Thursday, August 19, 2010

Invisible Colorado Ninja Empire

Greetings and Lamentations, I AM Lord Malignance, and you WILL crouch before me now! (Villains excepted, of course).

One has spoken previously about the Ninja Industry in ones Colorado Holdfast, and as this is such an important component in the work Evil does, it does regularly require care and attention to support. Evil Masterminds from across the world, find in this world economic downturn many advantages to investing in the services of domestic Ninjas, and Colorado produces the finest Ninjas outside of Japan.

Here are only a few of the (above board) Ninja Factories Colorado is proud to have produced;

Kuso Dojo

Chikaraken Dojo

Kaizen Martial Arts

Kashiwa Bujinkan Ninjutsu

As one is recognized by the three primary Ninja clans as “Daimyo Malignance” one cultivates and maintains with the Ninja community a pact, which from time to time must be amended. This is one such time, and so one will be taking a small vacation from Online Evil, to pursue a strategic leveraging based on recent Invisible Colorado Ninja Empire events.

While it wasn’t in the news, the three great clans in ones Holdfast (Shinobi, Koga, and Iga) recently engaged in a ruthless Ninja war which raged for weeks through downtown Denver, and through many offices, parks, and streets. Because of the stealthy, secretive, and mind controlling techniques of the Ninjas, most if not all people were entirely unaware of the terrible body count resulting from this three way war. Legends tell us that well trained Ninjas of such high quality as those created in the Colorado Holdfast (Colorado Ninjas – your number one domestic choice for stealthy operations!) naturally turn into smoke when they expire, and this may also have contributed to the brutal Colorado Ninja war remaining unreported.

However, with the temporary decline in Ninja power, one is seizing the opportunity to renegotiate the current pact with the clans – while they are being squeezed by Yakuza interests (some money always flows back to Japan in some kind of Ninja franchising deal one has never understood) and attempts by Wyoming’s Wasteland Pirates (natural enemies of Ninjas) to extend their sovereignty into ones Holdfast.

Funny story about dealing with different crime gangs:

With La Cosa Nostra, you meet with the Caporegime in a "sit down" he tells you how much he wants, you put it in an envelope (you can call it money or whatever you want), and you hand him the envelope.
Then fuggedaboutit.

With the Clans, you meet each Shogun for lunch. Beforehand, underlings you must first meet with, will hint at a financial range that would demonstrate proper respect. On the day of the meeting, you will small talk for quite some time – and never speak of business. Then you will have lunch, and during lunch a “shimobe” will become known to you. To this person, discreetly, you will slip the envelope, hidden from view of all others (You must never refer to it as “money” or “payment”). Soon after, the Shimobe will approach the Shogun, and whisper in his (or in the case of Shinobe "her") ear.

At this point, should your “offering” be found worthy, you will be invited to a round of golf (you can never allow yourself to win), or to wander the garden and speak business as do old friends.

Should your offering be found unworthy, the Shogun will demonstrate a displeasure with the meal, feigning a dislike for something he/she has eaten. The lunch will conclude, and you will be allowed to leave. You may then expect Ninja reprisals, which usually are demonstrative of the Shogun’s displeasure. This is called “Negotiation”. If you can trap and wound a Ninja, and produce a body to the Shogun, you may feign besmirched honor, and the Shogun will be honor bound to accept your terms.

The trick is: Ninjas can’t stay off your roof. Put a bear trap up there, and check it in the morning, and you’ll have captured at least one Ninja in a matter of days.

Three clans over 5 days, and possible Ninja reprisals over the following week, and one should be in a better leveraged position with the Invisible Colorado Ninja Empire by early the week after next.

Should somehow, a Ninja get me, one leaves the Holdfast to Villainy, to protect from the designs of heroes.

-Lord Malignance


  1. Ohayo gozaimasu Daimyo-ue Malignance,

    Clan Iga of the Invisible Colorado Ninja Empire thanks you for your efforts in promoting the good business opportunities of domestic Ninjas.

    As Shogun of Clan Iga of the Invisible Colorado Ninja Empire, I give you dogeza gaiko for any possible misunderstanding arising from any unauthorized activities taken by our wayward brother. We thank you for bringing him back to us, and as you may imagine, he will be punished for his fumeiyo.

    Honno o shirushi de gozai masu ga. The terms of the pact will be honored.

    May we soon meet again in better circumstances,

    Sasaki'ichi Hanzo
    Clan Iga of the Invisible Colorado Ninja Empire

  2. Américain stupide! Les Français Ninjas sont supérieures à vos dégueulasse Colorado Ninjas. Ha! Je ris à votre Ninjas.

    Pierre, le Ninja

  3. I hear Colorado Ninja are much more effective workers than the dreaded Illinois Nazis.

  4. That all may know, these are the true words spoken by the Shogun ひすい竜 of Shinobi Clan! Most influential of all clans within the Invisible Colorado Ninja Empire.

