Monday, November 14, 2011

An Open Letter to "the Ray" Legal Defense Lawyer(s)

To whom it may concern,

To begin, One is certainly not a credible source, and One acknowledges that. Let's not start by trying to accept anything One will say on any reasonable, credible standing. One is an "Internet MetaVillain" and we'll leave it at that.

That having been said and understood for what it means, One would like to offer my opinion for your consideration.

As One understands, The Ray, has been or will be charged with assault on an officer, resisting arrest, and most probably any number of smaller charges. His defense must be spirited, and One has faith that you will be up to this challenge. You will know the law and it's role, much better than One would ever presume.

That also said, One goes outside the law, to a larger issue for your consideration. The Ray did not work alone, and he did not form his radical ideology in a vacuum. He has been aided and abetted by the "superhero culture". A culture mostly of social outcasts, and malcontents, who tell make believe adventure stories to each other to fill the void of their empty lives. They tell each other how to make body armor, how to attack innocent citizens they suspect might be "evil doers", and online "pat each other on the back" for their presumed crime fighting successes. The recent Phoenix Jones arrest attributes to the same sickness in this culture - but Phoenix, unlike Jack Cero - the loudest advocate of the X-Alts crime gang, actually does have people arrested.

The Ray is little more than a victim in all of this. A young man, barely 21, living at home with his parents, his only other previous social activity being the Boy Scouts. He was an easy target for their brainwashing, and they took him and shaped him into yet another weapon in their cult arsenal. The Ray was undoubtedly trying to live out a comic book adventure, or one like his X-Alts mentors have often told online. Subpoena Facebook for search warrants for the "X-Alts" page and pages for "Jack Cero" currently going under the Alias "Jacqueline Cero". You may also find interesting criminal records for any number of these "superhero"/ X-Alts/ Vigilantes. Violence is what One suspects you find in abundance.

And that's another point. The X-Alts have been promoting themselves (See the HBO Documentary) as vigilantes. Taking the law into their own hands. You can find such claims associated with any number of interviews associated with the New York Initiative, the flagship of this Dangerous Street Gang. They have at least one interview describing the use of everyday objects (example: Harmonica) as a crippling or killing device.

One feels you will make the best defense you can, but at some point, should you find it necessary to ask for understanding and or leniency from either a sentencing judge or a jury of Reasonable Adults, One hopes you will find this appeal to have merit.

Thank you,
-Lord Malignance
Internet MetaVillain

Updated November 22nd, 2011 19:31

It has been pointed out to me, and verified in numerous sources that the Ray is not a member of the X-Alts, and rereading my text above, One does not claim that he IS a member of the X-Alts, only that he was trying to emulate the actions of his mentors the X-Alts (specific text; "The Ray was undoubtedly trying to live out a comic book adventure, or one like his X-Alts mentors have often told online. ")

To clarify, The Ray is not a member of the X-Alts, though the text below does not make that distinction clear;

"On my way to my day (or night is a better description) job, I noticed I had received a call from Motor-Mouth, marked "urgent." Motor-Mouth leads one of two groups of RLSH/ X-ALTS in the California Bay Area. His group is the Pacific Protectorate, North-Cal division. There is also a team called the California Initiative- a team that also includes branches in Virginia and the team's origin point in New York. 

Both groups have made an effort to do security detail with the Occupy protests in the area. The Occupy Oakland protests in particular have turned very ugly as protestors have clashed with heavy handed police over the last week. Police fired tear gas, rubber bullets and flash grenades into the crowd.

Motor-Mouth called to tell me that his team mate, The Ray
, had been out in the middle of it during protests Wednesday night. He says he received a text from Ray, saying he was at the protests, but was probably heading home after another walk around to check out the scene."



  1. They used to somewhat respect you. And now you're a joke. You should have stuck with lampooning those you could handle.

    Too bad. You could have been something.

  2. Pfft. And One is to take an incorrect assessment from an anonymous? Joke you say? Ah, ha, ha, ha. But it's YOU One is laughing at? How can that be?

    Too bad you're such a superhero coward.

    Oh - so we're clear; The Web tools tell me this;
    "Brooklyn, New York, United States
    Optimum Online (XX.XXX.57.156)" Bookmarked from your previous womanliness as "Princess Jacqueline". That's Jack Cero of the New York Initiative.

    Coward. One is still laughing at you, you pathetic loser. Can't hide behind other heroes, so what do you do? Make your comments anonymously like a - "superhero" coward. You're what - the Founder of the New York Initiative. A coward.

    Being a Coward Jack Cero, only maintains your reputation as a Princess. And you post how tough you are - hilarious ! You're such a liar, and all your lies are going to be found out. Remember what it's like now, because when you're found out, you'll lose it all.

    -Lord Malignance


  4. Heh. One can delete comments. One may still. One wants to leave your opinion - frustration, and cowardice - it's a nice example for others to find - "superhero". But One is trying to present a PG rated blog. Certainly call me names, but please try to avoid excessive vulgarity.

    For the innocent audience you will be "inspiring".

    -Lord Malignance

  5. yes im aware that you logged my IP, genius. You've only told me about 8 times.

  6. and I'll lose what? my glamorous cushy superhero position? my awesome pension plan? my stardom?

    ...seriously, are you mentally retarded?

  7. Idiot. One has never told you One has logged your IP Address. You'll lose what little tiny credibility you have left. One thought a 4 year old could read and understand that. But apparently, Jack Cero, can't quite handle all these "Big" words.

    Jack - seriously, get someone to read this to you. Maybe make the "sounds" for you.

    Every single time, you stand up and open your mouth, One shuts you down. How is that? Are you getting it yet? You're a Fool, and a Fraud, and One does no more than demonstrate that. Like here. Your little Anonymous attacks - because like the cowardly "Princess" you are, you talk big, but when called to demonstrate any courage at all - you hide.

    One supposes you're quite lucky the last person to cover your shame was Silver Sentinel, when he deleted the 200+ comment post. All comers, saw you roundly humiliated. Silver created the post with the express cited purpose for Villains to state their grievances. You specified civility or you would run away again. You received that. Every single question posed to me was answered. Every single claim One made included links to source. Quotes with source linked.

    When you can't fight your own battles, you have others do it for you. Before last, it was the Insipid NYI page - until you had to delete my comments because they included links you didn't want people to read. Now Silver covers for you. Now you hide behind anonymous snide comments. You're nothing more than a cowardly imbecile, and when everyone finds out - and they ARE, you will lose your little tiara.

    One doesn't ruin you. One doesn't have that power. You give me the power to ruin you, every single time you open your mouth. One merely shares to enlighten.

    Note: One doesn't pussyfoot around you. One doesn't listen to your inanity. One calls you on your claims. You say Fight Crime? One points out statistics that say crime has increased since you started;

    You claim it is a "conspiracy" against your crew of cretins.

