Sunday, October 11, 2009

Update, and Retrenching Plans...

Greetings and Lamentations, I AM Lord Malignance, and you WILL crouch before me now!
(One's youtube greeting, which never gets enough mileage in my opinion).

Retrenching plans are afoot this week past, and going into the next week. One has spent some time chasing after information on the Super Heroes, and at this time, one can say; "It's bigger than we thought it was". One can chase after one forum, follow the members on youtube, and myspace, and find another forum somewhere. Seriously, there must be at least a half dozen forums out there (most are login required) and a blog of some kind for each hero. Another annoyance appeared today. While the heroes we see, seem to be EVERYwhere on the Internet, there are a disturbing amount of heroes who have no Internet presence at all.

This chasing leads, has lead one to conclude that Myspace is important to this community, as it seems many heroes are using it as a connecting agent to meet others of their ilk. That and the seemingly infinite forums.

On the technology front, Ghost of Nixon still can't figure out the Forum, the Rankings Lists have been moved to the side of this Blog (it's long, but will be pared down to the few cases one wishes to pursue in earnest). Exit Nero has a Blog, and has established his own viewpoint in the spectrum of Evil. Blogtalk Radio on Saturdays at 1900MST called Creature Features is going on, and can offer opportunities for Villains to interact. One suggests you create a login. Ghost of Nixon had trouble with his backspace losing his connection, and Bob the Minion did ok, as long as he didn't touch the computer. Please do, Support Executrix, and take a listen (it's rough, but a start).

Lastly, a word on Running the Empire. Ghost of Nixon, Comrade Cocoa and Bob the Minion are nearing copletion of their appearances. Phantom Zero is getting another beating on Youtube soon, and Master Calamity's Challenge date is approaching. Don't let an Evil Day like Halloween go by without doing something to commemorate the Evil inside you.

The Potentate is leading our movement into the future, and we need to be thinking "are we costume play, or can we be more, and if we can, should we, and if we should, what can we do? How can we express our vision in the world".

May Splendid Nightmares await you,
-Lord Malignance

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