Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Another Great Show

Greetings and Lamentations, I AM Lord Malignance and you WILL crouch before me now! (Villains excepted, of course)

Another great show on Blog Talk Radio - the Malvado SV show. You can find the link to the show here.

The conversation roamed over some of the news items going on this last week, and Malvado and oneself were joined by Poop Knife, who was in fine form.

Some highlights;

Cloud Starchaser is in a spot of difficulty, and the legal system will most likely take care of this issue. Always bet on the legal team with the most cash behind it.

Master Legend, Tothian, and the White Skull are gestalt immolating, and you can follow the developing train wreck here.

The superhero Superhero could probably clear out Villainy, by himself. For various reasons...

(A very good read here, and a demonstration of how to flak the heck out of trolls with eloquence, tact, and poise.) She plays the part of the innocent, yet her past comes back to haunt her.

The Superheroes begin to Crouch in Fear! Yet somehow not worshipping Lord Malignance nearly enough. Ok, maybe that last part wasn't spoken of (enough!). Our former collegue Tiny Terror has surfaced there. Link research found and here credited to Malvado.

How to look at Drug Crime from a Villains standpoint: Strangle the funds going to suppliers, by working to rehabilitate abusers, and limit new customers. If sellers can't sell to a community, they will go elsewhere - which it turns out doesn't solve the problem. Again, Poop Knife really demonstrated superior analytic ability here. Heroin use is stemmed by Methadone clinics. Is there a similar resource to counter Methamphetamine?

The hour sped by, and ideas were considered, and the question "What can Villainy do?" further developed to something shading towards "What can Villainy do, Better than Heroes?"

Things not spoken of in the Show, yet mentioned in earlier posts;

Comrade Cocoa takes his Evil to new (very short) levels, as he seeks to enlist the Ducks, and the more militant Geese to his Grey Army (he's colorblind, but it would be Red, otherwise).

Why does Lord Malignance even have a MalignoSedan? Swamp Monkey transport, of course.
Instrument of Evil application still in progress. Further details, forthcoming. Must get new video out soon! (Easter Chocolate Overload has thrown the Insomnia based superpowers into Turmoil. That and the two litres of caffeinated beverages. Curse you mortality, you will be conquered!)

-Lord Malignance


  1. Yes, a fantastic show indeed. With the Yappie The X-Mas Demon Show and Apocalypse Procrastination on either sides of the show-week (if your week starts with Sunday, that is) it's nice to have a platform for intelligent, yielding debates.

    When I'm not busy upholding my 'Most Hated' villain-status, of course. Master Legend and Tothian aren't going to make gay jokes about themselves, ya know. (They would never make jokes about their forbidden love.)

    Looking forward next weeks show and if I can get around to kicking my camera-owning local associate hard enough maybe even get a video in before then. All things to be seen at a later time.

    Evil wishes,

    P.S.: Love to hear from Bob or Nixon sometime! I have yet to have had the pleasure to be graced by the company of evil minions. (Mrs Jangles is just a BAD minion, so he doesn't count.)

  2. Edit: Meant to say 'unyielding debates'. Even though they do yield a ton of more results than the large-breasted-mummy-nurse's talk-show gig.

  3. Crossfire the Crusader is a truly awesome individual and someone I consider my friend. In fact, he's the one who directed me to, a website that has proved useful to myself and several friends of mine.

  4. Malvado,

    Always a good forum, one hopes not to suck the air out of the room (hello insanity). Bob is travelling back East on his vacation, so one does not expect to see/hear from him for some time - if ever. He travels in the most inefficient manner possible. Ghost of Nixon should have shown up yesterday night, and he will be punished for missing, but one believes he's trying to acquire an additional form of gainful employment, and this may take some time.


    Crossfire the Crusader is one of only a very small handful of heroes who have defeated Villainy. He came up in the conversation last night, and his legend only grew from the discourse. Curses, foiled again!

    Freecycle looks like a very good website and resource. It's community based, and innovative, and appears quite successful. This is genuinely good thinking, and the world needs more of this.

    Thank you both,
    -Lord Malignance

  5. Crossfire is a pretty cool dude. I made fun of his outfit and he took the high road, explained things in a thoughful way, and seems to be a pretty nice chap all around.

    Still trying to figure out how to recruit him to the dark side. We like cheap stuff too. (I got a flux capacitor on freecycle not too long ago-- it wasn't working but it was good for parts.)

  6. Wow...I hear you describing Crossfire and think "I gotta meet this guy" and then I realize you are talking about ME.

    But really, I am just an average guy doing what he can to make the world around him better...and at the moment that means working lots of overtime to help support my family.

    and BTW - You really don't want me on the dark side Agent B...I would eat all the cookies

  7. Crossfire,

    Welcome and greeted with respect. You really are remarkable, and set a high standard for Villains to reach. Anonyman mentioned the site which is a beautiful example of communities thinking of new ways to contribute, and attributed the find to you.

    Thank you, and keep up the good work (Curses! Foiled again...)

    -Lord Malignance
