Monday, May 31, 2010

Zetaman calls Krampus for Advice...


Lot going on. Let's begin;

**This is also addressed to Zetaman, since you scrub comments on Replying to your post at .

Full disclosure: One is not now, nor has one ever been a member of ROACH

Background details; Zetaman had vandalism done to his car, and perhaps more, with a note left implicating ROACH. As is by now being proven clear by police investigation, no member of ROACH, or any other Villain associated with these blogs has been proven thus far to have had anything to do with this, and further, no incitement to commit such crimes by any member, or Villain.

This brings up another point. Zetaman doesn't follow any Villain blogs, but he does follow Krampus's blog.

There you are!

In fact, to listen to Krampus, Zetaman considers him worthy advisor and listens to and trusts what Krampus has to say. Let's look at Krampus's advice to readers;

From todays blog post; "It is the opinion of Krampus that since there has been so much negativity and capability of genuine harm to one's reputations, property and health by coming in contact with ROACH, people may wish to disassociate and disconnect any and all ties with members that are members, or fraternize as friends with such reprobates. I believe that ROACH and all members involved deserve to make their voices heard, their side of the story told. Perhaps this is the act of someone attempting to frame ROACH. But this latest attack crosses a line that goes beyond satire, beyond parody, beyond blogging and role play. Any and all members of ROACH will no doubt be investigated, as well as other potential allies with whom Krampus has verbally jousted. Hell, I'd even suspect Krampus may be investigated for this attack, with lies and innuendos spouted that Krampus has gone 'round the bend and has attacked Zetaman in order to see ROACH crushed once and for all. If such an investigation would come, so be it. Krampus has done nothing nor conspired with anyone to do such a thing, the evidence would attest to that". Without the police report, Krampus has decided who is responsible - and it's likely reprobates like ROACH members. He follows with an eerie confession. What?!

Krampus makes unfounded, Fear mongering claims; "Stalking. Cyber-stalking. Defamation of character. Manipulation of its members. Threats against its members. Veiled threats under the blanket of absurdity. Has the name ROACH also become the point of origin of a planned attack on a member of the community's property? Has someone been inspired to perform such an act with hopes of joining their ranks? Or are they merely patsies in this instance, being framed for a crime they did not commit but few would deny that is a petty, villainous act?" Glenn Beck would be proud. And so must Zetaman.

Previous posts that must have drawn Zetaman to Krampus;

On the Krampus Blogtalk Radio Show At 30:20 Krampus, after having incessantly yapped about his continuing education from cartoons, concludes that Villainy may be likened to Islamic Extremists, because we are "Verbal Terrorists". Yes, this is what is passing as intellectual discourse over there. Previously we had been called nazis, so they're still trying to fish around and find the worst name ever to call us. One suggests "Islamonazis". Schoolyard games being the pinnacle of their strategic capabilities.

Mr. Jingles (Krampus's trained Gerbil) claims that a Villain is anti semetic in the same show, though in fact he doesn't understand what the phrase "Anti Semtic" means. Still, he throws the word around, to sound like he's a big shot. Any person hearing such an accusation certainly might find anger to direct at Villainy. Though of course, the facts don't bear out his claim.

Mixsae on the same show;
Mixsae, truly plumbing intellectual dishonesty brings up the video where people in masks claiming to be villains threaten heroes, and Master Legend, and claims that they are in fact associated with Villainy here in these blogs. One points out the posting date of that video as January 15th, 2009 being both before ROACH (first post May 16th, 2009) and Lord Malignance (first Post August 1st, 2009). One has pointed out that they are first a comedy, and second, in poor taste for brandishing weapons. They make no mention of ROACH, or of any other Villain or group, seemingly coming to their genesis based solely on their experience with superheroes.
She goes further with text here (see comments); "Explain this Malvado, Malignance and especially Poop Knive. that someone claiming to be an RLSV brandishing a shotgun and a machette claiming to want to put an end to the RLSH and what they stand for?Look at the masks...weapons. The use of threats and intemidation.Nice to know what you guys stand for. You ruthlessly attack at will and encourage the masses to step up and stomp out citizens trying to make the world a better place." Anyone pretending to be a Real Life Superhero, might certainly want to act against ROACH. Why not take a plotline from Watchmen, and frame someone?

