Thursday, August 5, 2010

A New Year, and STILL Stealing...

Greetings and Lamentations, I AM Lord Malignance, and you WILL crouch before me now! (Villains excepted, of course) .

A new year, and one is taking a small vacation, however... one became aware of an interesting story and wanted to share it with you. The Artist Formerly Known as the White Skull, has the discovery on his page here.

The Real Life Super Hero Kesh: Mastermind of RLSH has a video below. His youtube ID TheKesh707 may refer to the area code in Northern California. He's apparently pulled down quite a few videos he has put up previously, but this one is fun because it is delicious for the purposes of Villainy. Not ten seconds into his video, he proudly displays his weapons, one assumes his "tools of the trade", and they include two guns, knives, a sword and possibly a bow.

He ends his video with a demonstration, one assumes, of what he wishes to do to any people he assumes are "evil doers". Without any due process or criminal justice training (evidenced by his very stupid purpose), or legal authority, he reminds all people who may encounter him, they need to escalate their aresenal to survive his meeting.

Now, working the opposite side of the fence of justice, one may not be terribly familiar with community watch programs, but feels quite sure that vigilantes should not be sneaking around dressed as ninjas (Ninjas!) and shooting at people. If you are dressed as a Super Hero, looking for crime, and attempt to control behavior through the inflicting of terror by the brandishment of weapons or by your frightening masked appearance, your tyranny will be resisted by law abiding citizens.

Of course, concern for inflicting terror, has never stopped a Real Life Super Hero - though there are worthy exceptions.

And for any vermin out there, you will note that his proud brandishing of weapons appears not as reaction to Villains, but yet again, as a response to the activities of the Real Life Super Heroes (RLSH).

One states again, Villainy does not condone violence, or harm to others. We are capable of enslaving humanity, and ruling the world through more sinister means. Villainy states this, and abides by this convenant. Will the heroes be heroic and do the same? No, they will not, to their continued shame. Because of this, innocent people remain in danger tonight.

Villainy - it's not just fulfilling - sometimes it's patriotic!
-Lord Malignance


  1. Oh yes he's getting a nice little comment on THIS video!

  2. One of the hallmarks of villainy is the shameless ripping off of others' legwork.

    For instance, I ripped off the research The Potentate did; he was the one who originally found The Kesh.
    To that end, ripping me off is only the logical conclusion to that chain of events.

  3. All Hail the Kesh, the true leader of all Real Life Superheroes.

  4. All Hail the Archangel Gabriel, who brings cookies to the wicked!

  5. Beryllium,
    Mana from Heaven. Villainy dines!

    the Artist Formerly Known as White Skull,
    Is there a better name you wish to be known by?
    It was such a good find, one wanted to put it out there, and also direct others to your series with Kesh. It is fairly awesome.

    One really can't be too sure this is you, but in the case it is; Naming Kesh as true leader of the RLSH - is this per Tothian's (Leader of RLSH) directions, w/Master Legend's (Greatest of the RLSH) blessing? Or are you trying to sell the idea yourself?

    They (Metitron - Michael and Gabriel are trolling)get cool Arch Angel names, for like angels cast out of heaven, they serve the Light Bearer. There are many such holes in this Voodoo-Christianity for Evil to exploit. "Wicked" is very catchy. One sees it finding it's place with Villainy (our group), and Evil (Villains outside our group).

    -Lord Malignance
    Temperatures in the Lair are beginning to fall - at last!

  6. "Metatron"

    One serves my Dark Master Wikipedia.

  7. I believe the Kesh has the right idea. Get some firearms and start taking pot shots at some Villains.

  8. "Zetaman",

    One thinks a Zetaman Spoofer you may be. While one has wracked Zetaman in the past, a small amount of respect from one was earned by him. That having been the case, one believes you are not The genuine article. That's not necessarily a bad thing (we're Villains), but one asks; "Why waste your Evil with so transparent a gambit?" Ambition and talent could earn you respect from Villains and Fear from heroes.

    Create a profile, and step forth as the Villain you have been waiting to be. You will find Villains to backstab you, and heroes to punish. And fulfillment of a quality you may have never before known before!

    -Lord Malignance

  9. Yeah, I'm gonna say none of these Zetas are the real one. Eitherway, this was indeed a fantastic article, evil sir! I was not as aware of Dangerman's wonderful doings in the public school systems and community. He is indeed another of the RLSH their brood new members should be looking up to, if that were so then perhaps they would not have flunkies like Kesh to worry about.

  10. Malvado! Where have you been?

    Yes, the Kesh and Dangerman were both interesting - so much so that both earned places on the Heroes Ranking list. The Community Service Link is also pretty funny too.

