Tuesday, August 4, 2009

You say Psi-Ops, I say *Magic*

Greetings and Lamentations,

Magic, conjuration, the creation of a desired result from other than scientific means. The spoken word appears here, as the focus of our intent and belief. Most clearly we see this in religions, and this application, this Evocation, can be heard in chants, professions of faith, vows, and in song. We demonstrate the molding power of neural realignment by repeating things over and over.

We are led like children by our political leaders, our celebrity spokespeople, our peers, and our so-called News Analysts, as they weild the media like the blunt instrument it is. The words may vary from day to day, but their meaning remains consistent, day after day, every day of our lives: OBEY, COMPLY, SUBMIT. We uncounciously chant them to ourselves, unaware of their intrinsic magic to enslave us.

Magic and Science are like oil and water. Where one holds sway, the other must wither. Heisenberg's scientific principle of uncertainty tells us that we subtly influence that which we observe. If we can SEE the magic of our enslavement, we can influence it, we can change it, and perhaps even wield it. Where logic the foundation of science cannot see our enslavement, and belief the foundation of Magic cannot shrug off the chains that bind us, Madness, the delightful wimsy of randomness soars free. The fires of creativity are volcanic, and cannot be restrained. We yearn to be FREE.

Dream these dreams of freedom. Dare to do that which has never been done before. Create the conditions of your emancipation. What will you do? Who will you be?

Create an Identity, and Find Yourself.
Abra Kadabra.


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