Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Catching up on Business

Greetings and Lamentations, I AM Lord Malignance, and you WILL crouch before me now! (Villains excepted, of course).

Today one is catching up on Business, and if you know Evil, you know that business is good.
And of course by "good" one means "Evil".

Firstly, if you wanted to develop your own Evil, or just brush up on your existing Evil, it is unlikely you will find a better resource than that currently being provided by the Overlord. You can find her astonishing work here. Enjoy, and grow more powerful!
Really inspiring work.

Lest your knees grow weak crouching before Lord Malignance alone, you can also find pioneering work in Evil from the Computer King and his Podcasts. Podcasts!

Update on Instrument of Evil; Codename: Cello. It's been submitted, and the Pepsi people are not yet crouching. Bah! Apparently, one is competing with the whole world (as if this isn't always the case). They WILL Crouch! (and hopefully pick ones project).

Evil Conference at the Denver International Airport today. If anyone asks, the Baron of Kansas* owes Lord Malignance for driving Nix out of his state. Shhh - spread the word.

Malignomobile actually moved - to the end of the compound border! It still needs insurance, which for some reason involving cars and megalomaniacs is prohibitively expensive. One day, it will roll off the property...

Why is ones Colorado Holdfast so much more Evil than other states? Two reasons come readily to mind after the recent holiday;
  • 1) Buffalo/Bison. Coloradoans love them some Buffalo. We keep them in zoos, not to keep the people safe from them, but to keep them safe from people. Oh, like most prarie/mountain states (hah!) we'll eat most any game (that's "critter" to you Easterners), but Buffalo holds a special desirability here. Sometimes at night in summertime, roaming packs of people run into the night barefoot, looking for sleeping Buffalos to descend on and devour. Canada has Wendigo, the Northwest has Bigfoot, Florida has the Oldest Lostboy, but Colorado? We have, well, Coloradoans.

  • And no Buffalo is safe.
  • 2) Fourth of July. One isn't sure if it is the fact that one is actually warring with all neighbors of ones Lair or not, but noticied that a neighbor shot bottle rockets and other annoyances at the Lair from 10am to about 11pm. Good Gravy, what was the economic output for that barrage? Who spends 10K on fireworks?! What other state would that even seem normal in? This is undoubtably retaliation for something one has unleashed on his compound. Probably.
  • Later, as the night develops, and the drinking escalates, off in the far distances, you can always hear the mountain folk, firing off their guns. "Mountain Folk" is not a quaint phrase here - they're real and apparently much better armed than either yourself or oneself. They don't have beards anymore though. That apparently went out of fashion with mining. Nowadays the land is so valuable, the Moutain Folk all look like rich Hollywood outcasts, and dwell in palatial estates. Ok, that was Lair envy.
Despicable Me, comes out on July 9th, and early reviews show it to be so/so. Still it will probably CRUSH Kick Ass, so, Victory for Villainy! IHOP has a cross promotion going, so if you wanted to support the cause, and dine on the best pancakes in all of Time and Space, this might be your opportunity.

This is Post #6 of a countdown to Post #100, which should hopefully occur somewhere near the one year anniversary of this Blog. And who says Lord Malignance doesn't Plan? And Plot? And Scheme? That's right Baron of Kansas - you benchwarmer.

Villainous Survey Question: If a blog offered a link to a Laser that could hurt people, and the blog author suggested ways that it could be used to torture/kill people, that would be bad, correct? So, IF there were any superheroes following that blog publicly - putting their name/face and reputation up as visually endorsing such content, that too would be bad? Just checking, because one believes the Zalesman needs a Villainous email to point this out to him.
(Full Disclosure: One actually does work to see the downfall of all Superheroes.)

Suggestion on using your Evil: Whenever you get junk mail from Phishers, use your Villainy, and ruin their day. One has enjoyed corresponding with a royal prince from, you guessed it, Africa, who would gladly send me 50Million dollars, if only one would send him a paltry sum, needed to process the paperwork. Ones reply? "Why, with my 50Billion Dollar International Empire I would be Glad to help you! But first, for the accountants you understand, I need to verify some of your information..."

Does Agent Beryllium have the best looking Blog, or is one wrong? Where is this talent coming from? (and can one steal it for ones own Evil purposes!)

One has been struggling with a helmet upgrade. When you look at the Mighty Countenence of Lord Malignance, you undoubtably know only fear. This is to be expected! But if you look at the design components, it is not only the eyes, and the nose/mouth, but also cheekbones and forehead. Designs to incorporate these have been trying. Still, while one fails, a Hero triumphs.

Curses! Foiled again.
-Lord Malignance

* Not This Baron of Kansas.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog, and another great post. 5 more to 100? Go Lord Malignance!