    One asks you for proof of this "conspiracy" and all you can mouth is your ridiculous defense "But superheroes are never wrong". If you and Phoenix Jones both "fight crime" why does he have arrests, and you have nothing but stories? The danger of course IS, hiding as you do, you tell these stories, to get other people do do what you're too afraid to do. And then people like the Ray, get arrested. Because they read your fantasy stories "Scaring drug lords away" (See link above) and try to follow your instructions. Yes. Instructions. You give instructions to people to "fight crime". To "play pretend you're providing security". You ARE responsible for the words you say, and their consequences. Ray may do Hard Time in prison for what you've said. Are you Man enough to take responsibility, or is this going to be another Princess Vanishing act?

    And Jack. One controls what is deleted here. As long as you don't incite others to harm innocent people here, One won't delete your text. One has no need to hide from you. One will let your words remain. So let's do this in the open. You post the link to all your super buddies, and One will post to the Villains. We'll have this debate, here or anywhere else. But One will screen cap, so there's no superhero sweeping the truth under the rug.

    -Lord Malignance

  8. why don't you ask anyone at all who read that SS thread to tell you who won, big boy.

  9. Well, we can't now, can we Jacqueline? Because in order to hide your humiliation, he deleted it. And "Win" is that what this is to you? You contribute to some young man possibly going to prison, his life ruined, and you're worried most about "Winning". You're a sad little damaged man. The sooner you're removed - like a disease - the better.

  10. and now i'm giving you one liners and winding you up for days on end.

    at some point you have to realize that I'm not hiding. I know you have my IP because you logged it after a post on Tea Krulos' site almost a year ago now. Just like Ira's offer... you only remember what you want to remember. What suits you.

    I'm not hiding. I've answered all your questions, and I'm not re-answering them.

    Now go ahead and write 20 paragraphs about nothing. I'm still here. I welcome what you have to say. I wouldn't have minded if you'd just posted a link to your own page on the NYI page, but just incessantly spamming us... come on. I've deleted and blocked for POSITIVE spamming. YOu're not using your head.

  11. its not deleted. im looking at it right now. You just cant see it because he blocked you. because you're a f-ing psycho.

  12. *rolls eyes* winning... right. I agree. And im ashamed that ive sunk to your level in using that language.

  13. Yes Jacqueline - everyone is a psycho but you. Because only you wear your underwear on your head and prance around at night in spray painted motocross "Battle Armor" to "Fight Crime". That makes everyone ELSE a psycho.

    Then ASK. Ask everyone you want. Ask why, When Silver Sentinel creates a post, and invites Villains to post their grievances, he must then turn coward because of his association with you? Again - he created and invited. At 200+ posts, his own included, the facts began to weigh too heavy. One has looked. It's nowhere One can see it. The Winners do not hide Jacqueline. You might know that - if you ever won anything One thinks, in your life.

    Take a look at the facts listed, your own quotes read back to you. Take responsibility for your actions.

  14. someday youre going to realize that we're on the same side. you'll notice that ive never disagreed about shutting down violent groups going out and looking for trouble, carrying weapons, etc.

    you're wasting a lot of energy. its really shitty to watch, but other than that I'm seriously not worried about you. You absolutely have no power. If i was afraid of anything you could do i would be discrediting you... everywhere. But i dont talk about you, for the most part. just to poke fun at you.

    as a person you're probably brilliant, all banter aside... but as Malignance you had a really, really awesome thing going, and now you're chasing the wrong ends. Its... anticlimactic.

    You know what, i apologize for all the mean things ive said about you. Its not your fault. something is off and i can't help you. good luck.

  15. Do it before your actions cause harm to any other innocent people. Tell your Wild Adventure Stories, but throw in a disclaimer. Say "These are imaginary stories only - that's why there is never any proof, evidence, facts, arrests, or unbiased witnesses". Do that, and you might just actually save a life. Otherwise, the Ray is just the first of many who will be sucked into your storytime, and suffer the consequences.

  16. he blocked you. he actually wrote a thread about blocking you. and its been discussed quite a bit. i dont have to ask anyone. they feel the same way i do.

    you were a beacon and you lost it.

    and btw... i havent worn a mask on the street in a long time. nor have i ever worn motocross armor.

  17. you should really read what we actually say on our page. because if you do read it, and you're still saying this, you are literally insane. or... i dont even know.

  18. Jack,

    If you work against vigilante violence, then One has no problem with you. When you were Z and you had your blog, One supported you. But now that you've set this tin crown on your head, and you spend your days mouthing these incessant proclamations - you are going to get people hurt. Ray may die in prison, his life ruined at 21, because he wanted to be like the NYI - your group - and "provide protection". It's not a joke, and it's not a game. You don't have the "Media Connections" or LAPD, or Portland PD connections you claim. Great Evil below, every single superhero claims Homeland Security Secret Clearance. If you're going to threaten, you need to up your game and at least pretend to have FBI Secret clearance - maybe claim to be an undercover agent.

    Fact. Ray arrested. As an X-Alt. Your group. As you claimed, he took his instructions from his leader "MotorMouth" who took his instructions from You. That WILL come out in court if the case isn't dropped. You will answer for your actions. And all the platitudes you dribble out about the "Police Not Doing Anything" is going to hold zero value. Worse - the legal costs Mr. and Mrs. Ray are going to have to pay for their son's defense - they may just come after you in a civil suit. Take some of your Media "Celebrity" dollars - which is what now? $60. ?

  19. Pfft - One has never been a "beacon". You deceive poorly. Mask in every picture. BBC article clearly wearing mask.

    Facebook, today, wearing mask.

    One has read your page - though only rarely. It's amazing that every single time, One sees no dissent. Every little sheep goes along with whatever adventure story you post. Never any proof. An example;

    "Tonight, me and my superbuddies, fought 3 ghost samurais and defeated 12 Drug Lords. Then I shot lasers from my eyes and defeated Satan".

    2 Thumbs up, and some idiot goes "Thank you so much for saving the world".

    And then you - and this is always the punchline - say something like;
    "Well shucks little lady, if the Police weren't all scumbags, I wouldn't have to wail on so much criminal butt".

    Ah, ha, ha, ha. It's rich, truly.

  20. i proclaim nothing. actually people insist on me being some kind of role model or person to emulate... i have never asked for that. i dont want it. im not a role model, and i actually have discouraged anyone from the community without training to even go NEAR the occupy camps, let alone in full gear.

    we did night security for a month, and we found that they needed it and we were proficient at doing that job. its been our most successful mission to date, and has taught me a great deal about how to approach a situation nonviolently.

    im not sure why you keep saying that the Ray followed us... he doesnt call himself an X-alt, Motor Mouth is his direct influence and has even made a big stink of sticking with the RLSH term... he also doesnt follow any advice. if you want to pin it on anyone, pin it on the RLSH and Motor Mouth. He sent him in with the shield, i tried to stop it the best way i knew how. calling the cops would have done nothing, so i shouted about the media. its the only thing that has ever motivated Motor Mouth.

    let me say again: Motor mouth doesnt take advice from anyone. its his major downfall. it will be the undoing of anything he touches. go dump your anger on him.

