Monday, August 1, 2011

Blogpost 500 and Malignopalooza

Great Evil Below, it burns the throat and makes your teeth feel strange..

"Greetings and Lamentations," 

And with these words two years ago today and 500 posts, the Reign of Lord Malignance began.

Two years of consistent challenge to the superhero movement. 
Consistently the argument has been made and successfully employed, that the truth is the most successful weapon. Wielded by reasonable arguments, siting specific facts. Wherever heroes have been confronted with this tactic, they have retreated. When asked to explain themselves, heroes either run away, or threaten. If you can't accept a challenge to what you claim you believe in, or what you say, can you even claim that you do believe?

Two years of seeing the RLSH break up into smaller and smaller pieces and their paragons brought low. 
Two years ago, Master Legend was a Rolling Stones article darling, who was held up by heroes as their greatest asset. Tothian was leader of some hero group or another. Zetaman was the big dog with his organization. Heroes in general were upfront with their goofy charity work, and their forums were open. The ArchNemesis was the Bodhidharma of superheroes. Today?

Two years of reaching out and inviting new people to embrace the dark communion of Villainy. 
Take a look at a number of Villains blogs, and often you will find Oneself there as a follower. One reaches out to Villains on Twitter, Myspace, Facebook, Wordpress, the Googleverse, and anywhere where aspiring Villains may be found.

Two years of Defending Villainy and Supporting its' Members. 
If you've had a project as a Villain, One has supported you in it's development and operation. Not for Oneself or for my own benefit, but because it is the Evil thing to do. Where threats arose, One was vocal in their criticism. Where there had been friction, One worked to ameliorate it. When there was a void to fill, One stepped in and attempted to fill that void.

Two years of discipline to a clear vision and a greater cause. 
There has only ever been one Lord Malignance, and no others. While others oscillate between states, One maintains a consistent reasoned approach to the work. One blog, Truth to Villains, Courtesy to adversaries, and reasoned disagreement with the very value itself of superheroes.
(Except maybe Baron Terror. It's a case of someone "doing" Lord Malignance better than One does).

Two years of fending off Trolls and Dangers to Villainy both without and within. 
A disagreement within Villainy? Private channels first, and if those fail, then whatever restricted channels One may employ. Even this blog if all else fails. One does not have associations with heroes in any form. (Though One does respect Silver Sentinel, and enjoys the adversarial relationship with the ArchNemesis.)*

Two years of carrying a Torch for the Baroness. (Call me)
By now, she must have noticed me? That fraud Cobra Commander is such a shameless hack (for the record: Trustfund Baby).

Two years of evaluating and incorporating new technologies. 
Quite a few, and not all ready to be released. A new Website Portal is in the works, and it's running waaaay behind schedule. Artists!

Two years of respecting confidences.
No emails posted (w/out written consent). Never a real name used, ever. Confidences shared, always kept secret. How many Villains do this?

Two years of causing weaklings Screaming Fear. So much so they flee before my approach. 
How can you stand up, boast as you do, and then run away when questioned? The superheroes do this all too frequently, and it is consistently rewarding to watch them scamper to their nests. They'll claim they're all they say they are - so much better or worse than anyone else, and yet, when challenged to explain themselves, they insult, demand, and then run away. Are these things they profess with such authority and passion things they actually believe in? Or is it act. Is there anything they actually believe in?

Two years of ear bleedingly bad videos which everyone hates. 
You hate them too.

Two years of consistency. 
It's still the same Lord Malignance, no exceptions, no reinvention, no substitutions. One has claimed that One is an insane Megalomaniac with a candy-bar fueled bipolar disorder (Superpower) but on review, you will find the same course of action and the same standards upheld throughout all this time. One does not lie about other Villains or to other Villains, spread rumors, or betray Villainy in the camps of heroes or trolls. A friendship made is a friendship kept, until it can no longer be sustained.

Traditions Developed, and Upheld. 
The Accounting. The Ides of March. Concentrated Evil. Malignopalooza. The Master Calamity Halloween Challenge. Ubermas. Not all mine of course, but put out there and supported for all of Villainy to enjoy. Together we create these things and together we enjoy them.

A third year stretches out before Oneself, and in this year One hope to have even greater success, building on what has worked in the past, and removing that which has not. Better solutions are needed, and these One hopes to develop.

-Lord Malignance

* Disclaimer: There are a few heroes who appear as "friends" in Facebook. These are merely interesting people who One finds entertaining to read. It should not be understood to mean an association in anyway other than the nature of Facebook's virtual structures. 


  1. Great anniversary Mal. Keep on going, never stop.
    As you were,

  2. Congratulations and good wishes for another 500.

  3. 10 more years of lord malignance!

  4. Great Malignopalooza to you Lord Malignance.

    We're kind of letting the blog Go, Go, Maligno! rest for awhile - not that we're not following your exploits. We have a chat channel that we all gossip in. YOU are always talked about in glowing terms.

    Teaching and the children are taking more time than they have before, and both are very, very rewarding.

    Crouching before, well YOU, Always!

  5. Thank you Lord Malignance for everything. I hope you rule the world soon!


  6. Happy mmm Malignopalooza boss,

    Servant and Henchman to my Lord Malignance,
    Your former painter
