Monday, February 14, 2011

Why superheroes will always fail...

Winding down now, the travel before me, the Great Evil of Villainy a triumph we have all shared in, embracing us in it's beautiful darkess,

If you've been a Villain, and questioned the validity of superheroes, there is every chance you have been called a terrorist, murderer, bigot, nazi or worse. It's a pattern we've seen that these so called super heroes use when confronted by a genuine challenge to their fantasies. They dissemble, label, and run to the safety of their numbers. There are exceptions - a few Heroes who can express their beliefs, meet challenges with dignity and conviction, and be the heroes they claim they are. Very few, one might add. The vast unexceptional lot of heroes are little more than small people, with small minds, and smaller characters.

THIS is why superheroes will never prevail. The behavior is endemic to their kind, built into the very DNA of being a so called super hero. When in the future, they are questioned by a discerning public, their sham house of lies will crumble around them, and they will be seen for what they truly are: Frauds. It is inevitable, as we see in their continued failures. Where are the superheroes after all these many months? Precisely, and exactly no further than they ever have been, or will be. A motley collection of strange people with lack luster ambitions, and timid passions. A very, very, rare filler for a slow news day, nothing more.

If their intellectual cowardice were insufficient to guarantee their downfall, there is also their primary desire to be showered with attention. They truly care not as much about helping people as they desire to be worshipped for having done so. Of all the comicbook characters they model themselves after, which Superhero is the one who seeks as much attention for the work they do, as these so called real life super heroes do? They claim they are wearing costumes to attract other people to their cause. Yet, if such were the case, why the constant self posting? The media projects, the clawing for even the most degrading of television appearances. Which so called super hero does any act of goodness and not immediately turn around and post about it? There are none, except a very, very small minority, and these few voices are drowned out by the cacophany of the greater numbers.

Because of these two insurmountable failings, they are doomed animals, destined to be forgotten in immediacy, and laughing stock in future. One has set out to see to the elimination of so called real life super heroes, and see Villainy become viable in quality and numbers, and the achievement of these goals is at hand. One counts not less than 17 Villains out there working, near enough to a top end goal, and well above a bottom line threshold.

Every story has a narrative echo to stories told in times past, some stories told many times, and reinvented for new audiences. One's endeavors to this point has been one such story, and that story now draws to transition. It is a story that you have all heard at least three times before, once in ancient times, and twice again in the century past. But you won't realize it at this time.

This next part of the story is not ours to tell however, it is yours.

The Golden Age of Villainy is just over the next horizon, and it is yours to find, and shape, and make of it what you will. Be inspired, gifted, and ruthlessly merciless. Let no one stand before you and dare keep you from your desires. Be bold, you Villains, be wise, and passionate in your pursuits.

And you may Rise!

-Lord Malignance


  1. Even worse? Some RLSH use the attention they garner from walking around in costume to meet "the ladies" and try to get laid, after patrol of course.

  2. Where are you Lord Malignance? We need you now more than ever.

  3. My Lord Malignance please come back and enslave us all the world needs your perfect evil.

    First Prophet of Malignism,
    Brick Xemu

  4. We all miss you Lord Malignance - I miss you most of all

  5. Thank you, thank you all. Quite a bit of work was accomplished this year, and you all will know that this means Lord Malignance has more resources to apply to issues.

    I missed you lot too.

    -Lord Malignance