    -Lord Malignance

  11. No it's me.
    I don't agree with what exactly what the Kesh posted. But at least he was honest with his feelings. I hate reading blogs about the blogovillains hate people I know too. And frankly I'm tired of some of my friends trying to remain all "politically correct" when communication with members of the RLSV online culture.
    As for the angel bit, half of you believe everything typed. If the blogovillains based their opinions on other people on what they read on the net, then I feel I should be honest and base my opinions on what I read from the blogovillains. You guys are hurtful and act like dicks. Again, at least the Kesh was honest with his anger. Maybe he delivered it inapproprately, but he at least decided to just come out and say he hates you guys.

  12. "Zetaman",

    While one still doesn't believe this post is from you, one salutes your rising above mere heroism.

    Now, as a minion, there are some things you must know;

    1) Crouch before Lord Malignance, always.

    2) A Villain - any Villain, should be addressed as "Master".

    3) You will be beaten, and given no thanks for anything you might do. Do not give up and crawl back to the RLSH! The lowest Villain casts a shadow over the greatest (Master Legend) hero.

    4)If you believe Villainy believes everything that is typed, you are arguing against yourself now. You are answering ones doubt that this is you, by saying that one does not doubt this is you (because one believes everything typed), which one clearly does, by having doubted you into answering this.

    You are accustomed to thinking with heroes (if you can call it that). You have now left the kiddie pool, and have jumped into the ocean, where dwell sharks!

    One will be assigning you duties based on your skillset shortly. Strive to prove worthy, and perhaps better assignments may be forthcoming.

    -Lord Malignance

    (As an aside - one acknowledges you for your delicious zetatears. Their plentifulness made ones day)

  13. I don't get number 4.

    You guys got my address, so if you all really wanted to do something, you can. A blog is not a sharks pool.

    What I am saying is that the blogovillains are just as screwed up as the RLSH. If you all want to point out "one person represents all" then it goes both ways. I for one would like not to do that. But if you are hellbent on going down that highway, there have been at least 2 to 3 other cases of criminal acts commited by villains that ended with the police involved.

    I didn't run from the last blog as you pointed out somewhere else (I think on Smeagol's blog or something), I got bored because you rehashed your points from a conversation that I thought we resolved.

    I have no idea what Zetatears means.

  14. Actually... screw this. It'll just be turned around.

    I miss the days where the RLSV's were about the Lulz. Totally my fault for responding to the blogger sites.

  15. Zetaman, this "one person represents all", are You quoting someone or wishing to express a general sentiment? These criminal acts and investigations, can You point us in the right direction? Are You prepared to back up Your fuzzy generalizations, ever?

    The Overlord actually did have quite a few Lulz when Zetaman decided to post as Archangel Gabriel. I thought You were being cheeky and fun, but this degraded into something childish and derivative.

    Bravo for not being so politically correct and backing someone Who makes death threats. Way to lead by example and not be a dick.

  16. As Smeagol pointed out, there are no leaders. As Smeagol also pointed out, you guys are to monitor us. So you have a obligation now.

    Rest assured, I am a dick. Seriously.

    At first I was being cheeky with the Angel stuff. But when I read this particular thread aligning yet again some loose cannon to the culture as a whole, it bothers me.

    What I am tired of is reading my favorite blogs and people typing that the RLSH need to be monitored or that this person is the leader or that person is a shill. Or this person is a coward or that person is a sell out. So yeah, if I am a bit hostile at this point and being a dick to certain people, perhaps I am reacting as a normal person and tired of taking the insults.

    I feel if you all want to single out someone, single out someone. But when people start declaring the culture as a whole like the person who is being a jerk, then it is completely unfair.

    I also got to be honest when I say that I share some of the Kesh's frustrations. I get threats of violence in my inbox and on my you tube all the time. Sometimes you just want to strike back.

    3 years ago there was a guy who stalked Citizen prime and took pictures of his house and sent it to him. Prime ended up moving to Salt Lake City.

    Also there was another guy called Red Falcon who went and stalked Ragensi as well. Ragensi retired.

    Killdozer brought down a bank and shot himself in the head.

    Dr. Choas is still serving time for the bomb threats he made.

  17. And for the record, we've done every thing we know how to present to the public exactly what a RLSH does and does not. And yet certain people, who visit sites that are about RLSH, still demand that the entire culture is a negative thing.

    It also bothers me because I really use to like this particular blog. So when I read something disheartening, as a fan, I react and I am somewhat hurt, as a fan. There are only so many blogs I read in a day. And it sucks that I cannot enjoy this just like I can't enjoy Tea's blog and a host of other blogs. It's one thing to read a snarky post every now and again. But when you read the same crap over and over and over again, it sucks.

