Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Cultural Triumphs of Villainy!

Greetings and Lamentations, I AM Lord Malignance, and you WILL crouch before me now! (Villains excepted, of course) .

One doesn't know where you the readers live, but here in the Colorado Holdfast, the temperatures have been growing quite warm as Summer settles in. This morning, the Lair's upper level temperature guage read 87 degrees - at 0800! Comrade Cocoa and oneself do not do well in extreme heat, and so it goes without saying that any heroes in Arizona will probably be safe from my terrible, terrible wrath.

That however, is not to say the influence of Villainy does not grow and extend throughout all the world. We see in the movie theatres at present, the Villainous Movie "Despicable Me" thoroughly trouncing the box office expectations, and more and more people are finding Villainy the superior course by which to chart their lives by. Has this been exclusively due to ones own influence? No, but you flatter me none the less by thinking so. No, Villainy is vast and ruthless, merciless and awe inspiring.

While one has been basking (because the Lair it seems is a Microwave) in this joy, another article has been brought to ones attention. Though Kick Ass was quite naturally doomed to be a failure because its subject matter was heroes, the creator, seeing the vast scope of Villainy's influence has indicated that he will next time improve by focusing on Villains.

“Through success [he’s] inspired other people, and what the heroes do is form gangs,” the comic writer reveals. “It’s a bunch of people in masks looking at each other’s Facebooks and going out and fighting each other. Like a massive fight in Time Square with hundreds of superheroes and hundreds of supervillains, and the police trying to break it all up.”So does sequel mean darker? Sort of. “I think I’m actually just trying to do the flip side of it, because the first one was all about becoming a hero. And the second one really is about becoming a villain,” Millar says.“It probably is darker because it’s exploring the villains a little bit more like this, you’ve got Red Mist who’s become like Alex in Clockwork Orange. So he’s a bit Heath Ledger’s Joker, a bit of all the bad guys I’ve ever loved in movies. So yeah I suppose it is darker, but I think a big part of Kick-Ass is the jokes, so it’s still funny.”

Hero gangs on Facebook, undoubtably being humiliated before the world in Times Square. If you ever wanted to know why Evil consistently triumphs over the inconsequential feebleness of good, it is because Evil is cooler.

And wouldn't cooler, be exactly what you really want to be, when the Summer heat settles in?

-Lord Malignance

Can you even doubt, that Dr. Horrible 2 is inevitable?


  1. Yes, Doctor Horrible 2 will be awesome. Also, in November another Supervillain movie is coming. Megamind. Another opportunity for Evil to shine.

  2. It's an evil world and villains rule it
