Tuesday, November 1, 2011

What is The Single Greatest Truth About Superheroes?


From the Depths of my Sugar YoYo, One found this on Facebook.

From Facebook 110111 1344 (posted 10 hours ago);

David Baymiller
"RLSH & RLSV: I've pm'd with Silver Sentinel and he's done with the RLSH community. He's had enough of the idiots, the posing, the backstabbing, and a couple militant and paranoid heroes who have hinted they will use his personal info against. So, Silver Sentinel is gone. Pass it on if you feel like it."

Because really, WHO traffics in Personal Information in games of Seduction and Betrayal? Superheroes of course. They always have. It's how they think. They're diseased with paranoia and distrust, and trapped in their tiny minds. Villains win because we are better than they are, and we don't have to try very hard to do it. They give us victory after victory on platters by using these methods of theirs, on themselves and anyone else they can. But if we want to play in the sandbox with the children and collect their information for blackmail against them ("Class 3 Supervillains") then they certainly will do so back to us. It's what they DO. It's all they know how to do. So, if you are sure Skyman isn't shopping in your neighborhood, then by all means, post a policy somewhere and have every superhero who can read (and this even includes Master Legend. He can make words, just not punctuation) play their games against Villains. At 100 to 1 odds against. And quite a few of them are and will tell you this in all honesty;

A) "Nothing without being a superhero",

B) Balls of anger and frustration over their failed lives, they're just waiting to get some revenge on someone for the pain of their worthless existence,

C) So far into playing "Batman" they don't even know where reality is anymore,

D) Nasty little wretches who inflict themselves on everyone around them, especially if they can put on a cape and claim they are superheroic about it. That would be Skiffy. Again, "Skiffy" is not trandemarked.

E) Militant Nutbags who have "nothing to lose".

One hopes Silver Sentinel comes back, quite a few of us return after taking some much needed time off. He is hands down, the very best thing in this community on either side of the fence. He is true to what he upholds.

Why did Silver Sentinel leave? Could it have been fallout for calling out Tothian on some typical Tothian irresponsibility? But the heroes it seems, more interested in hiding their shameful awfulness, have had to side with, of all people Tothian, in an event best left described as inappropriate behavior in front of children.

To protect their shame, superheroes sided with someone who exposed children to harm. THAT's how important their fame is to them. THAT's how fraudulent they really are. This is the truth about superheroes they don't want people to know: It's all about their American Idol Celebrity. That's their true and over-riding motivation.

The net result? Tothian, who will never amount to anything except an unremarkable prison term, is gone, and Silver Sentinel - the real only chance the heroes had of achieving anything, is gone. Now the Phoenix Jones Vigilantes will gain momentum unimpeded. Until they hurt someone, or more probably, get themselves and others killed. The Jack Cero (Pretty, Pretty, Princess Pony Jacqueline) Storytellers will continue to spin their thuggish adventure yarns and lure innocent victims into their pretend fantasies of playtime batman. The Tothians will continue to prey on the weak, and the Master Legends will keep spinning further and further into insanity. New contender: Knightfox Paradox - he fancies himself the Punisher. With Guns. Oh, yes.

What is the single greatest truth about superheroes? That Fame is the most important thing to them, and they will endanger and risk innocent lives to claw for it like animals. It is disgusting to watch them, like cockroaches scurrying over the husk of an empty desiccated belief they try to present as noble and sell to a viewing audience. Feel that burning at the back of your throat? That's bile. Superbile. Because instinctively you know, you know, that the rotted corpse of the product they're selling "Superheroes" is foul to the core.

-Lord Malignance


  1. Another one of your diary entries. How cute? Have you ever researched the facts like I have rubber bullets or that I use the use of force. Or maybe Im a cop in military. Hmm makes you wonder about the perspective you misconstrue

  2. Heh. "Nocturnal Guardians". Sure, why not?

    Knightfox Paradox, Have you ever considered what kind of an imbecile carries a real gun, and then tells everyone he's "using rubber bullets"? Maybe part of your "Gun Ninja" Mortal Kombat fantasy is that the people who will shoot back at you - the police, criminals, imaginary Gun Ninjas, - will also be firing play bullets? And if you ARE a cop in the military, what are you doing playing kindergarten superhero games. Soldiers know better than to play around with guns, because they are Not toys.

