Monday, August 17, 2009

What can Villains do?

Greetings and Lamentations,

Continuing the developing theme, it is now time to ask, "What's next? What can a Super Villain do?" To that end, I've compiled a list to consider as this movement moves forward. So here they are, in no particular order;

1) Supervillains need a better name. I believe both "Super Hero and Super Villain (Supervillain)" are both copyrighted by Marvel Comics and DC Comics. While the Heroes don't seem to mind infringing this copyright, we must do better. So I'm proposing the name "Meta Villain (Metavillain)". It has the advantage of having the meaning "beyond (and also behind)", has been associated with the Internet , and also has the meaning "something which refers to itself, esp. in a self-parodying manner". It's just a suggestion, and there may be better answers which I welcome.

2) There should be a creed, a declaration of intent. Something that Villains may hold as a purpose. It should be short and to the point. It can never be referred to as a "manifesto" because of the negative connotations. I think 3-6 sentences of meaning should suffice.

3) Outside of the Creed, but in support of it, we should have a set of rules. Like a Villainous Bill of Rights, or Standards. My suggestion for a rule; Spelling and Manners. Any brief contact with the works of Ian Fleming will show that the Villain is a cultured creature. We can make mistakes, but we must strive to do better. Don't want to spell correctly, or enjoy rudeness? The ranks of Henchmen await you. We should be civil and courteous even when our passions would want to enflame our conversations. Cool thinking is the cornerstone of any Villainous endeavor.

4) Communication. While we all may have our Malevolent Empires to build and maintain, as Gentlemen and Ladies, we must come together as peers to leverage our individual creative energies into a cohesive, focused direction. Each member should give the same respect to another, as would be expected in return. If the Villainous personage "Man-what-has-a-banana-in-his-ear" comports himself as a proper villain, and respect is shown, he should expect that same respect returned to him.

5) Schemes, Plots, Plans, naturally. For example, but not limited to; Every year or so, there is a disaster, somewhere in the country. Perhaps we can setup a charity fund at the Red Cross, and donate to it, keeping track of the total, and challenge the Heroes to do better at an equal charity fund setup at the Red Cross? Food donation, measured in pounds? We will of course leverage our special skills, while the Heroes will leverage theirs (it must be easier to donate to a hero, after all - we all look like we've been raiding the Halloween counter). Hours of service donated to elder care? I'm terrible with people, so it would be hard to do this, but it's an idea.

So, there are some ideas to consider. They're kernals of ideas, from which one hopes better ideas will grow from. Of course as Villains, we all have our own ideas, and perceptions of what must be done.

I await your participation in this great experiment,


  1. Hmm, I agree that metavillain does seem like a superior name for us, I dont think the general public would agree. I'm certain most would look at the name "Metavillain" and immediately ask how we differ from supervillains. Does it send the right message?

    Also, I approve of the idea of a creed, but that sounds like a cross between religion and a terrible band. Can we think of a better name for that, too?

  2. Crimson Nematode,

    Agree on Metavillain - it is *new* and would be confusing, and the question you pose, would be one that comes up. Perhaps we could use Supervillain until we have achieved our original goals, then with momentum on our side, rebrand the product as "Metavillainy" (same stuff, w/a new name)?

    "Creed" is linguistically tough, but "Manifesto" is worse. What if we went boardroom? "Statement of Purpose" or "Business Plan"? It is the era of CEO Supervillains, so this would be a language that people would understand, and be willing to embrace.

    I'd be willing to wager, what with all the well crafted profiles on ROACH, that there are some very creative people, who can take muddles and turn them into gold.

    Good Feedback, (and until the Potentate thows corner offices at us) thank you,

  3. While you have great ideas here, I'd like to swat the rumor that corner offices are being offered... at least until someone finds a way to get rid of the ghost of William Howard Taft that keeps haunting the offices.

  4. Rebranding part way through may disorient new comers and divide long time members (For an example, please see "New Coke).

    If we want to merchandise our product (supervillainy) then maintaining an easily recognizable name that gets the message across (Supervillain) is imperative. However, I do understand your desire to move away from the "super" part, as to avoid legal reprisal from Marvel/DC Comics. Perhaps I'll get my evil team of Paralegals working on something.

    Perhaps instead of business plan, we could go with "Action Plan"? It gives it a more proactive sound, that and it sounds more actiony.

    And White Skull, I'll see if I can contact Foxfire in regards to exorcizing Taft, from what my research tells me, her fight with the mountain was a rousing success, so she should be available to purge any lofty 27th presidents from ROACH's headquarters.

    Also, when we do get our office, would you prefer the desk closest to the window?
