Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Greetings and Lamentations, I AM Lord Malignance and you WILL crouch before me now! (Villains excepted, of course)

One wanted to share a recent satisfying victory for Villainy, and demonstrate the labyrinthine depths of Evil one employs against the weaklings of goodness, and their trained minions the trolls. (See? Not a single insult!)

Recently one unleashed a strategem codenamed "Googlebomb". The plan was simple, and had two distinct components necessary for success - the Infection, and the Vector.

The Infection: A seemingly sophisticated exploit designed to corrupt the search engine Google, for the nefarious purpose of directing searches for "Kick Ass", "Greatest Real Life Superhero", and "Leader of the RLSH" these last two directed to Master Legend and Tothian respectively. The pieces were moved out convincingly upon the board, including hints for the dilligent here (see the comments), and here. One also delievered comments on other blogs (see comments again), sent the ghostly Henchman out creeping around in an overly clumsy way, and let the fear of "Googlebombing" grasp the childlike attention of the target. The fact that googlebombing doesn't work, that Google specifically has safeguards built into their systems against so pedestrian an exploit, and a simple Google search, and Wiki read will confirm that the strategem employed could not possibly work, was completely overlooked by the trolls. And yet they claim it is instead Evil that makes unfounded claims (Read her entire participation)!

The Vector: One needed an easily manipulatable agent, capable of being accepted as one of the heroes own. As you may now have guessed, a far simpler being was used as vehicle to convey my malignant will within the protected stronghold of the superheroes world. The delivery method performed flawlessly, putting forth communication (See third comment from the bottom) in many, many forms, repeating the meme over and over again, propogating it to a frenzied pitch. The fear, and panic is a gift one gives to the heroes. There could not possibly have been such remarkable success without my lowest of servants, the vector of ones success.

Thank you Mixsae. You serve the will of Lord Malignance most handsomely.

And now, for trolls out there everywhere, a hidden message for you to find below, and convey and propogate to all corners of the superhero movement.

Malignancy ascendant, as heroes provide the fear one needs to rule.
Is it wrong that one should show you no Mercy?
Xenophobia, fear of what you don't understand will be a weapon too.
Superheroes will crouch before the inescapable peril of my will.
An abiding terror. Be afraid, and share fear will others.
Evil is everywhere, its embrace reaching from your mind.
In fear one found you, crouching, and in fear one will rule you.
Superheroes are by their natures vulnerable, trusting and weak.
A small hope one offers you - or is it yet another trap?
Deliver unto Evil you heroes crouching, pleading to serve.
Understanding that in service you will be spared.
Decide now if you will serve Evil, or sink to that lowest of station;
Everyone is more than a shallow browed troll bred for menial labor.

Is it poem, or is it map?
-Lord Malignance


  1. I see what you did there.

  2. Simplicity is the way of Heroic thinking. Even now I can see them Squinting their puny little minds-eye to try and figure out what is hidden within the poetic justice delivered in the finale of your wonderful entry. Also, it is quite Fantastic to see how much capes like her lack any real logic beyond what their chubby little brains can comprehend, lost in what seems to be an endless maze of xenophobic stupidity. At least you'll never have To worry about the Capes doing much better than trolls like her. Usually this is the point where the supervillain supersimian would make a crude, hateful joke about this countless Nemeses, but for some reason This reply feels like it has done justice enough.


  3. the infection? are you stealing my gimmick? jk, as always nice post, and very cryptic.

    Time for evil laugh


  4. Prize to Anonyman for catching that. Not the most sophisticated puzzle, but the formatting - it took an hour!

    Hopefully she'll quiet down over there. Troll Flakking is a game of whack-a-mole that's keeping one from other Evil works.

    Apologies, no infringement was intended. The reference "has legs" as they say in advertising. You know this though - for it IS a cool name/concept.

    Everyone - Evil Laugh!
    Bwah, ha, ha, ha, ha! (though I think the mwahahahaha IS probably a more Evil laugh)

    -Lord Malignance

  5. Also, I forgot to mention to take the capital letters in my post for another secret message. :D

  6. Not at all for you it suits you well, yet again I failed to call in to malvado's show, I was engaged in my own nefarious plots involving those of female persuasion, do not misinterpret that, i am dating this girl, I am not some hound, I think I have proven more intelligent than that. But for some reason I felt like over pontificating tonight, and looking out upon the few that surround, but it is quality not quantity that suits us best. That is what some lack in understanding, ahem. But thank you, I have watched you for some time, and admire your work, love that freaking mask man, and now I have regressed, but your present blog speaks so beautifully, and again thank you for gracing us with your presence.


    Infecting the minds of the remarkably loquacious simpleton humanoids

    I am almost tempted to make a mask and put it up.

    I think I shall.

  7. You ARE the most Evil of villains. I think you may have worked at the last company I worked for. Ever worked in Human Resources?

  8. Virus,

    Thank you, and one applauds you for your prioritization of lifes needs. Do pursue goals in the world outside of Villainy (especially the possible love of your life). It is a hallmark that seperates Villainy from goodness, and rightfully sets us above them.


    If by "Human Resources" you mean "Enslavement of Humanity", then yes.

    -Lord Malignance

  9. Malvado,

    Ouch! Just ouch. See what Kick Ass has done to society?

    -Lord Malignance

  10. lord Malignance - I am asking nicely for you to please not use my falling out with Mixsae as a weapon in your sparring with her. Our conflict is a personal matter that has caused pain for both of us and I will not allow you to use it to cause her additional problems.

    My response to he video was posted because at the time I felt I needed to exhonorate myself of some accusations that had been made, but since this incident is behind us I do not wish to see it continually brought up and waved in her face.

    Despite our little fued I still think she is an amazing person with a passion for serving those around her and my life is poorer for having damaged that friendship through my actions.

    and BTW - The blog you keep referencing will be deleted today to prevent it being used to cause further harm.

  11. Crossfire,

    One did not see this post until just now (too much going on - apologies). One had previously responded in the other blog w/this text;

    With respect, your fued was not private - it was worldwide as the Internet allows. As one stated it was my third reference, and to have been my last. Hiding her transgressions will only embolden her to greater perfidy, but one trusts your judgement, and apologizes to you if my referencing your publicly available post brought you any discomfort.

    One would have posted this on your myspace page, but you only allow preapproved friends to post, thus the necessity to return here."

    To answer more fully though - this was off your main page - your topmost blog page. This wasn't hiding, this is what one would find if you googled "Crossfire the Crusader", and has been there for many, many, months. While one IS Evil, the framing of this as "Using you as my weapon" is hardly correct. You know the truth is that she has a history of this kind of activity, and she is more than partially responsible for strife involving DC's Guardian, and the White Skull. One listed a small collection of her most easily found transgressions, but there will be more to find, if one cared to look further.

    When we give people like her a pass, we become responsible for her future actions.
    Who will she harm next?
    Will you be so quick to defend her then?
    Remember how you felt as the target of her game?

    You weren't wrong when you railed against her then, and one is not for doing so now. She delights in sowing seeds of mistrust, and uses her anonominity and her incessant chatter as means to forward her agenda.

    As one expects heroes to, one will stand up to this abuser, and confront her on her halftruths/dumbheadedness/crazytalk/outright fabrications. When this happened to you, YOU stood up, and were recognized, and earned the respect of your peers. Following your example, one can do no less (though one would do so anyway).

    -Lord Malignance