    But we've seen how Bee Sting


    has fared with your stupid game. Another Real Life Super Hero Gun Ninja - this time with a shotgun, and a former soldier. He's going to be quite popular in prison, don't you think? How would you like to be the Con "married" to a superhero?

    Kind of puts your little game in perspective. That is IF you don't either kill someone, or get yourself killed playing Gun Ninja.

    There really IS no way you don't come off as an imbecile for trying to defend this. But by all means, keep trying. You'll eventually say something entertaining and ignorant, and One will hang that around your head too.

    Please try.

    -Lord Malignance

  3. I will miss Silver so much if he does decide to leave permanently. He has been so many things to me. A mentor certainly an entertaining participant in the tales of the Eye. A font of wisdom and genuine concern and above all a kind, sensitive, calming voice in a recent crisis I had. Whatever he chooses to do he has my grattitude and support. Pure Sterling Silver. Lord Mole.

  4. No worries Lord Mole,

    this is an older post. He threw one of his tantrums and ran away for awhile. He's done it a half dozen times in the past, and he'll no doubt do it another number of times.

    Some people don't deal with pressure well. They crack, and they lose their composure. Better to take some time off, and wait until you can comport yourself with dignity once more.

    -Lord Malignance

  5. What is a nocturnal guardian? is it like a diaper to stop older children wetting the bed?

  6. Yeah D'Mole, this was from last year.
    One of the lesser known but older heroes decided to hold Silver's personal info against him as blackmail to get Silver to come to his way of thinking on a few things. If failed, Silver had enough (the man was just married or about to be when this went down) and stepped off for a bit. The blackmailer was foiled and shabang: here we all are today.

  7. And Lord Malignance is not wrong. Some of the most vile lies, actions, and threats have come from within the rlsh community itself. Superhero will tell you straight up why he started taking a pistol on patrol: threats from the RLSH, specifically when Tothian was working on him.

  8. Dave,

    One has heard that story about Superhero, but finds it odd. Details known to you, better than what One knows. But if it's true, then Tothian - a weird little kid, so frightened Slappy (Superhero)- a man who tells people he could have been a cop (but they don't hire gun clutching spandex-clad weirdos), and was in the military and could have been a Navy Seal (except he turned them down. Those slackers). Now, One doesn't know much that frightens Navy Seals, but Tothian wouldn't be at the top of my list if One were to guess. Heck, Superhero must void his bowels every time One mentions his name out of sheer mindless terror then. Which is kind of cool.

    And that's a trick about fear. Tothian gave it to Slappy, and Slappy chooses to live with it. Tothian never threatens Oneself. He's threatened everyone else, but One whack-a-moles him every time he surfaces, and he knows his place. White Skull would pull his head down through his body, and out of his butt, so many times, Tothian must have had to seek counseling.

    If Superhero spends his life living in fear of Tothian no less, he's got problems clutching a gun won't solve.

    Superheroes (Tothian: Leader of the Real Life Super Heroes) was the president and founder of the Heroes Network. One isn't sure if they're still around? He was their best, and now he's one of their worst. But he hasn't changed. He's still the same as he was then. It's just now we know to look past the stories and look at the reality.

    -Lord Malignance

  9. Silver Sentinel seems to be one of the few heroes who actually say things that make sense. This seems to be a recurring trend. Justicar RLSH witnessed the Bee Sting incident and while he admitted that Bee Sting was an idiot, he also stated that he wishes to retire due to the guilt by association. I have to wonder, are the Good Heroes that retire just feeding the problem? Surely we need to try to encourage them to stay, if anything, so that the real-life superhero community can at least have some measure of common sense.

    What do we want, ultimately, to happen to the RLSH? Do we want them to collapse under the weight of their own stupidity after all the decent ones leave, or do we want them to improve, filter out the stupid ones and actually do good things?


  10. Verbish,

    Very good questions. But as we've seen recently, leadership makes a difference. You can't hope to rule a mob of 1000 plus manbabies running around in leotards without structure. We've yet to find out which is a sexual predator. The odds are there, to say it's likely. The first superhero to kill someone. The first superhero to get himself killed. If they don't figure out some facts about reality soon, they WILL perish as a group.

    -Lord Malignance
