Friday, October 16, 2009

Villain High School


Villainy moves on apace, and more excitement builds as each new villain who embraces the darkness in their souls steps forward with a Villainous Persona, and a Vision for how the world should be changed.

We’ve experienced our earliest stages together, and have progressed swimmingly. One is proud of all that we’ve accomplished, each villain a twisted delight to find and enjoy. The time will one day approach when we will need to move beyond our present state and into our next evolution. Our Villainous High School.

By now, we all have our personas and identities, having progressed through our earliest stages. We’ve established rapport with the wider community, and each carved out a section of the Evil Spectrum we wish to pursue, develop, and share. We see advocates of Chaos, the Subjugation of Mankind, Order, Creativity, Misanthropy, and good old fashioned mean-spirited hatred for the good. Our numbers continue to grow, and this growth should and is being encouraged. Bravo to us all.

As we move forward into whatever forms we will take, I would like to posit this theory;

“Why can’t there be Villains?”

What defines a villain? The Potentate has very thoughtfully defined the Origins of the Villain, and this word should not be a word we hesitate to apply to ourselves.

Why should we take this label? By what quality do we garner this title to ourselves? The sheer audacity of the claim to be! The first, the ground level of this enterprise. Those that come after may take it as granted that there can be Villains/Supervillains/Metavillains, but there always had to be the first, and this is where we are now.

You can’t call yourself a police officer, unless you are state sanctioned. You can’t call yourself a doctor unless you have received your license to practice. What then is the missing criteria to stop us from being Villains? You can call yourselves a “Liberal” or “Conservative” without criteria, and no approval system is required. As advocates for social change, one believes Villainy is a legitimate choice, and rests only in the embrace and application of the label.

What qualities as Villains would we aspire to? Villains amass influence, and resources to themselves, driven by their need to change the world they see around them. This would sound like the very same goal as every man, and woman in the highest ranks of business throughout this world. The claim of being a Villain should encumber no more than that of “Fisherman” or “Sports Fanatic” or whatever other such application you might choose to wear. Instead, this label, once earned and embraced, should be emblematic of quality and distinction.

We ARE the Villains. Savor the delights of being free of the constraints of predictable mundaneness. Is there not anything you cannot accomplish if you put your mind to it?

A Villainous salute to Raven, a cursed Superhero in Alaska, for her insightful analysis (from the front lines) of the differences between Hero (annoying) and Vigilante (Orc).

With Splendid Horror Unfolding,

1 comment:

  1. Here here. Though I think members of ROACH should hold themselves to a higher standard to become "true" villains, rather than earning the title simply by adopting it. We should be role models that other villains look up to.

    Also, poor Raven clearly has her work cut out for her. Hopefully she can stem the crime sprees and gang activity that is plaguing Alaska.
