Friday, May 14, 2010

Candid Lord Malignance


  1. Fantastic to see you still making videos, LM! Phantom Zero and all heroes must be stopped in their crime-fighting duties because, well... Com'on! It's hard out here for an evil pimp!

    -Malvado SV

  2. LOL! Seriously, m'Lord, thou art most humorous.

    I'd post a video response, but then I'd be labeled a media whore. *sigh* Heroes never get to have any fun!

  3. I'm pretty much done with the media whore argument seeing as for the most part it's been proven to be bunk. Well, not totally bunk. People like Captain Ozone are still on my 'attention whore' list.

  4. Malvado,

    Yes, it IS hard out here, for the hard working Villain, but we persist! One fully intends to become the Greatest Parody of Media Darling - IN THE WORLD! However... it appears almost everyone on youtube has beaten one to it. And some of them are talented, imaginative, and hot. Working at a disadvatage...

    Silver Sentinel,

    Can't let the hero grow complacent. It's in the Arching Union Rules somewhere.

    Thank you both,
    -Lord Malignance

  5. "YOU, CROUCH"!!

    I just about died. Love the gloves.

    Your videos keep getting better, but I'm curious about Your methods. We should talk.

  6. Overlord,

    You are too kind, but one thanks you all the same. As to the gloves, one has two pairs (for these purposes). There are the comfy gloves that reduce my pantomime to flipper-waving, and these seen which allow more expression.

    Ones Methods? One had a script (see previous post) for the great work (see Instrument of Evil - Codename:Cello) and had a few moments after to put some thoughts on tape.

    -Lord Malignance
