Saturday, July 31, 2010

One more Day, and One more Post to Malignopalooza!

Greetings and Lamentations!

One has counted down with you to this the 99th post, being one day short of the Anniversary of the Advent of Malignance or "Malignopalooza" as the partying takes over. It's been a full year, and in these last two posts, one wanted to review the state of Villainy today, and tomorrow reflect on a Year of Evil in the Lord Malignance organization.

The State of Villiany Today

Executive Summary

Villainy excels and develops as talented people are drawn to contribute and innovate the nature of Villainy within our collaboration, and without in the greater world of Evil. Ruthless democracies afford each Villain a voice, while their stature within the collaboration being based in no small part on their talents, audacity, backstabbing, ambition, brilliance, ruthlessness, and cruelty. Villainy creates, and inspires, challenges, and influences. Villains conquer their world, and celebrate the rewards for their efforts and the efforts of others.

An Evil Democratic Meritocracy.


Villainy as we know it today, started for many people individually as the morally uninhibited found within themselves the yearning to be more than merely drones in society. Some Villains found Real Life Superheroes flawed, amusing, and insignificant distractions. Others (ones own self included) despised an ArchNemesis from afar, and plotted their downfall.

In the Earliest days of Villainy, there were the Myths. Legends Villains still speak of in awe; Professor James Moriarty. Dr. Julius No. Benedict Arnold. Macbeth. Marcus Junius Brutus, Captain Hook. Captain Nemo. Dr. Zachary Smith. Lex Luthor. Evil Spock. Thomas Jefferson. Gaius Baltar, and Doctor Doom, to name just a few. Villains of legendary versatility who served society (and themselves) tirelessly for the betterment of society.

Before 2008, the first Modern Villain Doctor Steel stepped out of the Lair, and established Villainy as a viable, real world occupation to pursue with all the zeal and determination you might apply to hobbies, religions, or military service. When the world is ruled by Villains, Dr. Steel will be recognized on some of the new money.

In 2008, Joss Whedon's Magnum Opus, his tribute to Villains "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog" was unveiled, and codified for many brilliant attractive people, a better world, free from the uncertainties of ego driven superheroes. It postulated a better world - one ruled by Villains.

On May 15th 2009, on the IO9 blog, a write up appeared to draw those interested to the Potentate's creation "R.O.A.C.H." . Here was a forward thinking organization seeking the assistance of Villains in plans to rule no less than the very world itself. There was organization, ambition, vision, ruthlessness, and cruelty. Everything a Villain might find attractive in an organization. Because of the talent of the creation, and the charisma of the leader - his Dire Smokiness the Potentate, R.O.A.C.H. grew by leaps and bounds as many talented people found Villainy desireable, and many Villains sought collaboration.

Pulling, pushing, directing, and leading the growth of R.O.A.C.H. was the Potentate's devious and talented SuperVillain, the White Skull. Villainy was a Wild West at that time, and Evil cast about seeking our voice. Should Villainy consider forming an intellectual think tank? Why doesn't anyone point out the many dangers of constumed superhero weirdos roaming the streets armed with home made weapons looking to street brawl with people their delusions lead them to believe are "evil doers"? Should Evil shoulder this responsibility and make known the concerns of rational, law abiding citizens? Can Villainy sustain itself by making sport of these poor animals, and would that (though entirely entertaining in its own right) be sufficient? Can Villainy do a better, smarter job of helping people than heroes? Can we reap a heap of cash somehow?

Later in 2009 on YouTube a talented Villain named Sword Kane, who had made a strong reputation for himself by punishing without mercy the manchild Tothian (Leader of the RLSH), started the now famous "Sword Kane's SuperVillain Challenge". More Villains emerged, and collaborated, and though no official winner was ever declared (it was Lord Malignance), the scope of Villainy expanded farther than ever before.

This was the Bronze Age of Villainy: Crimson Nematode, Agent Beryllium, The Unknowable Villain with a Crescent Head**, White Skull, Black Sun, Exit Nero, Dr. Overkill, Baghead, Sword Kane, Scarlet Fool, and Octavius Fong, Leader of the Roaming Eye of Doom. While at this time other Villains worked their sinister machinations, unknown to others in the World of Evil; Computer King, Overlord, Lord Barren, Malvevolent Shadow, Tiny Terror, Desdinova, Dr. Steel, Chip Overclock, and others.

Now, in this Silver Age of Villainy, a broader Spectrum of Evil has grown strong, wherein before we had Villains seeking leadership, we now have Villains who Are leaders. Strong survivors winnowed from the mighty ranks of Evil, driven by dark ambitions to achieve their goals. Superstars of Evil, and Future Rulers in their own rights have come together in Villainy; Potentate. Agent Beryllium. Aluminum Chef. Computer King. Overlord. Poop Knife. Virus. Lavender Leopard, and Lord Malignance. We stand today on the brink of laying the groundwork for the Golden Age of Villainy, when all our desires may be fulfilled.

And ones ArchNemesis Phantom Zero is driven into retirement.

One imagines one sees the gleam in your eye now: You see the possibility to shape the world to your vision. Embrace your Evil and be known as no less than what you were destined to be.

A Villain.

Happy Malignopalooza (tomorrow - no fair getting started early),
-Lord Malignance

Adventures of an insane megalomaniac/gifted eccentric: One was about purchasing cognac for the Malignopalooza, and as you may imagine, shopping is not easy for Lord Malignance. For example if you shout at people, scream "Crouch!" too many times, and refer to employees as "Lackeys", you often times will be ejected from the shopping establishment. One found out cognac is now the preferred drink of rappers. One isn't sure if this is pleasant news. On the one hand, ones taste is back in fashion. On the other hand, ones eccentricities are now "gangsta".

**Out of respect for the Villain, one acknowledges his contributions and leaves nebulous his specific details as would be his wish.


  1. You can't go wrong with a nice bottle of rum. Anything with the WIRSPA seal on it, by which I mean NOT CAPTAIN EFFING MORGAN.

    Gotta do the Malignapalooza in style.

  2. And may the golden age last for a thousand years or more*.

    * Ziggy says the odds are real good, not great, but good.

  3. Go Boss, go!
    Dial in servers are about mmm, to go down again.
    Ghost of Nixon,
    Henchman and Servant to my Lord Malignance

  4. Happy Malignopalooza Lord Malignance - one of many more to come, I assure you. Wait - am I early? Curse you my Evil Clone!!!

    Back, away, to - the FUTURE!

    -Verdant Ecdysozoa
    (I'm not the Evil Clone)

  5. Yu hav bin fowned tu hav tym viohlaytons in blog. Morlock Imperium asynes demerit.