    Daimyo Malignance-san no kimi,

    We deeply regret the unfortunate misunderstanding involving a small number of our disciples. We believe you understand how embarrassing it may seem when some of our lesser servants demonstrated a lack of wisdom to follow clan leadership, and undertook a completely unsanctioned activity against your noble house.

    These unfortunate few, who you have shown the great honor of your name in returning to us, will be disciplined most harshly.

    You may be assured that Clan Shinobi of the Invisible Colorado Ninja Empire stands with you Daimyo Malignance-san, and welcomes this new understanding with great joy. So much happiness!

    Perhaps some day soon, we will all be able to repay your kindness and bring you as much happiness as you have brought us. And joy! So much joy, to you and your most noble house. And the ground on which it stands!

    Shogun ひすい竜 of Shinobi Clan
    Invisible Colorado Ninja Empire
    August 27th, 2010

  5. Gaijin Kappa-Gomi,

    You dasai-chikusho, you planned all this! You are without honor, you cheating, unworthy, lowest of all kusatta ningen.

    I would have you boiled alive in a black pot of molten lead, you fiend!

    The pact is the pact, and the honor of Clan Koga is paramount. We must accept your cursed insult, but you should know, that this pact won't hold forever.

    Were you not already cursed surely by every other clan, our Koga mystics would curse you to Jigoku, for the Oni to feast upon.

    May you find your way quickly to the Japanese Hell of your profoundly earned eternal punishment,

    Shogun Kazuhiro Ishikawa
    From Yamataikoku Mura
    Clan Koga,Greatest Ninja Mystics
    Invisible Colorado Ninja Empire

  6. Aww cool, Malignance is starting a Ninja war...I wasn't aware that Colorado was such a hotbed for feudal Japanese culture...and French Ninjas.

    Just so you know, Clan NinjaTode stands proudly beside you, Malignance-Sama.

  7. August Shoguns, Sasaki'ichi Hanzo, ひすい竜, and Kazuhiro Ishikawa,

    One thanks you for the opportunity to establish a more mutually beneficial relationship betwixt our concerns. One expects more profitable times await us all in the future.

    You are incorrect about French Ninjas being superior to USA produced Domestic Ninjas. Technically, if one is not incorrect, what you have in France are not "Ninjas" but motley collections of disorganized Chinese triads in ski masks.
    And with respect, donuts > croissants.

    Computer King,
    One despises nazis. Clearing them out of the Holdfast, and keeping them out, has always been work.

    Crimson Nematode,
    Skimmer! Not starting a war, benefiting From a Ninja war. Please check your email, return when you will, and one hopes all goes well with you. (The Artist Formerly Known as the White Skull has hijacked the Damocles - expect the Potentate to be taking THAT out of your salary).

    -Lord Malignance
    (Returning soon)

  8. Fine fine, I guess you're more of a profiteer than a provocateur, I can accept that. Very evil, indeed, I'm impressed, old friend.

    And why is Potentate taking it out of MY salary. I'm still not an official member of ROACH. Though to avoid his wrath I'm planning on building an identical station in orbit around the planet and hope that Potentate doesn't notice that there are two stations flying about.

    And unless your Ali Momodo and you're offering me 10 million dollars if I give you banking account information, I don't think I received any nema-mails from you. You really need to keep better correspondence.

  9. Oh, and let me add, because I seem to be double posting all over the place. The new format of this blog is quite classy, and much more readable. I should update the Terror Blog.

  10. Crimson Nematode,

    One has killed the blog with a fork! - there are loading errors associated w/different security measures abounding. One thinks the background image is a bandwith hog too. The better news though, is that one has a pleasing pallette of a few colors to work with, and the HTML code describing them. Better pictures (now that the weather is improving, and the Ninjas are off my back!) forthcoming. Your own blog is looking much the spiffyier too.

    -Lord Malignance
    It's Science! SCIIIIENCCCCE!!

  11. Solidarity from the Midwest! Slowly clearing nazis in Indiana. Sadly we must follow our pact with the Viking Splinter. However being "honored" by Pirates to do what we would anyway depletes their so called empire. (Evil!) And they buy the beer.

    Koga Heropa -T-shirt Ninja of The Circle (Former Barefoot2chin Ninja of Clan Livingwoods.)

  12. One more thing...
    Most Honored Crimson Nematode and Lord Malignance, We must report the grand death of Your messengers in the completion of his duty. (Good timing.) To that end great compliments to his death flips. The Venerable Lord Tread is pleased to see that the vengeance cartwheel is still being taught after HIS master's death. (An excellent betrayal on M's part.) This will of course confirm Your feeling of being watched when You were learning it. He only hopes Crimson's death smoke will be red and not pink. Well done all the same.

    (relayed by)
    Koga Heropa -T-shirt Ninja of The Circle "We come around again!" (Former Barefoot2chin Ninja of Clan Livingwoods.)