  21. lol. again you dont read. we have told people that we dont actually wear masks on the street. the photos have masks because its... drumroll... a PHOTO. Id rather not have my face all over the net.

    we've told people: we dont wear all the gear on the street. in the film, no masks. the superhero is a marketing tool, as ive said a BILLION times. its a weird factor to get people to pay attention to things others arent.

  22. go read it, right now. if you dont, you have NO room to talk. at all. we've been discussing nonviolence and proper training for a long time. there is NO storytelling, there is NO asking for money (other than making a paypal simply available for donation)... there is a LOT of talk of moving away from superhero imagery altogether, as it just creates confusion... there is so NOT what you've been saying.

    seriously. go through the backlog. nothing supports what you've said.

  23. Point of contention: You weren't proficient at doing that job. It was never a job, you were never asked, nor paid to do anything. Is that correct? Did the city of New York pay you and your street gang of performers?

    You say, and yet there he is, in Ninja gear with a weapon. Pictures taken - not by "folks" but other superheroes. Training: What training? What certifications? Is this more make believe? Who is qualified in your circus to provide any training for anything at all? "Mission" - heh.

    Isn't Ray X-Alt? Don't all X-Alts flow back to NYI? One gathered from Heroes in the night, and the numerous interviews there, that NYI is the source for all this exported violence.

    One does not PIN. It is not my duty to do so. One is evaluating culpability. One thought that was clear. Who is responsible for what?

    One heard about Motor Mouth. But then you speak. One can find articles and interviews pushing "Crime Fighting" - where are these interviews where One doesn't read "Death's Head Moth admits he sometimes gets violent". X-Alt. You= founding member. He's following your founding principles. Wasn't stricken from the interview. It's there - proudly, for the press value. Superheroes get violent with "pretend criminals" (with pretend stories).

    NYI X-Alts appear chronologically before others. They are source of X-Alts, yes?

  24. Jack according to that article (Again, world wide BBC press), you did at that time wear masks. Ray - wore a mask. If you're not wearing masks, it's a new development, One you've made due in likely part to the frequent police stops.

  25. youre assuming all of these things, aside from the fact that the BBC writer made quite a few mistakes.

    That's it. I'm going to get him to make a statement here.

    Also, evidence: Contact Brendan Burke, organizer of Occupy WS security. do your own research to get his email so that you can also see his experience and standing. inquire about the NEw YOrk initiative. tell him anything you want about us. ask him how we did the job. and then ask him if he offered us money to do the job. he did. we turned it down.

    we also turned down doing any media for doing the job. Look up Paul Isaac. again, do your own research. ask him how we handled issues. ask him about how security deferred to us. and then ask him how he tried to get me to do channel (whatever) news and publicly take over the security detail, and i said no thanks. its not about us. its about the cause.

    As far as being accused of being responsible for the Ray, here:!/profile.php?id=100002513605415

    theray RLSH. case closed.


    wrong link, there it is

  27. Ok - read what - the NYI page in Facebook? Your recent decision (post OWS) to not pretend engage criminals in street gang warfare? If you've changed, then good. Not even going to "about time" on you. Violence is not, nor has it ever been, a solution. It is a fine way to make a problem worse. It's never too late to stop hurting people.

    And seriously, Why would Silver Sentinel Block unless he had something to hide? One posted facts, and asked for proof, none of which could be provided. He blocked other people too. People are worried about him.

  28. training: we have firefighters, army officials, tech specialists, those trained in non-violent communcations... that training.

    There ARE no police stops, because once again, Brain, we don't go around looking for fights. if you fight every night, you're an idiot.

    we distract, misdirect, we diffuse, we connect people... we just have the training to defend physically if all that fails.

    and btw... Samaritan was removed from the team for a variety of these reasons. As well as Battlestar and Blindside, mostly for refusing to remove masks on patrols.

    We regulate ourselves. those that do not follow the rules, or dont have a cool head, and start shit, are removed. you just dont see it because we follow "praise in public, punish in private", much like the military.

  29. we've never, ever supported engaging in street warfare. i dont know where you keep getting this.

    defense of people being hurt is not warfare. its defense, and its a simple human right of this country to defend those in need.

    your argument is starting to make me think you'd just like people to be hurt and let everyone watch it happen. which is exactly what we're against. I mean, you'd call someone a hero for acting reflexively to save someone in a time of crisis... i pose the idea to you that these crisis' are able to be tracked against area statistics, and we have built a team to be in the right places in the right times to talk people down and keep people sane...

    what more can i tell you? anything else, such as us being mischaracterized in the media, sucks, but we did our best to put the message out. we're being more careful about the media. thats all i can say.

  30. why dont you go and ask Silver why he blocked you?

  31. As to your "proof" - you're doing better. Are these people who's veracity can be ascertained? Do they have any links? Evidence of titles you claim? You give me proof - anything, and One will admit mistake, and correct the record. That's all. One has no ego to this work, because it IS work. OWS does not seem organized to a governing body. There is a leadership providing security? One had imagined that's "The police". But if someone is taking that responsibility, they can be evaluated.

    Turned down media - except - was it Heroes in the Night? One has heard of NYI "Providing Security".

    Brenden Burke and Paul Issac. Do they have any established credentials - a business organization? Or will they be mysterious voices on phones? One needs to verify they have reputations. Not imaginary evidence.

    BBC Writer may want to make a retraction, and as One pointed out. If factually incorrect and defamatory, it's Libel. One would have thought you would have cared to have it corrected before One called you - frequently, on it.

    Heh. He asked you to take over the security detail for Occupy Wall Street. Thousands of lives, to a superhero on a skateboard. One thinks that can't be right. Can you see how that sounds like more ego ? Thousands of people, responsible to the NYI - who, by your account (that article) the cops are out to discredit?

  32. have contacted Dave Howard, BBC writer... waiting on a response.

  33. and btw, i had TWO of these media friends approach ME and ask me if i wanted to do an NYI/THe Ray/Phoenix Jones distancing piece directly after the arrests. one said that he would even be interested in dissecting the motivations of both other parties as opposed to our motivations.

    im sorry that your archnemesis doesnt have those kinds of relationships with people because hes a BS'er, but I keep friends with everyone I work with. Because they believe in the cause.

