Sunday, August 1, 2010

Happy Malignopalooza!

"Greetings and Lamentations",

And with those words, one year ago today and 100 posts ago, one began a reign of Evil.

A year of punishing heroes!
Most Recently Zetaman, Master Legend: Greatest RLSH and Tothian: Leader of RLSH (low hanging fruit), Thunderspawn the Destroyer, and others as it amused one to do so.

A year of humiliating trolls!
If you mention their names, they feel a sliver of justification, and one enjoys their silent tears as they weep for absent acknowledgement.

A year of unsuccessfully (so far) overthrowing the Potentate in a sinister coup!

A year of carrying a torch for the Baroness!
(Seriously. Cobra Commander? Bah!)

A year of building up the Organization of Lord Malignance!
No better name, - still.
The Fleet of Malignance is up and running, though maintenence costs will eventually bankrupt me.
Ghost of Nixon, Bob, and the Rats have moved on.
The Diabolical Madame X will move in sometime, and she has cats. Comrade Cocoa rejoices.
The Lair needs Lifesupport before next summer! 90- inside (!) today.

A year of development, but no firm successes in the Lab!
The Helm of Malignance v5. Prototype pending
Malignobot - concept, skill building in progress - pushed way back.
MalignoSoundCanon - shopping for parts.
Locust Control - a failure.
Roundup Resistant MalignoWeed - a failure. Roundup is (no endorsement unless one sees $) tough.

A year of dominating the RLSH in general!
Googlebomb Memes "Master Legend: Greatest RLSH", "Tothian: Leader of RLSH", and "Zetaman: Salesman of RLSH" - successful for "hearing da lamentations of duh heroes" (to paraphrase Conan) but unsuccessful as a true Googlebomb - Google is smarter than that. (Thank you sponsor of ones blog).
Hero Tears: Low in calories, but High in sodium. Delicious and habit forming.

A year of attempting to eliminate ones hated ArchNemesis Phantom Zero!
Oh, he is asking for it too.
Instrument of Evil - Codename:C.E.L.L.O. - No success so far. The Pepsi Refresh project is a little fishy about their submissions. One doesn't have the time, nor staff to follow up with them in a timely enough manner it seems. That said, one will never allow setbacks deter one from defeating ones ArchNemesis.

A year of secret projects, and sinister machinations!
One has a few things cooking in the background, awaiting their deployment. Waiting, patiently requiring only ones summons.

A year of basking in the joy of meeting so many talented and wonderful Villains!
One cherishes the qualities each of you brings to Evil.

Mac and your crowd at Go, Go, Maligno!
One finds favor in your work (so far) and ones trust is slowly being earned.

First Church of Malignism > Cult of Legend.
Brick, one expects you to discover more of Ones truths. Do what you must (safely), but deliver more content. And should you lure away one of Master Legends cult members into your religion in Ones name, one will favor you with minionship.

So on this, our first Malignopalooza, one raises a glass of cognac to you and wishes you all a happy day (it's quite late now) and an Evil year looking forward.
Happy Malignopalooza!
-Lord Malignance


  1. oh a blog that doesn't make me sick...good on you! i like vlogs more but a evil blog will do between videos. so a list of villain huh? and i'm not on it...really? i see how it is
    octavius fong

  2. Octavius Fong, Leader of the Roaming Eye of Doom,

    Welcome! Yes, on the list up front, one has not (yet) listed you, however you will note that in the link from "Hall of Evil, you have for quite some time occupied a position of high respect. There are many Villains there listed also, and many Villains you may find interesting, inspiring, and wishing to collaborate in Evil.

    Happy Malignopalooza!
    -Lord Malignance

  3. All Glory to Lord Malignance.
    Congratulations on 100 Posts and having it on your one year anniversary both on the same day - Malignopalooza!

    To many more posts and many more years to follow.
    Crouching before you - always!

  4. Congrats boss on mmm, 100! We had some fun at the Lair didn't we? Good times

    Most evil ruler in the world.

    Your loyal Henchman and servant,
    Ghost of Nixon

  5. Lord Malignance, congratulations on this amazing spectacle known as The Malignopalooza.

    One salutes your success and accomplishments known throughout the world of villainy.

    I join you in spirit on this day of celebration, and as a sign of respect and admiration have been blowing my Aztec death whistle every hour on the hour.