Another follower of Krampus, like Zetaman, Mr. Jingles opines; "But here's the thing. It starts to be a big deal and it gets REAL serious when people make those videos dressed like gang members or costumes AND ARE WIELDING MACHETES AND SHOTGUNS!!!! At that point, it's no longer so innocuous. These guys are probably a joke but there's nothing about a big blade and a shotgun. And Lord Malignance I see you doing what you always do when someone proved you wrong... you avoid or misdirect. You said your people do not preach violence and I proved that your people DO preach violence. And your best response is that weak ass comeback. Here's a thought. Instead of deflecting why don't you explain to us all why Malvado was preaching violence. Come on Brainiac, flex those brain cells a bit and let's that masterful skill you have in spin doctoring that one." Now remember - the date on the video precedes the creation of ROACH and ones own emergence. Those in the video brandishing weapons are only responding to heroes. There are no Villains at this point in time. Yet Mr. Jingles, a follower of Krampus, like Zetaman goes ahead and pushes his point that Villains seek to attack heroes - with dangerous weapons.
A more recent post Zetaman lends his picture and name to, by following Krampus;
"If you're evil and a villain, you kill children" with pictures of children in hospital beds, victims of murderous assaults. w/text; "Recently there has been a great deal of discussion about what 'evil' does, what 'villains' do. Some actually have the audacity to claim that 'real evil' and 'real villains' do not advocate violence, that their work is strictly satire. What is created is a patchwork, cross stitching of those that are purely laughable. These are stitched and sewn together with those that claim to be naught but jokes and fakers disguised under a facade, prepared to do actual harm. And of course, the actions of one tugs one another. The tapestry is at worst, a plethora of bad comedy covered in blood. The weak, the innocent, even the strong can be overwhelmed and decimated. Krampus is currently investigating plots from those claiming to be RLSV or simply RLV to actively attack members in the RLSH world to demonstrate that all are not simply bad comedy." Krampus, quite oddly, claims foreknowledge of an attack on a Superhero. Coincidence, or perhaps Zetaman trusts his consigliere with knowledge of something about to happen. One can't fathom how Krampus can claim this without someone advising him in advance of an incident.
The entire page summing up some of Krampus's racist statements. Zetaman follows Krampus's blog. He doesn't follow Villainy, but he follows Krampus. Let one say that again: Zetaman follows Krampus's blog. No contestation? That fact appears clear (See the picture above).
Krampus making a veiled threat to call child services on a Villains child with text; "Which leads us to the ringmaster of this mudshow, The Potentate. By the way, congratulations on the child. Don't fuck her up too badly, or else someone may have to call Child Services. See what I did there? "
Krampus claiming Villains are Cyber Terrorists (now watch for his facts);
"I also discovered through contacts that people who had said some less than flattering things on another ROACH member's blog who then had their locations and IP addresses posted? Both had their computers attacked with trojan horse viruses this past weekend. This has gone beyond simply mud slinging under the name of satire to espionage and cyber-terrorism. Exactly why Krampus has kept a watchful eye on ROACH, looking in the most ridiculous of places for signs of real threats. To those of you who want to disassociate yourselves from ROACH, you have my apologies for not being able to aid you in your endeavors at this time. But it does reveal more of the nature of the people that take role playing as villains too far. Those that hide beyond facades and vilify others sometimes run the risk of becoming the very things they strive, or claim to fight. The proper authorities WILL be alerted. " One must have missed any facts. Did you see them?