  18. Zetaman

    Killdozer? Killdozer, I'm fairly certain, is a tank pieced together by a downtrodden whack job, not a Villain. Maybe Killdozer falls into Your definition of a Villain, but I don't read Killdozer's blog, compliment Killdozer on His mask, or send Killdozer funny pictures via email.

    As to these other claims You've brought to light, the Overlord apologizes for not being informed. I've commented more than average just lately, but I generally don't make Your business My business. What do I have against Heroes? Well, You're Heroes, defenders of all that is good and just. I'm a Villain. A Villain who doesn't condone violence, and would prefer to have some playful back and forth. A sibling rivalry of sorts. You, however, are coming at this from more of a fearful standpoint. You have a bad history with some unsavory elements and You've lumped "bad people" into one category. I haven't lumped You anywhere. As far as I'm concerned, Zetaman is Zetaman, Archangel Gabriel, bringer of cookies, crier of tears.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Perhaps I have.

    For my comments, Lord Malignance, I apologize.

  21. Zetaman,

    All solved with one simple statement, one is sure you will agree with; Disavow violence, and harm to others. Community watch? Ok. Defense of self, and innocents? Of course ok. Carrying around guns and looking for trouble? Not so much. Realistically, you can never carry around a rifle for self defense, unless you are in a forrest. Ninja stars? No - those are never a good idea. If heroes gear up for combat, brandishing armor and weapons, they demonstrate an intent to intimidate citizens. One is sure you could craft an agreeable guidline many heroes could adhere to.

    Don't think this is accident either (one actually has plotted this out in advance - it's what one does); Earlier you were a hero armored up, breaking up hooligan fights, in a group of people who prepared for combat. But look at your evolution; No more the weapons, or the crime fighting. You have moved into the more benign aspects of RLSH. By excising the extremes of violence and craziness, and by following your example, your group becomes more viable. You, Zetaman, are the instrument of ones will in this matter.

    That there are heroes who aren't hearing any message you already have on this subject, points out a weakness in delivering this message, which from time to time, must be restated. This is one such time, and Kesh serves ones will in this matter.

    A significant crux of the discussion Villains seek to have, is that Citizen Patrols should seek to work with Law Enforcement, and when instead heroes take Citizen Patrol to mean "alternative justice" Villainy points this out. Reasonable arguments delivered in Villainous packages.

    Note also, that by developing Villainy in this manner, we provide an outlet for citizens wishing to participate in the debate - without the alternative of resorting to meeting you on your own terms - in the streets with weapons.

    You realize there is a difference between criminals and Villains? Those you site are Criminals and would be persectuted by Villains, the Law, law abiding citizens, and by heroes. (There are standards to being a Villain after all)

    But this might just be oneself - or sinister obfuscation for malignant designs. Or maybe both. Villains are sneaky, and terrible, terrible liars.

    -Lord Malignance

  22. Well, you do have my link on what to wear.

    And again I apologize. As of late I have had a few choice messages from people claiming to be my villain. I've dismissed them but after awhile I let the internet get to me.

    I've also had some choice words with famous RLSH declaring me a villain. He apologize but I think he apologize for starting trouble... not necessarily on what his content was.

    What is actually funny about this is that when I first started, my wife called herself a villain (hence "Apocalypse Meow"). And then we both were publically declared villains of the RLSH community. We were on the same hit list as Osama Bin Laden. So I've sort of had a special place in my heart for the RLSV group.

  23. Overlord,

    eloquent and well said as always.

    Back to Zetaman,
    Item #11. While it IS possible some Villain cares to pursue your information, one does not, and in dealing with others, one attempts to enforce this guideline. One hates the hero, not the person behind the mask.

    One will pass on the rest as minor quibbles unless you seek further clarification.

    -Lord Malignance
    Late Night Lair Dweller

  24. I have declared myself the leader of all true life (not real life) superheroes. I posted it on Facebook, so you know I mean business :)

    In reality there exists in the hero community a certain belief that there will one day come a great leader. This leader shall be undisputed and stand head and shoudlers above all others. I'm serious. The veterans don't think that way, of course, but many newer heroes seem to think it's only a matter of time before "the prophecy comes true".

    Many heroes look at the source material.. comic books. They see the iconic superheroes and instantly recognize Superman as the leader (or Batman), and so they try to apply that paradigm to the current hero community. But it doesn't work that way.

