Friday, August 13, 2010

Creature Features; RIP

Greetings and Lamentations, I AM Lord Malignance, and you WILL crouch before me now! (Villains excepted, of course).

One has been catching up on work around the Lair (no success in the lab) and became aware of an issue involving the demon. Yes, it appears Krampus has been ignored too long, and now wants some attention. From the post on his blog, it appears that he's quite convinced, no one is listening to his blogtalk radio show. And no wonder! Since Executrix left, it's devolved into (and one really doesn't listen either, so this is conjecture) Krampus whining about his miserable, worthless life, and his frequent forays into homoerotica.

One is fine with this (as you can imagine). However, there is his quote that has drawn attention, and just to cover bases, one takes a moment to address that now;

"And if you hold any concerns for yourselves or the well beings of anyone you know that may be on the Naughty list, start filing restraining orders now. 102 522 1070 1035 1014 1070 1028 1073"

The threat to harm others is, and always has been unacceptable. If it's to be taken as parody, you must clue your audience in on the joke. At first one thought the numbers were street addresses of people you were going to go out and hurt!

This of course leads one to feel sympathy for you Krampus and a genuine concern for your safety.

One can imagine perhaps, just a small fraction of the pain you must feel, being trapped living a lie, as you do. You can come out of the closet. These are not times past - you would be made to feel normal, as you should - as you can. You don't have to bear the loneliness that hurts you so very, very much.

As to these other, lurid desires of yours to harm others, you embarrass your heroic masters. What would DC's Guardian say (other than quoting Captain America comic books)? Yes, you claim to be a "Krampus", a demon who hunts down, judges, and punishes small children. Seperate yourself from this persona before your tortured mental illness stemming from your repressed sexual desires drives you over the edge! You don't have to go out and hurt or kill any (more?) children. Stop the cycle now!

One sincerly hopes you get the mental health treatment you are crying out for. If anyone reading this blog knows Krampus personally (you have ones sympathies), please - before it's too late, get him the care he needs. He thought to call the FBI for a concern over "Zombie Gas". By his own standards, how can heroes do less for him now, now that he's telling everyone he's planning to go out and rape, murder, and hurt, small children. All he asks for ransom is that you pay attention to him, so that his lonliness goes away for even just a moment, and he doesn't need to go out and murder, eat, rape small children. And animals.

The world doesn't need one more pathetic, sad, depressing, cry for help unanswered.

-Lord Malignance

Funny story seems to be developing here; It appears his issue, and all his faux outrage, is yet again, a concern of his own making. In laymans terms to our hero readers; "It's his own fault".


  1. I trust you have checked your email, evil Lord.

  2. Ack! No, one has been occupied, but is checking it now. Darn MPhone does things by itself it seems. Today, it's decided "Email Holiday".

    Don't tell Beryllium - she'll think it's ones technophobia!

    Checking it now - and thank you,
    -Lord Malignance

  3. oh my god you ripped him a new hole!

  4. Seriously guys.. If Krampus is having some sort of issues, it might be time to fall back, give him some space, and let him get things sorted out before he pops.

    He took a vacation.. he had a medication issue.. obviously he's taking steps to get better.

    You guys should set your sights on someone in the RLSH Community that isn't having some sort of issues, or mental health problems.. like.. umm.. like..

    Holy crap! Are there any RLSH that don't have some sort of problem? (Of course I'm just exaggerating for humorous effect.. but the list I came up with was sort of short.)