Krampus tells his readers, like Zetaman, that Villains are Cyber Terrorists who engage in "espionage and cyber-terrorism". Why if you read his blog enough, you certainly might want to take a shot at Villainy.
Most damning to Krampus and his followers like Zetaman; "Ohhh, imagine the fun. Technically, I believe I fit all the criteria for membership. After all, I've reported to the FBI, police and others about suspected terrorist activity. True, the threats may have claimed to have been a joke, but here I am, monitoring a section of the online community that people don't often take seriously. They dress in costumes and wish they were aliens wielding laser swords. Yeah, yeah. They spend their money and help the economy, should we take any threats in that area seriously? Perhaps. 'Twould pay to be better safe than sorry. So in that, I've proven my worth. And once approved, imagine exchanging information with Homeland Security! The FBI! Anyone you suspect of wrongdoing will be investigated, possibly their business and lives ruined in the process of investigation.
So let's say for example someone had made threats. Let's call them LM for now. Say that LM has been harassing people online, claiming to be part of a terrorist movement, attempting to exchange words of delusion, covering his tracks while actually planning something insidious. That's not a problem, as a member of Infragard, I simply report to the network, and this person's every move is traced, monitored,and depending on the severity, taken away by the Men in Black to be 'investigated' further. Or perhaps said person is simply going to the Urban Dictionary and giving a Thumbs Down on all my definitions out of spite. That's fine, I can make up something and tell my Infragard superiors anyway. Infragard polices its own members, so if there's too many bad leads, one might be talked down to sternly.
And one of the best parts? WHEN, not if, WHEN Martial Law would be declared, let's say by a terror attack, mass rioting, natural disasters and the local law enforcement can't handle it, then I'll be given leeway to help defend the area with a license to kill. That's right, I can just yell 'He's coming right at us!' and open fire, use my varied sword and knife collection, perhaps even granted a level of my own authority to apprehend and interrogate a suspect. Wouldn't THAT be fun boys and girls? A license to commit the very acts that Krampus commits in lore! And all under the name of national security! How very delicious!
'Tis an intriguing thought, isn't it? To be given powers above the normal citizen to inflict your will and spy all under the name of helping the government. I recall The Joker appearing in a comic shortly after slaying the Robin known as Jason Todd. Batman wished to come as close to killing him as possible, but he couldn't be touched. Even Superman was there to stop Batman. And why? He became an Ambassador for an oil rich middle eastern nation, and thus had Diplomatic Immunity! Eventually Mr. J lost his status, but still the same principle applies. As long as you're acting in the interest of information gathering in the name of national security, the sky's the limit. To act like a snooping prick, and hide behind the seal of the U.S. Government. Very tempting. And why not? NORAD tracks Santa, why not allow Krampus to do what Krampus does with impunity? This way, Krampus would be part of a legitimate network to monitor all on the Naughty list. Who needs elves when you have junior and senior G-Men to watch your back? Very tempting.
And this is a temptation that at this time, Krampus will NOT undertake. Krampus exists to watch over the wicked. And while this incarnation may monitor those not seen by others, there is a tint of danger in this organization. A network of tens of thousands, memberships growing every day, made to spy on one's neighbor? Not simply reporting blatantly suspicious activity, but potentially framing others? And should anarchy begin to run rampant and Martial Law declared, these people may feel free to kill with no ramifications on a legal scale? Or at the very least, dramatically reduced in sentencing unless the proof is overwhelming and the organization is left to police its own? This is abuse of one's power. Now I ask you to consider something. Imagine the possibility if I did join Infragard. Now imagine if someone you didn't like, or didn't care for you joined Infragard. Imagine a member of a supposed super villain organization hiding behind Infragard. Or imagine something out of shock value for some of you. What if a vigilante decided that instead of politics, this could be the route to take in exposing crimes on a higher level?"

So, with Zetaman's martyresque plea for Villains to stop comical attacks on silly people dressing up in crazy costumes, one replies with this; You follow Krampus, and your picture endorses his work. The audience you take part in is clearly much more focused on acts of violence against people, than Villainy here. How can you cry your false Zetatears, and not look in the mirror? At your endorsement of Krampus, and all he stands for? Answer these questions, and you'll be closer to solving the case of the "Attack on Zetaman, by framing Villainy".

-Lord Malignance
Tired of Victims of Stupidity, trying to blame their weaknesses on others.


  1. Quoting Krampus:

    "And one of the best parts? WHEN, not if, WHEN Martial Law would be declared, let's say by a terror attack, mass rioting, natural disasters and the local law enforcement can't handle it, then I'll be given leeway to help defend the area with a license to kill. That's right, I can just yell 'He's coming right at us!' and open fire, use my varied sword and knife collection, perhaps even granted a level of my own authority to apprehend and interrogate a suspect. "

    This sends a chill up my spine. For anyone to look forward to CERTAIN marshal law and musing that you'll be granted special privileges for gunning people down in cold blood... Jesus, this is complete insanity.

    Does Zetaman actually know about this? Read these rants in detail? I mean, he could have hit 'follow' and forgotten about it?

