Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Malignance Marches Forward!

Greetings and Lamentations,

Updates on Activities.

Sword Kane’s Supervillain challenge has ended, and we all lurk in fear of his terrible retribution. One expects to cringe, but it will be in the good sport of being a Villain.

The White Skull has come back from his retirement in Dimension Z.

The Heroes Network is doing their Election of candidates. Out of respect for my Arch Nemesis, one has chosen not to interfere, at this time.

New Villains who have come forward, or been found, and are warmly welcomed to the growing unaffiliated Army of Darkness:
Exit Nero
Black Sun
Dr. Overkill
Phatal Phyllo
Verdant Ecdysozoa
Doctor Killjoy
Russel Hantz

Blog improvements: Links for;

Hall of Evil (where a list of Active Villains are counted).
Well Read Scoundrel (A growing Library on developing and managing your Evil)
Evil Organizations (Nefarious groups of various ambition and intent)
Unto a Mountain of Cash (Villainous schemes to acquire the resources you need)
Beating on the Good (A list of locations where the weaklings hide)

Battling my Arch Nemesis Phantom Zero: No progress. If he were easy to destroy, he wouldn’t be my ARCH nemesis. There already is an Art Movement started to address this mighty struggle though.

Rant from a Villain: Observation and continuation of a theme. One notices that Villains foster Freedom. For example our Blogs are forums of free discussion, and thought provoking analysis, wherein all parties are given their earned respect. All are free to post here, w/no restrictions. In the past, and no doubt in the future, this has caused some strife, but we have taken stock, adapted, and moved on, becoming better for the pain. Compare this to Heroes. The RLSH website advises you in registering that your IPAddress will be recorded * and they routinely edit out comments they find against their groupthink. Because they sanitize thought on their side of the fence, they limit freedom and manage to effectively enslave the consensus thinking. If there is no dissent time after time, there can’t be dissent – it’s fruitless to think outside their box. Many of their forums are blocked, require a screening process, and want to ensure you are the “right kind of people”. Not so the case with the valiant Villains. Because we are open, and speak plainly, you may be assured no unlawful behavior will stem from our activities. The heroes? And their coded language, hidden agendas, and violent “street justice” mentality? Not so much. Who are your protectors? The paranoids in spandex, or the reasonable Villains?

Another observation: If one is not incorrect, it appears the Verdant Ecdysozoa pursued Crimson Nematode to this time, and the Crimson Nematode has disappeared back into the time stream to appear sometime else in the future. If something doesn’t seem like you remember, it might have been the past.

One last observation: Crushing the hopes and dreams of Heroes, and done with panache.

Herding the Minions: Comrade Cocoa remains most diligent in his duties. Bob has his rats, and Ghost of Nixon still works on the Forum. The Baronness, or one of her COSplay fans have not yet stepped forward to form an alliance with Lord Malignance.

Stay well, and keep fighting for Freedom, and Evil,

-Lord Malignance

* Checking up on the Forum, Ghost of Nixon is "trying to unlock" (!!!), one checked the registration requirements and they have the text; "An IP address of each poster is recorded in order to help us to make you respect these conditions". Compare this to the RLSH which has the text; ... ok, they're exactly the same. It's boilerplate. So, in correction: The rest is true, the IPAddress logging appears to be a function of the Forum Host.
-Lord Malignance


  1. Never heared one of my sketches called art movements...thank you for that
    And also thank you for puting me in the hall of evil

  2. Baghead,
    Thank you sir, again for the gift of your talent. One hopes the Art Movement will sweep the globe, with dadaist whimsey, following and developing the theme of "Harmless pranks on Super Heroes". Do not underestimate the power of cartoons. Thomas Nast brought down the mighty Tammany Hall with his brilliance, talent, and courage.
    Hall of Evil? Building up our Networking capabilities - it's a clumsy tool, but a start.
    Keep up the Evil Work,
    -Lord Malignance

  3. Freedom and Evil? I've had bowel movements that lasted longer then your evil dynasty. Fox News is more accurate then your reporting.

  4. Anonymous,
    As to your first comment, I leave such poty talk to the children. Ones dynasty has been years in the making, and in this public arena only these last four months. Fox News is an oxymoron, an imperical application of Newspeak ( Use your mind and examine the facts. Trust no one, and use your faculties to form opinions based only on facts. Faith without doubt is a comfy pillow for a limited intellect.
    Thank you for you for post,
    -Lord Malignance

  5. I'm digging the new profile pic, Mal.

    You're all, like, "Psssssh-- bitch, I got DEGREES in being evil. I AM evil. I make evil WORK."

  6. Also, I couldn't make heads or tails of Sword Kane's challenge.

    Then again, I couldn't make it 15 seconds into the video without wanting to punch the screen.

  7. Agent,
    Thank you. It's a compilation of the gang, and the Villain Standards, and Oath. There are some updates, and those will be posted. The Supervillain challenge is a happy trap. Previously, there was a superhero challenge, and Sword Kane's work on that has been superior. His skewering of the heroes was inspired, and one expects to be skewered in turn shortly. For a better movie, try .
    Thank you for your post (as always),
    -Lord Malignance

  8. I thank you for the recognition and hope to further our collective goals

    Take care,
    Black Sun

  9. Update to a previous post reply (because it's good information). The more precise method of Newspeak as posited by Orwell is "doublethink" (which is even more sinister). An excellent review and explanation of this can be found at and of course