    People really shouldnt project their limitations on others. the stuff we're doing, im seeing it, others have seen it. its real. those who say it cant be done, or its impossible, are only showing me exactly how fearful and limited their minds are.

    and thats more for "Mark" than you.

  34. in the end, the Initiative (and hopefully X-alts) are going to be known for breaking ground in a very peaceful, honorable way... without costumes, without gimmick, just human...

    and honestly, if the RLSH community keeps going like it has, they're going to be left in the dust, arrested, barred from operating. I saw it all coming. its not going to be pretty, and i dont want to be anywhere near it when it goes down.

  35. your information is a little skewed, understandable.

    you see, number one: we did night security. for the actual occupiers, which is in reality about 3-400 on any given night, and 3/4 of those are asleep and need protection from the constant drug addicts and some of the more violent homeless and criminals that came through on a nightly basis. We were called in by people going on our NYI page and requesting our presence, and a few demanding that we be there. once we got in and set up, they began to defer to us. now we have pulled out after helping to set up a *hopefully * solid security team based from the occupiers.

    number two: the police have basically made OWS its own little sovereign nation at night. They do NOT provide security for it. For the first two weeks, they refused to come in even when we had to remove people fighting, stealing, dealing, etc. we had to convince them to leave by ourselves, as it is a public park. YOu can verify that with anyone who has been involved with Occupy, anywhere, pretty much.

    for the next weeks after, they would provide assistance but only for high crime, such as the sexual assaulter that we removed with help from detectives. so when i say cops are dicks in new york, its not ALL encompassing... we HAVE had good experiences, but its the exception and not the rule.

    We've actually witnessed police brutality in the West Village, called it in with four witnesses... no follow up. Nothing. There is a serious issue with corruption, and it is terrifying to live in the midst of.

    As for B Burke and P Isaac... i gave you their names so that YOU could do the research, and see how easily googled they are... this is so that you have no wiggle room to say that im feeding you anything. Research, contact them, say New York Initiative... really, just say the name. They'll tell you exactly who we are... Paul might give you an issue because i asked him not to talk to media about us being present, but ill give you a password to give him.

  36. more: i have never been worried about the BBC article because you've really been the only person to read into it like that... its no big deal, and honestly most people come to me and ask me directly if they have a problem, and i tell them, look... no one is happy about having to fight, if it comes to that. if the media wants to use an inflammatory word like violence... well, go for it.

    ive made myself and the NYI available for questions and connections. I dont sit on any golden cloud and ignore direct questions like others do. You'll see that pretty much every single question posed to us is answered personally on the NYI page... ESPECIALLY when it concerns violence. I believe in engaging and diffusing misinformation so that people can believe in something REAL, not just what the media tells them.

    Dave Howard wrote a good piece. At the time, it was all about RLSH being written about as meek, unassuming and ineffective... his spin put a little more realism into it (kind of) and I shrugged and said "its better than what we've been getting"... and if anyone has questions, ill set them straight.

    and i have. until this.

  37. if you feel any better, we HAVE been feeling like this community is going a decidedly violent direction, what with the Ray, PJ and misconceptions about who we are... so we actually just completed a Discovery 3D piece in which we presented absolutely NO fight or weaponry references, and talked chiefly about how to handle situations peacefully and why you should, defense law, etc...

    they also wanted to very obviously separate our activities from the activites of the RLSH community...

    and really man...fame is not something we want. we do this publicly because things arent right, and the only thing that gets cops to do their jobs up here is media embarrassment... the media is like the freaking supreme court to them lately. make em look stupid and theyre suddenly all over the problem.

    any "fame" you think im trying to garner is just ridiculous, if you really knew how much bigger we could actually be in the media... i keep it to the issues, because it willl just be more profound and more effective that way. Along the way, my persona has gained a following, and i try my damndest to use it to be responsible... and being responsible sometimes can mean sacrificing how you look to be effective. hence, why i shout loud sometimes to discourage behavior that might damage others.

    i have always said, the meanest thing i ever say to you won't hurt nearly as bad as the knife in your belly on the streets when you don't listen.

  38. "I'm pretty sure you only put the masks on for the pics. I'm pretty sure I have a wav file of DHM saying he's got physical still. I'll try to dig it out tomorrow and email it to you. Sorry if it's causing probs.

    we'll see tomorrow. Saying he's "got physical" isnt quite the same as saying he's used violence, im sure you'd agree. Defending someone from violence would HAVE to be physical.

  39. Your own words Jack;

    "we've never, ever supported engaging in street warfare. i dont know where you keep getting this."

    See your words here;

    Go to Any number of interviews on Heroes in the Night. Watch the HBO documentary. One keeps using these three sources because that's all One has stumbled across. One doesn't have time to do a more thorough investigation. These are the things so egregious that they catch my attention.

    "your argument is starting to make me think you'd just like people to be hurt and let everyone watch it happen." Bah. A lie, and poor at that. Again, that article. A course on using a harmonica as a stabbing weapon, to inflict pain and suffering. It's a cruel application and just the X-Alts type of viciousness. "To Protect", you claim, and then package, sell, and export your violence.

    One can find on this blog no less, a statement renouncing all violence by Villains (weather or not they want to follow it).

    Don't think One is beating you for trying. That is not the case. And you may be improving. But the points are still there. You have done, and are still doing harm. You push people to go out and be violent. You don't need armor to help people. You need it to fight. Since even now you will claim you don't wear your underwear on your head any longer, but you are still wearing armor, carrying weapons. X-Alts in Denver (thank you, for that) are carrying guns. Venus X-Alt. Doing "Bait Patrols" - like recounted in Heroes in the Night - with interviews with you and the NYI.

    One gave you crime statistics. Your neighborhood, since your inception. Crime has gone up. It goes down everywhere else, but in your specific location, since your arrival, it has gone up; .

    1. I was told about this post only recently, you make it a little difficult for people to defend themselves when you attack them knowing they don't read your blog. This is Venus. 1. I took classes and registered with the police, per my state and county regulations, in order to obtain my concealed carry permit. 2. My patrols consist of looking for missing girls in remote mountainous areas. I was actually told by detective Nash gruele to carry and wear a vest in order to precede, because he was concerned for my safety. Prior to his insistence, I hadn't considered it. So, go ahead and try to make it seem like I'm some crazy lady running around doing vigilante work waving my gun in the faces of drunk bar patrons. I have bigger fish to fry. What have you actually done to help ANYONE lately? I go to a soup kitchen every week, I'm a nurse, I rescue and rehab and train dogs to be therapy animals, I educate parents and children about child abuse prevention, and I have legally obtained my CCW permit. Oh, and when I attack someone's character, I let them know do they can defend themselves. Good work with your blog... I won't be back.