  2. I think lumping someone of Zetaman's character with such accusations is unbecoming. Zetaman from what I have observed is balanced, fair minded, non-violent, and a really cool guy in all seriousness. He is the most humble person you will ever meet (just try giving the guy a compliment) and he takes responsibility and umbrage when he really should not (he apologized to us during the New York meetup for having a terrible toothache he had because he thought it was ruining everyone's night).

    He is unselfish, he is just, and he is a fine friend if ever I have met. His frustration at having someone pose as a member of ROACH and attack him is completely understandable. The man has a right to be outraged and demand a certain amount of respect. The attack on him was not comical, it was some pathetic swabs of bile trying to tear the RLSV and RLSH apart.

    This is as much an attack on you guys as it was on him. We start pointing fingers at each other and we let the attacker win. Krampus is his own person, as is Zetaman. Critique Krampus if you want, but Zetaman has no right to be treated in this fashion.

    Put yourself in his shoes. We need understanding, not anger. Time to show that.

  3. Beryllium,

    One wants to give Zetaman a pass, because he has so many other responsibilities selling the product that is Zetaman, he may not have caught some of Krampus's work. Though Krampus has been consistent in his message of violence, paranoia, and stupidity. However, Zetaman is an adult, and he can be held responsible for his actions. If he missed some of Krampus's posts, then here he finds a collection to review. He may thank me, then (and crouch).

    Mr. Jack,

    Let one point out, that Zetaman IS a good man doing honorable work, but he is no saint without flaws. Does Zetaman do any act of kindness that he doesn't blog about, film, or otherwise use to sell the product "Zetaman". Where does self agrandizement become greater than the good he does?

    One has no quibble with selling oneself - one calls it the Almighty Shill - and as a Villain, one is comfortable with the Evil of putting myself above the work one does. It's megalomania, and one embraces it. My argument is against Zetaman taking this opportunity to quiet dissenting voices against his rule. For example: On RLSH.Net, if this were spoken of, he would delete ones text, leaving only his argument to remain. Again, one has no problem with this behavior, because that is an act of Evil, and one approves. Notice, how on this blog however, you do not have censorship of heroes or Villains. You find no hidden statcode html text in ones blog. You are free here to think. And that is the gift of Villainy, and one will not let Zetaman take that gift away. Even from you.

    -Lord Malignance

  4. I do not see him quieting this:

    Or this:

    Or many other places. We do not delete other's text on, nor do we censor them, unless something is so foul and blatantly rude or mean that it needs to be, like Captain Ozone's monkey lobotomy video.

    I will justify no further, because I think you know this, and I respect your views. But there is plenty that Zetaman keeps from public eye, and he is not an almighty dictator who silences all who opposes him with the press of the powerful admin delete. He is a guy, who had his tires slashed by an juvenile idiot. And, understandably, he is pissed.

    To quote a friend quoting a great movie: "What's more chickenshit than fucking with a man's automobile? I mean, don't fuck with another man's vehicle."

  5. Lord Malignance, I have just gotten to date on your blog. Frankly you don’t have any idea about the comings and goings about the RLSH. I noticed you failed to post that I also contacted Malvado and the White Skull for advice. And you have failed to note on about the 15 other people including neighbors that I have consulted.
    You are questioning my relationship with Krampus. I know the guy. I know of him through Creature Feature which was created by my friend Executrix. Does his type out weird stuff? Yeah. Sometimes I don’t read all of it. I didn’t read a lot of your blog either. Some of the content was a bit dry and boring. But this is your method of blogging and you do have a small following. So you must be doing something right.
    Krampus is a very talented individual who we’ve welcomed on Meow and Friends. We also have had on Malvado as well as White Skull, Tiny Terror and anyone professing to be a “Supervillian”. So your theory is sort of flawed. was the first to welcome “RLSV” despite protest by RLSH. All I ask is that people post respectfully. And when you run a forum, there is a position called “Moderator.” People are moderated. I rarely ever moderator topics I create. Forums are moderated based on rules. You may claim your blog is unmoderated, however if content was featured on this blog that broke the rules of Blogspot, Google would remove your blog. So no, your blog is unmoderated. And as being a follower of his blog… I did click on “Follow Me” button because I know the guy. I do admit that I haven’t really followed a lot of his content because I don’t have time. I didn’t have time to read this blog. I read one post one time and decided this was not something I wanted to read.
    But looking for answers about who exactly wanted to attack me, I stumbled upon this blog. Lucky me. You accused me of posting content to generate interest on another blog. I am glad to see you are using the same tactic to get visitors to your blog. Kudos for piggybacking.

