Sunday, August 9, 2009

Origins of Web Supervillainy: Part 1

Greetings and Lamentations,

Side note: If you haven't checked out - please do. Very fun, and well worth your time.

Today, developing the blog theme, and to advance the subject, I would like to discuss the Archetypes in play in the RLSH (Real Life Super Heroes) and RLSV (Real Life Super Villains) environments. I want to say communities, but I think it's still too early for the RLSV, as they are in genesis, and still finding their voice. You can see where this wants to go, to the Noble shining heroes, and the Malevolent villains. And you would be right of course, but there is more.

The Heroes are a response and reaction to the world they see around them, and the Villains are a response to the Heroes. To look at this issue. we need to examine the motivations of the Hero. Currently in the comic books from which our RLSH characters derive so much of their impetus, we have two basic models. The Bright Shiny Hero, as evidenced by generally happier, better adjusted heroes like Spider-man, Superman, etc, and the darker, morally more ambigous tormented loner characters like Batman and Wolverine. Both Batman and Wolverine belong to multiple groups actually (they're so COOL), but you understand that they're "outsiders".

Where the bright heroes depend on superhuman powers to enable them to inspire the world, the darker heroes must rely on their wits, and determination. Not that being a billionaire adn having claws and a healing ability are drawbacks mind you. The bright heroes save the Earth, the dark heroes fight crime.

I'm positing that without these extraordinary abilities, the RLSH would tend towards the darker hero achetype.

Reality Check: Heroes - are you the Dark Archetype, tor the Bright? Happy/Group saving the world, or Morally Ambiguous Loner?

The (simplified for my purpose and ability) philisophical modeling of Locke and Hobbes go deeper still.

If we adhere to Locke's view of humanity, we understand that people are born in a undetermined state (tabula rasa) and that environment shapes their personalities. That society tends towards cooperation and peace. One analysis ( concludes that Locke's social contract is; "We give up our right to ourselves exact retribution for crimes in return for impartial justice backed by overwhelming force. We retain the right to life liberty, and gain the right to just, impartial protection of our property".

If however, we adhere instead to Hobbe's view of humanity, we understand that people are brutal, and must be punished and forced to obey laws and social contracts, because if left to their own devices, they will want for a tyrant to subjugate them to ensure peace.

RLSH, Vigillante. What is the evolution? Where will this go next? Social activism has frequently been the germ of an idea that has developed into both benign and malevolent expressions. Often time being the one, and claiming the other.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The RLSH community has, by and large, been silent in the blog responses... and I wish they weren't, to tell you the truth. I'd like to hear more people talk about their personal philosophies and motivations for walking the streets, though I've got to say, I have seen that there is an alarming number of RLSHers that walk around in pants-crappingly terrifying costumes. Seriously, it's like they all read nothing but Spawn all of their lives and decided to be the scariest guys on the block with their costumes.

    -The White Skull

  3. Congratulations to you both! You're my first posters (or the first I've seen). Both of you are the heart of what's going on in the RLSV. Skull - you are a superb leader, even if only in the Potentate's absense (but who would want all these headaches!). PST - you're the concience of civil speaking - and pleasantly Evil to boot. The new phrase I can't let go of is "Pants-crappingly terrifying" and I hope to use it sometime this week, in a conversation.
    Thank you both,