    There is no One, no savior, no leader to bring Unity to the Community, or bring Balance to the Force.. none of that. We will have great leaders arise from our ranks, but it will be a bitter battle, and very ugly. So much so that those who have thought about it have quickly turned away. You'd have to be a masochist to want to even try bringing, the opposition is very much against peaceful co-existence (this isn't a Heroes Network reference).

  25. An unfortunate circumstance in this thing we do is that any whack job with a smeared on grease paint mask, bath towel cape tied around their neck, and a toy zap-o-ray gun, can make a Facebook / MySpace page, YouTube video, or web blog, and declare themselves a hero (or villain). And while the rest of us know this potatohead isn't one of us, the unenlightened public can't (or won't) tell the difference. They will accept the Captain Bloodsheds, Lord Smelly Fingers, and Princess Poopypants as legitimate.. legitimate nutjobs.. just like the rest of us.

    But what can we do when anyone can dress up and "become one of us"? We band together for one thing. We recognize and legitimize our own within the community and then seek to educate the public with REAL websites, with real content. We outstrip the WSR and other poorly-made webpages that the media seems to gravitate towards and replace them with viable and informative options.

    There are actually those within the community that feel it is a wasted effort. So much so that they actively attack and hack the hard work of people like Zeta and Dark Guardian. They spread rumors and lies about this forum, or that website, to discourage new people from learning how to become heroes from the fellowship of veteran heroes. And they villify good men and women who try to do anything positive (that isn't with their particular program).

    This crap has to stop. We may never unite under one banner, but that doesn't mean that we fight one another. Pick a sandbox already and go play in it. The rest of us will do the same. That way everyone is happy.

  26. Silver Sentinel,

    Thank you, for a well reasoned argument - you never disappoint. As to your first post, one recognizes you as "Silver Sentinel: Prophet of RLSH" - in a good way. One does believe this prophecy, for there must be leadership of your group, or there will remain chaos. (One is backing Zetaman for the reasons stated, but he is still not without flaws).

    As to the second post, my point, seemingly glossed over, is that heroes must make statements about that which they agree with, and that which they do not. Fear of hurting someones feelings (Villains never have this problem) should not restrict heroes from saying "Captain Potatohead" is not RLSH because he brandishes an arsenal of weapons. Heroes aren't getting this. Even when the "Voice of God" teams up with "The Angel of Death" (no less), not a peep from heroes.

    As to staying in one sandbox or another...
    In one insular sandbox, the thoughts of some from another sandbox are restricted to only those confirming viewpoints that are wished to be heard (restrict membership, ban, edit, and delete). Everyone in this insular sandbox has to accept every associate that comes along, because everyone wants to be nice. Until "Mr. Extreme Murder" (who fancies himself twice as hardcore as Nostrum) sanctions some "Evil-Doer" and confesses on the witness stand that he was inspired by the RLSH.

    This would impact the continued viability of heroes significantly, and would then impact Villainy. To ensure the continued viability of Villainy, one must reluctantly do the same for you lot.

    It IS ok to make a public statement, and disagree with another hero - or Villain for that matter. Great Evil Below, no one even criticizes oneself - and one is Insane! One has called ones Arch Nemesis a Giant Belgian Albino - frequently - and never a peep to counter it (till a website is made...)

    If poking at Zetaman has finally gotten some steel in the spines of heroes - then Victory for both heroes and Villains. Do not be afraid to say "Kesh does not represent the viewpoints of the RLSH" - and it is done. Speak to Kesh, and tell him why his behavior is incorrect. Invite him to your forum (he might already be there, in which case - where did he get the guns idea from?) where he might learn. Teach him and make him a disciple. More importantly, teach him to hate and fear Villains, and most of all Lord Malignance!

    Lastly, because you ARE Silver Sentinel and have earned the respect of Villains (Oneself included), if you should ask a favor, one may choose to grant it, if it is within ones power to provide. However, favors granted may in turn be called upon for equanimity...

    And for Evil's sake, don't be afraid to be heard. What's that saying?

    "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing" - Edmund Burke

    -Lord Malignance

  27. Well said Silver Sentinel. Any whack job can come out and claim to be a Villain (can,will, already have and I'm not going to stop). We have much less to lose, however. You have Your good names.

    Lord Malignance, tirelessly it seems, puts out the message over and over again that Villains don't condone violence. Villains are not racist. Bad people do these things, but We do not align with them. This is a playful sort of evil that will catch You unaware and leave You converted. It puzzles The Overlord when the good guys witness erratic and destructive behavior and say nothing. Perhaps because there are just too many potato heads out there and You all have better things to do. Completely reasonable, but speaking up now and then couldn't hurt.

  28. There is one that will not turn away from helping those who have the ability to do great things in the RLSH community.

