Monday, May 3, 2010

The Most Evil Sandwich - OF THEM ALL!

Greetings and Lamentations, I AM Lord Malignance, and you WILL crouch before me now! (Villains excepted, of course)

Bludgeoning Trolls has been fun, but a distraction from greater work, and one sees we all need a break from the constant humiliation of Krampus. To this end, some recent finds, and the revelation of THE MOST EVIL SANDWICH OF THEM ALL. This is not, by the way, the MalignoTuna Sandwich, which horribly used Sour Cream instead of Mayonnaise because - "hey, both are white condiments". This having been later determined by peers to have been yet another "crime against humanity". As if the Hague can even think about taking ME before Darth Cheney.

1) Sword Kane is still experiencing difficulty, and would appreciate any monetary kindness you would care to send him. You may use your paypal account to forward funds to his email address If you have concerns about privacy, you may create a paypal account by any name (they are a stickler for address though) and purchase MoneyPak cards from Walmart, and send him what you may in this way.

2) One has been ranting about not finding enough information on the new season of Doctor Who. Then one found that you can purchase entire episodes from the iTunes store most reasonably at $2.99. This may hold you over until the series comes out on

3) One has heard that if you text REDCROSS to 90999 a $10.00 donation will go to the Red Cross for assistance in domestic disasters, including the recent flooding in Tenessee. One is never sure if these things work, so a pinch of doubt and care to examine the information before you ever send money is in order.

4) Lord Malignance does not yet have "Instrument of Evil: Codename Cello" off the ground, but has made significant progress. Also, it appears Master Legend already has something going. AAAAAAGGHGHGHGHGH! They want a video for the application, and one wanted to provide the video AFTER one had a target to shill to. Lastly, one has been attempting to find a Colorado State Flag, however for some reason, these are turning out to be difficult to find. One believes this is because we're not terribly fond of our flag - we put a "C" on it for Colorado. Pretty much sums it up.

5) Cause and Effect: Without Bob doing dishes, and other housework, things have slowly fallen apart. Who knew he washed dishes? So now one is down to improvising. A bowl as a glass, a spatula as a knife, tongs as forks, etc. Bob by the way is nowhere to be found, and his rats are costing $140 a week to kennel... till the authorization to feed them to snakes is made... Except Bud, the Rat/Dog nightmare thing (by the way - Bud IS a rat, just a very, very, large aggressive rat, that barks). Bud is going to have to go to the zoo, as he appears to frighten all the other animals and people. Rats have notoriously short lifespans, so this issue may just resolve itself.

And now, one will reveal
the Most Evil Sandwich in the World;

The heroes have by no coincidence, the so called "Hero" sandwich, and like them, it is a gaudy, mishmash of leftovers thrown together in a haphazard way. Tasty, and it does the job, but you are left to despair over the incredible lack of style and distinction.

Villainy on the other hand, has the Reuben Sandwich. The ingredients? Simply Rye bread, Corned Beef, Swiss Cheese, Thousand Island Dressing, Butter for toasting, and Sour Kraut. Is there really anything more unwholesome than Sour Kraut?

The formula for the sandwich is easy enough, but as with a sandwich this complex and Evil, the devil is in the details. Only the finest ingredients should be used in any attempt. Mere Safeway components will not suffice. If you have a delicatessen near your house, you may find this treasure, and experience the sublime pleasure.

The finest Rye Bread - tangy, rich, and chewy must be found. The Corned Beef, from only a deli counter. Do not THINK of using anything from a package! Never overfill your sandwich with an ugly over abundance of meat, for you are creating art, as well as food. When purchasing Swiss Cheese, pay the extra for the finer cheese - it will have a smell, and the texture of industrial plastic - but the taste is far superior. Thousand Island Dressing is crucial, and one has no recomendation here, but your choice must be only the finest. If it can be created by the deli, all the better. Sour Kraut should also similarly be made, and not from package - your deli may also be able to assist you with this. After the assembly, and this is crucial - the sandwich must be lightly buttered on both outsides, and pan heated, to melt the cheese, and delicately brown the bread. Use only the finest butter, a rich European brand, or a creamy domestic salted alternative. You would not want to destroy your work with mere margarine - the shadow of butter with none of the substance!

Finally, serve on a plain white bone china plate with a side of Potato Salad, and set upon to play on your finest music reproduction device a selection of challenging Rachmaninoff, and savour the pleasures of enjoying the Most Evil Sandwich in the World.

You will be full afterwards, and it might be possible to experience a period of gastric distress - sometimes the Sour Kraut may be inferior, or the Thousand Islands Sauce too acidic. You should not plan on venturing forth, until you know how this sandwhich will sit with you.

Once you have experienced a Reuben Sandwich, all other sandwiches pale in comparison.

-Lord Malignance
Has not yet, and may never perfect this sandwich


  1. As far as evil food goes I foresee a great war between the KFC Double Down and Japan's Burger King Windows 7 Whopper (which is actually just a regular Whopper... WITH SEVEN MEAT PATTIES).

    The chicken nuggets will not be spared.

  2. Rueben sandwiches are tha bomb!!! But they must be served with potato chips - not potato salad - if eaten for lunch. Potato salad is only acceptible when the rueben is eaten as an evening meal.

    A nice slice of rhubarb pie immediately afterward is nice as well.

  3. Crossfire,

    Excellent! One has not had rhubarb in ages - and there is quite the art to this pie, one best learned from family. When thinking about it - the heaviness of the sandwich, and the heaviness of the potato salad DO sound extreme. The lighter potato crisps would be the better choice. Thank you!