  6. (continuing on because there is a limit on how many characters to use)

    Another thing I would like to address is your comment about me shilling. I believed that I had put enough of myself out there for the public to discern the value of me as an individual. Whatever media I have gotten I have tried to be completely honest. Despite your beliefs I have never made a dime on my persona. Everything done has been financed by my own pocketbook. I believe what we does, success or fail, will help someone else in what they can do or not do. I blog for free because I believe that I should give whatever information I have for free. I don’t charge anyone for web help or, to view my blogs or to join sites or forums I work on. Any store online I have money goes to charity. By being very public with what I do I believe the public can then hold me accountable for any negative actions I do. If I decided to start robbing banks or anything else, I believe that the public is informed about who I am. And if I am a negative influence the public should do something about me. I am accountable to my city because of the lifestyle I am choosing to live.
    Do I have an online show? Yes. I didn’t create the show. I started doing it as a personal favor to someone looking to break out as a director and a producer. I have never asked for any media attention. I own my persona and have never sold it to a producer or network for couple of grand. So again, how does one shill when one doesn’t post a resume or even a post on craigslist? By blogging? So no one has a right to blog about their experiences? Is that Shilling? Posting personal content on personal spaces that I own… is that advertisement? Or is that blogging? Is all blogging advertising? Then what are you advertising on this blog? Aren’t you looking for attention by making You Tube videos and posting blogs? Aren’t you shilling?
    I find your comments slanderous and hateful. You have no knowledge of me or my associates. You blog based on some truth mixed in with speculation and lies. This blog, in my opinion, is worst than Fox News. I appears to me that the reason you type the post you do is the superficial attempt to gain readership.
    Lastly, you’re not looking like you’re in the greatest shape yourself.

  7. This blog is worse than Fox News? Duuuuuude, you REALLY need to read through Mister Jingles' and Krampus' blogs. These guys have been gunning for us since day one. Violently.

    (We couldn't believe it the first time we saw it either.)

    PLEASE reconsider who you've been taking advice from, Zetaman. We've all been groovy with each other, and we've been making even more RLSH-RLSV friendships!... except for Krampus and his cronies. It's getting REALLY CREEPY and has been for months.

    Declaring allegiance to Krampus looks kinda bad. It's a way-out theory that Malignance threw up here, but he makes some salient, if uncomfortable, arguments.

  8. I will start reading through some of those blogs.
    I try to have a better relationship with people via phone calls and off-blog communications. So I am bias towards krampus because the guy has spend some time getting to know me and my wife and vice versa. I am also developing a bias towards Malvado because the dude called me to see if I was okay. As far as consulting people, had I had other RLSV's phone numbers I would of most certainly called them. Again, I did contact other RLSV's and RLSH's as well as different people. So saying that Krampus controls what I do is out of line. I factored in his point of view with others.
    As far as who is associated with what, honest I have no clue. I also have no clue over who Myspace's or Facebook pages of all RLSH either. Sadly this is something I cannot devote my time to.
    I disagree with Malignace's theories about me and what I do. I have never shilled or made a profit over my persona. I use my persona to help raise funds for future fund raising projects. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't, but it is what I do. I resent the accusation that I do so. I have never sought media or do so.
    I can look past what some people put in their blogs because they are running a gimmick. However this particular one hit a few raw nerves. For that I do apologize.

  9. (Note: This is response to Zetaman's first post. 1 of possibly 3)


    First, one welcomes you and offers true sympathy for your terrible experience. Villains do not advocate violence or the harm to others, or the incitement of harm to any. We support authorized law enforcement, and not criminal vigilantes in costumes.

    One will attempt to respond to your posts, and where one does not answer to your satisfacion, you (or your proxies) are invited to request clarification.

    One finds you to be in a frisky mood, and this is not unwelcome, for heroes should challenge Villains with strength in their convictions, and steel in their spines. To come before one being less than the best you can be, would be to be found wanting in my eyes.

    Continued in part 2...

  10. (Note: This is response to Zetaman's first post. 2 of possibly 3)

    First Post

    One didn't mention your contacts with others, as Krampus did not mention it on his blog, and he was the source of information one quoted. One "troll flaks" his frequent advocations for violence, fear mongering, hatred, and racism as a hobby. It is distasteful as he and his ilk are uneducated and boorish, but his irresponsibility should be addressed, as should your visible support of his frequent incitements of violence against Villains.

