Monday, July 4, 2022

Malignanceship 2 Progress notes

 Greetings and Lamentations, I AM Lord Malignance and before me you Will CROUCH!
Villains excepted, of course. 

One has said to post more often and as the year comes to an end on Malignopalooza on August 1st, there are just a few more days to get some content in and fulfil that intent. 

And so One wishes to update the history of the Malignanceship project. 

The first Malignanceship was a 11 story hammerform behemoth that burned 6 of those floors in chemical propulsion. Think flying bomb and you have an idea of one the significant design flaws, but there were Others., the Lair AI One was using as the ships operating system fell delightfully apart with the automatic Windows 10 upgrade (the files were all in Windows7) and One didn't program it originally myself. 

The ship was a gestalt of Malignancetech (which is essentially whatever One can steal and rebrand), DARPA projects, Obsidian Labs tech, Hanger 18 recovered artifacts, various villain contracted work, and the bits of duct tape, current technology, and bits of string One could come up with. 

The ship marvelously had a couple of experimental technologies to test - one was the space folding "Jump Drive", another was the interstellar propulsion Ion Drive - this last one was the final challenge that doomed further development of this platform. It turned out that the ion drive engine produced a significant and lethal amount of radiation. The shielding for this added a great deal of weight to the overall airframe and grounded the ship for all but short terrestrial flight operations. 

Malignanceship suborbital flight tests

Malignanceship had absorbed the Lair at this point and after the shutdown of the project, the Lair needed to be reconstituted - and this took some time. Half the Ninja wards are no longer operational and one is using the last of the Malignobots to fill in the security gaps. The Invisible Colorado Ninja Empire clans of Iga (Traditional Ninjas), Shinobi (New Ninjas), and Koga (Ninja Mystics) are kind of in a sketchy place regarding the contract One holds over them as Villain Lord of the Mighty Colorado Holdfast. 

However, Development has been continuing. The Next proposed Malignanceship ("Malignanceship2) was modeled on a "headship" - something along the lines of; 


It proved to be unfeasible as the ship had inadequate propulsion systems for current technology. None of the acquired technologies had anything that could replace chemical rockets and those require significant fuel stores. 

The next ship was a jump off of the current Billionaires-In-Rocketships;

Another SPACE X

These designs would turn out to be insufficient for mission purposes (they go Up, they come down, and not much more). 

The current model is the Lifting Body model on a Delivery Vehicle based around these platforms; 




The shapes however are hard to fabricate and the aerodynamics even more so - it turns out the Lifting Bodies - sometimes called "flying bathtubs" are tricky both to sustain flight and to control. So the work continues. Nothing really very developed at this time. 


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