Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Greetings and Lamentations, I AM Lord Malignance, and you WILL crouch before me now! (Villains excepted, of course) .

Special Note:

If you haven't been following Overlord's "30 Days of Evil" (and you really should, because it is amazing), she has just turned the two-thirds mark, and is heading into the home stretch of the last 10 days. Please, please, (or "One Commands it!", whichever works for you) do stop by and congratulate her on her success so far, and celebrate the accomplishment as she brings it home. Your comments are welcome, and she answers your posts with clever wit and insight.

Catching up on Evil Business;

Master Legend - the Greatest Real Life Superhero has been out demonstrating why he represents all that the heroes aspire to be (What? You don't trust me? Well, you shouldn't) . You can find a Villainous review and response written up first by PoopKnife after his daring and successful foray into the Lair of the Thundercat, and a second review and response by Lavendar Leopard who braved listening to the recording . A consensus of Evil appears to be that Villainy supports the rights of all to equal treatment, and future enslavement under the heel of any future Villainous Regime.

Another Special Note:

If you haven't yet partaken of the special joy that is the Computer King's Villainous Verse, then please do. One has been enjoying it immensly, and has taken to shouting at henchmen even more voiciferously (and don't their ghostly ears protest!) . And you may Dance!

The Malignomobile has launched, and one noticies that compared to the Malignosedan, it has a waggle when moving at high speeds. This has led to some crazy laughing as one has been suprised more than once. From a business standpoint, the Fleet has at last been returned to full and active status. Repairs and upgrades are endless and ongoing however.

Colorado Holdfast News; The temperature is miserable, and the Lair has poor cooling systems. One needs better insulation!

Observation of Political trends:
One has noted that current Americal Political leanings tend to occupy the space denoted by the blue space in the graphic above. The Moonbats being the uberLiberals, and the Wingnuts being the uberConservatives. They're all people you can talk to, and can listen to information, and form reasoned opinions.
Going further to the right we see the NeoCons - those special few who were integral to the last administration. They like to talk about war, and implement wars, but they and theirs won't ever serve in any war. The chickenhawks.
Further to the extreme right we have the Tea Parties, and their ilk, represented by such polemics as Sarah Palin. The chickenheads.
And there, at the extreme right, one hopes to form the M-Party. A party so extreme, the enslavement of the world is our highest goal. The platform includes; Loyalty Oaths to Lord Malignance, Frequent Random Public Beatings, Rule of Terror, and Secret Police. Ahh, good times. And of course, by "good" one means "Evil".

Only You can make ones dreams come true. Vote for the M-Party, and donate all your money today!

On the subject of cults forming around Despots to feed the needs of megalomania:
One points out the Cult of Legend is no match for The First Church of Lord Malignance, Master Legend's initials being an obvious reversal of ones own sacred initials, thus indicating his being in league with dark forces (You may continue to crouch before me Brick Xemu, for your crawling servileness will be an example for the RLSH to follow) .

And on the subject of enslaving all humanity under ones merciless rule - no word yet from the Pepsi Refresh Project for "Instrument of Evil - Codename: Cello". Of course the anonymous MPhone was held by the Diabolical Madame X, who may have been monitoring ones calls. Minion training is a slow arduous process...

Yet One More Special Note:

Four more posts to go until Blog Post #100. Mac and your crowd, you may begin the partying soon, and one actually wishes to see you come out with T-Shirts. One may deign to purchase one (though to earn ones favor, you really should send a box to the Lair, pro bono (and of course by "pro bono" one means "pro malus") .

If Evil keeps winning, and the heroes keep losing, why don't they just give up?
-Lord Malignance


  1. My service to you the one true Lord Malignance as Your will compels me to obey.

    The blaspheming anti Lord Malignance the pretender Master Legend will henceforth be known as the great evil as the First Church of Lord Malignance will cast down he and his demon spawn.

    First Prophet of Malignism,
    Brick Xemu

  2. Aww, look, your very first acolyte!

    I'm so proud of you at this moment, Malignance.