    2. Venus,

      After pointing out your vastly stupid plans to play "Bait patrols" with guns in Denver in Facebook, you, you will remember blocked Me. You can't see anything, and you likely missed my Posting that you list your child - who appears under 10 years old - as a "superhero" too. Here's a picture of your profile, and that of your son's. You with a gun, he listed as a "superhero". Child endangerment much?

      Heh "bigger fish to fry" you say. Your quote above. Are you the police? Or is this pretend vigilantism? With your gun courage, as you run away and hide from anyone who would even question your ideas about luring and shooting "suspects".

      And this was even before you had your child playing the game with you.

      And again - you attack and run away. You throw out these stupid, dangerous ideas, and then hide from anyone who could try and speak any sense to you. These are warning signs you're giving off. Dangerous deluded fantasies about being some kind of "Armed Avenger" - like the Punisher? You want to fight crime - at the end of a barrel. Haven't we seen enough of that in Colorado? Haven't enough people died, because they thought they Too were comic book characters with guns?

      As to your charity work, you never mention it on Facebook, and since you superheroes are always sure to brag about every tiny bit of common decency to do, to try and take maximum credit for the smallest bit of human decency, One is left thinking that you are lying now. To try and cover up for your confessed gun/vigilante activities.

      One could have posted your child's photo - with his superhero name here on this blog. But on the chance that someone here IN Colorado, might try and act to stop you and break up your family, One did not. But you really, really, DO need to be stopped.

      No one wants to read about ANOTHER comicbook inspired crazy with a gun, trying to get their idea of "justice" on other people. Don't be another insane shooter. Get help. If not for you, then for your son.

      -Lord Malignance

  40. Ack. You've buried me in text. One can't give it the time it needs at present. One will be back to a computer later. The malignophone can only do so much.

  41. Zero is scornful. "Check the stats," he says. "They don't show up."

    "We're doing what we can," says Zero. "If we had something else to offer, we would offer that."

    "We're doing something," adds Zero. "It's better than sitting on our asses and complaining about it."

    "I really don't. What we wear is gear. If it's a little extra designed, it's crazy cool, you know? I get a lot of compliments on it."

    those are the only four quotes from me in that whole story. how they support the idea that i stand for street warfare is beyond me.

    You give me ANY quotes where i support violence being done on people as opposed to protecting people within the defense law. You cannot. And stop acting like you "haven't the time" to research. You're posting HUGE diatribes, daily, about me and my team. You're lazy. Go do your legwork, stop taking potshots and complaining about not having time to research. If you really believe in this, you will. Because in NONE of your citations have I said what you keep reading into it.

    QUOTE me. Come on. You still haven't.

    and i don't live in the Bronx. I live in Brooklyn. Hour and a half train ride... Samaritan lives in the Bronx. And we booted him.

  42. "We were called in by people going on our NYI page and requesting our presence, and a few demanding that we be there." - so No official sanction. Anyone can ask anything. You could have typed that. Anyone could have. That is in no way a "job".

    Doing better and wanting to do good? No argument. If ONLY you get there before one single careless action from an X-Alt - assaulting some citizen he imagines is a criminal, and who has legal representation.

    "ive made myself and the NYI available for questions and connections." You have blocked and hidden. From quite a few, and not just myself. When do heroes hide? When is that ever what you stand for? When you can't be confronted by facts and truth, your decision is to run away? How is THAT inspiring?

    Getting Physical, is in context violence. It is being described as driving out drug dealers. They do not attack, unless provoked. They do their business. Further, One can track references to DHM being Violent. He's quite known for it.

    Jack, Doing better, go for it. Truly. Prove me wrong. That's what One is here for. Fame, you are skewed, because what you claim and how you act are not the same.

    Those names - quite common. Google and veracity, and not just talking to "some guys" is going to perhaps take more time. One will perform due diligence as required.

    One must also address Silver Sentinel, since he's chosen to hide, One will make my post here. Where it is googleable.

  43. Our mission statement: "We are individuals organized towards achieving peacekeeping objectives and humanitarian missions. This will translate into a variety of non-monetary services as unfolding events demand. Our primary goal will always be to help those in the most need to the highest ethical standard and to the maximum effect.

    We are the New York Initiative."

    theres our mission statement.
    Quotes from our page, which at this point connects 3,679 people, slightly bigger than the Heroes in the Night reader base:

    "Jack Cero: (the film) represents what we do to a point... unfortunately, it had to paint us in a very dark and serious light to contrast with the rest of the community (which the director would agree with)... it lost alot of our goofy-ness and humanity... And it basically gave people the idea that our VO Sting (bait patrols) are actually done randomly and without cause, while they are actually only done in areas with recent patterns of the crime we're targeting.

    We come across as kind of scary and ready to do violence...which while it may work for some people, it's not who we are. We are peacekeepers trained to combat violence. A lot of people don't understand that about us, and draw their own conclusions. Which sucks."

    "ANY missing peoples stories, feed them to us, we will repost to 3,652 people. This is why we exist!"

    "The key to tolerance is never taking things personally. Once you come to terms with that fact that you have no enemies, that enemies are simply illusions brought about by misunderstanding and circumstance, you will find it easier to really listen.

    And by listening, understand. And by understanding, understand more about yourself and the direction in which you're going.

    The truth is like that little spot in your eye... if you look right at it. you'll never see it. You have to chase all the other little dots to finally catch sight of it.

    Patience is the final lesson. Let me know what you find out."

  44. "Our CA branch, the CAI, responds to the arrest of one of the RLSH for failure to disperse and assault.

    I just want to take the position here that, while it is a good idea to protect your people, there are more subtle ways to roll than with obvious body armor and a Captain America shield. There are things going on here that are not seen, and people going to Occupy looking like this kid and others in the RLSH crew are not thinking about all the angles.

    Its akin to Britney Spears running for president."

    "Btw, the Ray is on the RLSH team The Pacific Protectorate, not the X-ALT team CAI.

    This is the reason that the Initiative has chosen to steer clear of the media for Occupy... the media is already present, the cause spotlighted... any involvement, especially disgraceful, is going to trivialize their (Occupy) cause even further, which serves the people trying to take it down...

    Furthermore, anyone that appears to be violent will, no matter their intent, be enough justification the already overzealous cops will need to beat people even harder... which will, again, serve the people trying to take it down.

    There are just too many angles. Those who have zero training both mentally and physically need to keep themselves at home and out of highly-charged situations."

    "(On OWS):Honestly, there are so many hands in the pot that we don't politically get involved, however we have recognized that they have innocent people getting attacked during the night, so we have been doing security there for the past month or so,... at night. They seem to like our guys because we keep things cool (always plainclothes, always nonviolence and conflict resolution, even in times of violence, no weapons, etc), don't rush in ten guys deep anytime things happen (discreet security) and we help to train and school some newer to this kind of work.

