Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Accounting and the Great Shadow...

Greetings and Lamentations, I AM Lord Malignance, and you WILL crouch before me NOW! (Villains excepted of course)

Each year, as Merciless Ruler of the Colorado Holdfast, One must attend to the discipline which is the Accounting. A travel from place to place within the Mighty State of Colorado (Number One Producer of Radon Gas!) and check into business interests. While gone in these pursuits, the Great Shadow of One's influence in the world of Evil is diminished, and this in turn allows other Villains an opportunity to rise in influence and be recognized for the work they do. The accounting begins each year at just before March, and runs through much of March. This year, there is census information to evaluate, and this makes the work both easier, and more detailed. The economy continues to impact much of the Evil in Colorado, and this requires further effort than otherwise.

One still has a few weeks left (and they are being eaten up with preperations) but in One's absence, Villains should also be preparing to seize the opportunity this time presents. Free of the Great Shadow of One's Megalomania, what can Evil accomplish? If you have been a Villain waiting to shine, to take control of your destiny and be recognized for all the work that you do - this is your moment! Rise up, and let this be inspiration to the best work of Evil you may have ever attempted.

-Lord Malignance
(Still a few more weeks to go, and hoping the weather improves - though the inclement weather does help when wearing a helmet around in public...)

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