Thursday, February 18, 2010

Villains are Not Victims


One has been scanning the new members who are appearing, and doing what small research one might, and has come across a page of our former member, the wiley White Skull.

This presents an opportunity to demonstrate an understanding we should all be familiar with, and one takes this time to share it with you.

I am responsible for what I write, what I say, and the actions I take. What actions others take, what they say and what they do, I am not responsible for.

The only vast power one has is what power you give me.
You may Crouch now.

Let us be sophisticated in our thinking and stop assigning responsibility to others for driving some into diapering up and becoming superheroes. We call this activity “Manning Up”, and you may alternatively call it “Womanning Up”. It’s pan gendered, but carries within the idea that you will not be a victim, and will grapple with the world’s adversity like everyone else.

You are not a special snowflake.

You are part of a snow drift, which is life on planet Earth.

When you screw up, and you will, apologize, make amends where you can, resolve not to do so again, and move on.

No more tortured martyrs. That’s an entirely different community. It’s called “Religion” and the standards are quite high for inclusion.

-Lord Malignance


  1. Very well said Sir!

    Poop Knife - proud member of the drift.

  2. First thing you've ever said that actually allowed me to see past your bogus character persona.

    Well done.

  3. This is something that I've stated since the whole Whity situation presented itself. Ultimitly personal responsibility must be taken.