  6. Lord who art ruler of all Your wish is my command. Your first prophet of Malignance will bring Your true word to the blasphemers of the cult of legend. May Your will remain unbroken for many many more years and You post many more posts and bring to Your one truth faith a congregation of many many followers.

    First Prophet of Malignism
    Brick Xemu

  7. You're Fantastic Lord Malignance!
    Happy Malignopolooza!!!

  8. Mac,
    Yes, crouch! Crouch before me! And thank you for all that you do.

    Ghost of Nixon,
    Dial in servers are going to take some work. Good to see you posting again. Thank You, Henchman.

    Poop Knife,
    Aztec Death Whistle? Hmmm - There must be some Superheroes who are hiding now. Where ARE the Aztecs all of a sudden?

    Brick Xemu,
    Yesss. Draw from the Cult of Legend, servants who will serve Lord Malignance! Thank you, for all that you do. I AM watching you.

    Thank You, and Happy Malignopalooza to you also.

    Recovering slowly,
    -Lord Malignance

  9. Congratulations. How fitting to declare a holiday in your own honor: it's the Villainous thing to do....

  10. Lord Malignance,

    Congratulations on a tremendous run. No one beats that Krampus behind as hard as I do (WHAT HAPPENS ON CHRISTMAS STAYS ON CHRISTMAS!) but you come in as a distant second.

    Krampus Fabio

  11. Oh, look. It's a Krampus groupie.

    Is that a thing now?

  12. YEEEEHAAAW Lord Malignance you rascal!

    Keep doing what you r doing buddy. Beat those crazy pajama wearin pansies.

    Please rule us all soon,
    -Larry from Arkansas

  13. @Lord Malignance,

    Your EVIL inspires me Lord Malignance to greater and greater ownership of my own life. I'm paying my bills off, I'm not making excuses for any weaknesses, and I'm not looking for creepy people in capes to save me from the problems of life.

    I'm so much happier now that I know I can change my life. I owe this all to you, and to EVIL! Thank you Lord Malignance, and @ Everyone, Happy Malignopalooza all over the world!!


  14. Lord Malignance (I can't believe I'm actually typing this to you)

    I think you're maybe the hottest man alive. If you EVER find yourself going to Louisiana just say where, and I'll find you.


  15. Computer King,
    Absolutely! There may be a day (or a Month!) for each of us to claim (though one imagines that Overlord owns July from now on). One didn't ask for a day - seized it, like a Villain.

    Krampus Fabio,
    Don't ask, Don't tell. That's all yours.

    The Artist Formerly Known as the White Skull (until you say how better one may address you),
    Let us hope not.

    Larry from Arkansas,
    Seriously - does anyone even Know who Lord Malignance is in Arkansas? And do they crouch?

    One is glad to have been assistance. You don't need handouts (all the time), you just need hope. Hope that ones tyranny will enslave you, and lead you to strive to earn ones favor.

    One has received many of your pornographic emails. If you could see beneath ones mask, you would see one blushing. But no, ones heart belongs to the Baroness, and she alone*. Though you may crouch and attempt futilely seek ones favor.

    -Lord Malignance
    (Still recovering)

    *One totally has a tempestuous affair going on with Lady Science.

  16. Bleary Eyed Typos abound. Still recovering...

  17. I'm a fairly able hand with an IV drip; I could have you re-hydrated in a jiff, Lord Malignance.

  18. I'm living in fear that superheroes will attack me as I'm walking home from work one night. Or some rival gang will start carrying guns to defend themselves against heroes and their beat-down sticks. I don't want gang wars in my neighborhood!

    Thank you Lord Malignance for all that you do to supress the spread of the superhero menace.

    -Afraid of superheroes in my own neighborhood

  19. I'm with you Lord Malignance! It's well past time, we took our streets back from the comicbook taliban!

    Chamberlain, South Dakota

  20. Artist Formerly Known as the White Skull,
    That would have done it, but one took to sobbing, and growling at people instead.

    You want to follow Minion Stew at;
    and the Destructive Kitchen at;

    Yes, escallation is a vexing problem. When one group militarizes, other groups respond accordingly. Nature seeks equilibrium - a balance. Keep your windows and doors locked, stay aware of our surroundings when outside, and be careful.

    Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha - the "comicbook taliban"! One likes that name quite a lot. They are unsanctioned enforcers of their own idea of morality - both groups. Is one incorrect, or do the so-called heroes appear more violent in the East?

    -Lord Malignance