    A few of them have expressed some intentions of joining the NYI or aiding us when this is "over"... whether or not it will ever be fully over, we always welcome new recruits with solid skills."

    I can do this all day long. All serving almost 4,000 people. Like i said, issuing statements to Heroes. We're broadcasting on our own accord.

  45. "We were called in by people going on our NYI page and requesting our presence, and a few demanding that we be there." - nope. no official sanction. as always, because we were serving the people and what they needed. which is what we did. a sanction doesnt matter in that case. and i say job because its like saying mission, gig, deal, whatever. vernacular. calm down.

    I can't control people with the title X-alt. It's not an organization. Its a mental disposition. It would be like you saying "well, you coined the term for people that like to hump in furry costumes, so you should be able to control them and organize them"... really. Come on. THis is why I created the Initiative. It is able to be regulated. And DHM is part of the Virginia Initiative. And he stays with our regulations. He nor I have ever claimed this HERO term you keep tossing around, only revolted against it. And I have never seen DHM take unwarranted action against a person, although he does joke about it quite a bit.

    "You have blocked and hidden. From quite a few, and not just myself.." I don't deal with belligerent people. You want to discuss something reasonably, like an adult, fine. You want to call names and make weird accusations about my personal life like some obsessed teenage girl... yeah, you better believe you're going to get blocked. Just like my very short list of others who got blocked, like Dusk, Dark Wolf (after I told him he was bad for Lunar Veil he flipped his shit and has been on a similiar rampage to yours) and a few other people that were a time suck to me, and had no points based upon truth and reality. All of the people who made arguments based on disinformation, I blocked. And then I unblocked, because I have a little more time lately and I feel like banging my head against a wall trying to explain this to you.

    Because I'm practicing patience, and the best way i could think to do that was to engage people who irritate me. So don't expect another block unless you start speaking in tongues or try to pry into my personal life.

  46. D,
    Getting Physical, is in context violence. It is being described as driving out drug dealers. They do not attack, unless provoked. They do their business. Further, One can track references to DHM being Violent. He's quite known for it.

    Jack, Doing better, go for it. Truly. Prove me wrong. That's what One is here for. Fame, you are skewed, because what you claim and how you act are not the same.

    "Those names - quite common. Google and veracity, and not just talking to "some guys" is going to perhaps take more time. One will perform due diligence as required." Oh poop on it. Google "Brendan Burke" in conjunction with "occupy wall street security". Its the very first freaking link, followed by tons of others. Same with paul Isaac. I just did it.

    "One must also address Silver Sentinel, since he's chosen to hide, One will make my post here. Where it is googleable."

    That's between you and him, but I'm telling you right now, it wont be pretty. I just spoke to him about it.

  47. oops, copy pasted too much, my bad.

    btw, im still not sure why Dave thinks we were going after dealers that night... we don't do that. I personally don't see it as a victim type of crime, and none of my people would ever attack that type of person. They may collect evidence on a high level dealer of heroin or a meth house, and then turn it in to the authorities (who would love to take down that kind of thing as it would make them look great)... but as far as attacking, no. I believe he thought that because DHM spotted the baggies and said something. Im trying to get the entire wav. file so we can really hear the actual conversation.

  48. ah i see it. Samaritan talking all his bravado about drug dealers running off. See, i dont believe in that, and if we had deterred deals that night, it was only because of the walkies we wear that make us look like cops.

    i mean, you got me there. That definitely makes it look like we're after dealers. It was really more of an off the cuff remark. Ah, Samaritan. Thanks.

  49. and please... dont be vague... describe the qualities, precisely, that you see as illustrating that I want fame. Really.


    there just did part of your research for you. main google search for both guys

  51. Part 1 of 2;
    Ok, On a computer now. One can cut and paste.
    Counting the previous posts since my last and numbering them 1-8;

    1) Good on trying. What you post on your page, has less viewers than either the BBC article or the HBO documentary. As to what you say on your page? One claims on this page to Rule the State of Colorado. We can claim annnnything. We are judged by how we act. Here's your press;
    "Initiative member Z brandishes “giant ax handles bound with duck tape” and a cane that doubles as a club. He’s also got — in reserve — a legally dubious arsenal that includes ninja throwing stars and what author Tea Krulos describes as “stun knuckles (that make a loud zapping sound), throwing knives and spiky hand guards that look like something Genghis Khan would brawl in.” A battle ax appears to be merely for display."
    From source;

    2) A) One appears to be wrong on the Ray being X-Alt. By all accounts he is RLSH. One will make addendum correcting the record to this post.
    B) Your press today is better. Your press in past is quite a bit larger. Again - the HBO movie is going to be informing people for quite some time - and don't make me mention your law breaking on film again.

    3) A) So no job, no purpose but your own choice
    B) DHM is telling stories - why does that shock anyone? Shuriken - that's one of his too. And in the Beeb article, he is mentioned as part of NYI. Hero - whatever. It's applied to you, weather you want it or not, and you certainly don't go to pains to have it not applied to you. You can't control people who claim your association? You Come On. That's a weaklings excuse. You control who you associate with. You control access. You have influence over those in groups. We had this conversation before. It's chain of command. You apply your influence on those who will influence the others. Just as One kicks the hell out of every superhero leader. Because you can mind your minions.

    C) Your opinion. One holds; You ran and hid from the truth like a coward. One does not come at you with out basis for argument. You are picking up on what was bringing to you months ago. And it may only take a ruined life (the Ray) for you to pay attention. One has also crucified Jones, Zetaman, My ArchNemesis, and the ArchAngels. Each in their time. Facts. Evidence. Truth. One posts links, One quotes text w/links to source. You claim otherwise, and you look foolish. Because real people - not superheroes, Listen. They apply these same principles. They ask for proof. ""They'll see us and take off running," says Samaritan. "They go to the dark corners that all insects retreat to."" (Source Your drug dealers must be girls. Because in the real world, drug dealers don't give up business for unarmed kids on skateboards. Here is some information on the profitability and success of drugs in and around your area;

  52. Part 2 of 2;

    D) One has fought more battles than you will ever know, on the unworthiness of using personal information. One does not use that, and if you were to use any name other than Jack Cero, One would use that. One you will note, has never addressed anyone by any personal name. It is a cowardly behavior, and it is only practiced by superheroes.

    4) One will Google. Silver has gotten drunk on the Kool-Aid. Our last PMs ended with the words "Friend". Friends do not betray. He created a post, inviting Villains to post their grievances. You specified courtesy, which you were given. One answered all comments, and posted my points with facts, linked to source with quotes also linked to source. At one time there were 5 questioners to me, with a call for Ira to join. Silver himself, also commented multiple times.

    No, When we look at his responsibility with the information he stated he specifically knew for a fact on Tothian's activities, and his subsequent lack of action, One imagines it won't be pretty. And it will be googleable. Prima Donna.

