Thursday, April 8, 2010

Laziest Post Ever!

Greetings! (Going with the theme of lazy posting, because one has struck paydirt)

Over in the Land of Heroes (one was going to say "microcephaly", however one is working on being less severe to underlings) some easy quotes can be found. The whole read is fun, as it demonstrates a lack of understanding, and this in turn is perplexing: They suffer from comicbook myopia, and interpret Villainy as only a shadow to themselves. This isn't necessarily wrong, but they ask no greater questions, and this is to our ends fortunate, for they will never comprehend the greater picture unfolding. Still, most entertaining, and much more respectful than Villains are.

Some quotes from page 6, absolutely taken out of context and commented on (attributions added for effect);

"The majority claiming RLSV status at present lack patience andorganization. They do very little research and tend to gravatate towards agreeing with anyone who claims to be one of them. Not only do the fail to do research on whomever is their target of the moment they also lack integrity when it comes to choosing who they side with. And most of those of a penchant for making statements and claims of things and spreading the word without validating it."

It is called diplomacy. One would add an insult here referring to her stocky build, but chooses not to. Instead pointing to her other passive/aggressive failures. Is she victim, or instigator? She plays both so well...

"As I recall, when White Skull first joined this board the running theme was that it wasn't him but an RLSH pretending to be him. And they ran with it up until he chimed in. Amazingly enough, no explanation was ever given on that mistake. They will take every opportunity to run with an assumption poorly researched and paint their own warped reality."
-Half Shrek

One points out it could have been anyone, and assuming based on anonymous posts, and rumors coming from the less than truthful (see "I am Metatron" for further evidence) sources would be foolish. A means by which to verify communication was offered and taken, thus validating his ID. You or anyone can read the actual transcript here.

"You've openly stated there are certain profiles on the dark side that need to be done away with. Can you make them go away?"

Weakness on display. Delightful. Now pout.

"There ARE some in the RLSV who would deny the importance of fact-checking and research. Understandable as that sort of business DOES take time, but that doesn't make it any less important."
-Tiny Terror (who one just has too much respect for to employ satire)

Villainy has been continuously siting references, and often links to claims. To make a point, realistically, you must. Do we have all the facts? Unlikely. Are comments made to elicit information? But of course, and these overtures have been most successfully employed.

"I can take accountability for saying that my appearance and my increased actions against several members of the RLSH were noticed and may have inspired some of these less intelligent RLSV to take up the dark mantle, but I'd like to think that ROACH had more to do with it than I as ROACH had more people out there and I am but one man. Well beloved, but one man nonetheless."
-Tiny Terror

Ah, hubris. A Villains ego is not weakness, but strength. Who dares what Villains dare? Who would think the thoughts we do? None, for all others are weak.

"One is the fact that I can outsmart him with my brain tied behind my back."
-Tiny Terror

See above, and don't be so certain of your academic prowess. As a Villain you must know that not all are polymaths. Most have particular skills, and not all you may see is what is at play. One trusts this is known, and you enjoy bravado.

"i think i have the answer. it is by our kind mercy that we put up with them or there lives would be so is up to us to guide them and help them to find there way.they need leadership not patronism.they lash out at there heroes ( us) in a feeling of worthlessness.we must offer them redemption, atonement, penance,reconciliation,maybe they will offer donations as a symbol of there remorse.we must take them under our wing and train them anew.wipe away the tears from their eyes and recognize the desperate crys for guidance.i offer to them my guidance as a noble humble gesture.i'm not saying i can turn them into super heroes but just maybe i can turn them into people with something else better to do.these words spoken unto you by
master legend+"

Simply spectacular. Supported by heroes, your decline into schizophrenic spectrum disorders is well and truly under way. One wishes you no ill, and hopes you soon receive the help you are most obviously crying out for. One is Evil, not w/out heart.

“White Skull, attacking Master Legend in this manner is not acceptable. You need to face him as an intellectual equal. Until you acquire several delusions of grandeur and have downed a six pack of Busch Light I'm afraid you are just taking advantage of a weak opponent.”

Page 7 (until the Zetascrubber deletes it). Ahh, good times. Not a little Evil is out in the world today. For the fear and chaos in their hearts, we may take pride.

Well done Villainy. Very well done indeed.

-Lord Malignance
Easiest Post yet


  1. I do believe Zetawoman will be quite busy cleaning the kitchen, I mean, forums tonight. Even if the worst came from the 'heroes' mouths and not ours, but he can't go and be giving us too much leverage, now can he?

  2. Excellent. I only read the first page, but White Skull starts out early with the small jabs. I can't wait until I get to the heavy punches. Sowing the seeds of dissonance among the RLSH looks to be a pretty easy thing to do.

    Tell me, do you ever consider doing it competitively?

  3. Computer King,

    A most novel idea! A gentleman's (or woman's) wager could have us pranking selected targets until a certain behaviour was observed. Tothian is a fine specimen for such sport, as would be Master Legend. Some thought to this is warranted. One imagines even Zetaman is not immune to such wiles as we may employ. Evil!
    White Skull is a delight to behold, but he's heading back into murkier waters.


    They're being courteous despite - perhaps we represent something they may all unify against? Even better for Villainy. I fee an Evil bwah, ha, ha, ha, coming up.

    -Lord Malignance

  4. Waits ya done cutz outs the parts about me being out smarted by a guy who does not know what a condom is.

  5. The stupid! It BURNS!!!

    Mixsae accusing us of everything she's done herself, Master Legend's ... UGH, I just feel dirty after reading that smarmy grammar-less pile of pure unfiltered bullshit, and then Victim demands that White Skull treat Mater Legend as an intellectual EQUAL? Do these people not see what an absolute imbecile Master Legend is? You couldn't pass second grade with writing like that!

    You'd think that The Voice of God© could write coherently, wouldn't you?

    Don't give in to this bullshit, White Skull.

  6. Poop Knife,

    One excised the clumsier parts, so as not to contribute to offense. There is a point being made though: Villains are not as homogenous as Heroes: We prioritize Real Life over Villainy, and have a lot more fun. The Era of Wolverine and the Punisher, Batman and other dark tormented archtypes have taken hold over there.


    As long as they're worried, we must be doing our jobs right. A question though: What if Master Legend isn't as big a goof as everyone thinks, and is in fact a troubled man struggling with psychological disabilities?

    One suspects if the Former, then Fun Reigns and we claim Master Legend as Leader of the RLSH, if the Latter, than as Villains (since the Heroes won't) we should offer Master Legend what help we can.

    You work and you work and you work, and you don't know if anything you do has any meaning. And then you hear the heroes whimpering, and you know it was all worth it.

    Victory for Villainy!
    -Lord Malignance

  7. Spell checking Minions shall be cursed anew! The above post should have the line "...than as Villains..." changed to "...then as Villains...".

    -Lord Malignance
    Chocolate Hangover proceeding apace...

  8. I must admit, I experience a slightly evil chuckle at the thought of Master Legend as "an intellectual equal." The levels of intelligence within this subculture differ so radically I wouldn't put White Skull and Master Legend next to each other, never mind on the same shelf.

  9. Well shucks thanks I guess, but to me that quote would be taken out of context as he was addressing me by name.

    I don't expect to be liked.. after all I am a villain.