    Many of those with this ability have no idea who they really are, but I'll help them find this out. If I have to take a branch to the head every once in a while trying to clear their path, then so be it. I'm not this 'leader', but I have already found some of those who may someday become the "One".

    I'm one of those fairly new people, but I now know what I have to do. I also have one of these abilities (NO, I'm not an archangel nor do I have any 'powers') and I can empower the RLSH to levels nobody can yet imagine. I can do so much more by helping others than simply doing this for myself.

    Villians will, of course, be there with the eggs and toilet paper. There isn't a single of the malicious RLSV that even pay attention to me now, and that is exactly how it is going to be until it is too late for them to have any effect whatsoever.

  29. Anonymous,

    What you have said is not an unwelcome statement. Think to the first part of this quote (taken from Pulp Fiction); "The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides with the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who in the name of charity and good will shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children."

    Best wishes, and be safe,
    -Lord Malignance
    Your Enemy Awaiting

  30. Glad you see it that way. This is why whoever keeps screwing with him needs to lay off of Zetaman. He's not perfect. He can be a bit immature, has some inflexible views, and is a bit TOO influenced by the comics at times. I'm not perfect either. If I took the time to list all my faults my ISP would shut me down for excessive bandwidth use.

    But you know what? Zeta has a really big heart and isn't going to intentionally do anything bad to anyone no matter what you think. He puts himself out there and people see what they think is an easy target for a few laughs and sometimes for something worse.

    There are those who are so strong they have strength to lend. They don't mind doing so either, they actually fill a need of their own this way. Those that recognize these sources of strength can draw from them like a well and renew themselves when their own strength fails. Like all people though, their strength is not unlimited. They get their own strength from another source. A different kind of strength than that which they give to others. Zeta is one such person. He gives someone else what they need to go on, and is a backbone of the community in his own way.

    When I first found the RLSH I was inspired by what they do. I had one of my 'growth spurts' then. Every few months something snaps in me (no, I don't go crazy. Well, not craziER anyway..) and I evolve. Before this most recent 'episode', I was content to watch, converse, join in some fun and productive meetups, and help using my own abilities.

    A few weeks ago, it just 'happened'. Not only can I now see some of the linchpins of the RLSH movement, my own apathy seems to have been pushed to the wayside. Just like some of the RLSH can't stand by and do nothing when they see injustice, I found I cannot stand by and let the good people in the community be hurt. Not by drama from other RLSH, or from 'villians'.

    I'm not a fighter and I don't threaten people, so I'm just going to appeal to whatever humanity might be still lurking in the malicious types that are reading this. You're really hurting the whole community and even the world with what you are doing by harassing and threatening these flawed, but fundamentally good people.

    For the 'good' RLSV out there, go ahead and keep observing and providing helpful and constructive critique. Heck, many of you have turned into RLSH now, and some really well balanced ones at that.

    As for the bad ones (and people on my own side of the fence that keep throwing rocks) I'm going to find a way to keep you from hurting these people if the reasonable discourse you claim to favor doesn't work. Trust me when I say that even though I won't resort to violence, it is going to be something you've never had to deal with before. Let's not go there at all and just try to be decent human beings that actually give a shit. What is so damn hard about THAT?!?

  31. Anonymous,
    Your points from your point of view are valid, and one respects you for stating them. There is no disagreement that Zetaman (Ones "Zalesman" if you will) is a good and noble man. That said however, he keeps some bad company, and in the interest of being nice, he hurts himself long term by maintaining these contacts. He was also, WAAAY off base with his blaming Villainy for his misfortune, and used the event to proclaim himself martyr. It was Villainous (and so one approves!)and wrong, and he was called out to answer for his mistake.

    One chooses not to believe that Evil threatens the good in any way other than to make them look at themselves. Your point here is contested. Villainy is not violent, and heroes need to be able to take criticism - if not, they need to hide lest someone else hurt their little feelings.

    To your veiled warnings; You speak not to a hero, a child, or a person without means.

    The heroes will be wracked. They will be tested, and they will be held to answer for their transgressions. They will learn, or they will be eliminated - by either themselves (more likely), Villainy (hopes!), or by the law enforcement communities that will persecute them into extinction.

    No one has yet answered the point and all so far seek ineptly to dance around such a simple challenge; so far least of all you Anonykresh: Declare that you will not condone violence. That's it. You can even lie! Snatch Victory from Villainy, and be the hero none else have chosen to be. Words, just words. And yet, so simple a thing cannot be done.


    Certainly not without weakness, and absolutely undeserving of this sanctity you are desiring.

    Still - progress. At least you're doing research, and one salutes you for that.

    -Lord Malignance