    5) You can't collect evidence. When YOU collect evidence, you void it AS evidence. There is legal requirement called "Chain of Custody". Any potential evidence must be collected and it's purity as evidence must be maintained in "Chain of Custody". Only trained resources are qualified to collect evidence. Drug dealers will follow you to your house and burn it to the ground. In the Real World.

    6) Samaritan. Yes, BBC, world wide online. Your influence. Violence. What if some kid decided to follow your example? Can you imagine him and them trying to scare drug dealers away? With cattle prods and - really, whatever. Lots of chalk outlines.

    7) HBO, Heroes in the Night (multiple), BBC, Facebook NYI page, Post NY ComiCon Rent Kegger,- and that's all One knows. Again - not doing a lot of research here. These floated to the top. Qualities; Always a quote in any source. The Kegger. The Judgements, the criticisms, the Name calling. The anonymous comments. The backstabbing.

    and 8) Taking your links.


  53. An update has been added to this post to reflect the clarification that the Ray was not a member of X-Alts. One also included the source where One drew my conclusion.

    Thank you.
    -Lord Malignance

  54. 1. Ask Tea Krulos if any of that stuff is used on patrol. He'll tell you. Nowhere in the story does it say that stuff is used on patrol. Tons of guys across the country have stuff like that in their house. Do they use it? Nope. And if we even took it outside we'd be arrested. And we haven't been. And we have been outside... I have cited evidence on that. So your point is shut down.

    2.HBO movie misrepresents us. The truth will come out in the next press. And i cannot accept fault for Lucids actions when I was not present for filming. Take it up with him. I asked him not to do that, but he is an adult and thus must lead his own path and take accountability for his own actions. It is a bad example, agreed.

    We presented certain things to the doc makers, and they edited it the way they wanted to. I've told you this. Won't argue this point point anymore with you. It is what it is, and we're working to change how we've been represented.

    3. The fact that DHM is presented as NYI is evidence that we have been misrepresented by the BBC in at LEAST this one way. Dave Howard knew that DHM was not part of the NYI. Logically, you MUST be able to deduce that the representation may not have been completely airtight. I'm telling you it wasn't, and Dave will be with you in the next 24 hours. As far as what DHM said, again, take it up with him. I find that you continue to harass me with this stuff when you have a buffet of people to reckon with, here. I am not their leader, and if you suggested that these wildly independent people took marching orders from me, they'd tell you where to stick it. This is how adults work... mutual respect. I can only suggest.

    C. YOur argument is that you've crucified all these "leaders"... when all i see is that they've pretty much screwed themselves. They didn't need you and theres nothing anywhere that says you had anything to do with their "fall"... seriously, man. I've done more for taking down ML, Toth, PJ, etc. than you even have. And backstabbing? The people you just mentioned are the people I've "backstabbed"... And believe me when I say I didn't "backstab", I walked right up and shoved it in their face. That's how i work.

    You don't listen, either. I said, if any of those dealers got out of the area, it was because of our radios. They were afraid that we were undercovers. Think about it. Read what I actually said instead of skimming, as its clear you're doing. Otherwise your continued arguments might not be so weak.

    I already know how profitable drugs are in my area. Which is why they're so organized, and so careful if they see hide or hair of a cop. They don't run, they just pick up and move to the next area. Which is maybe what they did that night, maybe not. I don't know, I didn't see any.

    D. ? What about personal info. Havent used it... not sure your point here.

    4. Friends don't betray, but this isn't a betrayal. Its resisting to enable you. Because from what we've seen, you're melting down. And if I didn't give a shit about it, I wouldn't be talking to you. I'm kind of like that. I always end up trying to help people that perceive me as an enemy, and if any one of these people were in actual dire need, even you, I would try.

  55. 5. Cite law, please. All I'd have to do is work my way inside someones building, do anything, and give this info to the cops and they have their just cause to go and search the place. So please, don't talk to me about things you have only theorized. I've been in that world. I know it. That's how it works.

    6. Samaritan. Please. If he was under my influence he wouldnt be who he is. Trust me on that one.

    7. We are a public safety/community outreach team. We use the media to draw attention to issues. How else should we go about doing that? I told you, if i wanted to be "famous" i could have done it the way PJ has. But I havent. I don't want it. I'm just using the tool to get the message out.

    Anything else? Direct questions, maybe, instead of accusations? Still wiping out everything you've thrown my way.

    PS. This debate is only half for you, btw. A lot of this is so I can link to this in the future if anyone has any questions, since I've answered every one of your questions about 10 times each, as you sidestep every answer and come at me from some other angle.

  56. oh and another point... you say that one does not need armor to help people... but in that way you've defeated your own logic.

    helping people may include have to defend them physically from someone else. And as you've said, real criminals have knives and guns! And that means making sure we're protected. But wait! We don't need armor to help people?

    Huh? Hmmmmm... Maybe rethink that one. If you're putting yourself out there for whatever may happen, you're going to run into a weapon. Theres no illusions there. And that means armor. So if you really want to argue, and you are really worried about people being safe, maybe you should say "no VISIBLE armor"?

    And, natch... we don't wear visible armor. So...

  57. 5.

    6. One makes the point it's out there, as NYI/X-Alts.

    7. Not disagreeing. But, the "tool" is dangerous as well. Inspiration is influence, and you have to control how your influence is used, or it will be used in ways not your own. Ray for example. Oneself for another. Again - One has no power except that which is given.

    8. Why have you packaged, sold, and exported violence? My examples;

    Chamber X-alt
    Westminster, Colorado

    WhiteKnight X-Alt
    Denver, Colorado

    Subnoize Punk
    (formerly Asmodeous)
    Denver, Colorado

    Venus X-Alt
    Denver, Colorado

    Venus blocked me, when One passionately implored her not to go on X-Alt Bait patrols in Denver with a gun. Denver is both dangerous, and very populated. Not as much as New York, but nowhere for a sustained firefight. Gun ownership also in Colorado is very high. You'll likely draw down counter fire, unless you're going to lay down sufficient suppressing fire to escape. Needless to say, that much flying lead is likely to produce Many unnecessary deaths. And you sent it here. It didn't exist here before your group. Read their profiles. Jokes. And Dangerous posturing jokes. One thought it was supervillains have me on, but no. They apparently are "real". And One knows my Colorado.

    One has no problems linking. Hell, if One is stupid, then DO link it. If One is wrong, prove it, and One will correct. If One has offended (there are rules about this, and they don't apply to you) One will apologize.

  58. To your last post. No. Denied. People help people everyday without capes or armor. You assume, incorrectly, that you're the only ones doing anything. You only wear armor if you intend to fight. If you intend to help, you bring things to help.

