Sunday, May 1, 2011

Happy Concentrated Evil Day!

Greetings and Lamentations, I AM Lord Malignance, and you WILL Crouch! before me Now.
(Villains excepted of course)

Today, May 1st - "Mayday" - a suitably ominous day, has been declared Concentrated Evil Day by Villainy, and will be a celebration in honor of our most respected senior member ComputerKing.

And Who IS the ComputerKing? Who is this Villain we all come together to celebrate and honor? From his own website;
Narrative History:
Once Upon a time, a man named H.R. Tucker became a portal. This portal allowed a powerful, malevolent being called the ComputerKing to use him, often and painfully, to come to this universe from his own. The ComputerKing used H.R. to run his podcast, until the day that H.R. had endured enough. He learned a few tricks, and stole the power from his oppressor, and claimed the mantle and name of ComputerKing for his own. The original ComputerKing turned out to be just a version of H.R. who had gained some power. He was spanked and thrown back to his home dimension. The Computer King was gone. All Hail the ComputerKing!

One trawls the Internet from time to time and looks for Villains to meet and appreciate. One does this for Villainy's sake, but also because Villains are adaptive and competitive, and One is not above stealing their secrets for my own. Villains learn from those we meet, and the things we encounter. One would obviously be interested in Computer King for his skill with technology and his artistry with both spoken and written word. To Ones delight, Computer King found something in Villainy (likely our more talented Villains) that  interested him, and to our mutual benefit and enjoyment joined us in our Villainy.

Computer King is not only our senior, most respected member having been pioneering Evil since 2006, but he is also a contributive member to the Culture of Villainy. We are All leaders in Villainy it is true. We build consensus and work towards shared goals. Everyone's voice is important and respected, for their unique gifts, their passion for their work, and for their industry and perseverance. With this understanding, and considering that Computer King has been doing Villainy longer than the rest of us, it is no wonder why he is universally admired and his good counsel sought out, cultivated, and maintained.

Computer King also created the celebrated Villainous Verse, an ode to Villains and Villainy. You can hear a small amount here (w/a review), and first debut on his podcast here. If you want to come to understand and appreciate a small amount of his talent, you can hear it in this Villainous Verse, which truly gets better each time you hear it.

To Oneself, personally, Computer King has been a mentor, showing me that Villainy can be sustained over time, improved and developed, refined and made more vital through effort. It isn't a fad or a flash in the pan, that it can be rewarding to yourself and to those you share it with. Villainy exists for itself, and it's own amusements, enjoyments, and empowerments. That you can see Villainy one way, and be completely correct, and so can another Villain with other agendas, goals, ambitions, and talents. Computer King gives us calm and stability and thoughtful reflection, and to Oneself as to the rest of us, this is held as necessary to Villainy. It may not be said (We Are Villains after all) but it is present in his contributions, is needed, and is always appreciated.

Other Far More talented Villains would also like to show their respect and appreciation today. Search for them and you will find them. **

**Update: Villainous Tributes are coming in even as we speak;
White Skull
A Super Rare and Valuable White Skull Comic!
Agent Wraith
Agent Wraith (a Video!)
Poop Knife
Agent Beryllium

And more as the day goes on!

Thank you Computer King for all that you have done, do, and will do,
-Lord Malignance

Evil Disclaimer;
All the really Evil ideas - the delightful agile ones that dance in your mind, came from other Villains. One won't say who, but if you put your keen mind to it, the answers will become clear. The chance to celebrate and recognize our very talented and appreciated colleague, was something everyone would have wanted to participate in, and those that couldn't, are Ones own fault for not doing my Evil best to plan ahead better.   


  1. Thank you. Quite a surprise on a Sunday morning.

  2. Computer King,

    Happy Concentrated Evil Day!

    You may not hear it enough or if ever, but a lot of Villains think you're the tops.

    Keep up the Evil work,
    -Lord Malignance
    Who is not just a friend, but a fan too.
