Saturday, September 19, 2009

Catching up on Maintaining One's Empire


It’s been a hectic week, and the time to blog has returned. What has Lord Malignance been up to? Not much it turns out. Henchman herding is taking time. Ghost of Nixon still can’t figure out the Forum, but assures me he’s spending time on it.

Comrade Cocoa in the meantime, has been very diligent in his duties.

Phantom Zero has not chosen to respond to my video challenge, so one is compelled to restate one’s challenge. Distasteful, yes, but an activity not without its own charms. My previous intellectual enticements, and sophomoric jibes may not have sufficiently ensnared his interest. One must resort to other, more persuasive forms of argument. Lord Malignance will unleash Pragma-dialectics. That’s right, I said it. One is pulling from my arsenal, Danish Argumentation Theory. What polymath can resist the logic? It’s either this, or Punchinelloesque sock puppets. Don’t make me go for the socks Phantom Zero!

Crimson Nematode – if you see this; A Toyota Yaris was finally seen. Your previous post about it, is now doubly funny.

The Villain’s Oath, and Villain Standards are at I’m thinking there should be something in there for Ambition and Accomplishments. Villains should have a sense of wanting more, and being able to build a resume. As creatures with no little amount of Avatars in our makeup, we must be known by our reputations more than perhaps we would otherwise.

Lord Malignance struggles with terrible technology! The cameras are old analogue affairs, which at their time, were cutting edge. Now? Not so much. The software one uses is also out of date. So far as I can tell, you just can’t add whatever music you want, without paying exorbitant fees. What Kind of Evil is THIS?! Curse you RIAA.

Swing at the Orcs of Herodom

One has been researching the RLSH (as all Villains must do), and had the opportunity to glean a vigilante hero’s thought about the RLSH. There is a divide within the community, and ones own attempt to cleave it in twain only hastens an activity that has already been occurring. The vigilante (read: “Orcs of Herodom”) described how so called “Costumed Activists” were making the Orcs job harder, in that by showing a public face to the RLSH, the activist was taking away the element of fear. Yes, the RLSH Orcs use fear as a tool in their arsenal. Don’t ask me his name, I didn’t catch it. If you can sit through hearing a Christmas demon yammer non stop, catch Creature Features on the Blogradio. This was the most recent (last week’s recording). One has to analyze this and chooses to conclude that these Orcs have a sadofetish component, and go out looking to beat on perps to satisfy their need to punish. Or, as one might choose to believe, they go out looking for a beating that they can receive instead (masochism). This could all be satisfied by consenting adults outside of the public spotlight – and your costumes might not even have to be modified. The calendar days fly by, as the world waits to read about one of these Orcs being named in a criminal prosecution for misguidedly “taking justice into their own hands”, or the eventual execution style murder of same. You say “Team of Superheroes”, I say “Street Gang”. The law will not be so kind to you, and the media call to outlaw such activities will impact all, including the Citizen Activists.

Going Forward

It has been ones stated objective to move out in front of the development of the RLSH and RLSV (Metavillain!) communities, however one finds he still is catching up. Everything so far said, thought, gambled and imagined, has already been asked, thought, imagined, and gambled already, by far more intellectually gifted individuals than myself. While a quantum leap of insight might appear at any moment, it appears instead that one will be chasing after the head of this movement for some while longer. It builds a consistent trail, but will take longer. One supposes this could be called ones schooling in the subject. One believes as in any good study, it may become necessary to start to keep records, and logs of the emergence. To answer questions like;

o Is there growth in the movement? Or does the retirement balance to new heroes? I heard some insight from DC’s Guardian, where he fully knows he’s trying to inspire the next generation to replace him.

o Is there evolution – are the heroes getting better? Is society more accepting?

o Are methods for the work collaborative?
o Are there Hero Standards and Practices? Villains may impose these, with little or no success. Will the Heroes submit and police themselves? Individualism is grand, but chaos can be damaging to a nascent movement. It also carries along the mentally disturbed when it should not.

Tiny Terror (of which there may be two) seems to be mutually highly regarded by both heroes and Villains, as a voice of reason. He’s a Villain, and a needed voice of sanity.

Blogtalk Radio – Creature Features, hosted by Executrix. Worth your time, but one offers two suggestions (and these are only my opinions, and you may ignore, ridicule, or consider them as you choose).
1) Stuff a sock in the mouth of any Christmas Demons that may linger. Less is more. It’s not a vehicle starring one character.
2) Call in should be limited to a segment. Maybe a large segment, but build a structure. Have an intro segment, say what you want to say. Let the host shine for a moment. Engage in patter with your staff. Have a guest speaker segment - shine the spotlight on the guest. Make them feel welcome. Engage their viewpoint. Then, open up the lines. Enforce courtesy by callers. I think the show will become a valuable forum.

Psychoanaltherapist – You’re beginning to impress me. Your last video was thoughtfully researched, and well delivered. You’re developing consistency in character and portrayal which is lending credence to your arguments. I would never want to face you in a photoshop battle.

The Rankings: Heroes

The Good (Keep up the Good Work);
Super Hero
Zetaman, Agent Null, Apocalypse Meow

The Bad (the Orcs who need to just stop);
The Black Monday Society

The Ugly (Maybe not the best, but not doing any harm. Might improve);
Shadow Hare

The Rankings: Villains

The Good (Keep up the Evil Work);
Executrix (Blogtalk Radio show)
Tiny Terror (Voice of Reason, thoughtful analysis, and diplomacy)
The Potentate (Centerpiece of Evil United)

The Bad (For the love of Evil, just stop);
Pint Sized Tyrant

The Ugly (Maybe not the best, but not doing any harm. Might improve);
The rest of Villainy, myself included. We’re nascent, but what are we really doing? What have we contributed? Don’t take this the wrong way – it’s still only the beginning.

If you have names you would like to add, please let me know.

One remains your most assuredly not humble master,


  1. The Toyota Yaris is the most villainous and reliable sub-compact automobile a villain in my price range can afford.

    The panty-waisted do-gooders never suspect one of the world's most feared super villains and like, four of his buddies (if they all squeeze into the back) to come piling out of it!

    Also, why am I not listed under "The Bad"? I work hard to be one of the most hated and feared bloggers/super villains out there! What do I have to do? Kidnap the president's daughter -AGAIN-?

  2. Crimson Nematode,

    Your Evil transcends such simple lists. Remember Hannibal Lecter and the Census taker? You remain unquantifiable. It's just a starting point. I'm sure I'll be accepting prodigous bribes soon to put names in slots. I just couldn't bring myself to beat on ML. It's like picking a fight with a car crash victim. That Yaris is pretty fantastic by the way. Can't wait to hear about the New Nematode LLC, when you get moved in. And Winter Goofball? ML must have healed up a little by now (White Snake and Coors will do that).
    Stay Evil,
    -Lord Malignance