    You think you can only fight with fists and weapons. You can do more with ideas and symbols than any weapon. One likened it this way;

    Who won:
    The Klan or Martin Luthor King?
    The British or Gandhi?
    Apartheid or Mandela?

    Who had the weapons and used terror?

  59. what am i supposed to prove? I have never illustrated doing a bait patrol with a firearm, and you cannot hold one protocol responsible for another, untrained and unsolicited persons escalation of it. Venus has asked me to illustrate the proper tactics of a bait patrol to her, and I have not. I only warned her that she would be in great danger without proper traing. I'll look for the conversation... standby

  60. dont put words in my mouth, i have not said that we're the only ones doing anything.

    I intend to defend the lives of others from attackers, and defending is physical. This requires armor. In this, you are extremely and undeniably incorrect. If everyone who defended life took your advice, then YOU would be the one who was responsible for life threatening injury.

    A symbol does do more for helping... but in this way, the symbol is about defending life... about overcoming selfishness and helping when people are in danger... self empowerment, one of the rights we have as a nation. And guns exist in this new world, as well as knives. Armor when fighting for someone elses life is not only a good idea, you'd be stupid to advise against it.

    Shut down.

  61. where did you get these ideas, anyway? You only wear armor if you intend to fight. Come on. What is that, in a class you took?

    If you intend to help those that can't help themselves while being attacked, theyre not going to be equipped for it. Therefore, wearing the armor, you are the one equipped to shield them from their attacker. If you had no armor, how would you help them?

    Really. Tell me. How would you help a person being attacked? When you had no theories, no philosophy, no debate to save you? Tell me.

  62. Found the convo with Venus. I won't be showing you everything that we chat about but I can say that i told her a few things: That it is not safe, that she would be risking her and others lives, that at no point should there be unarmored or untrained bait, that I would be giving her no tactical information until they had a great deal of training... thats all I got. She did ask if she should carry a ccw and I did not answer her. I Would have said no, for a bait patrol, but it would be within her right to do so anyway.

  63. Part 1 of 2;

    Previous posts 1-4;

    1) She wanted to do bait patrols months ago. Either from you or Heroes in the Night or some other source. Certainly not from her own ideas. The idea was exported from New York. Like the Ray.

    2) A. From highlighted text; "We're doing something. It's better than sitting on our asses and complaining about it

    From source ""

    B. You do what everyone else does. You do what cops do. You do what you have to do. No one wears armor but S.W.A.T. teams, Prison Extraction Teams, and People looking to send a message of intimidation and fear. Your armor is not ballistic, and the people who will shoot at you, will stand over you and pump two in your face. So don't presume One doesn't know. The Armor is a symbol. It's not defensive, it's offensive. Where are your defensive armors? Always on aggressors. Always.

    3) A) Again, armor does not protect you from, really, any criminal who is street worthy. Drunk College kids? Master Legend Armor/Zeta armor is just fine. Or Jones's Shoe-Armor.

    B) Situationally dependent: If others are nearby you yell for help. You dial 911. You shout at the attacker. You consider odds, you evaluate escape. You engage them if another life is in danger. You avoid getting killed, you shout loudly - fire is recommended. You negotiate - you lie, you threaten, you plead. You get the victim to safety. You fight if you must, and you fight dirty. You fight to live, you run away if you can. You report the incident to the police. You identify the suspects in a line up. You press charges. You bear witness, and you speak truth. These are a citizen's duties. They're not X-Alt inventions.

    4) A. Don't tell me. It's far worse than you know. She would be irresistible bait in some areas - a small woman walking alone or in a small group. Colfax Blvd. It's a den of criminality. She WOULD be a target for victimization. You can get Concealed Carry here for Lunch Money and an afternoon. EVERYone can. That's the point. She starts a gun fight, and she's going to find herself, and every single X-Alt with her, executed. Worse, she'll start a condition where people are made more dangerous to fellow citizens, and One will not have that. Neither will Coloradoans. It isn't our nature to cause trouble for no reason, we're MidWesterners, not Coastal. Look at your maps and see the concentrations of heroes. One does. They demonstrate a fact. We don't have time for the kind of drama being exported here.

    B. Her right to die. And that's what will happen. It's not a case where she'll do this and survive more than once. She'll either pull and hold a gang for arrest (unlikely), or they will leave and come back with guns and look for her. Or someone who looks like her. Or just find new ways to use their guns. Again, armor is not going to protect anyone from a gun. Go ask a cop about your armor. Lucky shots and "Never get shot wearing this" is all you'll likely hear. Shoulder pads and bracers - really? That's not combat armor, that's home depot. Ask NiteOwl. And is One the only one who knows you don't shoot at a distance? Like some kind of movie Quick Draw at the O.K. Corral? You walk up to the mark from behind and pump one into their back? Then as they go down, you put two .22s in the head? Does anyone else know that? What armor protects you from that? That's business, and your armor means nothing.

  64. Part 2 of 2;

    Would you like to know why a .22 revolver is preferred? No dropped shells, and the bullets tend to stay inside the head (it's cleaner, especially if it's done inside a car). You put the two in the face, if you're sending a message (closed casket - the Old World Families find that disrespectful). The gun is easily concealable, and disassembles for quick disposal. You never get caught with the piece, you get rid of it. You get rid of your clothes to eliminate GSR. In Colorado there is a gun show at least once a month. You can buy pieces on street corners for $200-500, no questions. One imagines the same is true for New York. Would you like to know about home made silencers? How to make a move on someone in the street?

    You're playing games with people who have talent and little patience for children interfering with business. And as soon as you interfere with business, you're done. Why is Jones still walking around breathing? Besides being lucky? He doesn't interfere with business. When he does - even by accident, he's done. We might actually never see him again, if he attracts the wrong attention. And it won't happen on camera. That's the real world Jack. No Skateboards and Motocross armor. Drugs are big money. The kind of money that buys a lot of guns, and puts people on top that know how to handle unwanted attention. Your bait patrol and HBO documentary fame catches a big fish someday, (like that Beeb article and the Drug Lords you "scared away") and you pretty much just executed all of your friends. Slowly.

    Would you like to know how a cartel executes someone - Man, Woman, or Child? You do a lot of talk about training. Here's some training you may not have covered. First, it's not beheading - that's Mexico. It's done with dykes, pliers, and knives, and it takes hours. They'll tourniquet the victim, so they don't bleed out. It'll be the longest and last hours they'll ever know. "Crimefighting armor", they'll laugh about and parade around in, as they take the victim's fingers and toes, and work their way inwards.

    So by all means be careful. Think about what you've been telling people to go out and do. Because someone is going to jump someone who's connected, and then we're going to see something new. Maybe Knightfox Paradox, if he wasn't a part of Storytime.

    And the RLSH Janitor won't be able to sweep that under the rug.

    But getting back to the Ray, and his legal defense...
