Monday, October 11, 2010

The Unworthiness of Heroes...

Greetings and Lamentations, I AM Lord Malignance, and you WILL crouch before me now!
(Villains excepted, of course).

Out in the Post Box, awaiting ones displeasure, one found THIS waiting;

Oh, if only it had been a scorpion, or cobra! Those one is prepared for. But this? This insinuating inculcation and infestation of weakness, foisted upon naive society in the form of Super Heroes, is an all too obviously transparent attempt to delude even those born to rule.

Yes, there are real men and women of great achievement accounted for within, and creatures of literary works - but also too, in order that they may pander to a slack-jawed audience they include Super Heroes? Worse yet, by promoting this fanboyish worship of spandex clad Oppressors of the Hardworking Everyman, they feed further fuel to the cultural blight that is people wandering around claiming to be so called "Real Life" Super Heroes.

Superheroes are not here to inspire you, or to guide you to achieve greatness yourself. They are here to put themselves above you, by pushing you down to beneath their station. YOU are not grand and colorful, and driven by Justice, and higher morals to live your life as their equal. YOU are a herd animal that requires their shepherding, protection, and guidance. Even your Law Enforcement, Justice Institutions, Culture of Laws and Customs of Behavior are inadequate. Only by costuming up and professing their own superior morality and purity of heart are they able to distinguish themselves from you, and become capable of telling other people how to think, and how to behave. If you believe them, then you are domesticated, docile, and dependent on them. Like a lowly animal.

These people should bleat for their Super Hero masters.

And do these so called "real life" super heroes even attempt to subjegate as a Villain would? No! They don't even have the professional courtesy and innate ability to do even this correctly. When Villains rule, you are told of your place beneath, and then shown (frequently!) the punishment for forgetting your place, or overstepping boundaries set for you. How honest is that? Straightforward, with none of the obfuscation about you "just needing help".

Karl Rove? Super Hero: He wants to "help you" as he robs the frightened and stupid among you. Donald Trump? Villain: If you fail him, you are "Fired". Straightforward, and you know what to expect, because you know it has happened before, and will be applied (frequently!) in the future.

The world doesn't need Super Heroes. The world needs Ruthless Subjegation by Villains. Enslaved by Villainy, everyone will work hard, and know what to expect for their efforts (mostly inhuman cruelty heaped on them for capricious, and Evil reasons). But it will be honest, and it will be fair, and any cruelty you might suffer at the hands of others subjegated as yourself, will seem paltry in comparison to what will be inflicted upon you by Villains.

For example: Throughout most of Human history, people have been ruled successfully by Royalty, Emperors, and Tyrants. Democracy is only somewhat new (blame the Ancient Greeks), and only survived as a minority form of government, until it flourished in the Enlightenment. Tyranical rule by despots has a better proven track record in history - because it has been successfully employed more often.

One works thanklessly towards this future paradise of World Enslavement by Villainy, for YOU.

You're welcome.
-Lord Malignance

1 comment:

  1. As long as there is breath in my lungs, Lord Malignance, there will be a voice to oppose villainy.

    Beware the vigilant eyes of the Silver Sentinel.
