Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Malignopalooza 2018

Greetings and Lamentations, I AM Lord Malignance and before me you will Crouch!
Villains excepted, of course.

So it has come to pass, this, One's Ninth year in Villainy on this the Eighth anniversary of One's first blog post all these many years ago.

But This is no proper post.

A better post will be forthcoming. In truth, the accolades and parties have taken all the day, the days before, and still more days yet. But a post is due catching up on the goings on.

Nine years is a lot - 5 years, crushing the puny superheroes, and these last four on Malignanceship. Maybe an even 15, and then One will follow Dr. Steel off the stage and back into the shadows. Squeeze in a victory lap and a retrospective at the end.

The Work (what you Don't see) has been enjoyable - but One Does spend too much time on Twitter railing against the NRA, Zuckerberg's Monster, and Trump.

So, a post soon. New chair coming in (One is quite particular about what One spends time with). A stage to set, and maybe some videos.

Until Next Time,


  1. Lord M. It is your old adversary Phantom Zero. What is the best way to get in contact with you?

    1. ArchNemesis!
      Apologies - One has been lax in checking the comments. The email of course, . One Also is on Twitter.
      Please forgive this lapse in courtesy.
