Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Paramilitary Vigilantes "Soldiers of Make Believe Justice"

Paramilitary Vigilantes - when commanding a citizen to obey, are committing a form of arrest, for which there are Tort responses available to citizens wishing to find justice. You don't have to obey X-Alts, Vigilantes, or Superheroes, and if they so much as impede your freedom, or through their threatening behavior you feel impeded, you are encouraged to sue them for false arrest, and imprisonment. They can't touch you.

Courtesy of 
On YouTube

Note this quote;
“I look at it like a homeland soldier who has stickers on his helmet,” explains Zero, a tall, good-looking, blond-haired man. “I’m an artist. I’m a fighter. I’m a radical. I’m in a state of unrest.” He pauses. “I’m trying to promote a new term instead of ’superhero’: X-Alt. It’s short for Extreme Altruist. I think it’s going to open a lot of doors for people who don’t want to be directly linked to the superhero stigma.”

From source;

"Soldiers" enforcing their pretend understanding of justice. Remember - if you encounter a superhero, X-Alt, Creative Altruist, ArchAngel, RLSH, or whatever - you are a Citizen. You have rights. Be safe first, but observe, report, and press charges against any leotarded, body armored, cape wearing, hooded vigilante who dares infringe your rights as an American Citizen. Put these dangerous people behind bars where they belong before they hurt anyone.

They want to be "soldiers" and fight America? Then fight back. Take our country back from the vigilantes. The laws of our democracy work better and more frequently, than vigilante justice ever has.

You don't have to live in fear of superheroes any longer,
-Lord Malignance

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