    Since you mentioned your neighbors, let us address your text; "What has happened to me could happen to you. I will not be discouraged, and I urge you to continue pressing on, as I will. The good that is done is worth doing, and no negative actions should hinder it." which sounds much like hubris. While you invite this criminal element to your doorstep, to those you care most about, what of your neighbors? Who speaks for their concerns about your bringing this criminal element to their doors, to their families and loved ones? Is there ZetaInsurance that they must now consider?

    This is not your first such association with crime and the potential for same. From Agent Null, who actively participated in criminal abuse of heroin while your partner, to Black Knight who stalks the streets even now seeking violence - you having been his mentor. Yet more, as your former group "The Heroes Network" and all their vigilantes remain out in our streets with their potential unlawfulness. Who deleted the Heroes Network blog posts? Ah yes, that was also a hero. Add to this now, Krampus's frequent calls to violence and harm to Villains, and his incitement of hatred. The crime that surrounds you seems of your groups own making, and has far less to do with my group of Villains, than of your group of heroes.

    Your small jabs of pettiness pleases one, for in doing so, you lower yourself to the level of Krampus. One claims this as victory.

    "Small Following" - a case of quality over quantity. You must say frequent prayers to Metatron, for Master Legend counted among your group. Is he not as they say, the "Greatest RLSH"?

    You say that one claimed this blog is "unmoderated" and this demonstrates your weakness in debate. One did not say this, instead saying that readers would be free to post here, and that one will be held to answer questions, comments, and pointed accusations for what one has written, and this is so. You are free to post here, and one does not delete your posts, as you do to any language or thought that you don't approve of on the One speaks from first hand experience, and not from recounted annecdote. Freedom IS Villainous - doesn't it feel good for a change? Your mention of White Skull and Tiny Terror, serve your argument well, for they were and are potent and controversial figures. One has respect for you in the grand allowance to think and write you provided them. How you now condescend, and speak so proudly of allowing them these meager triflings is most heartening. But alas, only one of us may enslave the world, and it won't be you.

    At the end of the first post "Lucky me. You accused me of posting content to generate interest on another blog. I am glad to see you are using the same tactic to get visitors to your blog. Kudos for piggybacking." - one is not sure what you mean, though it does sound like an insult for being Villainous, and so one will thank you.

  11. (Note: This is a response to Zetaman's second post, his third having not yet been read)

    Second post

    Actually, most of the second post, one agrees with you. You don't like the word "shill" but it is defined and used appropriately, as is one's reference of your being the salesman for the product "Zetaman". One quibbles with "worst than Fox News", but since they are most Villainous, and you meant it as insult, one thanks you.

    Summation from your statement: "“Free Speech”. Free speech comes with a responsibility. People are responsible for the content they produce. Free Speech does not absolve a person from any responsibility for what they say or the impact it may have. And I think R.O.A.C.H. needs to be responsible and respond to this R.O.A.C.H. inspired act of vandalism." Villainy did not bring this to your doorstep, heroes such as yourself did. You have now seen here a collection of some of Krampus's frequently stated calls for murderous violence, hatred, fear mongering and racism. You must now decide if what you stand for is compatible with what you now know your advisor Krampus calls for. You will be judged now that you know these things.

    Are you a hero, or are you a salesman Zetaman?

    Lastly, it's true, one needs more cardio and less candybars, but one points out that in Villainy we don't have Citizen Smoke advocating early death by smoking related cancers. Unfair of one to hold you responsible for members of your group? Well, yes, it IS Villainous, but then again, you have made yourself their mascot. Either you or Master Legend, and at least you can use punctuation.

    -Lord Malignance

    A) One recognizes you as one of the first heroes to move away from criminal vigilantism, and towards citizen outreach. One advocates this same strategy, and has spoken of you highly for this early wisdom. If one should hear anyone say anything about your crime (or of any other) you may be assured the appropriate legal authorities will be contacted immediately.

    B) If you wanted to have a Fatties Challenge Charity, the funds going to purchase new tires, one would participate. One could absolutely stand to lose ~10lbs, and hates losing to heroes.

    C) Blogger only accepts smaller posts.