    7 Meat Patties?! It casts a mighty shadow. The KFC breadless sandwich? Innovative, but those chicken slabs seem too large. We're all going to read about a future upswing in preventable heart disease if this MonstroSandich trend continues.

    Thank you both,
    -Lord Malignance

  4. The art of the Rueben - and Rhubarb as well - was taught to me from the grill in a truck stop in Iowa. I learned a great many life lessons while wielding that spatula.

    Although I still do not understand why a rueben must be sliced diagonally and not straight across.

    Another great sandwich is the Chicken Philly - which is basically a Philly Cheese Steak sandwich with chicken in leiu of beef.

    And if you want an evil sandwich - the Meatball sub from Subway must surely be considered as a candidate...Top that bad boy with mozzerella and black olives and toast it...mmmm...definately sinful.

    Crossfire the - Sandwich Chef - Crusader

  5. Crossfire,

    the Subway Sanwich as described must be tested! One will enjoy it over the weekend, and thanks you for this suggestion. You can learn a lot behind a stove, and education one is sorely missing. One forgot to mention the Diagonal Cut! - and you're right, for detail, this step is also crucial. That's two! Two things wrong, and better improved.

    -Lord Malignance

  6. "and education one is..." should be "an education one is..."

    Sleeplessness is the Crazy Persons Burden

    -Lord Malignance

  7. The most evil sandwich I ever made involved melting a crispy parmesan crust to the outside, one component of the ultimate grilled cheese.

    Honestly, the deep fried Monte Cristo could kick the evil Reuben's ass if not for it's accursed sweetness.

    Oh, and I prefer slaw with My Reuben, which used to be the hangover breakfast of choice in My younger grill cook days. These days it's bacon wrapped quail eggs topped with spicy mayo and stuffed into a buttery roll, because sanny fixins are scarce at the moment.

    Thank You Lord Malignace, I'm hungry :}

  8. Ruebens are terrible morning after sandwiches IMHO. As a recovering alcoholic (Sober for many years) I had many morning afters and sour kraut is a terrible thing to re-experience when rejected from a pickled stomach. On days like this I would suggest a cold spaghetti sandwich on white bread with a hefty sprinkling of parmesan cheese and a glass of 7UP.

  9. Meatball Sub vs Reuben vs Monte Cristo.

    Three sandwiches enter the octogon, only one sandwich leaves. Any other contestants?

    The new marketing campaign;

    Sandwich Wars: It's for Realz Now!

    One will absolutely steal from Lolcats,
    -Lord Malignance

  10. I totally agree, but at twenty-two Overlord's stomach could handle ANYTHING.

  11. As resident German among the villains since Baghead vanished two months ago, I have to mention that it's written "sauerkraut". "Sour Kraut" is what happens when Agent Beryllium is forced to wait 40 minutes for the next bus.

  12. p.s.

    You can get all the new Dr Who episodes at

    Entertainment in

    and with a bit of Googling you can figure out how to make your transaction safe and secure.

  13. It is called a corned beef special when it is with cole slaw, miss overlord, and yes I must concur, the Reuben is the Lunch of Champions, magnifique!!!

  14. I love how opinionated everyone has become about this sandwich post, very touching. The Devil is in the details.

    I forgot to mention how much I love Marbled Rye.

  15. Crossfire,
    Respect for your recovery. One has known loss down that same road.

    One envies your iron constitution. One has also an appreciation for Marbled Rye, but found since Arby's has used it in their attempt at the Reuben, it has lost my favor. Perhaps if one tried it in something new? That Monte Cristo perhaps?

    Another improvement and correction to the Reuben formula! "Sauerkraut" - one thanks you. New Who? One is trying to keep the insanity to know more tamped down by watching a few episodes, till the full release. So far, Smith looks good. Btw - Hamlet w/Tennant came out on Amazon yesterday. Sing-Song voice for following text: "He-might-be-shirtless...".

    One didn't know this rule of sandwiches. Another improvement to the Formula for Reuben! One thanks you. Soon, the Master Sandwich Formula will be created, to RULE All Other Sandwiches! (Villains - throw back your heads, and laugh your maniacal laughs!)

    -Lord Malignance

  16. I might toss out another contender - although it might be a tad too heavenly to be considered as an evil sandwich.

    Its called the ELVIS SANDWICH. Its Peanut Butter and Bananas on white bread that has been dipped in funnel cake batter and deep fried. It's a big seller at the Arkansas State Faire.

    Now I want one...see why I think it might be evil?

  17. Crossfire,

    One has heard of that sandwich, and it was considered the Kings favoriite. He called it a 'Nanner Sandwich? That has to be spectacular to taste - even just once.

    Frying IS probably the most Evil way to cook - it being so "bad" for you. (But it's so tempting!)

    Thank you again,
    -Lord Malignance

  18. Actually I think he called it a Nanna-Butter Sandwich...and it was his favored breakfaast food.

    The last time I had a Nanna-Butter for breakfast was the day I discovered that the King actualy stayed at the motel I was managing. He had been there about 11 mponths prior to his death AND if he ate in the restaurant then he actually ate in the area that eventually served as my apartment...thats right Elvis most likely ate in the place where I lived!

  19. A new restaurant just opened in my city and they serve of all things THE RUEBEN.

    I sense an evil plot forming...definately...and it reeks of saurkraut.

    Is there anything you want to confess now or should I simply call for backup?


  20. Malignance's Sandwich Patrol just got waaaay more dangerous.

  21. It's a huge shit sandwich and all the real-life superheroes are going to have to take a bite!

