Monday, October 11, 2010

Lair Goings On, Post Ninja Cavalcade...

Greetings and Lamentations, I AM Lord Malignance, and you WILL crouch before me now!
(Villains excepted, of course).

Long ago, at the beginning of the Modern Age of Villainy, a great unknowable mystery moved within the ranks of Villainy, bringing fear to the hearts of heroes, and inspiring many a Villain to strive to be more... unknowable.

This harbinger of unfathomable secrecy was the man(?) known as Master Calamity, and though out of respect for his wish to remain a myth is upheld throughout the year, on this upcoming Villainous Holiday, we celebrate Evil, and his malificent contributions. And so...

The Second Annual Master Calamity Super Villain Challenge!

The Rules (though as Villains, you will be expected to break them as you see fit);

1) A picture taken outside of your lair posted, possibly taking advantage of the Halloween opportunity.

2) Points are given for theme, and for daring. Obviously anything Evil (but Legal!) is always appreciated. Anything bold, and uncompromising also.

3) Agent Beryllium, Aluminum Chef, and Fatal Phyllo KILLED last year, and set a high standard to attempt to reach. Don't be deterred however: You don't have to exceed the best Ever, just the best this year.

4) Judging is by community accolades. If you must cheat, cheat with style and don't get caught. Payoff witnesses, and bribe and blackmail as you must.

5) If you photoshop, make it a convincing conterfeit, or dazzle with style.

6) If you are a screaming megalomaniac in a snowstorm losing your mind due to frostbite, limit your attempts to only a few.

7) Have fun. None can judge you, save yourself (and that pesky "World Court") and none to think less, should you not participate. Again, as a Villain, it's entirely up to YOU.

Helmet designs are running apace, but appear to be missing the upcoming deadline one sought. Still, innovative improvements are being developed.

One has been testing out the new technologies present in video games. You might think that the Mighty Lord Malignance, Merciless Ruler of All the Colorado Holdfast, has no experience with these paltry time wasters. But you would be wrong. Behold! Lord Malignance has both an original Nintendo, and an Atari 2600 - both setup to a RGB Color television. Ahh, those were breakthrough days. One joystick and one button - what more could you ever need?

Now, on the X-Box 360, one is presented with a controller with two joysticks, and almost a dozen buttons. What madness is this?! Who has the fast twitch neuronal connections to operate such a device?! The Secrets of this world will be MINE yet!

The Henchdog, the Merciless Mongrel of Mao, the Cunning Canine of Communism himself;
Comrade Cocoa
Plots to enlist a proletariat of waterfowl into his Diabolical armies of Dogdom have not gone well for him. Yet. And yet he plots, and plots, patiently biding his time.

With Splendid Horror Unfolding,
-Lord Malignance


  1. Hmm. I need to find an opportunity to both celebrate the Hallowe'en season as well as stick it to the RLSH.

    I do enjoy a challenge.

  2. After some friendly negotiations at the business end of my death-ray, I have convinced a local venue to allow me to legally rule their evening of musical entertainment with an 'iron fist' in the form of a "host". While I host their show, of course, they will be playing host to the numerous deadly biological agents I intend to drop in their alcoholic beverages. (Quick, call the FBI!)

    Challenge accepted!


  3. Malvado, congratulations.

    Skullsy, you're such a tease :)