  12. (Note: This is response to Zetaman's third post)


    One agrees with you (mostly). Nothing you say except your disagreement is contested. Your disagreement is mine though, for one holds that you do market and sell the product Zetaman. You claim you make no money, but money is not the only form of lucre available. Celebrity and power are your fortunes, and one holds my opinion.

    There was talk that it was perhaps unseemly to call you out on this, at this time, your having just experienced a terrible event. Your post however is confrontational, and does unfairly target Villains, and is a disservice to solving the crime. Further, Krampus and co, are taking your tragedy, and using it to yet again, call for violence against Villains.

    It does not take long to determine that Villains could not, would not, and would not enable or incite others to strike at heroes (or anyone). Taking this time however, is time not spent looking at more reasonable criminals in your own neighborhood.

    Should someone take you and Krampus at value, they may bring harm to Villains, and not all such as oneself, are somewhat unknown. Looking at the facts you now see, you must see why it is Necessary and right, that Villainy (oneself) answer your post, but there is no invective to be found. One endeavors to make a point, and lead you to see reason only.

    One actually does not wish to add to your troubles, but points out, you need to hear this, and who better, than from a Villain?

    -Lord Malignance

  13. " Further, Krampus and co, are taking your tragedy, and using it to yet again, call for violence against Villains. "

    ^This^ merits eleventy billion exclamation points.

    But blogger won't let me because of the character limit. :(

  14. First, I have no proxies. If you are referring to where I am at typing this, then you know where I work. So I am guessing this information will be leaked out somewhere. No worries. I am not ashamed of where I work.
    Tracy Hudson is on the track to recovery, thank you very much. He has had a trouble past but has been in rehab for a while and is working things out with his wife. He was a drug user but is no longer. You want to keep punishing the guy for the mistakes of his past that’s your business.
    As for Black Knight, you failed to note that I disassoicated myself from him. So forgive me for trying to associate myself to hard luck cases.
    I have spoken in great lenghts with my neighbors. They don't need Zeta-Insurance nor do they live in fear either.
    I did not mean small following as a insult. Looking back on it I can see how that can look like a jab so I apologize for that.
    I have not made myself a mascot, so I don't understand that particular statement.
    I also did not create the Heroes Network. I designed it for Tothian back in the day. And I was banned for some years afterwards. The Heroes Network was never my group. So you have that incorrect.
    As for Tothian and Master Legend. I have a lot of disagreements with Tothian that I don't post online. And a lot that I do disagree with online. As for Master Legend... I consider him a friend and I won't spend my time slandering him nor will I apologize for knowning the man.
    As for my association with White Skull and Tiny Terror, I have no idea what your statment meant. Those are also individuals who I have spend some time getting to know personally.
    If you want to call me a salesman or whatever I've been called worst. I explained my position concerning that and you failed to get it. Either way you can keep spinning it anyway you want.
    Finally, keep your challenge to yourself. I can pay for my own tires thank you very much.

  15. You may think that status is my fortune and that is your opinion. You, however, do not know me or who I am. I reject that opinion.

  16. I think We should all remember to tread lightly when nerves and patience are raw, RLSH and Villains alike. When Your persona catches up with You in real life, no matter what the circumstance, it can be very unsettling.

    Seriously, I don't blame anyone for not keeping up on the latest back biting between Krampus, Jingles, ROACH, or any of the RLSH. Who has the time?

    "If You're Evil, and a Villain, You Kill Children"----this is the post that made Me stop paying attention. These people use Their circular logic to incite baseless hatred, and The Overlord does not approve. Even though I can't get 100% behind Lord Malignance on this one, I know what He is responding to.

    Let's stop being on the offensive/defensive, put on Our thinking caps and figure out how to do right by people Who have taken a serious blow to Their privacy and sense of security.

    Over and out.

  17. Zetaman,

    Proxies = agents working on your behalf. Lord Malignance is not into IP Tracking. Half the time, the systems around here don't work.

    Agent Null should be a success, and Black Night rightfully disavowed, which you have done. One meant them no harm, and used them as examples of the point one was making. "Associate myself with hardluck cases"? This is your strengh! Don't apologize for it, and certainly not to a Villain.

    Heroes Network. You have your participation, but have disassociated. Well answered. For being incorrect, you have ones acknowledgement - you know the facts better than one does.

    Your apologies for being frisky earlier, are met with ones own apologies. Truly, no harm is meant to you or any in your group.

