Friday, July 23, 2010

Coutdown to Malignopalooza!

And you will Crouch!

One has been meaning to say that for some time (at least an hour) . One feels friskier today, what will all the Evil ascendant in the world these days. You doubt me? Me?!

Some finds today, to start your early celebrations for the Blog Post #100, which is only three short posts away. May your Malignopalooza be as unwholesome as ones will be. "Let's Wreck this Place! Whooo!"

Yet Another (!) movie starring A-List actors and Hollywood talent, celebrating Villains. It must be true then what they say; "Villains Rule, and heroes suck."

One blames superheroes.
Of course.

Buddy Jesus disagrees with superheroes. From Comic Con protests against the Phelps Gang.

Some thoughts on Celebrating your first Malignopalooza;

First: As you may not be fully capable of surviving so Villainous an experience, you must exert control over your natural desire to rule. That is, unless you've been following the Overlord's 30 Days of Evil, and have turned yourself into a Hard, Lean, Evil Mastermind. You may already BE a superVillain, and then of course you were born ready. If either of these apply to you, then of course you are prepared.

Second: There Will be drinking. There Must be drinking, but not this cosmopolitan drinking of the timid sheep you find in upscale bars, or the beer-swilling, belt-widening guzzling of downscale "joints". No, for Malignopalooza you must drink like a god! Beverages may vary, but goblets, tankards, Norse drinking horns, or widebodied glasses are a must. While drinking the heady elixir of your choice, pause for a moment, and look out a large window, and between contemplative draughts, think to yourself "All this world, within my grasp!"

Third: Attempt to comprehend the awesome scope and power of your Evil. Feel your Evil reach out into the darkness and touch the Evil of others, for this shared malevolence binds the world together in the darkness of Villainy. No pity for the heroes! They never should have dared exist before our might!

Wishing your Malignopalooza be as dark and rewarding as ones own,
-Lord Malignance


  1. Yes, it certainly seems that evil is on the rise. I’m looking forward to Malignopalooza. And may I be among the first to congratulate you by raising my glass and saying “Here’s to your next hundred sinister posts!” (and your next, and next… FOREVER!)

  2. The Overlord is looking forward to this Malignopalooza and many more to follow. There will be crouching, there will be drinking, and there will be a momentary pause among Your comrades to reflect on the achievements of Lord Malignance. There may even be some gay sex. Alert the Master Metatron.

  3. False Prophet,

    Thank you! As we see, Evil is grwoing and spreading beyond our current borders. And it's great to be here with you to watch it develop.


    There will be trouble, of that you may be assured!

    -Lord Malignance
    (The trick is to build up your tolerance in advance)

  4. Congratulations in advance on Malignopalooza, sure to be the Great Event of monstrous proportions. Very good to suggest drinking, perhaps those guarding places of strategic importance will be hung over they day after, making things easier for all villains for a day.

    Now all we need to consider is fireworks. Or a bonfire. Or flaming Overproof Rum. Something bright and showy (and hopefully explosive)to call attention to the event.
