Monday, April 5, 2010

Evil as Power

Greetings and Lamentations, I AM Lord Malignance and you WILL crouch before me now! (Villains excepted, of course)

Some quick thoughts on the weirdness going on, and then onto the topic;

Cloud Starchaser is a RLSH, despite revisionist history to claim he isn't, and what can Villainy do to exploit this to our advantage.

The RLSH know this, but like everything else, deny this truth to instead live within their world of fantasy: Cloud, does have mental health concerns, and he needs to seek help for these. Services tailored to his specific needs can be reasonably aquired, and Cloud should be gently, firmly, and consistently directed to take advantage of these opportunities. His actions to date have been warning signs, and we all Villains, and the pathetic heroes should take this as a chance to change a life for the better. As one mentioned in another blog, Cloud is a minor player on the RLSH stage - easy to deny, his posts surreptitiously deleted. Master Legend and Tothian - the Mascots of their foolish pride, they dance in the fire of their madness. Can the RLSH hope to emerge unburnt?

Summation: Cloud gets a pass from one. He needs help, and never had the opportunity to be warned of his developing debilities in advance. Metatron and the Iron Groin? They should take Cloud's current difficulties to heart, and modify their behaviour accordingly. Their actions can be more damning to the RLSH, and an unavoidable feeding frenzy for Villainy should misfortune transpire. Within the bounds of good taste of course - none will gloat in the face of tragedy.

On to Business;

On the latest Malvado SV Blog Talk Radio Show, (Wednesday Nights, 2100MST) we were joined by the hero Captain Black. As the conversation developed an idea evolved, paraphrased as "What can Villainy do"? Do beyond what we currently do now so very well. How can Villainy evolve to do more, and can we demonstrate our ability to change the world more significantly than the heroes can?

Of course there are charity opportunities, and ways and means to donate money, and these are worthy to be sure. But they're easy, and we're smarter than that. So, a better answer to the question is needed. One has included links at the bottom of this post for your consideration. The Rice Game on the bottom right hand column is just fun, and serves a useful purpose. Villainy known equally for our unassailable intellects as well as our unequaled egos should have some fun with this, and you may use it for its learning experience.

To that end, these are some thoughts on "What can Villainy Do?"

1) We need better communication systems.

A) Group Email thread.

B) Blog Talk Radio - Let's help Malvado bring this to a new level. The potential is there to serve our purposes.

2) Villainy does not have a single leader. Arguably we're all leaders, and this can lead to inertia, but it can also be a strength. We can leverage this by working in alliances, for the duration of a given scheme. And what schemes can we concoct!

3) Troll Flakking, while necessary (and Fun!) can be a waste of energy, and this brings to light an issue of incivility in relations, which in turns retards communication to a broader audience. And one is the biggest offender! Too often, for ones own entertainment, personal attacks are made, and this in turn leads to a coursening of discourse. One must work on this. Besides one has Ghost of Nixon for henchman work, and Troll Flakking.

4) Villainy has attained a new level of active participation. On any given day, there can be remarkable posts from as many as 6 Villains, each with a delightful view of the world we share. There are no wrong views, and we've established our credentials to each other, and made clear our viewpoints. Recruitment has been a priority in the past, but now can focus on producing content. And what content there has been! Truly stellar work that would have been unimaginable 6 months ago. Can each Villain, doing just what we already do, improve the quality of our work? One cannot throw stones, living within a glass lair as one does.

5) Seeking new avenues of Evil. Digg, columns/editorials in online periodicals/blogs/websites, etc. Instead of being the voice of Tearing Down what's wrong (the RLSH) can we also be a Constructive voice of value?

6) Defining Evil and Villainy. It should be pointed out, that some have stated that if you claim to be Evil, or to call yourself a Villain, you absolutely MUST kill and eat babies, for it is the very definition of these two words. These poor deluded fools live in the anguish of their intellectual limitations (See? One is doing it again).

Good has run this world for quite some time, and if you like the way things are going, then by all means, support the status quo, and accept Real Life Super Heroes as standard bearers of your subjegation. On the other hand, if you see the world as ready and crying out for a change, then Villainy IS the answer. Those very few in power, have held the greater mass of citizens down for too long. Of course they label dissenters as Villains - they must, to further consolodate their power. There is injustice in the world, and to look at the small street crimes being committed daily, is to miss the source of it all. The system is balanced unfairly, and the good will bleat their way to the slaughterhouse, at the command of their herders. Villainy will choose another path. Arguably, WE want to be the ones in charge. Nothing wrong with a system that subjegates so many so efficiently! More Superbowl !

7) Acquiring Resources to further our own needs. Whatever world of Evil you live in, you should have the tools you need to accomplish this. Mountain of Cash, is a start, but there must be better resources. As Thomas Jefferson (a Villain in his own time - ask the ghost of King George III) stated; "He who receives ideas from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine receives light without darkening me". If you know a way to Crush the Heroes, Enslave Humanity, or Rule the Earth, ideas are welcome.

Additional Resources;

Restrict production of Opium exported to the world, and help drain funds going to terrorism;

Donate or Volunteer. Find a Food Shelter near you;

How do charities compare?;

Shop and Fight Hunger;

Best Real Life Super Hero Site Ever. Awesome, and a Victory for Villainy!
(Some of the links off this page, which may not be suitable for all ages)

As always, Lord Malignance does not support, or condone these linked pages, unless an ungodly pile of cash is quietly delivered to the Lair in unmarked, small, non sequential American Currency. That's right European Villains - one still bets on the Dollar!

-Lord Malignance
(Chocolate Overload: Easter Bunny - it was huge! And on sale...)


  1. HAHAHAHA!! ED has them listed with furries! Victory indeed!

    Also, fantastic article as always, Lord M. I look forward to culminating these ideas on this weeks show!

    -Malvado SV

  2. Excellent information, Lord Malignance. You are a beacon of darkness holding back the blinding light of Superhero Egos...

  3. Malvado,

    Victory for Villainy! And you should see what they're posting from the link on your most recent post. 5 pages (and yet still not one dedicated soley to ones own exploits!) of heroes thrashing out what the crushing weight of Villainy is doing to them.

    Computer King,

    Thank you - ones Ego is greater, ones insanity is all encompassing. One likes the reference - a Beacon of Darkness - that's one you could run with.

    -Lord Malignance
    Coming down from a Chocolate Easter two day insomnia...

  4. A topic I would love to give my two evil cents on, but it seems the RLSH forum mods (namely Zetawoman and Silver Senile) are still too scared of the idea of having me on their boards to accept my application for posting-rights. A sad, sad cowardly move that I had anticipated the second I clicked 'sign-up'.

  5. I'm sorry I'm will/have/yet/was late, but I've just seen the latest (latest to you) book you've added to your library. This can be a great help. Unfortunately, in the future (what's left of it now - Evil Clone issues) we don't read. Even this text you see is being read to me and dicated from me. The book will have to be translated, but it can be useful.

    I'm not the Evil Clone,
    Verdant Ecdysozoa

  6. Malvado,

    The following is taken from

    To maintain professionalism and civic behavior on the forum, if you registering PLEASE SEND A EMAIL TO FORUM@REALLIFESUPERHEROES.ORG with a notice of intent. Otherwise the Administration staff will not activate your account. Thank you. All new membership will be reviewed and processed by the Admin staff based on the letter of intent.


  7. Oh Encyclopedia Dramatica, how I do love thee.

    I admit that writing that article has been on the evil to-do list for months... but it looks like someone's beat me to it.