    Master Legend - yes. And you should be his friend, because though he is a goofball, he needs friends, and your help. Again, this should be your strength. One didn't mention Tothian (but one does lump him with Master Legend tranditionally).

    White Skull and Tiny Terror. You did allow them to post often dissenting views, and one acknowledged this.

    Salesman is hardly and insult, and is not offered as one. You should hear what one has said of my ArchNemesis (Lazy 7-foot tall Belgian Albino comes to mind)! It is a label, and applied only as such. One also is a salesman. The guy at the counter of the store you shop in, the politicians, and (Fox) news presenters are also. In one way or another, at differnt times, we all are.

    Lastly about your tires. One wanted to share camaraderie and lighten the general mood. The offer was legitimate though.

    Thanks for caring enough to post, and for standing up for what you believe in. We may disagree, but truth can be found.

    -Lord Malignance

    Even Villains need to believe in heroes.

  18. Ack! Busy posting:

    Zetaman: Agreed, and well said.

    Overlord: One also agrees. As to my leeengthy points? They're serving a purpose, and not all are meant to be entirely agreeable. Yes, absolutely better work must be done. This is a terrible moment, and not enough time has been spent on thinking of how to take a meaning from this and build something better. One sees the wisdom in your words and thanks you for your counsel.

    -Lord Malignance

  19. Sir,
    Again, I do apologize for posting in haste and with emotion. I usually try to maintain some decorum. I also apologize for insulting your work on this blog as well as your body type. This was a low blow on my part and I should of never of done so. As of late I have been a bit more aggressive then I should be. Please accept my apology.

  20. Zetaman,
    (Sleeping after this - the candybars are running out).

    No apologies to Villains are necessary, but one acknowledges your strength of character in their place. You should be upset, for it was wrong, and you really do good work and help people, and this happened to you anyway. There are not words one can say, to express my sincere feelings of sympathy for you and Meow. Yes, one will fight you (always) when it comes to it, but never to cause you distress or harm.

    Overlord mentioned seeing this back and forth as counterproductive, and there is wisdom in what she says. Perhaps from this communication a better raport can emerge, one where better understanding can emerge? One thinks you now have found good (Evil) resources you may speak with (not oneself, but those others you have mentioned). They are good (Evil) people also, and truly care about you at this time, and have reached out to you in sincerity.

    You may call upon one at anytime. With respect,
    -Lord Malignance

    Low blow? Hardly - hello! Villain.

  21. You can freely email me at The email on the zetaman website is the producers and not mine.

  22. Personally, I think the entire situation is hilarious. Does that make me a "bad guy"?

  23. No. Depends on how you find it to be hilarious.

  24. In every way possible. But now it doesn't matter. I've just been officially kicked out of R.O.A.C.H.! This is a victory for the RLSH.

  25. Exit Nero,

    One suspects a temporary suspension. You may only have to let some time go by, acknowledge your error, and ask for pardon. Because we are Villains, a bribe is never wrong. This has proven to be a sensitive issue at this time, and it's never wrong for the Potentate to demonstrate his authority. Hang in there, and when the time seems right, step forward, and one hopes a state of grace shall be returned to you.

    Otherwise, Villainy outside of ROACH exists, and you can never lose that status. You can be shunned however - so please - a little diplomacy around the pain of others.

    -Lord Malignance

  26. I never met a bunch of real-life superheroes so proud of a weak stomach. Now drop and give me ten!

  27. "to Black Knight, who stalks the streets even now seeking violence.."
    Whaaa? Man, you guys have got some serious issues. Um, I retired. Gone. And I think it's kinda funny how all the "villains" continuously talk shit about me (Malignance, Agent Beryllium). Once again, I'm retired. Well over a year now. Jesus Christ, you losers need to get lives.

  28. "Black Night",

    First - at present this is a conversation from almost, what? three months ago? Please don't expect replies this far back. If it didn't flag the spam alert, one may not have even seen this.

    Second - You underestimate however, what a gloriously flaming disaster your career has been. Why, the terms "f-tard" and "Black Night" are practically interchangeable!

    Third - One had never heard about you, until the heroes - your comrades, told such amazing stories of your exploits. Thank them vigorously, and thank them frequently.

    That all aside, one wishes you no ill, and hopes you have found happiness in your new pursuits.

    -Lord Malignance
