Reply: "One actually researched the fine history of Villainy to fashion this appearance as a pastiche of such classics as Dr. No, Doctor Doom, and the ubiquitous "Mad Scientist". All combined with an homage to my previous appearance of Cthulhu. It acheives its primary objective most elegantly. As if one needs explain this to trolls who post w/stolen jpg images.

An Email from Thunderspawn the Destroyer: "You villians are ALL SLIME, especially you, you liberal moran. When the NeoCons ran this country we were strong! NO ONE WOULD DARE MESS WITH US, BECASUE WE SOULD NUKE THEM ITNO THE STONE AGE!!!! If I ever see you on the street, I'm going to KICK YOUR ASS, you freaking socalist. Heros are going to ...." (Frankly, he gets even weirder after that).

Reply to Thunderspawn (from the Email reply): "Thunderspawn, you poor, sad deluded child. One will say this to you once, and in small words for you to have someone read to you; "You are wrong. Bad Thunderspawn. Bad Bad. No cookie. Back to your coloring book, you "moran". "

A warm sinister welcome to tHe aBsTrAcT, one looks forward to the unveiling of your Evil.

If Villainy was easy, more heroes would elevate to our station.
-Lord Malignance

Baroness, your emails aren't reaching me. May one suggest you check the address once more?


  1. How do you ever find the time to do all this keyboard sparring? Or the patience?

    How DO you do it?

    I'm probably just too honest and sincere. Someone says something mean to me and I consider its merit seriously, take appropriate action to improve myself (anonymous commenter would be very impressed by how good I've gotten with a hair straightener in the past two weeks), and move on.

    I try to leave lighthearted but applicable critiques in return, but the metric ton of crazy that fills your mailbag, Malignance... I think if I was open and sincere in dealing with them I'd end up slitting my wrists in an honest attempt to escape the whaaarrrgarbl.

  2. ps

    I always thought of the costume as a atompunk/steampunk departure on Dr. Zoidberg too, but I think it looks pretty neat. Just enough Lovecraft, just enough Dr. No.

  3. Beryllium,
    in truth, enough candybars and crazy sees me through. As to yourself, one sees you as the strongest of us all (do be careful and always protect yourself): All the male Villains are faceless. Only you (and remarkably, it's a trend for women in both the good and Evil camps) reveal your face. If someone were to look into this, there might be a thesis paper in there somewhere. Crazywise, I'll go toe to toe with Master Legend himself. Bravery? I'm just as skulking as the rest (of the men).
    More Candybars! There's more Troll Flakking to do!
    -Lord Malignance

  4. Don't forget The Aluminum Chef! He's biologically male and shows his face (but doesn't blog; he is still agonizing over what to call it), and there's Fatal Phyllo too!

    As for myself, I have "one of those faces". I've been sighted as afar as Paris, Czechoslovakia, Brazil and Alabama. With a bit of tarting up, I've also walked into classrooms, presented my work, and the professor asked afterwards "excuse me, very nice work, but who are you?".

    With the right clothes, I could look as old as thirty five when I was thirteen, and with the right clothes people sometimes assume I'm just a teenager.

    With the right clothes and attitude I've walked into underground raves and people assumed I'm an organizer; I've walked into lecture halls and people assume I'm there to teach.

    It's surreal, but it's quite fun to be honest.

  5. Beryllium,
    Ones most humble suggestion to for the Chef, would be to come up w/a title that allows him to span both the worlds of Evil, and the Culinary Arts. Just as we have writers, and cartoonists, (and dare I say, insane crackpots)he may be able to produce content that is interesting to a broad swath of readers. Best to throw out "Cooking to Punish" as a blog title (though it may be brought up as a post title!).
    -Lord Malignance

  6. I just went to that first blog - Kramps or something. That guy is sick! He seriously needs medical attention. Has he got a criminal record or what? Why do people even go to that sick freaks blog. Your group is so much better. I like what I read on your blogs. You're really doing a good job. Keep up the good work, all of you. I'll keep checking in, because you all are super talented.

  7. These words of kindness confuse and frighten me.

    Who be you, "Anonymous" *dramatic pause* if that's your real name?

  8. Anonymous,
    One bestows favor upon you, for your insightful descriminating taste. Please do check in as you will want. When the time is right, and you too wish to don the guise of Villain, you may find yourself welcomed by peers.
    Thank you for your post,
    -Lord Malignance
