Sunday, October 4, 2009

And Evil Just Keeps Rolling Along...


Evil tidings to you all (those cherished few). There is positive news to report this week, as a quite time of gestation appears to be ending. A few high points of the week just past;

  • The Return of the Crimson Nematode, and his Vengeance upon his Arch Nemesis Foxfire. Read it if you dare! Read it even if you don't dare. It's brilliant, and is not to be missed.

  • Agent Beryllium's posts inspire and educate. Read and Learn and Marvel at the Dark Underworld of Baristas.

  • The Potentate has a plan afoot that holds the potential for spreading more Evil. Be prepared for a level of cunning ruthlessness the like of which may never have been seen before.

  • Two new Members to the Legions of Evil: Baghead, and Sinista. Welcome to you both. May all your endeavors bear Evil rewards.

  • Phantom Zero continues to remain elusive, despite ones attempts to lure him into the open. This amount of effort on ones part has had the unfortunate effect of having ones own energies focused on this single aspect of my villainy for too long. So, following Crimson Nematode's fine example earlier, I will reluctantly name Phantom Zero as my Arch Nemesis.

  • Not to drone on about a single OCD instance, but the elusive Phantom showed up on Blogtalk radio recently. My Henchman #1 called me to advise me, however one couldn't get to the site fast enough. (I disdain the Christmas Demon's droning, and miss more than I should).

  • Dur Sturmer has a first video at Sword Kane's SuperVillain Challenge. A good first offering, and he seems truly terrifying. We'll have to have an Olympics for the Insane Megalomaniacal SuperVillain one day, and he will certainly be a contender. And is that bizarre Euro/German/Electronica going on?! Brainbanging Evilness!

Running the Empire of Malignance (I need a better name for my Organization)

Herding the Henchmen: Last week, one spoke of a Minion who had so impressed me, that one was going to elevate him to Henchman status. This was going on as intended, and then, in a test to prove his worthiness, he failed ME. So, the Minion remains a minion once more. Really, he couldn't be elevated as it would have broken morale of the Henchman who already serve. (One means YOU, Ghost of Nixon) Yes, it was Bob the minion.

Upgrading Technology: Speaking of Ghost of Nixon, while his success w/the Forum has been underwhelming to date, his recent suggestion to use Windows Movie Maker was most valuable. The quality of the picture taken from the camera is superior to my other software. The sound didn't work though, so further experimentation is necessary. It becomes apparent that I have no Photoshop resources, and this will have to be addressed at some time in the future.

Swing at the Orcs of Herodom: It's either been a quiet week for heroic craziness, or I've been remiss in my work. I've got nothing new to report this week. Sword Kane's Super Villain Challenge continues on, and it seems each few days, a new asset is added to the cache of Villainy.

Going Forward

More videos beating on Phantom Zero! Master Calamity Challenge! (see his Blog for the Details). Comrade Cocoa gets his little act together. Ghost of Nixon reports no new changes on the Forum. Updates to the Website (which I'm going to add to the videos for media cross pollenization).

One is thinking of producing a periodical tentatively called "Better Lairs and Dungeons" following the expoits of Villainy. Right now the time resources are not there, so it'll probably remain unrealized at this time.

A logo, and an Organizational name vexes one at this time. These will need to be created henceforth, however assistance from those laboring on my behalf is not forthcoming. The Henchmen, curse them, are an unimaginative lot, and can offer no assistance.

The Rankings: Heroes

The Good (Keep up the Good Work);
Super Hero
Zetaman, Agent Null, Apocalypse Meow
The Eye
Citizen Prime
Polar Man
Razorhawk (He still makes me laugh)
DC's Guardian

The Bad (the Orcs who need to just stop);
The Black Monday Society: Ghost, Insignis, Oni (Scooby Doo called. You're all out of business now)
Thunderspawn the Destroyer, you strange, disturbed, crazy nutbag you
Death's Head Moth. (He makes The Black Monday Society look like the McDonaldsland gang.)
GODendthefed from Youtube who Zetaman calls "The Christian". (Get back on your meds.)

The Ugly (Maybe not the best, but not doing any harm. Might improve);
PHANTOM ZERO,who is allowing a forum for the heated exchange of ideas to go unexploited.

The Rankings: Villains

The Good (Keep up the Evil Work);
Executrix (Blogtalk Radio Show, and the Radio Challenge: Who can wedge a two by four in Krampus's mouth and shut him up for 30 seconds)
The Potentate (Centerpiece of Evil United, and recent hatcher of a diabolical New Plan)
Agent Beryllium (seeming to effortlessly stake a claim on the World of Villainy)
Master Calamity (Bringing forth the most paranoid, thoughtful analysis of the World of Villainy)
Crimson Nematode (Back from his move to the new Nema Tower, with both lazer pistols firing!)
Dr. Steel (Founding Father of Villainy)
Dr. Horrible (Fictional, but whimsical inspiration. Or is he? What DOES NPH do in his downtime?)

The Bad (for the love of Evil, just stop);
The Consortium of Evil (You're lazy. Get to work over there, you're giving Evil a bad name)

The Ugly (Maybe not the best, but not doing any harm. Might improve);
The lazy members of Evil Organizations, who are claiming SuperVillain status without having spent the effort to earn the title. (Get to work. Create a blog. Create a Video. Create some Photoshop work. Research Dada. Bring your vision into the world. Post comments in blogs. Follow blogs (MINE!). Allowances are made for being new, or having outside of Evil Responsibilities to attend to. You are only limited by your imagination and your fear. Break Free, and inspire your brothers and sisters in Evil, who are waiting for your acts to inspire them to finally step forward).

I await your participation in this Great Experiment,
-Lord Malignance


  1. Sweetie. Darling.

    We need to talk. I love what you do, but your evil rants need a little work.

    Separate rants stay separate. Updates on the empire? That's one post. News items? That's another post. Rankings? That deserves its own post.

    Second, give links when you mention an outside site. I know it's a pain in the ass, but links are the spinnerets that keep the little web-spiders happy. It's easier than shooting silk out your butt, my secretary can tell you.

    Trust me on all this, I minored in Evil Mass Media in college.

    I won't hold it against you if you wipe this comment and keep this our little secret. That's what Evil Leagues are for, aren't they?

    We'll do lunch.

  2. Agent Beryllium,
    Delete the comment? Hardly. This is valuable feedback, and I thank you for it. You're points are valid - I've noticed the post getting long. One has been trying to standardize a format.

    You took Evil Mass Media? I should have taken that. I minored in "Evil Laugh 101". I'll bet there could be a curriculum for an Evil On Line University!
    -Lord Malignance

  3. I studied Evil Buisness. I originally took Heroic Buisness but flunked out of that, it's what led me to this life of crime.

    Have you been looking to go back to Evil post-secondary school, Lord Malignance? Have you thought about majoring in Evil Pottery?

  4. And just before I try and goto sleep, you drop into my head "Evil Pottery" - which would have ALSO been a way to raise my EVIL GPA. Evil Night School? With Certifications? Online tests! "Spot the Mentally Unbalanced Hero" (like this is the kettle calling the pot black...)
    -Lord Malignance
    (Your Unicorn rides shotgun in the Malignamobile tonight!)

  5. Windows Movie Maker also has support at Microsoft (So you can ALSO get support there). In case I'm away doing the other work you assign me. Mmm I got your email about the Henchman training on the other blog. I'm going to check it out. I'm glad you reconsidered Bob the Minion.
    Ghost of Nixon
